Director’s Legend

0322 (four awards)

On January 17, 2010, the 67th American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards were held in Beverly Hills, California, USA. Shao Shuaijun did not need a female companion, but walked the red carpet with Danny Boyle. When the two walked on the red carpet, the reporter's flashlights kept taking pictures. These two directors, in this season, are absolutely popular.

Needless to say, Shao Shuaijun, the title of King of Asia is basically confirmed, and Danny has become the most popular candidate for this year's Golden Globe Awards with his "Slumdog Millionaire".

The actors still needed to pose on the stage to show off their coquettishness, while Shao Shuaijun and Danny went directly to sit down. This year Summit Entertainment can be said to have a huge presence at the Golden Globe Awards. "Slumdog Millionaire" is the number one hit, and the crew of "Sherlock Holmes" also attended the Golden Globe Awards.

As the boss and producer, all the crew of the two crews came to greet Shao Shuaijun, and it was no longer deserted in the previous awards presentations. Say hello to acquaintances, chat with the crew, and soon it's time for the awards.

However, "Slumdog Millionaire" did not disappoint Shao Shuaijun. It won the best original soundtrack when it first came out, and also declared that the only chance for "Pounding Heartbeat" was gone. The composer of the soundtrack, R Raman, expressed his thanks in unison: "Thanks to the producer Shao Shuaijun, thanks to the director Danny, and thanks to my family..."

It was followed by "Slumdog Millionaire," which won Best Screenplay. When Danny Boyle took the stage, he had a lot of demeanor: "I am very happy to receive this award. I think the person I should thank the most is Shao Shuaijun, because this movie was originally planned to be directed by Shao Shuaijun himself. This opportunity was given to me, and Summit Entertainment also strongly supported me to shoot in India, really, thank you very much."

The camera turned to Shao Shuaijun, who smiled gently and clapped his hands with a calm expression. Next, Robert Downey Jr. won Best Actor in a Musical Comedy for "Sherlock Holmes," another victory for Summit Entertainment. After a while, "Slumdog Millionaire" ushered in the third award, the Best Director Award.

Boyle gave an excited speech on stage: "Thanks to my family for their support, to Director Shao Shuaijun for his help, and to all the members of the crew. This award belongs not only to me, but also to all who supported and helped "Slumdog Millions" Rich Man, thank you."

And after this award, it was Shao Shuaijun's turn to go backstage, and it was time for him to present the award for Best Actress in a Drama Series. [

After waiting for a while, the host called, and Shao Shuaijun made his debut in a well-fitting suit, looking very imposing. Holding an envelope in his hand, he walked unhurriedly to the microphone, and glanced at the observation deck, where there were people's heads everywhere. Presenting an award is not the same as receiving an award. I was in a good mood when I received the award, and I could ignore a lot. As for the award, I was a little nervous.

He has only had one award presentation experience, that is, at the Huabiao Awards in 2006, when he presented the award with Liu Yifei. Other than that, there was nothing, let alone the award presentation, and he did not accept the award a few times.

Clearing his throat, Shao Shuaijun was about to say something, but suddenly his mind went blank, and he actually forgot the lines he had thought up. He was originally going to show off his humor and reverse the serious and old-fashioned impression that others have of him! But this is the key, and I forget it completely.

The audience in the audience was buzzing, waiting for him to play tricks.

"Eh." Shao Shuaijun blinked his eyes, sighed, and said naively, "The best actress candidate, please watch the big screen."

"Haha." Many people laughed and even clapped their hands. This is definitely the shortest award presentation of this year's Golden Globe Awards.

The wonderful performances of several actresses were shown on the big screen. Shao Shuaijun tilted his head and sighed aside. This time the humor did not succeed, which must have aggravated the impression of others being stereotyped and chatty. After the big screen broadcast ended, Shao Shuaijun simply broke the jar, tore open the envelope, looked at the list and said, "Sandra Bullock won the Best Actress in a Drama Series."

Amid the applause, Sandra Bullock excitedly stepped onto the stage. Shao Shuaijun stood aside, wanting to slap himself twice, and after reading the list, he remembered what he wanted to say again.

He originally planned to make fun of several female stars, because he remembered that this year's upcoming Golden Raspberry Awards, Sandra Bullock won the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress for "The Queen of Courtship". The reason why I remember it so clearly is because the raspberry is so entertaining, and Sandra won the raspberry and the Oscar in the same year, which is very topical.

Shao Shuaijun came up with the idea of ​​using a truck as a gift for the golden raspberry show last year, which was inspired by Sandra Bullock's actions. Back then, she brought a bunch of v's to the golden raspberry judges.

He originally planned to use this as a joke, pretending to be a divination master, a fortune teller or something.

