Doomsday Home is the Most Stable

Chapter 474: Break one by one (top)

   Chapter 474 Destroy one by one (Part 1)


   Shen Jin gave an order, and all 10 teams moved.

   Everyone took out the [Mining Laser Gun],

   swooped down from an altitude of 10,000 meters.

   Action Team Ten,

   One person did not take out the [Mining Laser Gun], she was holding a [Energy Crystal] different from the others,

   Everyone else is red, she uses blue,

  She drew energy from it with both hands, and a white ball of light slowly grew from her head,

  Sun Li asked, "How long do you need to store energy?"

   "Give me half a minute"

   "Okay! All follow me and descend slowly."

   The swooping speed of this team of 100 people slowed down slightly, keeping behind Sun Li and his shadow,

  Sun Li's shadow is also wearing the same equipment as him, holding a laser gun.

  Liu Key closed his eyes and tried his best to draw energy from the [Lanbottom Crystal]. The energy accumulated more and more, and the light ball became bigger and bigger.

   The people around her unconsciously distanced themselves from her,

   That oppressive force made others feel a dangerous atmosphere,

   is as dangerous as a third-order superhuman.

   "Dangerous? What's not dangerous? It's the best choice to collect enough merits and go back to promotion. Besides, we have this modified ship, and the energy protection system can ensure that we will be safe after boarding."

   He thought about the fact that he escaped the pursuit of a third-order superhuman by means of a search boat a few days ago, and added:

   "Very safe!"


   In the cabin, several supernatural beings from the gods set just got up, and at this time, they were sitting together in disheveled clothes and chatting.

   Two beautiful girls with yellow skin in revealing clothes are cooking,

   The superhuman who just spoke touched the girl's **** with a lewd smile on his face,

   Then he took a deep breath on his nose,

   "Hehe~ These Southeast Asian girls are really good"

   "Ono-kun is wrong, it should be all 18-year-old girls, Hahahaha!"


   Several men slapped their hands on both of them with lewd smiles,

   The two girls shivered, but they were still preparing breakfast and did not dare to resist.

After laughing for a while, the man named Ono-kun said sullenly: "With Shang Xiumin's absence, we will have the opportunity to do what we want to do, and the organization should not send a woman to be the captain of the search team, suppressing the team. Nature, can't torture these female prisoners, life is a lot less fun"

   "Xiaoye Vice-Captain Shen Yan, I heard that Ling Ling-sang has been transferred to a high-level office. We just need to know about this. If it spreads to her ears, maybe it will cause some bad things. It's unnecessary."

   Ono-kun nodded: "Well, Lin Sang is right. I don't care about her, she has to leave anyway. I will be the captain in the future, and I will definitely not be able to treat you badly!"

   Several people cheered and congratulated Ono-kun for his upcoming promotion.

  Suddenly, a silent man who didn't speak much raised his head and looked at the top of the cabin,

   "You. Did you feel a scorching sun-like energy appearing above?"

   The other people were stunned for a moment, and then laughed in unison: "Haha, it's the time when the sun rises, of course I will feel it. It is said that Jiuli-Jun is too sensitive to energy, and the energy of the sun can be felt."

   "Captain Ono, solar energy is the biggest energy source on earth. A little bit of energy leaking out is enough for us all over the world to use. Abilities count as P in front of solar energy!"

   "Hahaha, yeah, go, let's go out and watch the sunrise!"

   Jiuni's color is grim: "It doesn't feel like the sun is rising"

   "Hehe, just go out and take a look."

   The group walked to the deck, looked up, and there were 100 people floating in the air all around, surrounding the ship,

   holding an oddly shaped firearm, aiming at them,

  The energy ball above condenses,

   No one doubts whether these strangely shaped guns can be fired,

   The cold sweat on the faces of everyone in the search team 10 fell down at once,

   "Wait! Your Excellency is"

  Sun Li didn't listen to his explanation and ordered directly: "Fire!"

   "Boom boom boom!"

   99 laser cannons were fired, which is equivalent to 99 [TNT] simultaneously launched on the ship and exploded.


  The outside of this seemingly ordinary merchant ship of Shenji has a blood-red energy shield.

   "Boom boom boom—"

   A circle of energy shocks exploded on the shield, making bursts of roars,

  The boat began to shake violently,

  In resistance, the energy shield is getting thinner and thinner,


   After resisting Sun Li's first round of bombardment, it exploded completely,

   Several superhumans on the deck have already run into the cabin to call for other superhumans to come out to meet the enemy,

   A smile appeared on the corner of Sun Li's mouth: "Is this the energy shield that Brother Jin said. It's gone in one round? It's too weak, hit me again!"

