Doomsday Wonderland

Part 3 of thanks for tipping Nisishita Arimaki Naguri

The skin that had been frozen had no time to send a warning to Xixili in time.

When she suddenly felt a cold feeling at the corner of her mouth, as if an ice finger was suddenly inserted into her mouth, she realized that the snowflakes had crawled into her mouth, the corners of her eyes and her nostrils; she was in a state of panic that almost overwhelmed her. , let out a scream that even he didn't realize.

But the man in the distance heard it, and immediately shouted in a hurry: "Quick! Throw away everything on you!"


"Snow ghosts are still as hungry for special items and supplies as they were before they were alive. They feel that they have to burrow into your body in order to use your belongings. You have to throw them all out to make the snow ghosts leave you temporarily. body of!"

From the howling wind and snow, Xixili could still vaguely make out the sound of him shouting and throwing things on the snow; but the next moment, the cold snow blocked the ear canal and slowly drilled towards the brain. Along the way, fear and cold made her consciousness begin to feel pain.

The foreign object was about to pierce her eardrum.

Xixi Li was anxious and scared. She could no longer see anything clearly in front of her eyes. Snowflakes were hazy on her eyeballs. Her whole body system was being penetrated by snow, but unlike when she was fighting other targets, she had someone she could attack—which of the snowflakes flying in the sky were snow ghosts? How to hide? Wherever you hit them, they got into your ears. Do you want to hit yourself?

In panic, she immediately threw out all the belongings and supplies on her body one by one. Like the man in the distance, she desperately shouted to Fengxue: "I have nothing left on me! Look, they are all over there. ——You guys leave me quickly!”

The tingling cold in the ear canals and corners of the eyes quickly subsided, and the ice fingers in the corners of the mouth retreated again; Xixili squinted her eyes, and finally saw clearly for the first time in her increasingly clear field of vision. There is still a thick layer of snow on her scarf. At this time, the texture of each snowflake actually forms a different face - countless tiny faces looking at her and watching her throw things out. In the direction, one piece after another finally jumped into the wind again.

"Come here quickly," the man ran closer, one foot at a time, and signaled: "Hide under the rocks over there, quickly!"

Xixili pulled off the scarf and patted herself hard, fearing that every new snowflake that fell on her body would have a human face; she stumbled and threw herself under the huge rock, finally having something on her head that could barely shield her from the wind. A little barrier of snow.

"Snow ghosts appear in groups," the man also hid in, panting: "They are like snowflakes, flying all over the sky, unable to hide or resist, and even melting and Whether or not it depends on the Snow Ghost’s will is quite tricky. It’s really unlucky that I unexpectedly met the Snow Ghost here.”

"You, do you know this kind of thing very well?" Xixili asked, "I have only heard that they may be the fallen species in this world, but to be honest, this is the first time I have encountered it, and I don't know the original way to escape. You have to throw things away first.”

"This is my second time." The man was obviously empty. The few items that might have been used to hold props were all removed from him at this time. "The first time I encountered them, I tried to wrap myself up with a blanket or other protective prop. As a result, they immediately melted on my prop and flowed through the texture like water. I almost confessed at the time Where……"

"It seems like you've been here for a long time," Xixi Li said, knowing that now was not the time to build relationships - after all, God knows how many snow ghosts were still roaring in the snow not far away, beating her belongings loudly. ——But when she thought of Exodus, her heart warmed up again, and she felt like she was not afraid of anything anymore: "When you go back to Exodus, can you take me with you?"

"I can take you there, but whether you can enter or stay is not something I can decide on my own." The man looked at her a few times, "The first members of our group have to accept you..."

"No problem!" Xixili's eyes lit up, "I can try hard on any test task. I haven't done any bad things. If you don't believe me, look at my recorder - oh, you should Throw it over there.”

The man nodded, poked his head out again, and took a look at the snow in the distance. He frowned and said, "It looks like it will take a while for those snow ghosts to dissipate."

