Doomsday Wonderland

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twelve: The Meaning of the Puppet Master


Lin Sanjiu couldn't even muster the strength to stand up. She sat dead on the chair and only glanced in the direction of the screams. Through a dazzling white light pillar, she could hardly see anything clearly, but she still understood rationally what was happening at this moment.

In fact, any evolver with a little bit of experience will probably think of the same place when hearing the rules.


The man just started to speak, and then it turned into another scream. He didn't know what kind of treatment he was suffering. He couldn't even speak clearly next. There were only sounds of shouting for help, struggling and thrashing, which echoed in the huge stadium, pulling out long sound waves.

No one reached out to him, and even Lin Sanjiu was numb from exhaustion - he wasn't a real living person anyway, so what did it matter?

The chaotic sound of beating and begging for mercy went all the way up, passed through the seats on the stairs, and gradually approached the entrance to the auditorium. They were a certain distance away from the white light, and Lin Sanjiu finally saw clearly. In the auditorium on the other side of the stadium, half a distance away, there were indeed two entangled participants: one of them clearly had the upper hand, and was tied up behind his back. There lived another man who kept struggling but could never escape. Although she was far away and could not see it, she thought that the latter must have a lot of injuries.

In less than twenty seconds, the ball will spin again, right? What is the guy who arrested someone planning to do...

The nearby woman who had been staring at the light beam suddenly took a few steps away.

Lin Sanjiu immediately caught her actions out of the corner of his eye, followed her gaze and understood immediately.

The time until the next rotation of the ball is very short. If you carry that person up and push him into the entrance of the auditorium, it will take a lot of effort and it will be difficult to ensure that you can escape; but the two people are at this moment. On a walkway, as long as you reach out and push, the victim will roll down all the way and fall right into a row of red "No Treading" letters waiting with open mouths at the edge of the stadium.

Obviously, the man who was caught also knew his next fate.

"No, please." Although he was not a real living person, his fear and sincerity were extremely real. His screams made Lin Sanjiu's brows jump: "Don't let him use me to divert the circle." The goal of the ball! Please, although my ability is average, I can see clearly——"

I don't know what the person who caught him behind him did. His plea was interrupted by a scream.

When he struggled to speak again, his words were slurred, as if they were filled with blood and broken teeth. "As long as one person is used as a diversion, all of you can't can't escape the fate of hunting each other..."

Lin Sanjiu raised his eyes and looked around.

There were figures dotted among the seats in the auditorium, but no one responded. In the empty stadium, the sound can easily travel far, and people must have heard it; they stretched their heads and looked around. People far away from the "no-go area" were motionless, while those close were still. Quickly moving outside, one side of the stadium was soon cleared.

If they were all real living people, in her current state, would she really lend a helping hand?

Lin Sanjiu didn't dare to think any further. She couldn't deny that there was indeed a faint feeling of happiness deep in her heart at this moment: Fortunately, the direction of the light beam falling next time was in the right direction - someone else's life could buy her thirty seconds of rest.

"You want them to save you?" The man who captured the person gasped and laughed, "It's too late for them to thank me."

Lin Sanjiu lowered his eyes. If they weren't real living people, her scrutiny of herself would be meaningless... She thought as she looked up.

The distance is far enough that even if you don't get up and take a few steps, the ball's light beam won't touch you.

Her sore leg muscles seemed to be relieved.

"Get out of here!"

He yelled fiercely, raised his leg and kicked the prey; the man who was tied up staggered, and just as Lin Sanjiu expected, he immediately rolled down the steps of the corridor - don't look at him He was shouting repeatedly just now, but now he rolled down without making a sound. I don't know if it was for safety, but he was knocked unconscious long ago.

One person rolled down the steps, and the other turned around and ran away. Everything must have gone as planned—except for one thing.

Their estimate of time was off by a second or two.

Seeing that the man was about to fall into the restricted area, the ball suddenly turned slightly and lifted the light beam from the auditorium.

Lin Sanjiu watched the ball swinging and turned his head towards her.

There was no point in escaping anymore; she suddenly slipped from the chair and shrank behind the chair in front of her - the chair was half covered by the steps, and she was too tall, so for a moment she just felt She was like an adult trying to get into the kindergarten tables and chairs, exposed to the eyes of the ball everywhere; this thought flashed through her mind, and under her closed eyes and eyelids, a blur suddenly lit up. of white.

She must have been photographed, otherwise why would her body be blank?

It wasn't until several gasps that Lin Sanjiu realized from the almost paralyzing fear that she was still alive.

This time, her prediction error was even greater: the direction where the ball finally stopped was exactly opposite her.

Many people who thought they were hiding in a safe zone just now were all hit by the light beam; the snow-white light beam stopped quietly in the stepped auditorium, like a white river breaking through the human world. On the contrary, the person who rolled down woke up in time just before falling into the restricted area. He hung one foot on the back of the chair and was twisting upwards.

