Dimensional Traveller

Chapter 14 Shura Field (pseudo)

Not to mention what Tobuichi Origami thought, as the time of the three angels Tokisaki ran out, Li Xing and Tokisaki returned to Tiangong City five years later. It was still that small alley, but Tobiichi Origami was no longer there.

"Kangsan, the time we return should be the time we left." Li Xing asked.

"Yes, Xingjun, the time we return is the time we left here." Hearing Li Xing's question, Tokisaki Kurumi replied.

"If you say that, Yuanichi Origami is not here, which means that history has changed a part." Seeing Yuanichi Origami not appearing in front of his eyes, Li Xing said, "The next step is to verify the results of our experiment, Kuang San ."

"That's what I said, but Xingjun, how do we verify it?" Tokisaki Kurumi asked when Li Xing said he wanted to verify the results of the experiment.

"Trust me, Kurumi, according to the development of the world, Tobiichi Origami will definitely appear in front of us. All we have to do is wait." Looking at Tokisaki Kurumi, Li Xing said mysteriously.

"Alright, but how are you going to arrange for me during this time? Xingjun, you must know that you have already done that to me, and I can't get married anymore~~" Tokisaki Kurumi covered himself with his hands face, said in a very resentful tone.

"Kusan, can we stop mentioning this matter? At that time, you insisted that I suck your blood." Li Xing said helplessly after hearing Tokisaki Kusan's words.

"Ara, Xing-jun, are you going to eat and wipe? Do I look so disgusting to you?" Hearing Li Xing's words, Tokisaki Kurumi held one cheek with one hand, Looking at Li Xing with a look at the heartless person, he said.

"Ku San, don't say that, you are a beautiful girl with high quality." Li Xing said when Tokizaki Kusan said that he didn't like her appearance.

"Then why can't you admit me?" Tokisaki Kurumi asked.

"Then why did you identify me? Kuangsan, is it because I sucked your blood before?" Seeing Tokisaki Kuangsan's appearance, Li Xing felt a little irritable. Yes, Li Xing is very happy that Tokisaki Kurumi is a big beauty who likes him, and he feels very good about Tokisaki Kurumi, but he let Tokisaki Kurumi follow him just because he sucked her blood. Beside him, Li Xing always felt that he was given to NTR by the blood of vampires.

Hearing Li Xing's words, Tokisaki Kurumi was silent, but when he thought about the time he and Li Xing walked down the street with Tobiichi Origami, the feeling in his heart that he wanted to lead his child with Li Xing in the future The feeling of walking on the street made Tokisaki Kusan feel that he really wanted to be with Li Xing, but all of this must be done after his wish was fulfilled. "I hope I'm still alive by then." Tokisaki Kurumi thought.

"Kusan, why don't you stay with me for a while." Seeing the changing expressions on Tokisaki's face, Li Xing broke the terrifying silence in the alley.

"Ara, Xingjun, do you want to live with me? We have just started dating, isn't this too soon?" Hearing Li Xing's initiative to break the silence, Tokisaki Kurumi also threw his thoughts into Behind his head, he said in a mocking tone.

"Yeah, Kurumi, how about living with me?" Seeing that Tokisaki Kurumi had withdrawn from his thoughts, Li Xing wanted to tease Tokisaki Kurumi for a rare moment.

"Okay, since Xing-jun has said so, I agree. Shall we sleep together tonight? Ah~~~ If you have a child, what should it be called? Hey, Xing-jun, as a child Father, it's up to you to choose the name of the child, how?" Contrary to Li Xing's expectations, Tokisaki Kusan agreed to his request, and even discussed the issue of the child's name seriously.

"Okay, then let's go." Li Xing saw that things had developed like this,

Then he was ready to bring Tokisaki Kusan back to Wuhe's house.

"Then let's go, my dear." After hearing Li Xing's words, Tokisaki Kurumi took the initiative to step forward and hug Li Xing's arm, and said.

"Kangsan, why do you call me that?" Li Xing became a little uneasy when he heard Tokisaki Kuangsan's address to himself. You know, the Wuhe family also has the twin elves Yeguya and Yuxian. Well, if they were to hear Tokisaki Kurumi addressing him, it would probably be another tragic Shura field.

"As Xingjun's fiancée, is there anything wrong with calling you Xingjun dear?" Hearing Li Xing's question, Tokisaki Kurumi said in an innocent tone, and used his beautiful big eyes tightly Staring at Li Xing, as if Li Xing would cry as soon as he denied it.

"When did you become my fiancee? Kurumi." Li Xing was completely restless when he heard Tokisaki Kurumi said she was his fiancee.

"Of course Xing-kun was when you sucked my blood~~" Tokisaki Kurumi said in a naive tone.

"Alright then, have fun as you like, Kusan." Hearing that Tokisaki Kusan used his own blood to suck her blood again, Li Xing really felt that he was really a "mouth". Thinking again that he also sucked the blood of Yuanichi Origami and Sister Eight Dances, especially thinking of Cailin who is in retreat and cultivating his wife, Li Xing felt that it would be difficult for him to pass this level today.

After all, the journey from the alley to Wuhe's house is not that far. In Li Xing's uneasy mood, Li Xing and Shizaki Kuangsan soon came to the door of Wuhe's house. Looking at the door in front of him, Li Xing really didn't want to go in.

"Xingjun, you're back~~~X2" I saw the door of Wuhe's house suddenly opened, and Yaguya and Yuxian ran out of it and rushed towards Li Xing.

However, Yekuya and Yuxian soon found Tokisaki Kurumi who was holding Li Xing's arm, "Xingjun, who is this shameless woman? Why is holding you?" Among the two sisters, Xi Xian habitually acted as a spokesperson and asked Li Xing.

"Ara, little sisters who are not polite, don't you know that before asking someone else's name, you should give your name first? If you are so ignorant, no man will like it." Li Xing just wanted to Answering Yuzuru's question, Tokisaki Kurumi spoke first.

"You... your concubine's name is Yaguma Yakiya, and you are Xingjun's girlfriend."

"Yuxian Yawu is also Xingjun's girlfriend, so, now, the 'polite' lady, can you let go of other people's boyfriends and introduce yourself?"

Hearing that the eight dance sisters claimed to be Li Xing's girlfriends, Shizaki Kusan looked at Li Xing, "Ala, dear, didn't expect you to be quite popular?" Then, Shizaki Kusan released Li Xing. Xing, made a noble etiquette to the eight dance sisters, and introduced himself: "My name is Tokisaki Kurumi, my dear fiancee."

"Impossible, Xingjun has a wife, you can't be Xingjun's fiancée." Yuxian, who heard Tokisaki Kurumi's self-introduction and Li Xing's statement that he had a wife, retorted.

"Oh? My dear, how many things have you not told me?" Hearing Xi Xian's words, Tokisaki Kusan looked at Li Xing with a bad expression.

Yekuya and Xixian on the side were also staring closely at Li Xing, hoping that he could give them an explanation.

Li Xing, who was stared at by the three of them uncomfortable, had to say: "That... it doesn't seem good to stand here and talk, or let's go into the house, and I'll explain it to you."

"Alright, after all, there is an old saying in your dynasty, 'Family ugliness must not be made public', it is not good for us to discuss these things on the street, but you will give us a satisfactory explanation later, dear! Love! !" Tokisaki Kuangsan said in a heavy tone, and then walked into Wuhe's house first.

Seeing that Tokisaki Kurumi had already entered, Li Xing took Yakuya and Yuxian and then walked in.

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