Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 118 Regrettably Missing the First Sight (Part 2)

The ownership of Huodi County has finally come to an end.

At least in the minds of most people, that is the case.

Even among Ted's confidantes, there are people from Desailly, how can the nephew compete with such a sophisticated uncle.

The letter from the family council of elders was sent to all those who have the right to inherit, in the name of Desailly!

Among them, there is naturally Timon.

"Master, the old thief is powerful. If you bear with it for a while, there will always be a chance." The old servant persuaded in a low voice.

"Needless to say. The death of my father and younger brother is related to him, and my elder brother is in his hands. How can I bear it any longer?

Everyone, if you are willing to fight with me, you can walk with me. If you have concerns, I also understand you, take care of my family here, and wait for my news!

I don't believe that the church will sit back and watch this old thief usurp the throne! "

Tai Meng shook his sword and shouted angrily.

A family guard immediately walked behind him.

But more people are hesitant.

He didn't embarrass everyone, he only gave an order to let the old servant lead them to take care of the property here, and then he led his guards to snatch the door away.

Soon, more than a dozen war horses raised their hooves and left Natural Green.

Not long after, some people left quietly.

The frowning old servant Donald, while continuing to sigh, quietly wrote down these people, but he didn't deal with them, and he was not in a hurry to deal with them.

Even under the young master Ted, there are old thieves, and there are also some on the young master's side, which is nothing more than normal.

Beyond the Rift Mountain Range, in a jungle off the trade route.

The elite fighters of the alliance, the dragon kobolds, have been waiting quietly for a long time.

They have trained together in the dungeon for many years, and have cooperated to explore the Underdark for many years. They have already established a very deep relationship.

Not only them, but also some logistics convoys, transporting sufficient food, grass, and weapons and equipment.

These were arranged by Timon in advance.

The sound of horseshoes in the distance made everyone's eyes light up, but they remained silent. This was a long-standing habit when exploring dark areas.


"It's so stubborn!"

"But the harder you talk, the more problems there are!"

The seven imprisoned snakemen finally ended their mission.

However, their stubbornness made the green dragon quite dissatisfied.

Just like an illiterate murloc, he crushed one of them to death with one paw, and crushed them one by one in turn. Although the ones behind were terrified, they still gritted their teeth and refused to speak.

The degree of brainwashing and the loyalty of the kobolds to him are hard to say.

After a period of time, unable to stay in the Rift Mountain Range and planning to go to the Misty Swamp again, Isaac simply ended their mission.

However, because of this, he has paid more attention to whether the little snake man in the future will gradually transform into this.

Re-entrust all important matters to the first loyal servant, and transfer the treasure house again.

Calling the eldest and second child who had already entered puberty, and carefully prepared with sufficient preparations, he finally left the lair in the dark of night.

This is the third day that the large troops have been dispatched.

In order to avoid too much preparation there, he deliberately staggered the time with Tai Meng, only calculated the distance and speed, and made an appointment at the time and place to meet in Fudi County.

High in the night sky.

The three green dragons soared at extreme speed.

Down below, there were little lights from time to time, and occasionally there were a few towns glowing all night, which made the boss and the second brother who had never been far away from the Rift Mountain not only a little excited.

From time to time, he yelled around Isaac.

Inferior intelligence, they are very curious about it.

But now is not the time to play with them. After scolding them, Isaac didn't stop at all, and took them straight to the southeast.

This time, he brought them to see the blood.

Dragon beasts are going to go to the battlefield after all, only relying on that bit of experience in hunting, and only that bit of weak wisdom, how can they stand the devastation of the battlefield.

"Get used to it first. When they grow up, put some armor on them. They are not spellcasters anyway. Maybe you can also consider throwing equipment."

Toxic spores...mycoviruses...


"Master Tai Meng, you came back too late. There will be an order from the elders. If you disarm and return to the city with us, you are still the second young master, and the right to inherit the second place in the family is still yours. Otherwise, you will be charged with the crime of colluding with foreign enemies." , you will be expelled from the family and listed as a traitor. The Red Flame Army has already lined up ahead."

In the early morning, the forest is misty.

The first light of dawn cannot break through the lingering night.

Outside the forest.

Ride alone.

A knight in red armor, even his horse was wearing red armor, pointing his spear in the forest, issued a final announcement.

"Even the Council of Elders was bought by Desailly?"

Timon walked out of the forest step by step, looking towards the spear, with sarcasm in his eyes: "However, you, Robin, my elder brother's most trusted knight, what qualifications do you have to point a spear at me?" , dare to speak like this in front of me? Is it your identity as a rebel, giving you the courage?"

Inadvertently, the red armored knight trembled slightly, but immediately became firm again: "Earl Desailly has found out that the real rebel is Ted, who designed everything. My allegiance is to the family, and Ted betrayed the family. At that time, you will no longer be my lord. Master Tai Meng, you are the same, if you also betray the family, the Red Flame Army will not hesitate to point their spears."

"The old thief really deserves to be an old thief! You will believe this kind of lie, and the Senate will be corrupt after all!"

Tai Meng was not angry, but laughed instead, but after a moment, his eyes turned cold again: "However, you can't represent the Red Flame Army, this belongs to the Marley family, it belongs to me!"

"kill him!"

For traitors, there is no need to follow any principles.

Timon waved.

A dozen war horses rushed out of the woods immediately, and from both sides, some short figures with wings on their backs flew directly into the sky.

Although the Red Armored Knight was an elite of the Red Flame Army, he didn't want to face so many enemies at the same time.

Immediately, he clamped the horse and turned around.

At this moment, Tai Meng's eyes shrank suddenly, the sword was already in his hand, and before it was unsheathed, the battle sword moved back directly.

With a bang.

Blocking the sharp sword coming from behind.

"Elton, I really didn't expect it to be you!"

"Just like my big brother, I never thought it would be Robin!"

A little sad, but not angry, Timon turned around.

With a complex expression on his face, his confidant slowly closed his eyes: "When you disobey the order of the Council of Elders, I will no longer be loyal to you."

Turning the sword back, pulling it again, a bloody arrow shot out.

While his body twitched and fell down, he didn't say a word, and his eyes never opened again.

"You human race is really intriguing."

Without a sound, Isaac came out of the forest.

He arrives at night, but as the natural master of the forest, not many can find him when sneaking in the forest, especially at night.

At least those personal guards of Tai Meng didn't find out.

"I made you laugh." Timon put away his emotions.

"No, it's nothing to laugh at. I'm just curious now. Your uncle is already such a hero. If you can always beat him, what kind of person should your father be? It's a pity that I don't have the chance to see him."

There was a slight regret in the green dragon's voice.

What kind of man is the Count of Marley!

To be the commander-in-chief of the southern front of the kingdom, and to bring down Mir Forest for the kingdom, is of course a hero!

However, no matter how heroic he is, there will always be times when he is negligent. Who would have expected that the sinister villain would be so vicious!

Tai Meng suppressed his thoughts, and saw that the guards and the dragon wing kobolds had returned, he said in a deep voice: "Master Isaac, the Red Flame Army is ahead, if we subdue them, we will be half successful .It’s just that they are all heavy armored knights, and their troops are restrained, so I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to do it yourself.”

Thanks to "Wu Yan Tian Luo" for the reward of 500 coins, thanks to "xiaotang246" for the reward of 200 coins, thank you brothers for your support!

There is another update tonight!

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