Doomsday Wonderland

One thousand nine hundred and fourteen The lake under the moonlight


With the experience last time, Lin Sanjiu did not waste any time this time.

Carrying the plastic mannequin on one shoulder and holding the black tablet in the other hand, she hurriedly rushed towards the black city that was melting and shrinking. She didn't even have a chance to look back and see what the copies were doing; when she pounced back into the city again When they were on the road and street, Lin Sanjiu fell to the ground as if falling apart and gasped for air for a long time.

After "retracing" the content of two copies of the game, she finally earned herself a few minutes of rest - even though some people were very worried about her.

"Don't rest for too long," the great witch warned from afar, "Even if you stop those two games, as long as the rain curtain touches the ground, the copy will still be will just be a copy with two corners missing. In case you fall asleep, neither you, me, nor the puppet master..."

"I know," Lin Sanjiu groaned.

Compared to the last time, the rain curtain climbed higher into the sky. Whenever the wind blew, it seemed like tassels swaying and flickering under the dark sky.

Lin Sanjiu turned over weakly on the ground and pressed her cheek against the black road. The voice of the great witch let the voice ripple out from her ears and dissipate into the distance.

Beside her, the plastic model stared silently at the sky, its face painted with an eternal smile.

...No wonder he couldn't eat anything. An almost irrelevant thought suddenly came to Lin Sanjiu's mind.

There is no room in his body for food, fresh air, hope, or laughter; there will always be a twisted, dark storm inside his body, pounding and tormenting him. The only outlet may be to plunge his hands deeply into other people's bodies. In the blood - he couldn't control himself. He wanted others to die and at the same time found reasons for others to die. Only in occasional moments, he could see everything clearly.

She slowly raised her arms and put them on her eyes, her lips trembled for a while, then a breath escaped from her lips, and she felt cold instantly.

The first key item was found on the host of the game, and the second key item turned out to be the host himself... From this point of view, the next key items are easy to find. As long as you keep an eye on the host, there will definitely be something. clue.

The reminder from the great witch kept weighing heavily on her heart, so much so that Lin Sanjiu got up again secretly and uneasily before lying down for long, always wondering if she had rested for too long.

She is not as good at reasoning and thinking as Li Bao, but Lin Sanjiu's persistence, intuition and quick wit can always lead her out of desperate situations time and time again - maybe with a little bit of luck - she has never been like this It was the same today, so grateful for the hand that was watching over her.

Facts have proved that Lin Sanjiu's guess was right.

After every "content preview" was blocked and the city copy was backtracked, she would find that the next "content preview" would start from scratch; after gaining experience, the third and fourth "content preview" were almost She stopped him one after another without any danger and smoothly. She learned the lesson the third time. After snatching a heavy-duty motorcycle from the roadside, she refused to get off the motorcycle at all. She bundled plastic mannequins and other things horizontally on the back seat, and even the game was riding on the motorcycle. to participate - so that when the city ebbs away from her, she no longer has to chase it on two legs.

After all four corners of the city were cut off neatly, Lin Sanjiu drove the motorcycle to its highest speed and rumbled around the black city several times.

However, she didn't know why, but as the rain curtain continued to sink inexorably, she never saw the next "content preview" again.

Did I miss a place? Or is there no next game?

The puppet master's dungeon transformation has obviously not been completed yet, nor has it been interrupted... If there is no next game, what should she do next to retrace the process?

"Great Miko!"

The heavy-duty locomotives speeding through the streets emitted shouts one after another. "Where should I go next?"

Obviously, even at this time, the copy formed by the puppet master still refused to admit defeat and still refused to let the great witch speak clearly. It seems that the dungeon has also realized that the key factor of its own birth and death lies in whether Lin Sanjiu can continue to the next step; so let alone the clear reminder, the great witch can't even make a sound now, and the whole city is filled with gloom and low pressure. Under the canopy, only the rumble of Lin Sanjiu's motorcycle engine echoed alone.

After scolding the puppet master in his mind, Lin Sanjiu finally couldn't stand the time anymore and returned to the area near the highest building. He got out of the car and pushed the motorcycle towards the entrance of the lobby on the first floor. Even if she gets to the top floor now, it's hard to tell how much of the city is left for her to see; but at the moment, she really can't think of any other way...

Lin Sanjiu suddenly stopped, stretched his neck, and looked into the distance at the intersection of a trail for a few seconds.

