Earth Era

Vol 2 Chapter 461:

? When the final unpaved two propeller announcement, the entire civilization fell into madness. No matter what spacecraft have become a sea of ​​joy. Even some cities are classified into five other spacecraft have liberalized energy restrictions and material supply, only a very low price, the people who will be able to get past all the hard month in exchange for less than exquisite food and all kinds of supplies. They are even in the air filled with a festive flavor.

It is known that this message does not only mean certain victory on the macro situation also means that everyone concerned, but also related to the specific problems of each individual. For example, since this great project has been successfully completed, then the past is assigned to them the resources above, whether the field can return to the original? Divided about whether to cancel the city level? Are there resources supply restrictions? Are taxes ratio will be reduced to the level before the disaster?

In comparison, these are the things most affect people heartstrings. At the same time, almost everyone have a positive outlook. The reason is simple, people really can not imagine what kind of government repression reason to raise the standard of living with. The development of technology not just to make a better life? The pay have been paid, the completed also completed, there is no need for us to continue to maintain a lower standard of living than the ancient man.

Under this will be the long-awaited, Chen Qingyuan finally wake up from hibernation in.

When Chen Qingyuan regained consciousness, he found he was not in the cabin hibernation, but in the emergency room inside. Into the head is not aware of the various uses of pipes and instruments, the air is filled into the pungent taste of the drug, and next to no councilors in waiting, but only a white-coated doctors and nurses.

See Chen Qingyuan woke up, a doctor came up and took off his mask and said:. "Heads, you wake up."

"What's wrong with me?"

Chen Qingyuan labored said, feeling as if only in his own throat was stuffed a group of cotton. Also lungs burning pain, every breath is like steel has a file as in constant friction.

The doctor whispered: "Head of State, because your body is already extremely weak because of you from the process of hibernation regained conscious of a little unexpected but please be assured that we have solved.."

Chen Qingyuan eyes closed, quietly feeling his body. First, he shook his fist hard, but only slightly moved his finger a few times. He made a bid to lift the leg, but the leg has been falling like lead weights on, in any case hard to lift it up.

Chen Qingyuan aware of the action, the doctor quickly said: "Heads, you stay relaxed at the moment there are a total of seventy three devices in the maintenance of your life, if you are too hard, it may cause your organs once again. problem appear."

"I can not stand up?"

The doctor shook his head in silence.

"Oh ......" Chen Qingyuan muttered loudly replied, somewhat empty eyes at the ceiling.

The doctor whispered: "lets you wake up from a coma is the limit of our capacity and available technology."

Chen Qingyuan did not care, but to ask another question: "How long will I live for?"

"Ideally, you have a month or so of life."

"What a month ......" Chen Qingyuan muttered: "Do not know enough not enough time now is what happens Why should I wake up.??"

The doctor said: "I do not know I just got a wake-up command all the members of the council co-signed, it would be for you to take a wake-up measures."

"Well, to be called thunder."

Tall stature, looked grim generals Lei Chen strode into the room, above the bed in front of Chen Qingyuan respect a ceremony. Then their doctors out of the room.

"Construction was completed it?"


"When to start?"


"There are no accidents?"

"Everything in the plan."

"very good."

Chen Qingyuan little tired and closed his eyes, no longer speak. Lei Chen in front of the Pocket PC operating on the wrist a few times, for a moment, a few wearing sterile clothing, carrying the hands of people came in the box. Under with the doctor, they will install some strange instrument to Chen Qingyuan body. After completion, a person opens a projector apparatus, then it is projected Chenqing Yuan figure out.

Chen Qingyuan among the virtual projection face with a faint smile, tall stature, gestures full of confidence and domineering, the same as a few decades ago. This figure, lying on the bed and could not move, can only rely on a variety of life-sustaining equipment Chen Qingyuan in stark contrast.

No one operation, the virtual image they themselves turned to thunder said:. "Go, go to the conference room now."

Lei Chen generals then respect a ceremony, turned and left the room. Projection device is turned off, Chen Qingyuan figure disappeared.

The council meeting room, a total of 10 members in addition to nine outside the general Lei Chen have all been seated, the heads of the seat has been empty. Meeting room door is opened, but only one person to enter the General Lei Chen is expected to figure among the heads of state but did not appear.

