Doomsday Wonderland

One thousand nine hundred and thirty-six 2 messages

When Lin Sanjiu discovered the video left by Sibaan from hundreds of messages spanning several months, she even felt a little confused and suspicious.

Let alone finding someone, based on Lin Sanjiu's experience, even sending a message requires going through untold hardships and countless twists and turns - the process of trying to contact Mather is an excellent one. Example - Why did Sibaan find her as soon as he looked for her?

At this moment, on the still video screen, it was Si Baan's face that was unmistakable. Although half of it couldn't be seen clearly; because there were reflections in the shape of windows floating on the screen, which dimmed part of his appearance.

In the reflection, half a blurry pig face was reflected, facing the screen.

Lin Sanjiu looked back. The pig stretched its neck and stared at the screen with its little black eyes. After it realized Lin Sanjiu's gaze, it had no intention of avoiding it. Instead, it was more confident than her: "What are you looking at me for? You Play it. If you don’t finish it quickly, how will others use the bulletin board?"

At that moment, the crow feathers on the puppet master's shoulders shook slightly. It seemed as if a jet-black wind was about to burst out in the next second, swirling and engulfing the entire hall violently; the pig shrank involuntarily, its two front hooves protected its head and face, and its sparse pink and white hair stood on end. After a few seconds, it realized that the other party hadn't moved - the puppeteer didn't even turn his eyes towards it.

Lin Sanjiu stopped him in the air with one arm. Seeing that he was holding back again, he withdrew his arm. No matter whether the opponent is a fallen species or not, in the world of karma, it is best for the puppet master not to have any blood on his hands.

"Stay over there," she said coldly to the pig.

The pig snorted and slowly took a few steps away, still in a position where he could see the screen if he stretched his neck.

Lin Sanjiu didn't know what this degenerate was going to do, but she had already wasted half a minute on it, and she was not willing to take another second; she turned around and focused her eyes on the screen again.

At this frozen moment before the recording started, Sibaan had not yet looked at the camera.

When you are not looking directly into those eyes, you can even feel a little relieved. The moment he turned his head, it was as if people accidentally caught a glimpse of a side of his life that was not intended to be seen by outsiders; it was like when he was riding a train, he accidentally raised his head and glanced at the snow-capped mountains and lush green forests in the distance outside the window. He jumped out of the car involuntarily and stumbled, and followed him.

The square-faced man is right. Anyone who sees him will probably have to watch this video. This has nothing to do with gender; people always yearn for beauty, yearning for the pleasure of being shocked by beauty and trembling with it. .

"Whose time are you wasting here?" The puppet master's voice was like an ice drill, which jolted Lin Sanjiu soberly. "If you need to reboot before you can act normally, I have plenty of ways to bring you to near-death."

"No, no, I'm a little surprised," she stammered in explanation, "I, I think he's quite good at keeping his appearance..."

In the cold metallic light flickering in the corner of the puppet master's eyes, she did not finish the second half of her sentence - Sibaan seems to be getting younger and younger as he lives, and even his skin seems to be getting better?

After the video started playing, she realized that the video was very short, less than ten seconds.

"I'm looking for someone," Sibaan said, turning away from the camera. He looked directly at the camera and everyone watching the video, and whispered: "Her name is Lin Sanjiu. I have been looking for her since we were separated last time."

It turned out that he had his voice back... Lin Sanjiu thought to herself. When Sibaan disappeared last time, his voice was still in Fanhe's hands; but think about it, that was at least ten months ago.

Sibaan suddenly raised his head, as if his attention was attracted by something outside the screen. He frowned slightly, probably picking up the camera; because the picture suddenly shook, his face was enlarged, and a few strands of blond hair seemed to be reflected diagonally in the sunset light in the water, rippling and flickering.

"I'm not safe right now, so I can't say any more, Xiaojiu, if you see this video," his tone was much more urgent than before, "go to the abandoned arsenal site and send me a reminder, and I'll find you!"

Just like that, the video playback ended and it jumped back to the message interface.

"No more?" Lin Sanjiu was stunned and couldn't help but play it again. "There are only two sentences in total... This is too vague. Where is the abandoned site of the arsenal? He doesn't mean the one in the blue sky, right?"

