Lancang Mountain.

In a dilapidated pavilion near the mountainside.

Accompanied by a violent explosion.

A figure as strong as a bull suddenly broke through the gate.

He was dragging a dead body with his big palm-leaf right hand.

The whole body is full of arrogance and domineering, as mighty as a prison.

But the expression on his face was like that of a madman.

Filled with sadness and anger.

Less than two seconds after he came out.

Four or five figures in succession ran out of the broken doorway and surrounded him.

Their steps were stiff and their movements slightly sluggish.

The expression on his face was neither sad nor happy, just like a puppet.

Judging from their attire, they could vaguely identify the identities of the Transcendents.

Seeing these people, Zhao Shouzhuo, who was surrounded in the middle, looked even more sad and angry.

Because these people are members of his squad.

The same goes for the man who died in his hands due to a sneak attack.

Looking at the familiar faces all around.

He seemed to be able to recall the scene of everyone gathering together in the past.

But now, it's just a short time to disperse.

Everyone has become a puppet.

This scene simply made him mad with resentment.

At this time, a frivolous voice suddenly came from not far ahead:

"I thought that the person staying here was also a fragile third-order transcendent.

I didn't expect to catch a big fish. "

Zhao Shouzhuo looked up through the puppet.

I saw two figures walking slowly from the edge of the woods.

One of them was pale and thin, looking like a young man who used to stay up late.

There was a deep evil in his eyes.

Next to him was a middle-aged man with an ordinary face and a serious expression.

There is an ancient and clumsy saber hanging from his waist.

Zhao Shouzhuo stared at the young man firmly, gritted his teeth and said:

"Are you Chen Luobai who manipulated them?"

"It turns out that I'm already so famous."

Chen Luobai was slightly surprised, and smiled softly:

"You guessed it right, I am Chen Luobai.

But even knowing my name doesn't seem to be of much use.

After all, you are going to die here today, oh, no, it should be said that you will change your way of life from now on. "

"Kill my subordinates, do you think I will let you go? Take my life!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Shouzhuo rushed out suddenly.

The two puppets in front of him wanted to stop them, but he flew aside on the spot.

Like a mad bull, he rushed towards Chen Luobai.

Seeing his incomparably strong physique, Chen Luobai licked his lips, and a fiery look flashed across his eyes.

However, before he could make a move, there seemed to be a breeze blowing.

"The Sword of the Wind."

At this moment, Zhao Shouzhuo was as if he had been hit by a body-holding spell.

The momentum of the explosion was suddenly interrupted.

From extremely dynamic to extremely quiet, it gives people an extremely strange sense of confusion.

He looked at the middle-aged man who was slowly withdrawing his sword not far away, and moved his lips and said:

"Level 6... Magic Swordsman..."

With a soft sound of "Keng", Xu Fengye completely pressed the sword body into the scabbard.

"I didn't expect this level 4 to be quite knowledgeable."

He sighed a little.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Zhao Shouzhuo in surprise.

Because he is still moving forward.

Rather than walking, it would be better to say move.

Every time he takes a step forward, a crack will appear on his body.

However, Zhao Shouzhuo didn't seem to notice it at all. He stared at the two people in front of him, and said with difficulty:

"I won't... die here in vain...

They...wouldn't...give their lives in vain...

You...will pay the price...

There will always be someone... to avenge us..."

Zhao Shouzhuo stretched out his hand forward, and there were countless bloodstains on his face.

In the next second, he was like a collapsed building block, cracked into countless pieces.

Looking at the piles of bones and remains.

Chen Luobai couldn't help sighing, and said to the frowning Xu Fengye:

"I know that you [Magic Swordsman] are extremely lethal, comparable to [Sword Master].

But this is a mere Tier 4 Berserker, you don't need to do it at all, you can leave it to me to handle it.

How many years have I not encountered such a good embryo?

As a result, when you did it, you made me like this?

How do you let me manipulate?

With this one, how many ordinary Tier 3 puppets can it stand up to? ! "

Looking at Chen Luobai who was pulling his hair and falling into a mad state.

Xu Fengye glanced at the corpse on the ground, and said in a deep voice:

"My hunch just now told me that once you let him get close, you probably won't be his opponent."

"I'm not his opponent?"

Chen Luobai pointed to his nose with an expression of disbelief:

"I am riding a horse at level 5, a real level 5!

So good at manipulating puppets, his own combat power is not very good at it.

Just level suppression is there, you think I can't beat him?

Are you underestimating me, or are you overestimating the group of extraordinary people from the Dawn Society? "

Xu Fengye looked at him fixedly, without saying a word.