Lei Chen did not bother members puzzled look, but the operation a few times on the wrist. Conference room above the projection device is opened, Chen Qingyuan figure will appear in the minutes of the meeting room.

"Sorry everyone, I can't come due to some special circumstances, so I can only participate in the meeting in this way. Since everyone decided to wake me up, there must be some incidents. Now report them to me one by one."

This type of participation, while bizarre, is not unacceptable. The committee members made reports to Shen Qingyuan in turn, describing the various changes that have occurred in civilization in the past few decades from the overall level.

"Very well, during my hibernation, everyone has fulfilled their responsibilities. Now that the super planet accelerator project has been completed, let's get ready to go. But there is one more thing I need to tell everyone, when the messenger plan enters the third At this stage, after we really set off, the existing economic policies need to be adjusted again. You have to do your own planning in your own field, and at the same time make publicity to the society, you must ensure a smooth transition. "

This is what it should be, and the committee members are psychologically prepared for this. Everyone knows that existing economic policies are only suitable for emergencies and cannot be sustained for long. Now that the planetary accelerator is built, it is naturally time to cancel it.

For a while, the meeting room was completely silent.

Shen Qingyuan's figure slowly glanced at the committee members - the video recording equipment representing Shen Qingyuan was also rotating at the same time, giving a panoramic view of the committee members' reactions.

"I order that the residence tax rate will be increased by 10%, the consumption tax rate will be increased by 5%, and at the same time, the robot jobs will be abolished, the robot workers will be replaced by human workers, the working week will be extended, the holidays will be shortened, and the supply of daily necessities…”

Although as far as the current political system is concerned, it is not in line with the regulations for the head of state to directly order adjustments in tax rates or economics, but today, when Shen Qingyuan has essentially implemented dictatorship, no one would be stupid enough to care about these things. Anyway, Shen Qingyuan was already doing this nearly a hundred years ago.

What surprised the members was not Shen Qingyuan's direct involvement in the economy, but Shen Qingyuan's so-called economic adjustment.

Residence tax rate hike? Consumption tax rate hike? Abolish robot jobs? Compressed vacation?

why? Is it necessary to do so? What's the point of doing this other than causing a stronger backlash from the public? Especially now, when almost everyone is looking forward to more easing policies.

Han Luochang was so shocked that he forgot the procedure for speaking: "Head of the State, why do you do this?"

Shen Qingyuan said lightly: "The reserves of resources are limited. During the voyage of more than two thousand years, we must use energy sparingly."

"What about the abolition of robot positions? Is it necessary?"

"Always being idle is not good for social stability."

Han Luochang only felt a rush of blood rushing into his brain, making Han Luochang want to grab Shen Qingyuan's collar directly, knock on his head, and see if his brain is cloudy. Not only Han Luochang, but even Wu Wei, who had always followed Shen Qingyuan's lead, widened his eyes in astonishment, and even Professor Laird and Committee Member Donald, who had nothing to do with economic work, also had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Shen Qingyuan's so-called reason is completely untenable. Anyone with basic wisdom knows that doing so is not good for civilization. Originally thought that the economic adjustment announced by Shen Qingyuan would be a relaxed policy, no one thought that Shen Qingyuan would tighten it further.

Shen Qingyuan glanced at the committee members again, and said lightly: "Whether you understand it or not, you must implement it."

General Lei Zhen sat quietly in his seat, his head lowered slightly, as if he didn't notice what was happening in the conference So people knew that General Lei Zhen still supported Shen Qingyuan. And as long as General Lei Zhen supported it, it would be useless even if all the other members opposed it.


After a long silence, the members finally responded.

"Very well, the meeting is over."

Shen Qingyuan disappeared, and General Lei Zhen left the conference room first.

After these economic adjustment policies were announced, although various experts and scholars have made interpretations from countless aspects, and came to the conclusion that this move is very necessary and meaningful, the boiling public opinion is still like Was poured down by a basin of cold water, and instantly subsided. After a brief lull, a stronger rebound came.

A hundred years of oppression, a hundred years of sacrifice and dedication. Originally thought that the hardships finally came to an end and persisted until the time of turning over, but who would have thought that the suffering would continue, and it would be worse than before?

Anger exploded like a bomb. Just one day after this news was announced, countless people took to the streets spontaneously.

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