Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 611: Spiritual Suggestion

"The Great King of Demonic Flame, the supreme master of the kingdom of flames, the ruler of Hellgate Castle, the conqueror of Cape Esco, the destroyer of Yeerlan..."

Hall of the Throne of Bones.

Samuel has already begun to read a series of great achievements of the "Lord of the Demon Flame".

The Fly Demon is vain by nature and has the same pursuit as human nobles. He pursues magnificence and splendor in everything, and this time is no exception.

The Throne Hall at this time.

Above, is the "King of Demon Flame" sitting on the Dragon Throne.

In the burning of the raging purgatory fire, under the entanglement of the dark and evil dragon soul curse, the eyes of the "King of Demon Flame" that are as blazing as the lava of purgatory, see through the evil and destructive essence, and are showing endless majesty looking down.

This look down...

Heavy as a mountain!

Hot as the sun!

Below, all the tanar'ri and all the demon descendants, under the pressure of such a solid mind, they can't even look up!

As Greensac's consistent envoy, Samuel, who has seen many big scenes, knows exactly what he should do at this time.

Leading a kind of demons and demons into place, Samuel continued to pay homage while reading the great achievements of the "King of Demon Flame".

All in all, all in all, the power of the king is supreme, and the great achievements of the king are unparalleled. Only by following the king can we have hope!

This homage of the Fly Demon.

Many people in the back followed suit and bowed down, shouting "King of Demon Flame" one by one!

They will follow Samuel and Alisa into the throne room. They already have a following, no, it should be to refer to the "King of Demon Flame" and express their allegiance.

After feeling the irresistible power of the "King of the Demon Flame", naturally there will be no more hesitation.

Whether it is a demon or a demon descendant, it is the most realistic respect for the strong, not to mention that Isaac and Samuel have found such a good reason for them to kneel down.

"It's a hint from the mind!"

"Cheer up, don't fall into his hints, give in to his deterrence!"

A voice suddenly sounded outside the hall.

It was the blue bear lady!

Before actually entering the throne room, the witch hag made a sound for the first time after she appeared here.

In the voice, it was full of solemnity, and that... taboo.

Of all the people here, her spell attainment is definitely the highest, even Alisa in the hall is quite inferior to her.

Being able to be an enemy of Master Mist for many years, and they are always intact, only from this, it can be seen.

Isaac's majesty in the throne hall, in the eyes of others, may be the manifestation of the pure evil power of Barlow, at most it is affected by the Dragon Throne, but in her perception... this clearly It is to build an incredible field of spiritual suggestion!

The interference in this field is even more in awe of the "King of Demon Flame". Those demons and demon descendants who entered the hall have no way of defying this will!

But when she found out, she drank again.

The people outside are immediately alert in their hearts.

But in the hall, those people who had already paid homage didn't seem to hear her warning at all, and didn't pay any heed to it.

"Angus, with your strength, why do you need to take the name of Greensack?"

"If you want to join Hellgate Fort, the seven tribes of the Whiplash Legion will inevitably have multiple tribes following you."

"Even Jiwoks and I will cooperate with your wishes."

"If you are willing to stop now, we still have room for continued cooperation."

"Don't forget, Yeerlan and the Silver Moon Alliance are our real enemies."

Kenil Walker strode into the Throne Hall.

His willpower directly pierced into the field of spiritual suggestion, firmly resisting the majesty of the demon.

However, the willpower was extremely strong, and the voice was as dull as thunder, and the abrupt vibration caused a buzzing, which made the faces of many people who were paying homage in the hall suddenly change.

But the meaning of his words still maintains a certain degree of connotation.

He has been in contact with Angus for some time. He has a certain amount of strength of this legendary mage. After all, there is a master of mist to compare with, but... still has not been able to really feel it to the end!

Because of this, even if he stood up, at least in words, he was still somewhat tactful.

His lead.

Ms. Blue Bear and Gugriff, one on the left and one on the right, also followed in.

Since Ms. Lanxiong can see that it is a "spiritual suggestion", she naturally has corresponding precautions.

When Gugriff walked in, the devil's horns on top of his head suddenly burst into flames, and a pair of eyes even faintly glowed with fiery light.

Intense rage and bloodthirsty have begun to ignite.

Even if it is the effect of the "spiritual suggestion field", it is impossible to control him at this time.

As the leader of one of the nine major tribes of Tanarok, Gugriff's strength has even approached the legendary level, especially the demon-born orcs have a considerable natural strength in terms of will.

And Isaac's spiritual suggestion weakens the others because of its wide area and enough concealment.

Naturally, it is difficult to influence him, he was prepared in advance.

"Is this a hint from the mind?"

Givaux didn't stop there, either.

While walking into the hall, his eyes were still secretly scanning everything inside.

It's not impossible for Alisa's abnormality and spiritual hints, but he... always feels a little wrong.

Jivox, the influence of the Scourge Legion, is comparable to Walker.

And the Whiplash Legion, the most admired, is naturally the fist!

His fist is stronger and harder than "Flaming Horn" Gugriff and "Blood Hand" Rojak!

The coercion in the throne hall can make Gugriff violently fight, but it can't affect him in a normal state!


His eyes glanced secretly in the hall, and suddenly, when he glanced at a certain place, Jivoux's eyes jumped coldly.

"Phantom spirit body!"

"he is……"


"After so many years, you are still blind!"

"You still haven't understood why I imprisoned you!"

A voice interrupted Givaux's astonishment.

It was Isaac who was looking down on the throne of bones.

Looking at Cambion, in his flaming eyes, there was majesty and indifference: "There is a saying, you are right, the winner is king, and the loser is Kou, but you never said this sentence, penetrating into itself."

"What qualifications do you have to design Moises and the others?"

"Can you fight against the mist master, or can you defeat Tu Lang, or defeat the 'Golden Flame'?"

"You can't do any of them!"

"Since you can't do it, what's the point of designing Moises?"

"Do you think the Whiplash Legion would be happy to follow you to hide in XZ?"

"Do you think the Tanar'ri would be willing to follow the cowards?"

"If you can't do this, if you don't have the ability to lead the gate of hell, ask yourself, are you blind and arrogant?"

While speaking, a faint sneer followed.

The voice continued: "As blind as you are, how dare you wantonly question me? The guy who can't even see himself clearly, do you think you can really see others clearly?"

"Whatever, you can grasp."

"What is something you can't grasp."

"When you realize this clearly, you are qualified to come to me again and talk about who should belong to the gate of hell!"

"As for now..."

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