   The laser guns in everyone's hands began to charge,

   A ball of energy gradually became larger in the open barrel of the laser gun,

  【Blasting Mode】It is not a burst, because of its huge power, it needs to output more electricity from the energy source of the laser gun to the barrel, and it can be released after compression.

  The reload time of each energy cannon is about 5 seconds,

   Liu Key's voice came from behind Sun Li: "Let me go! Let me come!"

   At this time, the energy light ball on top of her head has grown huge, twice as large as when she demonstrated it in front of Shen Jin that day!

  Because she ate the carrot that was sinking,

  This time, a full 400,000 electricity was absorbed!

   The special transcendent who Shenji felt just now was the energy accumulated on Liu Key's head.


   The white energy light ball above Liu Key's head was not thrown out,

   Instead, an opening was opened, and a cylindrical energy light wave poured out!

   At this time when the sun rises,

   Between heaven and earth, a blazing energy wave is more dazzling than sunlight,


   instantly enveloped the entire ship,

  The huge energy wave tore the hull, and pieces of the deck melted directly, turning into fly ash,

   revealed the superhuman who was in a hurry in the cabin,

   They each used their own abilities to resist, but the energy column formed by this 400,000 kWh of electricity was too powerful.

   Such an attack is comparable to the full blow of a third-order extraordinary!

   Those who are the highest second-order superhuman can't bear it at all,

  Under the energy beam, the superhuman beings were melted

   After Liu Key's energy column was launched, the search team's boat was already torn apart, and there were not one out of ten extraordinary people inside.

   The rest are the strong of this team,

   They haven't had time to breathe a sigh of relief,

  99 rounds of energy cannons bombarded again,

   Shenji people widened their eyes and cursed:





  The world is clean.


  Sun Li stretched out his hand to stop the cheering that was about to erupt,

   "Wait a minute. Come and see again"

  The crowd recharged the laser gun again,

  Suddenly, the five supernatural beings on the deck, who seemed to be dead, cursed a few words and jumped into the sea.

   "You 20 strafes one round and then board the ship. Check if there are still alive, and the rest will chase after me!"

  Sun Li's body was arranging tasks, and the shadow had already chased after him.

   A second-order water power user in the team shouted: "Follow me, I'll take the lead!"

   One after another power flow emanated from him, wrapping everyone around,

   After Sun Li and the others entered the water, their bodies suddenly lightened, and a bubble formed in the water, and there was air in it for them to breathe.

  In this way, 80 Bubble People chased 5 God Set people at a very fast speed,

   "They were badly injured and couldn't run far!"

  After 15 minutes.

  A figure after another jumped up from the sea level, and the five deceased supernatural beings were lifted up by them.

"mission completed."


   The crowd was about to cheer when Sun Li stretched out his hand again to stop the crowd,

   "We are the closest to the boss. There is the most powerful search team in the Shenji. There are third-order extraordinary people. The boss may not be able to solve the battle quickly, let's help!"

   They were in the Whale Sea Strait, just north of the country of cooking cakes. Before the end of the world, they belonged to the territory of the country of the Crocodile.

   And Sinjin is on the coast of Goryeo,

   On the way, they only need to pass by the country of cooking cakes,

   "All holding the [Energy Crystal] to charge, let's go!"

  Everyone flew up with Sun Li again. Just now, except for Liu Key, the others didn't consume much power.

   For these superhumans who are at least a first-order advanced, a battle of this intensity is a warm-up match.

   They haven't fought yet, the enemy has been blown up.

   Of course, this is also the reason why Xing Lingling left with a confidant. This search team was originally the weakest, and could not resist under the lewd power of the laser gun.


  100 people soared into the sky, all the way to the coast of Goryeo.

   At the same time, the other nine teams attacked!

   But their efficiency is not as high as Sun Li's group,

   The opponents each team encounters are particularly difficult to deal with.

   Each has its own team's means,

  The group led by Meng San,

   After two consecutive rounds of laser cannons, the ship's protective cover was blown open.

   But the people inside were already alert,

  Some people from the gods set went to the 'energy warehouse' to replace the crystal nucleus, trying to restart the energy cover,

   "Boom boom boom!"

   The third round of intensive bombardment struck,

   An extraordinary person on the ship waved his hands, and several frost walls appeared in the sky,

   block the laser cannon attack,

   But. Each of these shots is equivalent to the energy shock of a [TNT] explosion, which is not something that an ice-type power user can resist.


   After carrying 10 energy cannons, he vomited blood and fell to the ground.


