On the morning of January 27, Zhou Jixian called Zhou Weiguo to the study.

Zhou Jixian frowned and said: "Yesterday, the Japanese State issued a letter of mourning to our government. "

"The Mournful Book of Madton?".

Zhou Jixian nodded and said, "Yes, that's the meaning of the ultimatum." The little devil was limited to January 28, before 6 p.m., to give a satisfactory answer to Murai's unreasonable demands. Otherwise, the Wa Kingdom will act freely. "

"Freedom of movement?".

Zhou Weiguo sneered and said, "Don't you just want to fight? Are we still afraid that they won't succeed?" "

Zhou Jixian sighed helplessly and said: "We are not afraid, but some people are afraid! According to the information I have received, the Nanjing government is already seeking a compromise with the Japanese state. "


Zhou Weiguo snorted coldly, and said with some anger: "I really don't know what these guys think, is it useful to compromise? It will only make the little devil even more inched." "

"I think the politicians in the Nanjing government are just a bunch of old fools who only care about their personal interests and completely ignore the general interests of the nation. "

Zhou Jixian sighed helplessly and said, "In this way, I'm afraid this battle can't be fought." "

Zhou Weiguo hurriedly said: "Father's words are wrong. "

"Oh, what do you think of my son?" Zhou Jixian raised his eyebrows and hurriedly asked.

Zhou Weiguo explained: "This time it was the little devil who deliberately caused trouble, and we compromised, will the little devil give up?"

"Is it so simple that they are making trouble just to make us apologize, ban anti-Japanese organizations, and compensate them for their losses?"

"Obviously not, their ambitions are much bigger, they want Shanghai, East China, and even the whole of China. "

"So no matter how the government compromises, the little devils will not give up, and those five unreasonable demands are just little devils looking for a fig leaf for their aggression. "

Zhou Jixian frowned and pondered for a moment, and then said: "In this way, if the little devil doesn't take Shanghai, he will definitely not go to the top and take a break." "


Zhou Weiguo nodded and said: "The little devil will definitely launch an attack on Shanghai, I heard that the first batch of reinforcements from the devil has arrived in Shanghai, and the little devil has also organized thousands of overseas Chinese, equipped them with weapons, and is ready for war at any time." "

"Therefore, I conclude that by to-morrow night at the latest, the little devils will attack. "

When Zhou Jixian heard this, his expression became more serious, and he frowned and said, "How are you preparing over there." "

Zhou Weiguo swore an oath: "Please rest assured father, after these few days of intensive training, our factory protection team already has a certain combat effectiveness, once the war breaks out, we will go to the front line to fight against the Japanese and defend the country." "

Therefore, the child deliberately changed his name to Zhou Weiguo, taking the meaning of protecting the family and defending the country, so as to clarify his ambition. I hope my father will agree. "

Zhou Jixian nodded and said: "I named you Zhou Wen for my father before, and I wanted you to be a literati and save the country with science and technology." "

"Today, my son has the idea of throwing pen to paper and defending the country, and he is very pleased for his father. Zhou Weiguo, this name is very good. "

If you really go to the battlefield, you represent not only yourself, but all of us Chinese people. "

"Therefore, if you don't do well, you will be embarrassed, and you will lose the face of all our Chinese people. "

Zhou Weiguo hurriedly said: "Please rest assured, father, the child will fight bravely to kill the enemy and win glory for the country." "


Sure enough, as Zhou Jixian said, the Shanghai Municipal Government adhered to Lao Chiang's instruction principle of 'enduring humiliation and burden', and ordered the police to close down anti-Japanese organizations from all walks of life in Shanghai, such as the Anti-Japanese Salvation Association.

In this way, he sought a compromise with the Japanese in exchange for peace.

At the same time, in order to prevent the 19th Route Army from disobeying orders, it clashed with the Japanese pirates.

Lao Chiang personally ordered the 6th Military Police Regiment to rush to Shanghai by train to take over the 19th Route Army's Weng Zhaoyuan Defense Area.

It was arranged in the middle of the 19th Route Army and the Japanese and played a buffering role. Avoid conflicts.

On 28 January, the Shanghai Municipal Government replied to the ultimatum of the Japanese side, accepting all of the five unreasonable demands put forward by the Japanese state and making a thorough compromise with the Japanese state.

After receiving the reply from the Shanghai Municipal Government, the Consul General of the Japanese Nation in Shanghai expressed his satisfaction with this.

He also informed the commander of the Japanese fleet, Koichi Shiozawa.

Shiozawa tore the document to shreds and threw it in the trash.

"I didn't expect the Huaxia people to be so tolerant that they really accepted our request. "

"Your Excellency, you have no excuse for that. A devil officer next to him said.

"Hmph, it's hard to make excuses!".

Shiozawa Koichi said with a sneer: "The previous request was only a request made by the consulate, and it does not represent our military. "

"Immediately, in the name of this commander and in the name of the Imperial Army of the Great Japanese Empire, an ultimatum will be issued to the Huaxia government. "

"In order to protect the safety of the expatriates of our empire, the 19th Route Army of China was ordered to immediately withdraw from the Zhabei area and be taken over by our army. "

"I don't believe that they can still accept such a request. "

"Your Excellency, Commander, is wise. But what if, the humble position means that if the Chinese people accept it!" the devil officer next to him said cautiously.

"There is no such thing as a what-if!".

Shiozawa Koichi sneered and said, "I won't give them this opportunity." "

"Immediately order the Marines and the Japanese Volunteers to immediately prepare to launch an attack on the Zhabei area. "

"It's time to attack tonight. "

"Your Excellency Commander, you are wise, so that the Chinese will not be able to reply to us in time, so we can use this as an excuse to launch an attack. The devil officer said with a flattering face.

"Execute the order immediately!" said Shiozawa Koichi with a sneer.


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