Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 642 Information and Liches

"Demon elf?"

"Those guys that survived from the Cape Esco period?"

Accompanied by Alisa herself, the demon-born elves and their party were exploring various parts of Hell Gate Castle.

Soon, the origin and purpose of these sun elves, which are "high-quality goods" in Hell Gate Fort, spread rapidly among the various layers of Hell Gate Fort.

However, although the goods are good, but with the order of the "King of Demon Flame" and the company of Alisa in person, there is no one who will grab it by force.


Ninth Fortress.

According to Isaac's order, Grishinas is stationed at the most important strategic position among all the fortresses, which directly connects the north-south tunnel.

When a confidant succubus brought the news.

In the dark purple eyes of this glabra, first a rainbow light that penetrated the evil will flashed.

He has a feeling that this is the one who is really going to attack their sealed life essence!

At the level of Grishinas, it is naturally clear that the reason why they and Greensack were summoned here by the mages of Cape Escort was that there were those demon elves who secretly attacked Cape Escort. The mage is guiding.

Those demon-born elves, whether they know about Tanar'ri or the predecessor of Hell's Gate Fort, Cape Asco, have an extraordinary level of understanding.

At this time, Angus invited these demon-born elves over, accompanied by Alyssa himself, to explore the various places in Hell Gate Fortress...

Apart from attacking the sealing barrier, Grishinas couldn't think of anything else.

If possible, whenever possible, Grishinas naturally does not want the essence of his life to be controlled by others.

But the strength of Angus...

Especially, at this time, Moises and Vikas were expelled by him...

Only he, only Pan Luonuo, wants to stop...

The succubus was still on the side, waiting for his order.

Grishinas, after flashing his eyes a few times, closed his eyes slowly, and said in a flat voice, "Make arrangements, and pass these things on to Pan Luonuo without anyone knowing."

After all, he still couldn't bring up the wild idea of ​​directly conflicting with the "King of Demon Flame".

Or let's see what will happen to the savage Pan Luonuo first?

Also see if Vikas is outside, will there be any changes because of this?

And once Vikas knows about it... Naturally, this matter will be synchronized with Moises again.

Of course, what happened afterwards, his loyal Grishinas, was completely unnecessary to participate.

Just quietly watching the situation change.

If there is a chance, it would be great to be able to take back the sealed life essence, and then truly restore freedom!


The succubus's lowered eyes flashed, and he quickly took orders.


Naturally, it's not just the Ninth Fortress.

Information about the demon-born elves is widely spread among the Tanari elites.

Especially those high-level Tanari whose life essence is sealed and who are born to pay special attention to this matter.

Even, not only within the fortress, but even Amarinda, and even the farthest forest, secret messages were being sent away quickly.

Of course, it's not just these high-level Tanar'ri.

With the dissemination of relevant information, some important leaders of the Whiplash Legion are also getting news.

And all this...

Fire Castle.

Isaac walked unhurriedly, walking towards the depths of the castle. In front of him, there was another secret box sealed by multiple magics, floating in the air with his steps.

And behind him, Samuel, who was supposed to be stepping up to rectify the Blue Bear Tribe recently, followed suit, with his eyes slightly lowered, making some reports.

"Your Majesty, the news about those demon-born elves has spread layer by layer."

"Alisa accompanied the elves, and I was outside dealing with the Blue Bear Tribe. At this time, if anyone is hiding in the dark, there is room for them to jump around!"

"And in accordance with your previous order, I have arranged everything in various places in the fortress, as well as on the side of Moises and Vikas..."

The Fly Demon's voice was gentle, without any haste, but the meaning revealed in it was obviously not a temporary move.

"Well done!"

Isaac was walking towards the treasure house area, and asked Samuel to accompany him.

Although Samuel was following his orders, his completion and efficiency were worthy of his praise.

Of course, it's a good job, but we have to wait and see whether we can gain anything.


Although he suspected that someone was hiding behind the scenes.

But after all, it's just suspicion!

Soon we will arrive at the treasure house area.

After Isaac waved his hand and lifted the magic ban on one of the treasure houses, he walked in and said: "You come in too. I will introduce you to a magic consultant. If I am not here temporarily in the future, but I have something to do, you Seek his help."

Magic advisor?

Could it be...

Samuel's heart moved, but he immediately thought of the secret box that the Demon Flame King asked him to leave Hellgate Fort in the name of rectifying the Blue Bear Tribe.

Hastily followed up.

Immediately, on the three stone platforms, all were sealed, two deep sapphires, and another crystal ball fell into the sight of Samuel's compound eyes.

Before he could take a closer look.

Isaac has already walked to the first stone platform.

The "Elemental Essence" was already taken away, and replaced by the gemstone that sealed the "Lich Verde", suspended above the stone platform, and imprisoned by multiple magical barriers, it is almost impossible for any information to spread out. side.

Of course, there are multiple layers of magic barriers, but Isaac has already completely controlled everything here.

There is no need to dispel or disperse the barrier, but just by raising his hand, a layer of flowing magical energy is created, which wraps a claw, and Isaac directly penetrates into the barrier , easily grabbing out this dark sapphire.

And one of the gems is out of the enchantment.

A kind of vague connection, it resonates with the magic secret box hanging in the air in front of Isaac, and it is almost imperceptibly slight, and it resonates to some extent.

That's right!

Isaac can grasp this connection, and also has an understanding of this essence.

What is sealed or hidden in this secret box is undoubtedly Wilder's phylactery!

As if, after realizing that even "Dosar-Manas" is here, it has been sealed for an unknown number of hundred years, and even its former reputation will be forgotten in the long river of time.

This lich really succumbed, and the phylactery he handed over was not fake.


After grabbing out the deep sapphire, Isaac let out another deep drink, and in his eyes, an extremely strong light of will suddenly shone.

As far as the eye could see, on the deep sapphire, the powerful confinement effect of the "soul binding technique" was instantly released.

He casts the magic, and then he undoes it. Naturally, there will be no problem.

And in response to his deep drinking, the imprisoned soul essence of the Lich also let out a mournful whistling sound, and accompanied by the strong evil aura blooming in the gemstone, it turned into pieces. The strange shadow of the ghost projected into the magic secret box suspended in the air.

Although this secret box has multiple seals, it doesn't seem to have any effect on the soul essence of the Lich.

With the return of the essence of the soul, from within the secret box, from Wilder's phylactery itself, streaks of pale aura, accompanied by the surging power of death, immediately began to ignite.

(Karvin, this chapter is missing a few words, I will make up for it at noon tomorrow)

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