As a result, it failed home.

He silently lamented himself beside him, not knowing what Sandra Bullock said, and then he heard applause, and Brad was about to step down. Shao Shuaijun immediately put on a smiling face and walked backstage with Brad.

"Director Shao, your award speech is really cool, and you have so much personality." Sandra said with a grin as she walked.

Shao Shuaijun smiled awkwardly: "Oh, maybe." [

"It's true, if all the award presenters were like you, we wouldn't have to keep smiling all day, but the Golden Globes organizers might be crazy, and they might not dare to invite you as an award presenter next year gone."

Inviting guests to the awards ceremony also hopes to play tricks and increase the ratings. Someone like Shao Shuaijun with a straight face and no sense of humor who read his name directly can imagine how much it affected the ratings.

His face darkened for a moment, and Shao Shuaijun heheed unnaturally.

At the backstage, Sandra returned to the auditorium from the aisle, and Sandra smiled and extended her hand: "Director Shao, it's a pleasure to meet you, and I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

"Me too."

They shook hands and returned to their seats.

"Shao, wonderful awards!" Danny Boyle laughed.

"Director, there aren't many great directors in Hollywood with such a distinctive personality like you. At least Director Danny is very general, with a regular performance and no special features at all." Freida also laughed.

Shao Shuaijun's face darkened again, he was ashamed and thrown home today.

After the great director Spielberg won the Lifetime Achievement Award, the last and most important award of the Golden Globe Awards, Best Feature Film is coming.

After the highlight clips of several nominated films were played, the award presenter loudly said: "The winner of the best feature film is..."Slumdog Millionaire"!"

Aww, the poor crew cheered up and down.

Amidst loud applause, the crew surrounded Shao Shuaijun and walked onto the stage. As a producer, Shao Shuaijun received the trophy and picked up the microphone again.

Before he could open his mouth, the host came up to make a joke: "Shao, you won't just say thank you and go down. For the sake of the show's ratings, at least you can help me out by saying a few more words."

"Don't worry, I will cherish the last time on stage." Shao Shuaijun ignored the host's jokes, took the microphone, and said directly, "First of all, I would like to thank the Golden Globe Awards for awarding the best feature film to our crew. The affirmation of director Niboyle, the affirmation of the original author Vikas Swarup, and the affirmation of all our crew members. In order to shoot this movie, we stayed in India for more than half a year, and a lot happened, thank you What’s amazing is that we ended up making a movie that everyone saw as okay.”

"During the filming process, we discussed, what exactly do we want to tell through this film? Tell a fairy tale story? No, we don't want to tell a fairy tale. We just want to say, this is a story about suffering and goodness. The story, as Beethoven said, all suffering will be exchanged for goodness. I hope this movie can use such a victory of love and wealth to help every audience and win the millionaire prize in life, thank you."

In the applause, Shao Shuaijun and the crew hugged one by one, and then bowed to the audience together.

This Golden Globe is over.

A perfect wrap, four nominations, four awards, and "Slumdog Millionaire" is destined to be the millionaire of awards season.

The next day, coverage of the Golden Globes filled all newspapers and magazines.

"With four Golden Globes in hand, 'Slumdog Millionaire' will hopefully make it to Oscar night in March, a film whose rise has been a bit of a surprise because all the actors in it are big names , set in Mumbai, about an orphan and crimes on the streets of Mumbai. But the film became a critical hit and a box office success, eventually beating out other hits like James Cameron at the Golden Globes "Avatar," Catherine Bigelow's "Drop Down," and more." - Associated Press.

"Slumdog Millionaire, a small-budget movie, has won four trophies for best feature film, best director, best screenplay and best original music at the Golden Globes. This film is suspected to be the No. Big hit." - n.

""Slumdog Millionaire" had the last laugh, "Avatar" returned empty-handed, and the Golden Globes returned to mainstream academic aesthetics." - Reuters.

"Golden Ball for 'The Poor', Indian Films Biggest Winner." - The Times.

"Shao Shuaijun's Shortest Golden Globe Award, Spielberg's Lifetime Achievement." - The New York Times.

"Shao Shuaijun won the Golden Globe Award for Best Picture as a producer after a brilliant turn from director." - "Beijing News".

"Slumdog Millionaire won the Golden Globe Awards, and Shao Shuaijun made two appearances on the Golden Globe Awards stage." —— "Information Times".

Amidst the hustle and bustle, all the crew had a hearty dinner together, and then Shao Shuaijun took Freida and returned to the crew. He didn't have much time to waste when he was directing two films at the same time.

Time flies, and the filming of "Teddy Bear" and "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is progressing rapidly, and January has passed in a blink of an eye... (To be continued. Please search, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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