Doomsday Wonderland

Five hundred and four leaving the meat world

Why is it a planet?

This problem is almost unsolvable at this time. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

...After more than half an hour passed, Lin Sanjiu was the first to sit up from the ground.

Due to the loss of strength, her limbs were still trembling slightly; the loud noise when the mountains roared and the tsunami and the heaven and earth collapsed just now made her ears still rumbling, and she did not recover even after a long time.

A few dozen steps away from her was an endless, unfathomable sinkhole; a thick section of the earth's surface was torn away, revealing the silent darkness underneath. The only traces of the town left were underground pipes that were broken in the soil and had not been swept away.

Cars, streets, and houses have all disappeared from this land—no, it should be said, even the land itself has disappeared.

After binding the great witch with a bone whip, Lin Sanjiu and the others hurriedly left the place dragging their exhausted bodies.

In fact, they had no idea where to go. In fact, no matter which direction it was, it was the same for them. Several people chose the opposite direction to the crack and walked aimlessly for several days. Finally I rested my feet in a small city.

There seemed to be no concept of country in this world. Even across the continent, they only met one town after another.

This small city on the edge of the continent only takes 20 minutes to walk from the east end to the west end, but it seems to have experienced an unknown bloodshed - all the entrances and exits of the city are covered with layers of thorns. The barbed wire fence was sealed; when a few people cut the barbed wire fence and walked into the street, they discovered that there were bones, stumps and dried blood everywhere.

"Someone locked up these lunatics," Ji Shanqing came to a conclusion after walking a few streets: " seems like everyone here has been eaten."

Libao didn't care much about the survival of human beings other than Lin Sanjiu. When he said this, he naturally kicked away a corpse that was blocking the way - it had been chewed to the point where only a few strands of meat were hanging. The leg bones struck the floor tiles with a series of echoes.

"Let's rest here." After walking for too long, Qingjiuru looked as painful as a fish out of water. He sat down on the side of the road and refused to move any more: " ...To be honest, with every step I take, my desire to break up with you becomes stronger."

"It would be great if we could stay here safely until the day of teleportation," Ji Shanqing also agreed, "... Anyway, we don't have to meet up with others now."

... Even the sea water was sucked back into the dimensional rift, so Si Lu and Ci Tu who took the sea route would probably have been killed long ago——

Every time he thought of this, Lin Sanjiu felt like he had been punched in the stomach.

"Okay, we really have to take a rest." After a while, she sighed and said solemnly.

Along the way, they had not met even a single mentally ill person, and it seemed to be relatively safe. However, Lin Sanjiu was still worried. After checking the small town, the group settled in the city hall - cleaning up the bones. , dragged out several mattresses from the residence, and placed them side by side in a corridor behind the hall, which was considered to have completed "setting up camp".

The water source in the small town comes from a reservoir outside the city. The corpses soaked in it are almost rotten into pulp and have long been a sticky pool of filth; perhaps it is because of the mental illness that has been raised for a period of time. , the water and food in the city had long been exhausted - a few people walked around the city for a few times, and the biggest gain turned out to be an intact cigarette shop.

Relying on the clear water in Lin Sanjiu's card library and the few pieces of [military compressed heat] left, the few people finally lived a peaceful life - if it weren't for the "visa agent" in [eBay] who always If there is no reply to the message, this period of time can even be called carefree.

"Still not." After another disappointment, Lin Sanjiu turned the red plastic letters in his hand into cards and put them away, and finally sighed. She recently left several messages to the "visa agent" like a reminder, but nothing happened and no response came from her.

"Without a reply for such a long time, could that person have been sucked away by the dimensional rift?" Teacher Yi responded in her mind.

Lin Sanjiu frowned and remained silent for a long time. It's not that she hasn't thought about this possibility - but if this is the case, things will be troublesome.

Where else can she go to find a visa next?

After a few seconds, Lin Sanjiu finally suppressed this thought, changed the subject and asked: "How is the matter with the Consciousness Starry Sky? Can I go now?"

As soon as he mentioned these words, Teacher Yi suddenly elongated his tone and sighed in a very humane manner.

"Didn't I say that you haven't advanced the [Consciousness Hall] to that level? Even if I wake up, you still won't be able to enter the Consciousness Starry Sky -" When she said this, she seemed to feel a surge of emotion. He seemed to be irritated: "Well, actually, this is also the conclusion I came to based on the information you told me. If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that there is such a thing as a conscious starry sky."

