Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 4: Starry night

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It is really lack of enough information to make him unable to make a judgment. Uchiha Uranus doesn't understand why there is no soul beast in the soul beast forest, it is impossible to talk like there is no wife in the wife cake, right?

It was getting late, and after an afternoon on the road, he was also exhausted. This is not an ordinary walk. He has been walking through the dense jungle. The air is extremely hot and humid, and the trees and vines are entangled. stumble.

The foot is very soft on the ground, and the ground near the water source is even more pitted. The rotted leaves that accumulate day by day and the roots of the tree in autumn are not slippery, all of which greatly reduce the forward speed and make him consume too much energy. Being able to last until the night is already considered a spirit ring, because it has strengthened physical fitness.

Uchiha's eyes were slightly fixed, and he scanned the surroundings. After a short while, he found a place that seemed to be fair. But when he was planning to set up camp, his eyes swept to another location. A large tree with slender but very dense leaves was broken at the waist. The crown fell to the ground, and the branches and leaves on both sides fell on both sides and exposed in the middle. A natural hole.

Above and on the back are dense and thick leaves. Uchiha touched the leaves. They were a little dry and not as wet as expected. The broken part and the small half are connected together, forming a perfect triangle in front of him, and the position of the canopy is a very ideal residence.

It's just that this kind of shelter can't stay for a long time. It's close to the water source and the ground is moist. If you sleep for a long time, it's easy to get cold, but you can use it tonight.

Without further ado, Uchiha Uranus immediately began to organize the shelter, trimming some prominent branches and leaves to make this natural hole less than 3 square meters tall and more than one meter flat. Then with a machete, a thick-legged branch was cut and stood at the break of the big tree to prevent it from suddenly collapsing in the middle of the night.

Then he took out a roll of snow-white, light-looking cloth from the package, which looked more like some kind of soul beast skin, crystal clear, with a tanned and specially processed fragrance, Uchi Po Uran spread the leather roll on the ground. Finally, the most critical step is to arrange a night watch trap.

The sanctuary can indeed make him rest comfortably, but rest does not mean safety. The Star Dou Great Forest does not have a completely safe place. As long as he dares to sleep without protective measures, the passing spirit beasts dare to add a supper to himself. But at the moment when the sky is dim and there is no light source, it is difficult for him to rely on the surrounding environment to make simple traps.

But if he doesn't have certain self-confidence, he dare to go to the Star Dou Great Forest to survive this kind of thing? His confidence comes from his first century-old spirit ring.

"The first spirit ability: radiation trap."

Uchiha Uran thought silently in his heart, feeling that the soul power in his body began to drain, and gathered towards his own hands. It seemed that his power had reached the apex. He could no longer feel other consumption, which means that he had already completed the trap creation in his hands. Next, just throw it out to complete the trap production.

His spirit ability was not originally called a radiation trap, but a burst trap.

After he awakened his spirit and activated his tenth level of full spirit power, his father quickly helped him obtain the first spirit ring. The spirit beast killed at that time was called the Yanyan Beast, which was good at using ground stab traps to prey, and used his whole body hard. A carapace defense, a soul beast that can breathe flames. This soul beast is very rare. It is a variant of the rare soul beast Dunjia Beast. Originally, his father’s hope was to use his blood affinity for flames to awaken him and breathe the flames of the spirit ability, but in the end, he obtained it. It is the making of traps.

This spirit ability allows him to create an invisible and extremely explosive ground stab trap. It can only be placed above a complete space of one square meter. After it is placed, the ground stab trap will sink into the ground within three seconds. , From the surface there is absolutely no problem. However, once a certain weight of creature walks on the top of the ground spur trap, it will fly out from the bottom to the top of the hot ground spurs containing unstable explosive properties, as well as high-speed raids, explosions, high temperatures, spikes and other properties.

The scope of the explosion is very large, and the area caused by a ground thorn is more than ten square meters. Once it explodes, it will be accompanied by high-temperature flame splashing and splashing red fragments. The effect is almost the same as that of modern high-explosive grenade, even It's better in some ways.

It's a pity that the range is very large, but the ground stab trap is still a one-second time difference from induction to activation to launch. As long as the creatures in this range run fast enough, they can completely escape the maximum damage range. It can be said to be high latency, high A model of injury.

As for why it is now called Radiation Trap? That's because after opening his mutated martial soul, the Radiant Eye, the trap became a ‘radiation source’ that continuously emitted radioactive microwave particles. The effect is still the same as before, but it adds a new property-radioactive elements.

That is to say, once it explodes, the ground thorn trap will cause great radiation pollution to the surrounding area, and no one can escape it. As for how large this range is, Uchiha Uranus has not tested it yet, so it should not be small.

So the trap he will set next is this.

He placed the first trap at the back of the shelter, in front of the leaves, to prevent the soul beast from throwing himself to death from the front.

The second trap was placed at the back of the left side, and the third was placed at the front of the right. Finally, he marked the three positions to prevent him from accidentally stepping on it. The trap was blown up. Although he is not afraid of radiation, the hot spikes do not recognize people.

After finishing all this, Uchiha Uranus felt that his soul power had been used up or down. At this time, the last bit of residual heat from the sun disappeared on the horizon.

Night is coming.

Uchiha looked at the dark surroundings, and somehow, a feeling of loneliness surged in his heart. He was still studying in his family half a month ago, and after half a month of traveling, he finally arrived at the Star Dou Great Forest. He obviously didn't feel this way on the road before, but now, Ruoyuowu's sourness is fermenting in his heart.

He knew that now he was really far away from the crowd.

The family, partners, father and mother are all gone, only oneself.

"Forget it, don't think about this kind of sad thing, and I don't want to radiate the mutated martial spirit of the eye, so that I will not even be able to find my wife in the future. Damn, even if I go to prostitute, maybe I will touch my sister, she The whole body rotted to death." Uchiha Uranus shook his head and sighed as he looked at the deserted surroundings.

He raised his head, looked at the night, heard the wolf howling from far away, and then looked at the sky. Stars shining in the sky, twinkling and twinkling, this is a beautiful scenery that he could not see in his previous life. .

He once thought that the stars he saw in his childhood would never come back, heavy industry, air pollution, etc., completely covered the night with a gray veil, but now, he is lying on the ground, leaning against the big tree, Looking at the night sky with blurred eyes, as if he had regained his childhood.

I don't know how long it took, Uchiha Uranus felt a little moist on the tip of his nose, and wanted to rub his nose, and then raised his head, a drop of dew dripped from the top of his head.

The night view of the sky is still shining, and the light is even stronger than the stars that were invisible in the day. Now they are shining as if they are fighting. He has never seen such a scene on earth. Perhaps this is his lost childhood. And Douluo Continent is his new born.

For the first time, Uchiha Uranus felt that it was a correct decision for him to come to the Star Dou Great If he has been in the clan, he would study during the day and practice at night, gradually become stronger and become famous. Maybe he will never lift his head and watch this beautiful night sky carefully.

For the first time, he felt that such a life might not be as bad as he thought.

"Ah~ha~, sleepy, sleepy, go to sleep." He stretched, took off his dirty shoes, put them outside, and then got into the shelter.

Before going to bed, Uchiha looked at the night sky one last time, then lay down, closed his eyes, and hibernated quietly.

"If you live like this in the future, that's not bad."

At the corner of his mouth, a faint smile evoked.

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