Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 469: Wuhun Palace’s Helplessness

It's very ironic. Before Tulip left, all the major forces on the mainland were boycotting Tulip. Some traditional nobles and soul master families even refused to use the products produced by Tulip. Although most of them later found the fragrance to be really fragrant, they were still unconvinced. .

But tulips had just left the mainland, and the quality of tulip products instantly became a guarantee. Everyone broke their heads just to grab a tulip relic, completely forgetting their previous dissatisfaction and resentment.

Facts have also proved that the number of relics determines the strength comparison of the major forces. The mainland started a new round of shuffling and drew two big ghosts, which were meaningless and mysterious organizations.

They have taken away the most powerful space station and rocket launch base, and can carry out nuclear strikes at any point in the world at any time. No one will doubt that the rocket cannot transport nuclear warheads, and no one will think that the mysterious organization does not have nuclear warheads.

In contrast, Wuhundian, who had no internal response and could only cast a wide net, drew a hand of secret codes, and it was 3456 without a 7. There was no way to play this card.

However, there are only two ghost cards in the card game, but they cannot be played. Although the cards of the mysterious organization are good, there are too few people, and the two kings cannot bring out three small cards.

So Wuhundian is unlucky, Damocles' Carrot... Bah! The Sword of Damocles hangs above their heads, but they lack the power to fight back. Even dozens of tons of nuclear warheads can hit them without any pain. If they don't accept their fate, there will no longer be a Spirit Hall in this world.

At this point, after the Soul Master Empire, the mysterious organization has annexed the mainland's largest soul master organization, Wuhun Palace. Its power has expanded unprecedentedly, and there is a faint tendency to overwhelm the two major empires.

Coupled with the continuous civil strife in the Star Luo Second Empire and its inability to manage its subordinate kingdoms, the strength of the mysterious organization became even more prominent. At this time, the order signed by Pope Paul was to launch a nuclear bomb to kill the remnants of Tulip hidden in the Star Dou Forest. strangled.

Even interstellar players can see the changes in the Star Forest. The forest is growing visibly with the naked eye. This kind of miraculous thing can only be done by the miracle maker, Duke Tulip.

At this time, the mysterious organization really wants to get rid of it quickly. For thousands of years, Tulip has been their biggest threat, the only one who almost completely subverted their existence.

Such people will not be able to feel at ease if they live in the world for one more day. This time Duke Tulip actually dares to return to Douluo Planet. If he does not completely eliminate him on Douluo Planet, the mysterious organization may not even be able to sleep well. .

It's just that nuclear bombs are extremely precious, so how can they be used as soon as they are said to be used? This kind of non-environmentally friendly weapon has basically been discontinued after the emergence of space-based weapons, so that the reserve of tulips is also very limited. They have even less in their hands,

Nowadays, even the mysterious organization with the best cards is unwilling to use its own inventory.

This is why the only nuclear missiles chasing Cheng Ying are the three small-yield nuclear bombs of Kuan Kuan So Sou.

The mysterious organization is unwilling to give up, just let Wuhun Palace bleed. It is not its own nuclear bomb. It does not hurt to use it, but this is not a hard and fast rule. After all, the dozen or so nuclear bombs are the lifeblood of Wuhun Palace. If they are forced to If you use it, you might really make them anxious.

The rabbit bites people when it is anxious, not to mention that it is the largest soul master organization in the mainland, so the order from the mysterious organization only orders the Wuhun Palace to launch at least one nuclear bomb with an equivalent of 500,000 tons. If it is willing to launch more, Of course it's better.

However, Pope Paul's order clearly states that thirteen nuclear bombs were launched, leaving only one 2.55 million-ton nuclear bomb to suppress the situation.

It's no wonder that the Qiandaoliu Society wants to stop it. With such a waste of nuclear bombs, I don't know if Duke Tulip will be killed, but the foundation of Wuhun Palace will be exhausted!

"Sir! No! The organization understands that it wants to consume our resources, so it's okay to launch one. After all, survival is the first priority, but you... If we only leave one nuclear bomb, wouldn't it be worse than some? Small countries are more intimidating, and then we will really have no power to resist!"

What Qian Daoliu said is simple and clear. Even though you know you are being used as a weapon, you still try your best. Isn't that stupid? At this time, the best thing is to launch a little thing with a dozen tons to deal with the organization. There is no way that the other party will destroy the Wuhun Palace just because of this.

But the Pope shook his head and said: "My child, your vision is not long-term enough!"

Having said that, the Pope leaned back in his chair. The ninety-eighth level expert now showed his age, and his whole body exuded the decaying aura of a dying person. It was obvious that he was working hard to run the Spirit Hall like walking on thin ice. The old man has consumed too much experience, and the volcanic ash in the air has damaged the old man's lungs. The pope is already on his deathbed. He is still in charge of the Wuhun Palace now only because of his strong strength. Lived for a breath.

Seeing the old man's tired look, Qian Daoliu quickly put his hands on the old man's back and used his own angelic power to pour into the old man's body to relieve his pain.

"Sir, you'd better go back and rest early! Wuhun Palace still relies on you as the pillar to support it! It's not good for your body to be damaged!" Qian Daoliu looked sad, only hating his low strength and not having the world-renowned talent of Duke Tulip. Can't worry about the teacher.

"Don't rush to rest now. After you die, you will have time to rest. Liu'er, please listen to me. This matter is related to the future of Wuhun Palace. You must remember it!"

As he spoke, the Pope couldn't help coughing twice, and then said: "My Wuhundian faith is the God of Angels, but the various hardships I have experienced over the past few decades have made me understand that faith can exist, but You must not believe in gods, and the existence of the Watcher Space Station is the best proof. Gods may not necessarily have mercy on us, so when you encounter difficulties in the future, don’t pray to gods for salvation, remember?”

Qian Daoliu frowned slightly, but still nodded and said, "Disciple, please remember Master's teachings!"

"Also, put your hands down! Don't secretly tamper with my secret order, and let the nuclear bomb be launched!" The Pope had already seen Qian Daoliu's little actions, and couldn't help but reveal a smile in his eyes.

"It is a good thing to know how to hide one's strength and bide one's strength, and how to preserve one's own strength. In the future disputes on the mainland, when power is vying for power, this can save your life.

Nowadays, personal strength is getting smaller and smaller. Before you break through to the god level, you must not act recklessly just because of your strength. That is the way to death.

I also know that you have some complaints about my order, but it is not what I want to do, but I have to do it, otherwise the Wuhun Palace will no longer be the Wuhun Palace in a hundred years! Don't be anxious, just listen to me! "

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