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help being surprised: "What? You don't know?"

"How would I know!" Teacher Yi replied almost confidently: "I am the guiding teacher set up in the [Consciousness Training Hall]. Whichever level your ability has been upgraded to, I will tell you the content of that level - -I am not a Bodhisattva who leads monkeys to learn scriptures, I know everything!"

Lin Sanjiu's eyes widened and she was speechless for a moment - the only sounds floating in the air came from the hall outside.

After thinking for a while, she hurriedly asked: "Then what should I do?"

Teacher Yi sighed again - if she had an entity, she would probably blow Lin Sanjiu's brain out of her ears.

"Didn't I tell you? Now we have to take it step by step. If what Nuwa said is true, then after your ability is upgraded to the highest level, you will naturally be able to go to the Consciousness Starry Sky."

"Then when will we have to wait?" Lin Sanjiu said unwillingly, "I haven't entered middle school yet - can't you think of a way? Couldn't Nuwa send me there in advance?"

Teacher Yi muttered something in her mind. Although Lin Sanjiu didn't hear it clearly, she thought it was "Then go find Nuwa."

"...Listen to me," after a pause, Teacher Yi finally spoke as if he was a little tired. "If [Consciousness School] is an application, I am a user interface. Through me, you learn new abilities and upgrade to new versions... But as a user interface, I cannot cheat for you—— Even if I am such an intelligent artificial intelligence, it won’t work—because the program is not set up like this.”

Lin Sanjiu finally understood this metaphor.

"However," Teacher Yi changed the topic, " don't need to be discouraged. In the past few years, the reason why your [Consciousness School] advanced so slowly is because things kept happening. Suddenly. Being locked, you lost your body again after a while - after finally saving your body, Nuwa kept attacking and blocking you again. This time her consciousness is gone, you can rest assured, in the next period of time , your advancement speed will definitely be greatly accelerated."

After Lin Sanjiu finished listening, his expression was still unclear.

"I don't know if the day will come when the great witch waits." After a while, she rubbed her face. "...I took her chance to survive, and I always owe her a life."

At this point, she stood up - just now Libao and the two pushed the witch out of the hall, saying that they wanted her to go outside to "bathe in the sun"; now that they had been out for a while, Lin Sanjiu was thinking about it , also followed the sound of conversations outside and walked out.

The sky outside was just right at the moment, and the afternoon sunlight was like melted gold, flowing in every inch of the air. The blue sky is so clear that there is not a trace of cloud. At a glance -

Lin Sanjiu opened her mouth wide.

She finally understood why Libao and Qingjiuru were suddenly enthusiastic about taking the great miko to bask in the sun——

"What you just felt was a bit interesting, it shows that you are still very talented." Qingjiu Liu held a cigarette in his mouth and did not notice Lin Sanjiu standing in the hall; he was frowning at the moment and looking at him seriously. Ji Shanqing said: "...But I am not a fan of the Stanislavsky school. Being truly integrated into the role sounds wonderful, but in fact it places great restrictions on an actor... Of course ,for you……"

Lin Sanjiu took a few steps forward blankly and turned his eyes several times.

"I am more inclined to Brecht's acting style. You must be higher than your own character and show the core of this character to people in a selective and enhanced way——"

Under Qingjiureu's confusing instructions, Libao nodded repeatedly as if he understood; then he coughed, turned his head, and faced the motionless Dafa sitting in a new wheelchair. The miko's face darkened.

"You don't have a mother, but suppose she is the woman who created you and abandoned you..."

An indescribable expression gradually appeared on Libao's little face - like a broken child pretending to be strong in front of others.

"Yes, great. Now imagine that she suddenly tells you that she also has something to hide..."

When Lin Sanjiu heard this, she couldn't help it anymore - she strode into the yard and shouted in a dumbfounded voice: "What are you doing!"

Her voice made the two of them jump in shock and turn around at the same time - apparently they had been too serious just now and were so immersed in the acting class that they didn't even hear her footsteps.

"Sister!" Li Bao raised his face and smiled, showing his neat teeth: "He is teaching me how to perform."

"Why do you want to learn this?" Lin Sanjiu looked at the great witch behind them - the latter had a rural women's scarf tied on her head, covering her blond hair. She looked really... plain and simple.

Of course, if the great witch wearing Jimmy Choo knew about it, she probably wouldn't be happy.