Lin Sanjiu sighed deeply, climbed back on the chair and sat down. She couldn't miss any opportunity to rest and recover. She could continue to rest for another thirty seconds—no, I'm afraid it was a minute.

Because the man who arrested the man was walking back step by step, pushing a small cart that he found somewhere and selling hot dogs, drinks and the like. He put his hands on the cart and stood at the top of the aisle, staring closely at the people below who were still twisting and struggling.

About twenty seconds later, his second attempt was successful.

The cart rumbled down the steps, quickly lost its balance, rolled several times in mid-air, and finally hit the tied man hard. He had already broken free from his restraints, but was hit so hard that he couldn't even scream. He fell down with a groan and rushed into the restricted area - the ball seemed to have been awakened, and immediately Turning around, the snow-white light beam passed through the dark rain curtain and fell on the man in the restricted area.

The beam of light once again divided the stadium, dividing life and death.

The sturdy man who pushed the person down had just happened to hide in a few rows of seats near Lin Sanjiu. At this time, he popped his head out from between the seats and couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh.

When Lin Sanjiu thought back later, he always felt like there was a curse that silently enveloped the stadium at that moment.

This was the first time since the beginning of the "game" that everyone avoided the light beam intact.

When everyone realized this, the slightly alert people in the auditorium opposite the stadium started to move. Their running this time was no longer to avoid the beam of light. Some of them were to get as far away from others as possible, and some were to catch up with others before they ran far away. For a time, the stadium was full of exclamations, curses and shouts, and some people shouted repeatedly like crazy: "There are enough people! I counted them before, there are enough people! As long as fifty-nine more people die, we will be left with It's safe! Limited time opportunity, whoever forms a team with me——"

"The way to clear customs is indeed this..."

The strong man's muttering drifted into Lin Sanjiu's ears along the air. She glanced back and happened to catch the man's eyes - there were only Lin Sanjiu and another woman nearby. In his eyes, they must be no different than two pieces of tribute.

Lin Sanjiu stared at him and slowly stood up from his seat.

When he saw her height and figure clearly, the man's expression changed slightly, and he seemed to be hesitant.

"It's been a minute,"

A voice rang out suddenly, it was the woman who was always standing not far away. "As soon as you saw the light beam stop, you immediately fell into the chair. You didn't even stand up in this minute...Are you exhausted? No energy left?"

Lin Sanjiu already knew what her intentions were the moment she heard the words. She looked untouchable, and the woman was afraid that she would become the next target - after all, weren't these people trying desperately to pour disaster on others?

Lin Sanjiu's first reaction was to look up at the sky.

The last time we went back to the rain curtain in mid-air, it didn't stop there. Even though the black slab was still in Lin Sanjiu's hands, there seemed to be no sign of regrowth in the western corner of the city, but the rain curtain continued to sink without hesitation.

The puppeteer only has a few minutes left; not only does she have no idea what the "key item" is, but her own safety is now in question.

What does stadium games mean to puppeteers? What can appear here must be something of great significance to him. Just using white light beams to kill evolved people and forcing evolved people to kill each other is another matter for him -

She heard the footsteps of the muscular man slowly walking towards her.

Lin Sanjiu's thoughts were interrupted. With her current physical strength, this battle would probably be very difficult; but after thinking about it, she still faced him and slowly climbed up the stairs. If she ran away now, the whole stadium would know that she was a softie. This man must be used to scare the monkeys, so as to ensure that she can find the key items as undisturbed as possible.

"don't want!"

A shrill girl's voice suddenly tore through the air, causing Lin Sanjiu and the man opposite to jump at the same time. The girl's voice came from the other side of the stadium. She was screaming, yelling and beating, and she was obviously caught. In the distance, someone shouted: "Brother, hurry up, there are less than ten seconds left!" "

Lin Sanjiu and the muscular man were face to face, separated by three or four steps, and they both stopped. This time the tribute is available, and the fight can wait until the next time the white light stops.

"No, I have just evolved, I am only twenty-three years old, please—"

Her cry was cut off by a muffled sound, leaving a silent stadium suddenly empty. Immediately, the sound of a human body hitting and rolling down the steps rang loudly, rolling further and further away. Finally, it was like a baby bird breaking open its eggshell, releasing a piece of white light.

The girl was immersed and melted in the white light.

The moment the white light beam stopped, no one dared to move. Even Lin Sanjiu and the sturdy man opposite were still glancing in the direction of the light beam with their peripheral vision and did not make a move; however, at this moment, a figure quietly approached the light beam.

Lin Sanjiu didn't dare to turn around and look, she just pricked up her ears and listened with bated breath.

The man sighed.

"Only twenty-three years old..."

The female host, who had been missing since the beginning of the game, was standing next to the light beam, her voice was deep, as if she was soaked in some kind of emotion. "There are so many things in the world that you will never see again, so many joys and sorrows that you will never experience again... You were loved and raised by someone, but in the hands of another person, you are even worse than a piece of mud."

She lowered her head, buried her face in her hands, and said no more.

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