Seeing his expression, Chen Luobai was slightly taken aback.

After a while, he asked:

"I really can't beat him?"

Xu Fengye shook his head.

"All right."

Chen Luobai said dejectedly:

"Although I know that there are many talents in the Shuguang Society, it is too exaggerated to challenge any fourth-order person I meet at random.

But no matter what, I had the last laugh after all. Dead people have no value, no matter how talented they are. "

Chen Luobai glanced at the pile of corpses, and said to Xu Fengye:

"Next time if you meet someone I can't beat, remember not to cut him into pieces like this. You can use a milder skill and try to leave a whole body for him. If there is a whole body, at least I can control it for a while." , and it won’t be wasted like it is now.”

Xu Fengye nodded, indicating that he understood.

Chen Luobai took out the blueprint and drew a cross on the place marked on it.

There are already six or seven places that have been crossed.

He glanced in the direction to the right and said:

"The next step should be to the right, but after such a long time, it's hard to say whether that person is still staying where he is.

It has been emptied before, and the longer the delay, the higher the possibility of evading.

But no matter what, you have to go over and check to see if anyone is there. "

Although he said so, Chen Luobai no longer had much hope in his heart.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw a red firework shooting out from the mountain.

Seeing the fireworks, Chen Luobai's eyes lit up immediately:

"Is this a signal for help from the Transcendent? Let's go! Let's go and have a look! Don't let this one come to your door for nothing!"

The two immediately rushed over there with many puppets.


Su Mo ran among the steep woodlands.

The energy in his body was exhausted so quickly that he had given up using [Shadow Leap] now, and instead relied on his own body to run in the forest.

Not far from him, there was also another figure running at extreme speed.

His figure is extremely strong, and when he encounters various obstacles while running, he can easily pass through them directly.

And it seems that the consumption is not large at all, and it is very easy to handle.

This kind of skill similar to [Wall Piercing] really made Su Mo envious.

As the saying goes, there are specializations in the art industry.

Compared with the powerful combat power of the [Juvenile Saint] profession.

[Ranger] The profession is full of talents in detection and escape.

Although he can now draw skills across occupations.

It's a pity that such a useful escape skill like [Wall Piercing] is not available.

[Shadow Jump] is still good at small-scale maneuvering and transferring.

Once it evolves into a long-distance escape situation, it seems a little difficult to use.

"It seems that we should pay more attention to this aspect of skills when drawing prizes in the future.

The strengthening direction of the body for each profession is not consistent.

Although the high-level combat power is stronger than the low-level.

When confronted head-on, there is often a crushing situation.

But it doesn't mean that a high level is good at hunting.

Certain means of escape are still necessary. "

Just as Su Mo was thinking, Qian Tao who was beside him suddenly said loudly:

"Those deer demons are dumbfounded, their linear speed is okay, but their agility is not good.

We can bring them into complex areas, completely confuse them, and then throw them away. "

Su Mo nodded in agreement.

The two began to look for complex areas to hide from.

Suddenly, a firework shot up into the sky in the field of vision.

"Ah this..."

Qian Tao turned to look at Su Mo:



As soon as the voice fell, the two immediately began to change directions.

The destination is the location of a group of pavilions, which meets the requirements of complex terrain.

It may not be convenient to rescue people on the spot with this group of monsters.

But they are probably the only ones who are closest, so I have to go and see the situation anyway.

What if it can be saved? Wouldn't that be good?

The two of them walked over the collapsed stone statue, the broken floor, and the pillars and beams lying across...

Seeing to be close to the location of the target.

Qian Tao said to Su Mo:

"I'll lead, you go!"

Su Mo nodded.

The two rushed into a dark attic.

Soon, four rank 5 deer monsters came chasing after them with a bang.

They hesitated for a moment in the dark pavilion.

He caught a glimpse of Qian Tao who was fleeing to the right not far away.

Immediately, they all chased after them.

Wait until the deer demon is gone.

Su Mo, who had used the [Concealment Technique], walked out from behind a broken carved screen.

Without any hesitation, he immediately rushed to the emergency location on the left.

After rushing out of the dark pavilion, I saw a huge wellhead from afar.

Nearly three meters in diameter.

In all directions around the mouth of the well, there are countless prohibition runes engraved.

Most of them have been wiped out.

There are only a few who still have a little bit of aura left.

"This person is too unlucky to fall directly into the seal."

"But since that method can move him in.

And it can release fireworks inside.

Thinking about it, this seal is not far from being broken.