The first two times she came, she rushed into the building against the clock and stepped on the second hand. She never had time to take a second look behind the building. Only now did she realize that the depths of the trail were not more steel and concrete forests, but instead there were faint green shadows and intertwined jungle trees. Under the dark sky that was almost like night, there seemed to be a little bit of silver light shining.

She looked at the door of the lobby on the first floor, which was just around the corner, hesitated for a moment, then turned the front of the car and pushed the car step by step into the path.

Lin Sanjiu never thought that she would walk into the lake at night.

For a moment, she thought that the storm above her head was getting lower, but when she looked up, she saw a thin, pale crescent moon among the few stars in the bright night. The surface of the lake is calm and dark, and occasionally it seems to sigh. In the intertwining and swaying ripples, it sighs out a halo of light like a whisper.

Looking back, only a faint background of the black city remains, standing faintly in the sky. It was as if the wind was moving the thin clouds across the sky, and it was as if she herself was moving lightly across the world.

Lin Sanjiu withdrew his gaze and stood blankly on the grass by the lake, looking at a huge fallen tree trunk in the distance.

Leaning against the tree trunk was a young man whom she had not seen for a long time and thought she would never see again.

The motorcycle lost its support and fell to the grass with a dull sound, startling the young man. He turned his gaze towards her, his eyes dimly filled with the moonlight like lake mist.

A few key items and plastic mannequins fell silently into the grass.

"...Ayun?" Lin Sanjiu took a few steps forward and called out slightly tremblingly.

It is easy to see that nothing has changed yet, and what is about to happen has not happened yet.

Hearing his name, the young man was startled and suddenly bit his lower lip and smiled. For a moment, the puppet master in Lin Sanjiu's memory seemed to have lost its dark weight. In a breathy smile, he closed his eyes and gently Blended into the young man in front of him.

She suddenly just wanted to reach out her hand to block his face and smile, protect him from behind, and prevent him from being seen.

"Sister, do you know me?" He raised his head and asked. When he spoke, the small Adam's apple on his neck seemed to be flapping, forming a young man's voice: "Well, don't tell others when you go back, okay?"

Only then did Lin Sanjiu realize that his cheeks were slightly reddish, and he seemed a little drunk. As he spoke, he gently shook the wine bottle in his hand.

"I lied about my age to buy it." The young man raised his hand and handed the bottle to Lin Sanjiu as a matter of course: "Would you like to take a sip too?"

Lin Sanjiu also wanted to laugh.

why not?

Ayun is leaving soon and will never come back. On this moonlit night by the lake, she couldn't find any reason not to sit with him.

"Why are you here alone?" Lin Sanjiu asked after taking a sip of wine and handing the bottle back to him. The wine was a bit stronger than she thought. As soon as she drank it, the heat spread from her throat and chest. Her brain seemed to suddenly become a speaker, ready to buzz with music at any time.

"My friends are out of town," his voice seemed to be floating in the clouds, blown down by the wind, and scattered gently. If Lin Sanjiu hadn't pricked up his ears and listened carefully, he would have barely heard the subtle hint of depression. "I finally got a fake age certificate... I want to try this, this, alone first... what's the wine called?"

He raised the bottle and looked at it carefully for a while in the moonlight.

"...So that's it, UU Reading" Lin Sanjiu hugged her knees and looked at him and said.

She didn't even have a word to say at this moment. She didn't want to ask anything. She just wanted to sit here and let Ayun keep chatting. His clear eyes were heated by the alcohol, just like the moonlight stained the tea leaves. Excessive flower mud.

"What about you?" he asked a little unclearly, "You are here...ah!"

Ayun suddenly seemed to have remembered something and jumped up. He still couldn't stand still and almost staggered. Lin Sanjiu quickly supported him. "What's wrong?" she asked a little uneasily.

"Lake," the boy pointed to the lake in front of him, as if he was aware of its existence for the first time now. "Let's go swimming!"

Who Lin Sanjiu was and whether Lin Sanjiu agreed or not didn't seem to matter to him; before he finished speaking, he had already put his support on Lin Sanjiu's shoulder and took off one of his shoes.

"But if you drink, if you choke on the water while swimming..."

"I heard that when you drink, you need to drink a lot of water," the boy laughed. "You won't have a headache the next day... Such a big lake is enough for me to drink..."

When Lin Sanjiu got up a little at a loss, the boy had already pulled off the jumper in one breath, and walked a few steps towards the lake with only his upper body naked, and then he remembered that he still had a shoe on his other foot. He stopped by the lake, stood in the misty moonlight, and turned back to smile at her.

"Will you come down with me?" Ayun said, stretching out a hand to her.

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