Doomsday Wonderland

Seven hundred and nineteen Do you need me to do good to you?

71 Is it good?

Perhaps the expression on Lin Sanjiu's face was too strong, so the slit girl named Changzu let out a faint sigh - the breath from her mouth made her mask bulge.

"Why..." Lin Sanjiu stuttered, and it took him a long time to find a question: "As a fallen species, why do you work in a food store? Wait, it's a part-time job, right?"

The cracked girl looked at her intently with a pair of eyes that were no different from those of ordinary people. "Degenerates have to live," it said disapprovingly. "This store provides me with room and board, giving me a chance to vent my desires, and the boss is often absent. Compared to other degenerates, my job It’s already very good.”

"Cathartic desire?"

It raised a gloved hand - Lin Sanjiu tensed up her muscles reflexively - and made a few swipe-like cuts in the air. It moved very fast, and its palm turned into an invisible shadow: "We slit girls - oh, there are also men, like to slice off the skin and muscles of living people... I can slice out the 0.1 mm epidermis. Dozens of slices, as thin as snow. It would be better if there are children, the screams are very satisfying. That’s why the boss launched this kind of slice... What are you talking about? Oh no, if it’s human flesh, I won’t eat it even if it’s sliced. ."

It tilted its head and thought about it. At this moment, Lin Sanjiu almost doubted whether she was having a ridiculous dream - she was standing in a busy street with people coming and going, and the orange lights filled the room. On his shoulder, facing a box of hot fried milk buns, he was listening to a degenerate talking about how he licked children.

Dreams can't be more distant than this.

"It is precisely because we are vegetarians that we are left to work by you evolved humans." When the cracked girl said this, she waved her hand very frankly: "We fallen species don't like you evolved humans at all. It’s forced by life.”

Now, Lin Sanjiu couldn't find even a single problem. It's not that she has nothing to ask, it's that she has too many questions.

After a while, she murmured: " can anyone trust a fallen species?"

"Don't be so surprised," Changzu pointed in the direction behind Lin Sanjiu, "If you're worried, just go to the building over there and find out. Come back after you decide, I'll only charge you half of the human guide The service fee. But,” it didn’t forget to put away the carton, “I’ll keep the milk bag first.”

The direction the cracked woman pointed was a white two-story building. Its appearance is smooth and smooth, but it doesn't really stand out from other buildings. Lin Sanjiu waited in line at the porch for a while, and it wasn't until he spent money to buy a ticket that he realized what kind of building he was about to enter - "Reconstruction of Life·Bi Luo Huang Quan 70 Years Review Museum".

The tour sequence of this museum started seventy years ago, when Biluo Huangquan had just ushered in its end; it is divided into "Virus and Prevention", "Dangerous Copies", "Legacy Technology", and "Ruins Reconstruction" Wait for the exhibition area. She didn't understand why Changde asked her to come to the museum at first. It wasn't until she walked into the penultimate exhibition area that she stopped in surprise.

"The History of Man and the Fallen Species", a long vertical sign was engraved with this line; a human evolver was standing at the door yawning, with a work sign hanging around her neck that read "Paid Docent".

However, the red crystal Lin Sanjiu handed over did not inspire her professionalism.

"What you see now are the more typical and common fallen species at the beginning of the end of the world." What's interesting is that as soon as the girl started walking, the two of them were followed by several evolvers who had not paid the explanation fee. "...After the evolvers took control of the Biluo Huangquan virus, the two most dangerous types have been completely eradicated. You see, these are their specimens."

In a glass cabinet filled with bright light, two brown bodies that looked almost human but not human were soaked in the light; one of them was obviously a woman, because the sexual organs of its body had swollen to the point of shocking and nauseating. The other body was huge. Even though there was only a layer of dry skin covering the skeleton, it was still like a hill. Its deformed stapler-shaped head and the two small dark eye holes reminded Lin Sanjiu of the past. Komodo dragon seen at the zoo.

"After long-term observation, comparison and analysis, we have retained two types of fallen species. These two types of fallen species have proven to be very useful to us over the past few decades." The narrator yawned again and turned around He glared at the few tourists who were listening to the explanation for free.

In the next glass cabinet, Lin Sanjiu saw a long-haired mummy. The arm bones were as thin as blades, and a piece of folded webbed flesh was connected to the body. Its mouth was half open, and the huge gap looked as if it was about to split its head in two.

"The Rift Girl," the narrator raps on the glass case. "It has a gentle temperament, low abilities, and is a vegetarian. So many people like to keep one as it has a wide range of uses."

