Dimensional Traveller

Chapter 3 Ratatoskr

Back in time, when Li Xing appeared in Tiangong City, above Tiangong City, a huge airship was flying above Li Xing and others. It was the airship that belonged to Ratatosk—Fraxinas.

"Commander, there are new elves appearing, this time there are three elves." A handsome blond man said to a petite figure sitting on the command seat eating a lollipop.

"Shen Wuyue, how many times have I said it, stop looking at my feet with your disgusting eyes." Wuhe Qinli said while stepping on Shen Wuyue's head with his feet.

"Ah~~ Work harder, Commander~~" The pervert of Kannayuki is hopeless.

At this moment, Murasame Lingyin came to Wuhe Qinli, "Commander, this time a male elf appeared."

"What? When did the elves have men?" Hearing Murasame Reine's words, Wuhe Kotori turned his attention from Shen Wuyue to Murasame Reine.

"Lingyin, cut the picture here." With Qinli's voice, the picture of Li Xing and the three of them was displayed on the big screen in front of him.

"Lingyin, why are three elves appearing at the same time, and they seem to have a good relationship, this is different from what we have encountered before." Looking at the closeness between Li Xing and the three, Kotori said.

"How can I tell Shidou to attack like this? The method of attacking Tohka and Shigenno definitely won't work." Thinking of the relationship between the three, Kotori was a little mad.

"Commander, the new elf code name has been decided - 'Demon King'."

"Indeed, looking at the relationship between these three elves, if the young man goes to attack the Berserker, he will definitely arouse the hostility of the Demon Lord. If he goes to attack the Demon Lord, the gender of the Demon Lord is still an issue." Muramame Ling Yin said.

"Let Shidou's female costume go to attack him." Kotori said in a terrifying and unstoppable manner. Everyone in the command room, including Shidou who had just been transferred, was shocked by Kotori's words.

"Kotori, what are you talking about, that elf is a man. How could you let your brother go in women's clothing to attack him." Shidou Wuhe retorted.

"Hey, Shidou, what do you mean by women's clothing strategy?" Tohka asked after hearing Kotori and Shidou's words.

"Miss Tohka, it's better not to ask so many questions, good boy," said the bunny doll in Sikinai's hand.

"Si Xiannai, don't say anything..." The shy Si Xinai whispered.

"Commander, the other party has fought with AST." Someone in the bridge shouted.

After hearing the news of the fight between the unknown male spirit and the AST, Kotori turned his eyes from Shidou to the big screen. When he saw that Li Xing just waved a flame and wiped out the AST, there was a moment in the bridge. It became extremely quiet in an instant.

"What a powerful combat power this is. Although the AST had no way to deal with elves before, this is the first time that it has been wiped out so easily." A person in the bridge was the first to react from the shock and said.

At this time, Qin Li was still shocked by Li Xing's ability to use the power of flame, "I am clearly the elf of flame, why can this man use the power of flame, and I feel that the energy contained in that flame is definitely stronger than mine. The flame is much higher, but how could there be two flame spirits." Kotori thought.

After seeing Li Xing's ability to use ice again, Kotori was completely uneasy, "Where is he a monster, and why can he use powers with conflicting attributes at the same time?" Thinking of this, Kotori turned to Shidou. .

"Shidou, go and change clothes with Reine right now. No matter what, you must attack this elf." Then he looked at Murasame Reine, "Reine, please."

Then, regardless of Shidou's objection, Reine dragged him away and disguised it.

On the other side, Li Xing, who was talking to Tobiichi Origami, suddenly felt a hint of malice,

Immediately released his spiritual sense, and after scanning the entire Tiangong City with his spiritual sense, Li Xing fixed his gaze on the huge floating ship above Tiangong City, thinking of the original plot, Shidou Wuhe once incarnated as Shidou Wuhe. Weaving went to attack Yu Xiao Meijiu, and Li Xing knew where the malice he felt just now came from.

"If I want Shidou Wuhe to turn into Shiori Wuhe and attack me, don't even think about it. I will never let this happen. What kind of expression will it look like? It's interesting to think about it, try it out later." Li Xing thought.

Thinking of this, Li Xing left Tobiichi Origami and came to the eight dance sisters, "Yakuya, Yuzuru, are you interested in going to a fun place?"

"Where is it? The concubine is going." Yekuya said first.

"Agreed, Xixian also wants to go with Xingjun. Yeguya don't go." Yuxian, who was dissatisfied with Yeguya's preemption, said.

"Okay," Li Xing comforted when he saw that Ye Kuya's child's temper was about to explode, "Then let's go." After that, the three disappeared in place.

Airship Fraxinus, "Commander, the psionic response has disappeared, and the 'Demon King' and 'Berserker' have confirmed LOST (lost)." The crew member who was monitoring Li Xing and the three in the bridge reported.

As soon as the voice fell, three figures appeared out of thin air on the bridge, and it was the three Li Xings who had just disappeared.

"Little sister, it's very bad behavior to spy on others casually." Li Xing said while standing in front of Qin.

At this time, the people who were frightened by the sudden appearance of Li Xing and the three people reacted.

"A genie appears on the airship Fraxinus..."

"No psionic response found..."

"There is an intruder, sound the alarm..."

For a time, various reports and alarm sounds came together, and the entire bridge seemed to suddenly become a vegetable market.

"Okay, turn off the alarm." Qin Li, who saw that Li Xing and the others did not have any actual dangerous behavior, ordered first. Afterwards, Kotori turned the conversation towards Li Xing.

"Can you explain your purpose? An unknown male elf."

"We are not malicious, we just decided to come and have a look when we felt that someone was watching us." Li Xing said, "By the way, I am not an elf, just a human. Also, the elf power of the two of them has already Being sealed by me, it will not cause another space shock." Li Xing, who thought that in addition to himself, the Eight Mai sisters should also be on the list of Gokawa Shido's attack, added Li Xing who did not want the eight dance sisters to be attacked by Five River Shido. .

"Your words don't seem to be credible. If you are not an elf, why do you have such a powerful power? In addition, whether the spiritual power of the 'Berserker' has been sealed can only be determined after careful inspection. I don't believe you have The power to seal the elf's spiritual power." Kotori, who knew that the power to seal the elf's spiritual power was the unique ability of Shidou Gokawa, did not agree with Li Xing's statement.

"Lingyin, bring Shiori to the bridge." While Li Xing was not paying attention, Kotori picked up the communicator behind her and sent a message to Murasame Reine. However, what Qin Li thought was secret was being "seen" clearly by Li Xing's powerful spiritual sense.

"It seems that Kotori Wuhe is really planning to let Shidou Wuhe, who wears women's clothes, attack him." Li Xing thought.

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