Qingjiuru blew out a puff of smoke and said lazily: "...I tell you, learning to perform will be of great use."

"What's the use?"

"Sister, think about it," Libao replied plausibly, "good acting means that people will believe whatever I say - in this way, wouldn't we be much safer?"

Lin Sanjiu frowned and looked at the two of them. After a few seconds, she said "Oh": "...probably?"

"To be honest, I'm just too lazy to act," Qingjiuru said, with an expression as if he was doing others a big favor by not acting: "Otherwise, with your IQs, I could deceive you. Round and round.”

The gift package suddenly became unhappy: " doesn't include me, right?"

Qingjiuru didn't answer him, but continued: "...So, I think you should also take a good acting class."

Lin Sanjiu didn't make a sound - she was staring at the two of them, her eyes suddenly widened and her face turned pale.

"Your surprised expression is a bit exaggerated," Qingjiuru commented, "Inside-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was suddenly slapped on the arm by a gift bag. Qingjiuru was startled and turned his head away.

...The great witch sitting behind them still had her eyes closed, but her figure slowly faded, as if she was about to melt into the air.

"She's about to teleport?" A low roar burst out from Lin Sanjiu's chest; she quickly rushed forward and grabbed the sleeve of the great witch. But she also knew that this was of no use. Seeing the color of her body getting lighter and lighter, she felt so anxious that her chest was on fire——

The great witch was the first to be teleported, which meant that she would be sent alone to another world!

"Put the suspect suit on her!" Qingjiu Liu suddenly shouted, and Lin Sanjiu suddenly reacted - she hurriedly touched the big miko's shoulder, and the [suspect suit] appeared immediately As soon as it touched the great witch's body, it immediately turned into a black coat and quickly wrapped her up.

Before the black color completely covered the great witch, Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt that her hands were empty - and when she looked down, the sleeve she had just grabbed had disappeared from her palm.

The great witch seemed to have evaporated, completely disappearing without a trace.

Only the wheelchair slid slightly forward from its original position due to inertia.

The three people fell silent and looked at the place where the great witch had been sitting. No one said a word for a while.

After a while, Lin Sanjiu suddenly squatted on the ground and pressed her temples - what she least expected to happen happened. Next, she must quickly find a visa to go to the world of the great witch...

"Hey, let me say," Qing Jiuliu's voice suddenly broke the silence.

Lin Sanjiu said "hmm" without raising her head.

"I seem to be teleporting too..."

As if being pricked by a needle, Lin Sanjiu and the gift bag jumped up - when she raised her head to see clearly, her vision almost went dark.

Qingjiuru raised a hand at this time and was observing his gradually fading fingertips with an indescribable expression. The golden sunlight fell down meltingly, shining on him and shining through like crystal, refracting colorful lights in the air. He looked like a glistening foam on the beach, about to disappear in the blink of an eye——


Lin Sanjiu was so excited that her skin went numb for a moment. She was half thankful and half surprised that she hadn't thought of it earlier. At this time, she didn't dare to waste even half a second. She immediately called out a card and stuffed it into the clear card. At the same time, the card form was released in Kuru's hand.

That was a gift package that UU Kanshu gave her when she had the [Bubble Visa]; because it lasted too short, she didn’t have much hope at all, and she just glanced at it. I put it away and soon forgot about it.

It may not have existed for a long time, but it was still developed by Ji Shanqing, and that's enough.

...Because the same visa officer in the same world can issue the same type of visa.

That is a visa to go to the world of "sandwich biscuits" six months in advance.

"Remember," Lin Sanjiu put another piece of "My hand through your black hair" into the hand of the figure that was so pale that it was almost invisible, and shouted loudly: "Even if you have to use the color to confuse People, we must also save the life of the great witch! If anything happens, we will meet in the Central Twelve Realms!"

(Thank you to Mr. Zhou Jing, Luan Yu, Han Qiao, Begonia Yunjiao, Hua Xia Mian, Lily Jiang and others for your rewards, and everyone such as Demon Yang Yang, Dan Zhu Ye Si, Ding Xi, scarlettlu and others for your monthly votes! Everyone who did not look back to edit the article, I Let me remind you, I am going to change the ability of [Gold Finger] and change it into an ability with functions similar to B grid and higher. Don’t be surprised when you see it suddenly change its appearance in the future...) (To be continued.)

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