Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1472 Behind the scenes (make up for yesterday)

Wehstrom was too tired, it was his heart that was tired.

He doesn't like being alone, but he has been alone for tens of thousands of years since his father died.

He doesn't like darkness. In his memory, when he was nine years old, his father held him in his arms and looked at the sun. It was really warm.

But after that, he had been curled up in the darkness, covered with corruption, for ten thousand years.

In this long life, apart from darkness and loneliness, he has only the arcane to accompany him.

Now, at the moment when his life has come to an end, he has returned to his father's hometown.

I don't want to turn into an undead.

He even had no desire to pursue divine immortality.

At the end of his life, he had only one wish.

He will use his arcane magic to reappear the sun in his memory. He will stand under this sun and wear it as his crown. This is the beauty that he and his father share.

Finally, he will use this beauty to ignite the entire night sky and ignite the darkness of the world.

To tell his father that he is back and he has never forgotten him!

Under the gentleness of Wihstrom.

The night sky has turned into day.

Viewed from the ground, the silver moon has lost its luster at this moment.

A warm and brilliant sun is blooming with its infinite brilliance.

This is still on the ground.

At this moment, in the eyes of Isaac who is above the moon and stars.

While Vechstrom was shaping the "Crown of the Sun" and driving the "Tears of Selun", countless asteroids were swaying with bright light tails, accelerating, and even seemed to be teleporting. Gather to Him…


"Not only is the 'god' of the sun, but also his summons to the asteroids, does he also want to shape the 'shape' of the sun?"

"This is going to..."

There is no longer any need to detect and observe through the Eternal Wheel.

Isaac could already directly observe the phenomena in the starry sky.

His eyes were deeply wrinkled again.

Based on the judgment at this time, it seems that this Gisverik is really performing a "sublimation ceremony" and is heading towards the true divinity. It is like Solomon's "God Conferment Ceremony", but it is even more grand.

But he had a vague feeling that something was wrong.

Gisverik pursues the "Sun Priesthood"?

This is an absolute contradiction!

But if this is not the case, what other explanation can there be for this scene?

For a moment, Isaac couldn't figure it out.

However, what remains unclear is the contradiction of this phenomenon.

As far as this ceremony is concerned, he has a well-deserved appreciation.

Regardless of whether Gisverik is really pursuing the apotheosis of gods, one thing he is certain of is that the ceremony itself does have the core of the "ritual of apotheosis of gods".

Therefore, the words that Gisverik invited him to witness, the "arcane masterpiece" and the "resplendent sublimation", are not exaggerated in the slightest.

Now, let's see if this guy can really accomplish it?

In this regard, Isaac could not make a definite judgment.

If Gisverik wanted to pursue the true "Sun Priesthood", the scene in front of him would naturally be far from enough. He would not be able to reach the sky in one step, replace the God of Dawn, and become the real Sun God.

But if Gisverik is only pursuing the divine authority subordinate to the "Sun Priesthood", there is some possibility of success.

To be precise, there is a slight possibility!

Gisverik was born with the "Light Death Disease", which had a great impact on his ability to gather related divinity!

Of course, Gisverik himself must know this better.

This is why Isaac can't figure out his intentions.

Moreover, if it was really a ceremony to confer a god, it seemed a bit unreasonable to invite him to witness it, and perhaps others.

Are you really not afraid of him taking action?

Of course, Isaac had no intention of taking action. At least at this moment, he was not prepared to interfere in any way on the battlefield.

"The God of Thieves will not stop so easily."

"And...that lady's intention hasn't been revealed yet!"

Especially the Lady of the Night.

The existence of the Tree of Darkness was ripened again, and Isaac did not believe that there was no shadow of Him behind it.

Even if the god of thieves had his divine power stolen, it is hard to say that it is not related to him.

The person who has the ability to steal the power of the God of Thieves in this way must naturally be related to him, the "Shadow God"!

Legend has it that the God of Thieves at his peak was truly a medium-level god.

But because he also has the shadow priesthood and has long been hostile to the Lady of the Night, even though this person's stealth and hiding abilities are unparalleled, a lot of authority has been usurped now, and he has fallen to the level of a weak divine power.

This weakness naturally led to His weakness.

As a result, this god is obviously a god in the shadow world, but he has been unwilling to stay in the shadow world for a long time.

Therefore, in Isaac's opinion, the person who has the ability to design this person and also has the intention to design is undoubtedly the Lady of the Night!

Judging from the wrath of the God of Thieves, this time, he may have been caught by Lady Dark Night!

Perhaps, it still has something to do with the tree of darkness!

Therefore, although Isaac has a strong impulse to possess the three mysterious silver fruits, this is only an instinctive impulse, an impulse derived from the "Dragon Magic Domain" he masters. .

He can still control this anomaly.

"If nothing else, these three fruits should be deeply related to the essence of magic. If I can obtain them and study them successfully, it will be able to improve the essence of my destiny by a lot."

"However, their birth is so abnormal!"

"Perhaps...that lady designed more than just the God of Thieves!"

At this thought, Isaac's eyes darkened slightly.

This is not a good thing!

Although he had been trying his best to avoid a real conflict with the Dark Night Sect, even the last time the City of Shadows directly attacked Dragon Castle, he temporarily suppressed revenge.

But in the end, as his relationship with the goddess of magic deepens, this lady's dissatisfaction with him is probably getting deeper and deeper!

The possibility of including him as a potential target is growing.

If this time it is really setting him up, or in other words, giving him a warning, it is entirely possible!

This is difficult to do.

Although he is already competing for the "Dragon Magic Priesthood", it is naturally impossible for him to give up the "Evil Magic Priesthood". Not just anyone will be willing to divide his authority.

Even if she is willing, she will never be like the goddess of magic!

Therefore, despite looking at it now, he first achieved the destiny of "Dragon Magic Domain", but if we really talk about the possibility, this is more likely to be achieved by "Evil Magic Priesthood".

Of course, it is impossible for him to give up this authority!

Using the achievements of evil magic power to increase the possibility of achieving dragon magic power, this was his long-awaited plan!

In this way, his relationship with the goddess of magic is destined to become even closer.

Under this premise, even if he is always in control and unwilling to have a real break with the Dark Night Sect, let alone hostility, but...

That lady doesn’t have much tolerance!

This is not easy!

It’s difficult!

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