Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 455 Celebration Conference

The Queen's Guard and Askari belong to Syphilia and Askari respectively. They have always been known for their small numbers, especially the Queen's Guard, which has maintained a number of nine people for a long time, which can be said to be the entire universe. The most powerful special forces team in the world.

Strict selection has given the two teams strong combat effectiveness, but with the expansion of Saifi's power, especially the development of the Ascari Legion in the Eastern Galaxy, the numbers of the two teams are somewhat insufficient.

The need to expand the team became imminent.

It would be a good choice if we could take advantage of the opportunity of the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Saifi forces to hold a round of selection, and at the same time evaluate the comprehensive strength of the Saiyans, and expand the number of the two teams by the way.

In principle, Luo Lan agreed to hold such a martial arts conference, but such a large-scale conference is more troublesome to handle. The venue of the conference and the selection of the contestants need to be strictly controlled, and people who have unreasonable ideas cannot be mixed into it. .

These trivial matters will be left to Hels and Naris to deal with.

"The venue of the conference is planned to be chosen among the planets within the territory of Saifei's forces. The time will be in a month. The Lis people will take advantage of this time to transform the planet and build a stadium that is suitable for the intensity of the competition. Also consider defensive strength, which can be replaced by combat robots, so the number of robots needs to increase..."

Hertz recounts the details of the convention that need attention.

Seeing that Hertz was thinking carefully, Luo Lan had a smile on his face, and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, when the conference starts, be sure to do a good job in catering, and then I'm going to invite a distinguished guest over. "

"Well, you can rest assured in terms of food and beverages, and you are guaranteed to be satisfied." Saiyans are very strict about food.

Herz asked suspiciously: "Who are you going to invite, from the Galactic Patrol Organization, or from the Galactic Mercenary Organization?"

These two cosmic organizations are closely related to the Saifi forces.

Luo Lan smiled and shook his head: "Neither, the other party is a great god hidden behind the scenes. I have only met a few times, but I don't know if the other party is willing to condescend to come over!"

"And the person you call a great god?" Herz said in surprise after hearing this.

"Why not, in the eyes of real masters, I'm not a big man, you'll know when the time comes."

Seeing that Luo Lan was not aimless, Hertz nodded solemnly and said that everything would be arranged properly when he took the matter to heart. Luo Lan was naturally very relieved about Hertz's work, and then handed over the announcement of the conference to Hertz and Naris, and he took Bardock and the others out of the office.

The person Luo Lan wanted to invite was actually Wes.

Since returning from another world, Luo Lan has been busy consolidating his strength. After a year of precipitation, he feels that he has almost settled down, and the next step is to further improve, but after training to his strength, follow-up The path is actually quite clear.

It is nothing more than to continue to develop physical strength or improve the realm, and continue to become stronger along the path of the gods.

But the practice of cultivation is easy to say, but it is difficult to operate in practice. If you really want to devote yourself to cultivation, it does not mean that cultivation is impossible, but it will definitely take a lot of time.

At this time, it is very important to have a powerful master to guide.

Luo Lan immediately thought of Whis. If he could get the guidance of the angel who trained Beerus, the god of destruction, his path would be smoother.

Whis does not have the attitude of looking down on mortals as high as other gods, but he is quite approachable and very easy to get along with. It happens that he knows that the other person's hobby is to enjoy food. If he can work on his hobby, prepare more food, like Whis. It's the best thing to have a relationship with God.

The other party can train a master like Beerus, the God of Destruction, and it is very useful for him to give any pointers.

After leaving Hertz's office, Sun Wukong smiled and followed, "Luo Lan, can I participate in that martial arts conference?"

"Of course you can, but you probably won't join the Queen's Guard or the Ascari team." Luo Lan looked at Sun Wukong and smiled.

Sun Wukong touched his head, "Forget about joining the team, I just want to play against people."

"I know you want to be free, so if you want to participate, just participate!"

"Ah, thank you very much, the thought of being able to play against the masters of the entire universe makes me excited." Sun Wukong laughed.

"Master, I want to participate too!" Sun Bla raised his hand.

Luo Lan pressed Sun Bula's little head and said, "If you want to participate, you must step up your training, or you will be eliminated soon."

"I know, I will try my best!"

Sunbra's eyes completed the crescent shape and nodded with a smile.

Seeing that his son and granddaughter wanted to participate in the competition, Bardock also felt itchy, but considering that his strength was not outstanding, he hesitated in his heart. Looking at Sun Bula, who was eager to try, Bardock suddenly shook. He shook his head and smiled charmingly. Even his young granddaughter chose to participate in the competition, so why did he hesitate.

"I'll participate too, I hope it won't be too ugly to lose." Bardock also smiled.

"There is still a month before the competition. If you train hard, you can improve a lot of strength." Luo Lan said.

"I have decided that I will stay on the planet Sarada for the next month to exercise." Sun Wukong tapped his palm hard, his eyes firm.

Seeing Sun Wukong and the others gearing up, Luo Lan touched his chin and couldn't help but look forward to it.

Bardock is actually an extremely talented fighter, and if he is supplemented with immortal beans and spiritual tree fruits after a month of ascetic cultivation, he should be able to improve a lot.


The matter about the Martial Arts Conference was quickly communicated through the propaganda department of the Saifi forces. For a time, the entire Northern Galaxy was boiling, especially the planet Sarada. After all the Saiyans knew the news, they were all motivated to prepare for the conference. Have a go.

This result directly led to the fullness of the training areas all over the planet Sarada. Some Saiyans with average conditions could only practice in the training rooms at home. Those with better conditions simply hired a mentor and entered the emergency room. special training status.

In the universe, there are also fewer teams performing tasks, and they have ended their tasks and returned home.

At first, the Galaxy Mercenary Organization was shocked when they received the news of the interruption of a large number of missions, thinking that something was wrong with the Saiyans, and only after investigation did they find out that it was the 20th anniversary celebration of the Saifi forces.

"Hildis, we can't be absent from the celebration of the Saifi forces, so you can go there!"

At the headquarters of the Galaxy Mercenaries, the mercenary president found a white-skinned and white-haired spaceman to give him instructions.

"Yes." Hildis nodded.

"The Saifi faction has maintained a good cooperative relationship with us over the years. You extend my greetings to them on my behalf."

After a while, the president said again: "By the way, after participating in the celebration, I stopped by the Northern Galaxy to investigate a planet called 'White Star'. That planet collapsed inexplicably some time ago, and a neighboring probe was standing on that planet. The moment of destruction detected an extraordinary force."

"The same thing happened in Eastern Galaxy, Southern Galaxy and Galaxy Center, but Western Galaxy is missing. I vaguely feel that the whole thing is not simple. The cause should be in Western Galaxy. You should pay attention to safety when you investigate."

"Yeah." Hildis nodded, taking the commander's instructions in mind, then bent over and backed out.


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