Director’s Legend

0325 (not studying hard)

"No matter what you do, breaking the game is always difficult. The road to breaking the game in Chinese films is also very difficult. Don't ask me, how to break the game, I don't know. But I understand one thing, the reason why the game has not yet Broken, it’s not because of the scissorhands of radio and television, because of the picky appetite of the audience, and it’s not because we don’t have excellent filmmakers. As a director of Chinese-language films, the help I can give and the support I can do are from the New Electronic Technology Research Institute. These technologies, as well as the supported Youth Dao League and Qingfeng Dao Assistance Program. If we want to break the situation, we need a large number of filmmakers to work together. It is not the success of one film, but the success of many, many films!"

"I said these words today because I am a Chinese-language film director and because I am Chinese. I hope that when you refute what I said, you can think about it. You brought a little touch... Then, I'm done talking, you can ask questions." Shao Shuaijun exhaled, took another sip of water, and leaned back on the chair with a tired expression.

It still takes a lot of effort to say such a long paragraph.

When it was the reporter's turn to ask questions, the reporter of the "Beijing News" immediately raised his hand: "Director Shao, we are deeply touched by your inspiring words. What is the current situation and what direction can we develop to improve our competitiveness?"

"I don't know how to increase competitiveness, but I think that when we can't find the subject matter and humanistic direction of the film, we might as well improve the hardware facilities of the film. Improve the picture quality, improve the sophistication of special effects, etc. After all, we say 'Watching movies', movies need to be seen with the eyes, and the effect of the picture has been improved, which will definitely help a lot in competitiveness."

Then several reporters asked Shao Shuaijun a few questions about Chinese movies. However, this topic was a bit heavy after all, and within a few minutes, the topic was changed: "Excuse me, Director Shao. You are directing two films at the same time in Hollywood. Is there anything different about this shooting method?"

"There is a lot of pressure, but there is motivation when there is pressure. The double-opening feels very cool. Two different themes and two different shooting styles not only did not make me feel confused. On the contrary, they can intertwine very wonderful inspirations. This kind of The method is a bit tiring, but I can discover my greater potential."

""The Rise of the Planet of the Apes" uses the most advanced facial expression capture technology. Director Shao, you also said that you like to learn advanced technology. James Cameron is a technology madman. Are you also a technology madman, Director Shao?"

"I'm low-educated, so I need to learn more." Shao Shuaijun said modestly. However, he was indeed low-educated. He was a graduate of Nortel in name, and Zheng Erba's education level was only high school. [

"Director Shao, your performance in "Old Boy" has been praised by many people and gained many fans. Do you have any plans to continue developing as an actor?"

"No more. I just act for fun. I'm already tired enough to be a director. If I continue to act, I'm going to exhaust myself."

"It's been a long time since you proposed, when do you plan to get married?"

"I can tell you."

"There are rumors that you are about to switch careers to be a producer, isn't it?"

"Your news is really outdated. Movies produced by Golden Harvest and Summit Entertainment. How many of them are I not the producer of?"

"When will your next Chinese film be?"

"I have no idea."

"What is the expected box office for 'Teddy Bear' and 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes'?"

"I'm not a magic stick, how would I know."


"Wanda Cinemas has become the largest theater company in China, accounting for one-third of the market share. Many independent filmmakers claim that the theater chain is monopolized, which leads to the blockbuster films made by only a few filmmakers. Is this true?"

"There are many films that survived small-scale releases. There are also many dead films that were released on a large scale. You should first find out why your own film was rejected, instead of blaming others for rejecting you... Well, half an hour has passed. I There is still something else, let’s end today’s press conference here.”

After grinding my mouth for a long time, I finally wore it away for half an hour. Shao Shuaijun immediately bid farewell to the reporters and came to his office. The company has a backlog of documents for more than a month, and he needs to review and sign. Now Chasing Dream Entertainment Group's stall is getting bigger and bigger, and it is entering more and more industries.

With the film industry as the leader and the Internet as the platform, we will lay out the pan-entertainment industry chain. Video publishing, toy souvenirs, studio theaters, theme parks, and entertainment programs around movies have all developed by leaps and bounds. It also spans the entertainment circles of China, the United States, and India. Therefore, more and more files are generated. [

Of course, these files are just backups, and the purpose is to let him know what projects the company is working on. As for decision-making, he has the highest veto power, and the company has to obey his orders. But if he does not participate in decision-making, the board meeting will also exercise this right on his behalf. It's the same with or without him.

Therefore, Shao Shuaijun just stretched his head to look at the hill of documents, then yawned and turned around to walk away.

After visiting various departments of the company, I experienced the prestige of the top leader, and then went to jet lag in the break. It was not until night that Li Xiuxiu woke him up and went to the restaurant together. He invited Cai Xiaoyun and Cai Shufeng to dinner tonight, to watch over the elder sister, to see if Cai Shufeng could become a qualified brother-in-law.

There were quite a lot of people eating, Li Xiuxiu and Li Bingbing, Shao Shuaijun and Shao Xiaoling, Cai Xiaoyun and Cai Shufeng, six of them. The four girls were chatting on twitter, while Shao Shuaijun and Cai Shufeng were chatting one after another.

"Uncle Cai is going to be promoted?" Shao Shuaijun asked while gnawing on a pig's trotter.