Three minutes' walk away from this mummy, there is a living counterpart; perhaps Chang Zhang once wore a mask and paid for a ticket to visit its unfortunate predecessor. Thinking of this, Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

What would Changzu think when he saw the mummy?

"Vegetarian, does it only eat fruits and vegetables?" asked a man who was explaining, "That's so valuable, I can't eat it!"

"No," the commentator glanced at Lin Sanjiu and replied: "Vegetarian means that they live by sucking human screams, fear, adrenaline and other things."

"Where to find it?" She frowned.

"There are as many as you want. There is a group that specializes in collecting this in the apocalyptic world... Oh, there is a 'fright house' owned by them in the black market, where the gas secreted by tourists and the screams they make will be saved. Come down and sell it to the owner of the cracked girl." The round-faced girl also suggested: "You can also try it, it's quite interesting, and the tickets are not expensive."

"Why do you need fallen species to work? What can they do?" she asked.

"Everyone is an evolver," the narrator girl suddenly sighed. "If it weren't for the lack of money, who would be willing to work like an idiot? Especially the dirty work, no one would do it. For example, in a black market sanitation bar, cleaning, collecting garbage, transporting, burning, etc. on each street would take at least five adults a whole night. But if it were a fallen species, only one on each street would be enough. , you don’t have to give them rest time, and you don’t have to worry about them getting sick, they won’t die anyway.”

Lin Sanjiu stopped talking.

The other is a male fallen species. The corpse looks no different from humans. It is said that its biggest difference during life-a layer of yellow gas under the skin-has dissipated with death.

"Although you use red crystals, have you ever thought about who drilled hundreds of meters under the crater, dug out the red crystals, and polished them into different sizes?" the commentator asked as if he was reciting words. She seemed to have been waiting to get off work and kept looking at her watch. "It's this type of corrupted species. Every 14 months in Biluohuangquan, we send a batch of miners' corrupted species to the Red Nautilus, at a cost of one-fourth thousandth of the results of their work."

"Aren't you afraid of the fallen species' resistance?"

"Next, you can see our control methods for the research and development of fallen species." The narrator girl led an increasingly larger group of people into a small hall. In this small hall, Lin Sanjiu immediately saw dozens of props for confinement, control, and restraint - from electric shock collars, remote control chips, to Pavlov's dog neuron; the transparent exhibitions arranged one after another A box can cause the most uneasy worries in a freest person.

"Many of them are products of Biluo Academy." The female commentator was not moved at all. She was obviously accustomed to it: "In addition to tangible things, there are also many domestication and training techniques. We ensure that every one is released to work. The fallen species all understand this truth: Human beings are the emperor who guarantees their lives, and obeying our orders is the best way for them to survive."

When the tour was about to end, she led everyone to the next exhibition area. Standing at the door, the round-faced girl continued to recite: "However, our world is facing an increasingly urgent problem. Over the past seventy years, the fallen species have gradually died due to various reasons, and now the stock is only 15% of what it was then. Our demand has increased by half, but we cannot effectively replenish it because the apocalypse is over. In the future, how we will solve the manpower problem is still an unanswered question."

After walking out of the museum, Lin Sanjiu walked towards the narrow shop squeezed between the floors.

As the night deepened, the number of pedestrians on the street finally became sparse. An orange-yellow light bulb hung down on the iron plate, making it look empty and desolate. Changzu still hasn't closed the shop, wearing a mask and sitting boredly behind the window. It didn't see Lin Sanjiu at first, and just stared at the night sky in a daze; when her shadow suddenly covered the iron plate, the cracked girl was startled and jumped up immediately.

It didn't speak, but looked straight at Lin Sanjiu, waiting for her to speak first.

Lin Sanjiu lowered his head and looked at the iron plate - it had been cleaned and shone with a smooth metallic light. She suddenly thought for some reason that Changzuo used its boss's fried milk buns as gifts in an attempt to get him a private job. This was probably a form of corruption. UU reading www.

"What do you use to save your personal money?" After a while, she asked abruptly.

"Find someone." Changzu replied briefly and said nothing.


The cracked woman glanced at her: "What does it matter? Do you hire me?"

The two looked at each other for a while, and then Lin Sanjiu spoke.

"You degenerates have no concept of 'goodness' at all, right?"

"Do you need me to do good to you?" Changzu asked.

She thought about it, then suddenly laughed, pointed to the carton next to the iron plate and said, "Give me the fried milk buns. I'll taste them."

The long foot slowly stretched out its hand, and the sleeves were bulging, which should be stuffed with its webs. It took the carton and handed it to her under the orange light bulb.

The small breasts are already a little cold, like a night when there are fewer people around.

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