Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 100 Such cruelty of use

Shen Fanxing's pupils shrank suddenly, and the strength under his feet felt instantly taken away in an instant.

"Fan Xing, do you really plan to let grandma down like this all the time?!"

Jiang Rongrong's heart-wrenching words suddenly exploded in her mind, and she was also moved for a moment.

Remembering that she was still her grandmother after all, she was also sad for what she had done in the past.

It turned out that he was unilaterally wasting his feelings.

"This dress is indeed what my grandma asked me for! Since I decided to give it to you, I don't want it! Although the style is a bit old, you are still two years older than me. Preda's clothes are also international brands. Give you!"

With a look of disdain, Shen Qianrou shoved the box into Shen Fanxing's arms.

Shen Fanxing immediately took a step back, raised his hand and waved the box away.

The black dress fell on the concrete floor and glowed black.

"You..." Shen Qianrou was furious.

Shen Fanxing had an icy aura all over his body, and an indifferent face with a gloomy and icy expression.

"I haven't fallen to the point where you can give charity! Shen Qianrou, don't challenge my patience again..."

"Qianrou, Fanxing, what are you doing?"

Su Heng's anxious voice came from the front, and then Shen Fanxing looked up and saw Su Heng striding towards here.

His eyes first glanced at the clothes scattered on the ground, and then subconsciously took Shen Qianrou into his arms.

"What's wrong?"

"Brother Heng..."

Shen Qianrou let out a soft cry, and a deep sense of helplessness and fragility flashed across her delicate face. In the end, she stopped talking and buried her head in Su Heng's arms with tears in her eyes.

That beautiful and weak look makes people feel distressed. Although she doesn't say anything now, she has an intuitive feeling that is self-evident to everyone——

Shen Qianrou is so simple, weak and kind, to become like this, she must be bullied by the indifferent and strong Shen Fanxing in front of her!

Su Heng's gaze is the one that Shen Fanxing is most familiar with recently.

Disappointment, blame, helplessness... unreasonable.

Shen Fanxing raised the corners of his lips, not without irony!

"Fanxing, you... can't you just sit down and have a good chat every time?"

Just now he saw with his own eyes that she knocked over the box Qianrou handed her to the ground.

Shen Fanxing looked at Su Heng indifferently, her heart was difficult, but she still had a cold and ironic smile.

talk about what?

Talking about you betraying me, hanging out together is not enough, and asking her to come forward to cover for them when going out and out of public places?

Is she Shen Fanxing that stupid?

Stupid enough to let them manipulate her like this and use her?

And it was used so cruelly!

In the end, Shen Fanxing couldn't hold back, and looked at Su Heng with a sarcastic smile.

That kind of expression is obviously smiling, but there is no smile in his eyes.


A hint of contempt gradually appeared in Shen Fanxing's eyes.

Su Heng's heart swayed suddenly, and then fell down very fast, with a slight pain in his chest.

He moved his lips, he knew what to say at this moment according to his heart!

But the body in his arms that was shaking slightly from crying in a low voice made him choke the unformed words in his throat.

In the end, he watched helplessly as Shen Fanxing passed them by.

A cold breath brushed past the two of them, and a white shadow flashed past.

In fact, he had noticed it from the beginning.

Today's Shen Fanxing is dressed like she has never seen before.

A white suit dress, tall and tall, revealing a pair of slender and straight calves.

It turns out that a woman who used to be so rigid and harsh can actually show a charming femininity in her power.

Su Heng's heart was heavy and complicated.

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