In this case, let me work harder! "

As he said that, a Qi sword instantly condensed in Su Mo's hand.

The sword light that was as urgent as a shower suddenly cut out from his hand.

In an instant, the runes that were on the verge of being extinguished were all shattered.

The faint aura covering the mouth of the well completely dissipated.

Before Su Mo went to check what was in the well.

next second.

A sinister and fierce air suddenly rushed out from the bottom of the well.

The floating air is more than ten meters high.

And when the pale black evil spirit gradually disappeared.

A figure suddenly fell from mid-air.

Seeing the familiar figure, Su Mo rushed forward.

He took it into his arms on the spot.

Looking at Xue Qiaoqiao who was pale and almost unconscious, Su Mo suddenly felt anxious.

Without hesitation, he mobilized the little source of energy in his body.

He released several lights of life and spears of purification to Xue Qiaoqiao one after another.

With such hard work, Xue Qiaoqiao's condition quickly stabilized.

"Is it... Brother Su?"

Xue Qiaoqiao half-closed her eyes and asked.

"It's already at this time, you still don't want to let go of your big sister's style, yes, it's me."

"It's great that you're here," Xue Qiaoqiao said a little excitedly, "Qing Wu is still below, go and save her, there are many monsters inside."


Su Mo raised his eyebrows fiercely.

Hearing there was a monster, he was excited.

She was planning to find a place for Xue Qiaoqiao to put her down.

A beautiful figure suddenly rushed out of the well.

In mid-air, she continued to shoot talismans downward.

There was a burst of violent explosions coming from the well.

The vibration made the whole ground tremble slightly.

Chu Qingwu landed by the well, staggering slightly.

When she stood still, seeing Su Mo who was holding Xue Qiaoqiao, she also had a flash of surprise in her eyes.

But soon, the surprise turned into anxiety.

Chu Qingwu said anxiously:

"Take Qiaoqiao away! The monsters are coming out!"

Su Mo wanted her to take Xue Qiaoqiao away first.

In the next second, there was a sudden violent vibration on the ground.

Chu Qingwu looked at Jingkou nervously.

Su Mo frowned slightly, and secretly raised his vigilance.

Immediately afterwards, the shaking sound came again.

Wave after wave, bigger and bigger.

When the shock reached its peak.

Suddenly there was a loud noise.

The entire wellhead exploded on the spot.

Countless figures exploded from the well like locusts.

Seeing the messy figure flying all over the sky.

Su Mo was dumbfounded.

Those figures all looked like a single person, but they had already lost their breath of life.

All of them had blue faces and dark pupils, and there were many strange things on their bodies.

Or grow three hands.

Or have extra bone wings on its back.

Or the face is full of pustules.

Or a neck full of tumors.

All kinds of strange shapes are hard to describe in words.

And these monsters, although most of them are Tier 2 and Tier 3.

There are also several fourth-level breaths in the middle.

Su Mo even perceived two fifth-level monsters from the well.

This time, even his scalp was a little numb.

What the **** is going on with this well?

How could so many monsters be sealed?

Su Mo didn't have time to think about this question.

Originally, he planned to slaughter monsters here to harvest lifespan.

But now the number of monsters has far exceeded what he can handle.

Just as Su Mo was about to break out with Xue Qiaoqiao and Chu Qingwu.

From afar, Qian Tao rushed in with a bang.

He rushed so hastily that he almost crashed into the crowd of monsters on the spot.

And soon, several people understood why he rushed over in a hurry.

Because not far behind him, eight or nine rank 5 deer demons rushed out of the pavilion.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts couldn't stop sinking.

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and whenever he met familiar people, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

There is no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they are indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing is already used to it.

Because this is the Zhenmagic Division, an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main duty is to kill monsters and ghosts, and of course there are other side jobs.

It can be said.

In Zhenmensi, everyone's hands were stained with a lot of blood.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it as time went by.

Zhenmus is huge.

Those who can stay in Zhenmusi are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Zhenmagic Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy, and the other is the Exorcist.

Anyone who enters the Town of Demons starts from the lowest level of Demon Slayers,

Then he was promoted step by step, and eventually he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the town of magic division, and he was also the lowest-ranked demon slayer.

Possess the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with Zhenmusi's environment.

It didn't take too Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in Zhenmagus, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd. In the **** Zhenmagus, it presents a different tranquility.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped in.

Enter the attic.

The environment has changed in vain.

A scent of ink mixed with a faint smell of blood hit his face, making his brows furrowed instinctively, but then relaxed quickly.

There is almost no way to clean off the **** smell on everyone in Zhenmusi.

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