"Will anything happen to our things?" Xixili asked worriedly, "By the way, how do you know to throw things out to save your life?"

"Oh, I can hear their desire," the man replied without looking back. "It should be fine, but if they can't get satisfaction, they will become more and more irritable...I'm afraid they have to stay away a little bit further."

Xixili barely heard most of what he said later - she was already stunned.

"Follow me," the man suddenly grabbed her wrist and was about to pull her up. Xixi Li shrank and jumped up from the snow, avoiding the hand - there was a faint flash of light between the palm; she felt that she had not seen it wrong.

"What's wrong?" the man asked with a frown.

There was a detail that she should have noticed just now, but Xixili didn't notice it until now.

She thought that the man was wearing a disguise to cover his face; but if that was the case, he should have thrown the disguise away long ago... But what she saw now was still the same face.

Maybe she judged people by their appearance, but in his opinion, he was not like the "superhumanly outstanding" and "legendary" member of Exodus that the garden gnome said.

"You can hear their desires..." Xixili's teeth were chattering and she asked in a low voice, "Then can you also hear people's desires?"

"Of course not," the man seemed to want to laugh, but looking at her expression, the smile dissipated and turned into a sigh. "Oh, what a shame, I spilled the beans."

Xixili is even colder than when we first entered this windy and snowy world. " heard my desire, right?" She asked tremblingly: "You heard my wish to go to Exodus...that is the biggest desire in my life..."

"Well," the man nodded and said, "So the voice is very loud. In the entire mobile hotel, only your wishes are the loudest and most detailed, covering up the desires of other people. I think you are too. It’s nothing good. I didn’t want to attack you at first, but I can’t help it. The stronger the desire, the greater the weakness. If you don’t slaughter the sheep that come to your door, you won’t slaughter them.”

Xixili opened her eyes hard, fearing that tears would roll down in the blink of an eye. "What about Exodus? Don't you have anything to do with Exodus? Are Exouds not in this world?"

A look of boredom and amusement appeared on the man's face. "I've never seen you so obsessed... If you die and are reincarnated, then go to Exodus!"

The next moment, Xi Xili's eyes were smeared white by the snow powder that suddenly covered the world. Even when the props and items were complete, she could feel that the opponent's combat power was higher than hers, let alone now?

It was not her style to surrender without mercy, but even if she managed to escape, the Exodus that was once so close to her eyes would become a distant delusion again. Xixili didn't want to fight at all for a moment. She just wanted to bury her head on her knees and recall Exodus described by the garden gnome.

She fell into the snow, feeling like she didn't care about anything anymore.

However, the attack never landed on her.

When Xixili finally felt something was wrong and raised her head, she realized that Feng Xue beside her had been blocked dozens of steps away. The man disappeared, and so did the snow ghost. On the snow not far away, her belongings and props were half-buried and half-buried in the snow.

Standing in front of her was another person.

Her eyes followed the legs in front of her all the way up. When she saw the face of the visitor clearly, Xixili felt that her mind went blank - at that moment, let alone breathing, she even briefly forgot her own existence. For a moment.

The blond man bent towards her and extended a hand.

"Are you okay? Fortunately, I arrived in time... The person who keeps saying the name Exodus, UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett, is it you?"

Xixili raised her hand in a daze, as if she had put it into a ball of sunlight. What happened now? Was she actually dead? Could the person in front of her look like heaven? She couldn't remember anything.

"Sales is becoming more and more humane," the blond man said, but she couldn't understand what she said, "because you sneezed many times in a row."

"...What?" Xixili could only squeeze out two words.

"Look up."

She raised her head and saw the clear blue sky for the first time in a world where the snowstorm was raging. A huge snow-white ring was slowly sliding into the blue sky from behind the distant mountains, and a golden light flashed down the snow-white ring.

"Look, that's Exodus." The blond man said with a smile.

(End of extra chapter)

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