Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 415: Brunette Researcher

On a snow-covered trail.

Emma dragged the man she found down the mountain. It is not easy for a girl to carry an adult man back from a high altitude, but thanks to the relationship of frequent outdoor sports, Ai Ma's physical fitness has always been good.

Measured by combat power, her energy is about 6 points, which has exceeded the average combat power of earth people.

Huh! Huh!

Stepping on the snow left a long trail of trailing marks. Halfway up the mountain, the snow began to melt, and the road became muddy. Emma wiped the sweat from her cheeks and worked hard to lift the people behind her. With the strength of nine cows and two tigers, she finally moved people to her laboratory in the small town.

"What kind of person is this person? Ordinary people would have died from such an injury." No need to be injured, ordinary people will freeze to death after staying in high altitude areas for a long time.

Moving her numb arms, Emma carefully looked at the appearance of the person she picked up. She had clear eyebrows and a graceful aura. She was definitely handsome in appearance. At least Emma found it pleasing to the eye. The scars made him look slightly embarrassed.

"He looks so handsome, I don't know what he went through to get so badly injured."

Emma cleaned her body, put on a white coat after sterilizing her body, and picked up the syringe to treat the man.

Ding, when the needle pierced the man's skin, there was a crisp sound, and the needle broke.

A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, he tried again, the needle still broke, and finally picked up the scalpel in disbelief and slashed at the man's skin, only to find that even a sharp blade could not cut through the man's skin.

"It's so interesting, this can be regarded as a new topic." Emma suddenly developed a strong research interest in the man.

At this time, she didn't care about other research projects. She sorted out the laboratory and began to conduct a full-body examination on the man. After obtaining various data, she recorded it in the research manual in detail. Finally, after analysis, it was found that the man's various indicators were actually are far beyond the standards of earthlings.

At this moment, Emma realized that the person in front of her might not be a person from Earth.

If you can thoroughly study the person in front of you, you can definitely get rich research results, and then the scientific community will definitely have its own place.

With such thoughts, Emma suddenly felt full of energy.

She began to carefully scrape some coagulated blood from the man's wound, and then carefully put them into test tubes and stored them separately. Then, looking at the man lying on the experimental platform, Emma was suddenly in trouble. After a pause, she Pick up the phone and call a friend of yours.

"Braves, I want you to help me build a nutrient supply pod."

"Yes, it's best to put people in it, and send it to me directly after it's built."

Hanging up the phone, Emma's eyes sparkled like autumn water, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Her friend moved very quickly, and it took two days to deliver the device. Emma thanked the man and put the man in the nutrition cabin. Then he put on an oxygen supply mask and attached various data acquisition sensors. Start pouring buckets of transparent liquid into the nutrient chamber. These liquids are all Emma's previous inventions, which can greatly enhance the activity of cells.

After finishing this, Emma looked at the man soaked in the liquid and clapped her palm happily.

"Then just record the data."


goo goo goo...

In a small laboratory, bubbles were constantly bubbling in the transparent nutrient chamber, and the sophisticated instruments beside it were humming and monitoring the situation in the nutrient chamber.

Luo Lan's consciousness awakened in the confusion, and the dazzling light was transmitted through the eyelids, allowing him to vaguely sense the outside world. He felt that his whole body was immersed in a solution, and a slight tremor was transmitted through the liquid. Come over, he wanted to turn his body, but he was so sore that he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers.

"Where am I?" Luo Lan opened her eyes with difficulty, and saw a blurry scene through the liquid.

The surroundings are very bright, like a clean laboratory. The bright light illuminates the surroundings, and you can vaguely see a figure in a white coat walking in front of him.

"Ah, you finally woke up!"

A cry of surprise, like a woman's voice, was soft and pleasant.

Clap la la, the pure nutrient solution was discharged through the catheter, and Emma helped Luo Lan out of the nutrition cabin with a look of surprise.

"Hmm...what is this place, why am I here?" Luo Lan sat on the chair with difficulty, he felt powerless, and for the first time since he became a Saiyan, he felt powerless.

"This is my lab in town. I brought you back from the snow. You don't know you'd freeze to death if I was a little later."

"Snow?" Luo Lan didn't understand what was going on.

Emma adjusted her white lab coat, with a smile on her fair face, she flashed her eyes and asked, "Yes, I thought you were dead at the time, but I didn't expect your life to be so hard, even in that harsh environment. To be able to survive, by the way, who are you, your body is not like an ordinary person."

"My name is Luo Lan."

Luo Lan's brain began to wake up, and she raised her head to look at the woman who rescued him. The whole person was stunned when he saw him. The other party turned out to be a beautiful woman with brown hair, who looked like the girl on the planet Frieza. Zili is somewhat similar.

"How is Lazli you... No, Lazli's hair isn't brown."

The woman in front of her was 90% similar to La Zili, with curved eyebrows, fair skin, and a pair of azure blue pupils that shone brightly. The only difference was probably her hair. The woman's hair was tan and very long. There are also some rolls, and the dress is very simple.

"What Razuri, my name is Emma."

Emma frowned slightly and looked at Luo Lan with one hand on her waist.

"Sorry, you look a lot like a friend of mine." Luo Lan quickly apologized, but she was wondering why the person in front of her looked so much like Lazli, if she didn't know Lazli was on Planet Frieza, He would have thought that Lazli had changed her clothes to deliberately deceive herself.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Luo Lan's mind, a woman who looked exactly like La Zili, with brown hair.

Could it be the android 21?

Cyborg 21 is a character from the Dragon Ball spin-off with a formidable strength and a brain that rivals that of Dr. Gallo.

She does not appear in this story. It is said to be an ultimate cell fusion humanoid that surpasses Sharu and is based on female researchers. It can grow indefinitely by acquiring energy from prey creatures. Due to the slow manufacturing process , which continued to be made by computers until many years after Dr. Gallo's death.

Because of the fusion of Majin Buu's cells during the manufacturing process, the android No. 21 can also be transformed into a Majin form, and his strength is no worse than Majin Buu.

Looking at the woman in front of her, she was wearing a white coat and long brown hair with messy shawls. The image was almost identical except for the lack of a pair of black-rimmed glasses and large earrings.

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