The puppet master lowered his head and adjusted the feather cloak on his body as if he couldn't hear. He also spent a little extra effort to wipe and clean the place where Lin Sanjiu had just touched.

"He was able to leave a video in the Karma Museum, which means that he was at least here at that time." Lin Sanjiu frowned and said thoughtfully: "He is here, but he wants me to go to Biluo Huangquan...? Can he know that he Where will we go in the next world? That’s not right, how did he know that I would come to the Karma Museum?”

Also, what about "sending reminders"?

The puppeteer remained silent and even took out an antique silver comb from somewhere.

Even though Lin Sanjiu was puzzled, she couldn't help but be attracted by his comb: she had never seen such a comb with such an exaggerated and gorgeous shape and complicated carvings. If the gems were pulled out, it would be enough to decorate a crown, right?

The puppet master didn't feel anything strange at all, and slowly combed back the few strands of black hair that had fallen down.

"What do you think?" Lin Sanjiu felt that he had something to say but didn't say anything, so she asked bravely, but she only got a sneer in return.

After asking twice, she gave up, turned around and stretched out a finger towards the screen. When she watched the video two or three times, the puppeteer finally couldn't hold it any longer and asked coldly: "You are so young that you can give yourself a concussion just by turning your head, so why did you do it twice in a row?" You can’t even remember a word, can you?”

Lin Sanjiu was frowning, staring at the screen and lost in thought. She was startled by his words, and she turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The reason why he decided on the abandoned arsenal site is because there are several 'abandoned arsenal sites' in the Twelve Realms." The puppet master said almost reservedly, "Including the stronghold of the Karma Museum, there are several arsenal bases , now they are all abandoned sites.”

So that's it... Lin Sanjiu exhaled. She took one last look at Sibaan's video, finally turned off the message, and turned away from the screen. When she arrives at the abandoned arsenal site, she may understand what "sending reminders" means.

When the two were about to leave the hall, Lin Sanjiu looked up and caught a glimpse of the pig.

Although this degenerate species was quite annoying, it at least provided her with much-needed information, and it didn't seem to have any bad intentions; she originally planned to ignore it and walk away, but unexpectedly glanced at it. However, he couldn't help but stop.

She had never tried to describe the facial expression of a pig before, but at this moment, when the pig looked at the counter and the glass screen in the distance, she could only call the expression on its face...regret and longing.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Sanjiu asked, staring at it. "What are you doing here?"

"Ah, I'm used to it." Pig sighed, "I'll come back and take a look from time to time... maybe it's because I'm quite nostalgic."

Nostalgia? Goosebumps appeared on Lin Sanjiu's arms. "What do you mean?"

The pig slowly walked up to the counter, pressed its snout against the glass, and blew up a hot white mist. Those little eyes kept looking at the table behind the glass window.

"After all, the 'City Hall' is the apocalyptic world I came from..." Its tone was almost full of nostalgia, "Every brick and stone here is too familiar to me. Ever since I left my hometown, , I’ve always wanted to go back and take a look... There are many of my kind around here, unlike the flood service providers. The reason why we like to gather here is because we want to take a look at our hometown."

Lin Sanjiu was stunned on the spot, not knowing how to digest the news for a moment. The pig suddenly became humane, UU Reading turned around, waved his front hooves at them, and said: "You don't need to worry about me, I just come here for a walk if I have nothing to do. Are you here?" It doesn’t make any difference to me, just go away.”

The puppet master was not even interested in taking another look at the pig - when Lin Sanjiu spoke, he had already left the door and transformed into a temple at the door again; Lin Sanjiu frowned and opened the glass door. At that time, I finally looked back and scanned around.

Her eyes moved from the screen where the video had just been played, to the pig, and then to the sign at the door.

"What do you mean by welcoming you today..." she asked in a low voice.

"It represents a safe day when you can safely enter the city hall." Zhu said without looking back, regret rising again. "In this world, every day is a safe day, and there are no signboards saying that today is not welcome..."

Lin Sanjiu suppressed a surge of anger and turned around to go out.

As she took a step out the door, the pig's last words drifted into her ears. "I don't know if that rumor is true," it said with longing, "the small worlds in the Karma Museum will come alive one day..."

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