  The ice wall shattered,

   But two earthen walls have appeared behind the ice wall, as well as various elemental protection powers,

   The team's response was much faster, and the ability users with defensive functions used their abilities to forcibly defend this wave of attacks.

   And other superhumans quickly figured out a way to counter it!

  100 superhuman beings, with the help of other supernatural beings, threw them into the air and rushed towards the 100 people suspended in the low altitude,

   One person locks one,

   tried to pull Mengsan and his men into the sea to fight,

   They are masters in the sea,

  No one knows naval warfare better than a raiding party!

   As long as you are in the sea, you can pull into the field you are best at and defeat the enemy with rich experience!

   is a good abacus,

  Mengsan nodded approvingly, thinking they did the right thing, but he had a way to deal with it,

   "Launch to dodge!"

   The other team members put the laser gun into their belts, control the [Electric Jetpack] to move quickly, and pull up 100 meters in place!

   "plop plop-"

  The supernatural beings of the gods threw themselves into the air and all fell into the sea,

   "Hehe, is it faster and more flexible than the flying device invented by the boss? Let's talk about it when you reach the third level, [electric jetpack] yyds!"

   There are more than 200 extraordinary people on board, the most powerful of which are 20 second-order extraordinary people,

   I have to say that Shenji’s research on extraordinary potions is really the top in the world. There are a lot of extraordinary people, and their levels are not low.

   Shen into the 10 teams they sent, in fact, they all played more with less,

   But. The hot weapon army beats a group of ancient armies dancing with knives and guns. Naturally, it should be relaxed.

  In the sky, everyone charged up the laser gun again,

  When the energy storage is about to be completed, dive down and reach the attack range of the laser gun.

   "Boom boom boom—"

   intensive energy bombarded away,

   Their defense system superhumans don't have such strong resilience, and big holes were blown out on the deck.

  The whole boat began to shake violently, water flooded everywhere,


   "Damn Chinese! Come down and die with me!"

   "I want to go head to head with your leader. The Bushido spirit guarantees that I will definitely be one-on-one with you. If you are a warrior, accept my challenge!"

   responded to him with the next round of bombing,

   "Boom boom boom—"

  This time, someone in the energy cabin in their ship has already replaced it with a new energy supply core.

   The blood-colored energy shield rose again to protect the people on the boat, and they could resist a few more attacks.

   Stay temporarily.

   This is the 5th search team of Shenji. The captain said with a gloomy face: "Damn Chinese, how did they find us? Their weapons are too powerful, hurry up and report to the headquarters and ask for support!"

   The subordinate said with a sad face: "Captain, the satellite equipment has been blown up, we can't communicate"

   "Baga! Then use the satellite phone!"

   "The energy fluctuations here are so dense, the magnetic field is disturbed so badly that satellite signals cannot be received"

   "Damn! Can the ship still run? Let's get out of here and find a way to contact the headquarters!"

   "Yes! I'm going to turn on the energy acceleration mode!"

   "Hurry up!" The captain kicked the driver hard,

   Incompetent fury.

   In the sky, Meng San commanded: "A group of 50 people, as rehearsed, will attack the ships in five rounds in batches. The attack time is shifted by 1 second to ensure that the bombardment does not stop."

   "The top 30 crossbowmen in the second group, shoot the people below for me!"

   "The three groups of supernatural beings, put on melee weapons, go down with me and stab a few holes in his ship, still want to run!?"


   The troops in the sky are rehearsed,

   instantly reduces the firepower and increases the density,

  10 rounds of attacks, falling on the energy shield of the ship in a row, although the attack strength has dropped a lot, but it is better not to give them time to breathe,

   On the contrary, it made the ship shake even more,

  The energy shield can block the attack, but the power will still be transmitted to the ship, and many places are hit with pits due to the impact of the power.

  In the air, the 30 Transcendent Crossbowmen looked confused for a while, unlocked the first order of the genetic lock,

   They were once the strong crossbowmen of the Q city military!

   is exquisite in archery,

  After unlocking the gene lock, the fighting instinct from the gene has greatly strengthened their mastery of the crossbow.

   allows them to understand the disturbance of the surrounding environment to a very clear level,

  Data such as wind speed, arrow weight, shooting kinetic energy, air resistance, enemy's movement trajectory, etc. naturally appear in their minds, and they can instantly find an optimal shooting angle and distance.

   They shoot without missing hair!

  30 crossbowmen put the laser guns in their hands into their belts, and took out the [Slime Crossbow], the blood-colored energy on it shone,

   Aim at the supernatural beings who are swimming fast below,


  PS: Thank you for your monthly votes, there are too many! it's overflowing

   (end of this chapter)

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