Disassembling System: Begin With Scrapyard Alchemy

Chapter 248: cooperation with the country

Not only foreign governments, but also domestic governments have focused their attention on it some time ago.

Until today, Cheng Xu really waited for them.

The reason for these days is not because they don't pay attention to this matter, but because this matter is of great importance, so the process and approval are a little more cumbersome.

Before they came, they had actually held a lot of meetings to discuss this matter.

Although there were only four people here this time, both in terms of level and level of attention, they were not comparable to those of the previous inspections.

The first time they met, Cheng Xu also took a serious look at the few people in front of him.

The temperament of the two middle-aged men at the head looked like ordinary people.

The woman next to her, who was about forty years old, was also dressed very smartly.

Judging from his words and deeds, he seemed to be their secretary.

The last one was a young man in his thirties.

Judging from Kong Wu's strong figure and dark and rough skin, he must have been a soldier, not an ordinary soldier.

After shaking hands and saying hello, the female secretary also introduced the two leaders beside her to Cheng Xu.

She pointed to the slightly richer middle-aged man beside her and said:

"This is Director Cai, who is in charge of this project."

Then he turned to the thin-eyed middle-aged man and introduced:

"This is Chief Engineer Liu. As for me, you can call me Secretary Li."

No one else was invited to participate in this meeting, and the only participant of Qidian Company was Cheng Xu.

They also did research in advance, and knew that Cheng Xu was the absolute soul of this company.

They also made relevant speculations that this technology and the previous scientific research results were also independently developed by him.

After a few people entered the conference room, they didn't say too many polite words, and went straight to the topic.

Director Cai cleared his throat and said: We came here this time mainly to talk to you about the cooperation between this technology and the country, and also to provide certain policy support, financial subsidies, technical support, etc. to your company. The specific cooperation contents are as follows…”

His expression was very precise. In just a few words, Cheng Xu understood the specific content of these cooperations and the related meanings.

"I wonder what Mr. Cheng thinks about our cooperation this time?"

After speaking, he also smiled and looked at Cheng Xu, wanting to hear his opinion.

This is of course a good thing. After joining this cooperation plan, they can not only get the support of various national policies, but also can clear up many difficulties in operation and production for them, but also open up a huge market for them. .

Logically speaking, they couldn't think of any reason for Cheng Xu's refusal.

Cheng Xu has also been listening and thinking, and recorded the main points of the speech just now on his notebook.

Hearing Director Cai's question, Cheng Xu raised his head and replied with a smile:

"I think this cooperation is actually unnecessary now."

Hearing this sentence, Secretary Li snorted in his heart, and then frowned.

Judging from the results of their previous discussions and analysis, even if Cheng Xu disagreed with their plan, it is unlikely that he would say such a direct refusal to cooperate.

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However, Director Cai and Chief Engineer Liu didn't say anything. They all waited patiently for Cheng Xu's next words, and didn't show any strangeness on their faces.

Cheng Xu then smiled and said:

"The reason why I don't have to do this cooperation is because I have a better cooperation plan here."

Director Cai's eyes lit up. He is indeed aroused by this young man's curiosity. He really wants to know what kind of new project it is, which can make this cooperation unnecessary.

Cheng Xu didn't sell anything, and continued:

"Actually, we already have a newer generation of battery technology, and it's a very different technology than the one that's launched today.

This new battery technology has not only made a major breakthrough in data, including energy storage and charging speed, which can be more than twice that of the currently released battery.

And a major breakthrough has also been made in materials, getting rid of the demand for metallic lithium, and its main elements are sulfur and silicon.

So in terms of cost, there has been a big drop. "

"What? Are you sure you have such technology?"

The first one who was uncertain was Chief Engineer Liu next to him. He couldn't believe what Cheng Xu said just now.

You must know that the new generation of products that Cheng Xu and his company are now launching are actually very shocking.

It's not because this new product has made a leap forward, because now the country actually has battery technology similar to Cheng Xu's battery, but it can't be compared with him in terms of safety. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

They were surprised because their developer was only a young man in his early twenties, and there was no huge scientific research team behind them. This was what shocked them the most.

And now he even announced that he has more advanced battery technology.

It's like a child who first made a light statement about breaking the world record in the 100-meter sprint, and then told you that he didn't actually use his full strength, and he could even run within eight seconds.

You must know that the performance of the current battery has actually reached a bottleneck. It can be said that it is more difficult to more than double it, and such a breakthrough will definitely bring about qualitative changes.

If this is true, countless application scenarios of this kind of battery have flashed in his mind.

At this time, even Director Cai looked at Cheng Xu with a look of inquiry and expectation.

Although he is not a professional researching this technology, he also definitely knows the meaning behind it.

Secretary Li's heart on the side was also thumping.

Cheng Xu looked at their expectant eyes, just smiled and nodded and said:

"I'm sure."

This meeting didn't last long. It wasn't that their content was finished, but that a larger platform was needed and more people were involved.

The aspect of this new technology is no longer up to the two of them to decide.

If what Cheng Xu said is true, then this will bring about a real technological revolution, and it will even affect the entire country and its power status in the world.

Just after the meeting ended, Cheng Xu followed them and took a special plane to the capital.

This trip did not notify anyone in the company, and Cheng Xu's trajectory of action was quickly raised to a confidential level.

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