"I don't know yet." Cai Shufeng gave the impression that he was very calm, or rather dull, reticent, and had the style of a soldier.

"I have news that Uncle Cai is going to be transferred to Radio and Television. The two teams of the General Administration of Press and Publication and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television will be integrated. The propaganda department may allow Uncle Cai to take power." Shao Shuaijun said his gossip.

It cannot be said to be gossip. At his level, he has come into contact with high-level political figures. When he gave a speech at Xindian Technology, even the Deputy Prime Minister attended. Eating and drinking together or something.

China is an official-based country, but the wealth and social status have reached a certain level, which is no weaker than the authority of the officialdom. Shao Shuaijun is now wealthy and famous. It's not that he is praising the officials of the Ministry of Culture and the Radio and Television Station, but these officials are praising his stinky feet.

If Chasing Dreams was only a Chinese company, the higher-ups could do whatever they wanted, but now Chasing Dreams is a multinational conglomerate, and Summit Entertainment is a six-level Hollywood company. Such a company can already dominate the fate of an industry. It has far-reaching implications. It is not only protected by the Chinese government, but also by the US government, and even the Hong Kong regional government. After a while, Chasing Dreams will develop in South Asia. The Indian government will also be asylum.

This is a grown tree that is hard to shake.

So now Shao Shuaijun can scold as much as he wants, and he doesn't need to care about other people's faces.

Naturally, there is also a layer-by-layer relationship network attached to the high-level, well-informed.

"I didn't pay attention." Cai Shufeng was not moved by the news, it seemed that he was not pretending to be deep, but really not interested.

Born into a political family. Not interested in politics, very interesting, Shao Shuaijun began to appreciate him.

"Hehe, what hobbies do Brother Feng usually have?"

"What hobbies can my brother have, the biggest hobby is catching thieves." Cai Xiaoyun interjected.

Cai Shufeng shook his head: "This is a duty, not a hobby. I like playing football very much."

"Football, I knew Chinese football was stinky." Shao Shuaijun chuckled, "But I plan to buy a football team sometime. By the way, Brother Feng, do you know about Beijing Guoan? I want to buy it." , invite foreign world champion coaches to train, buy a few more powerful players, and strive to win a few consecutive championships. See if you can improve the structure of the Chinese Super League."

"Well, I only like playing football. I rarely pay attention to football teams." Cai Shufeng smiled awkwardly.

Cai Xiaoyun rolled his eyes: "My brother plays football, it smells like Chinese football. By the way, great director. When did you like playing football?"

Shao Shuaijun shook his head: "I didn't say I like football, I just think it's very interesting to buy a football team. I used to have dinner with Wanda's boss Wang, and I heard him talking about football teams and so on. What kind of Evergrande is going to be put on the ground. I think he is a bit arrogant, and I want to show him some color."

"Is this the reason why you bought the team? Well, I can't keep up with the thinking of your rich people." Cai Xiaoyun said.

After the meal was over, although they hadn't found a common language for chatting, Shao Shuaijun's first impression of Cai Shufeng was not bad, and he didn't object to Shao Xiaoling's relationship with Cai Shufeng. The elder sister is not young anymore, and it's time to find someone to marry.

After dinner, they went back to their homes. Shao Shuaijun and Li Xiuxiu seized the time to spend the night together. On the second day, they reluctantly got on a special plane and flew to the United States to continue directing his film.

Shao Shuai's soldiers left, but the waves they created could not be stopped.

"Shao Shuaijun thinks that Chinese filmmakers are all bad boys, don't study hard!"

"Angrily denouncing the unhealthy atmosphere in the Chinese film industry, Shao Shuaijun once again advocated that filmmakers should learn more new technologies."

"Shao Shuaijun praised "Avatar" for its technical intentions, and "Old Boy" should not be a fig leaf for the downfall of Chinese-language movies."

"New electronic technology reserves technology for Chinese-language films, and there are very few applicants; Shao Shuaijun denounces Chinese filmmakers as backward in thinking and not eager to make progress."

"Standing and talking doesn't hurt your back. Shao Shuaijun enjoys himself in Hollywood, but belittles Chinese-language movies. His heart is damning!" - "Southern Metropolis Entertainment Weekly".

"Speaking for the rise of Chinese films, Shao Shuaijun moved reporters with his pure heart."

"Nortel President Zhang Huijun interpreted Shao Shuaijun's news speech in detail, and praised Shao Shuaijun as a rare sober person in the Chinese film industry."

"Radio and Television highly praised Shao Shuaijun, saying that Scissorhands is also for the harmonious development of Chinese-language films, and hopes to see more filmmakers make films with their hearts."

Major media outlets published Shao Shuaijun’s speech, and the majority of netizens also participated in it. Most people agreed with Shao Shuaijun’s point of view, believing that Chinese-language films can no longer boast, and must take practical actions to improve the quality of films. However, not many filmmakers expressed their views on this speech.

Maybe it's not that they don't know a lot of truths, but they just don't want to do it.

You can make money by making small-budget comedies, so why bother to pretend to be serious and make big productions?

Regardless of whether it has affected some filmmakers, Shao Shuaijun has already unloaded his burden of reporting, done what should be done, said what should be said, and the rest depends on everyone's awareness. He has no free time to hustle around, and there are a lot of things waiting to be done. (to be continued...)

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