Dimensional Chat Room

Chapter 257 Fantasy Wanhua Mirror

Chapter 257 Fantasy Wanhua Mirror

"I also want to play with everyone." The blond Yami Youkai said with his little fists clenched on his chest.

"Then let me take you there." Ye You stretched out a hand forward.

But the little Loli was still hesitant. She said with some fear: "I heard from other monsters that the witch inside is very fierce."

"If that's the case, why are you here..."

"I don't know." The little monster answered simply.

"Well, anyway, you are going to the shrine now, but you are afraid that the miko will cure you, right?"

"Yeah." Rumia nodded pitifully.

"An Xin, that guy Lingmeng has no sense of moral integrity, is lazy, and is greedy for money, but he is still a good person."

Ye You remembered the night when Qiong performed the 'Spiritual Induction'. The shrine maiden, who had always been lazy and stingy, actually went to the human world and bought some apricot cakes and fried tofu, which surprised Ye You greatly.

She and Marisa also bought sake, and they drank in large cups that could hold a bottle. Considering their ages, Ye You had to admire their drinking capacity.

Ye You and Qiong also sipped a little that night and found that the taste was actually pretty good. Apart from the unavoidable strong smell of alcohol, after getting used to it for a few sips, they found it to be mellow and fragrant, and the mouth was refreshing and sweet, which was the same as Ye You. Liquor does not seem to be the same category.

But the sequelae caused by alcohol are not small. The next day, Ye You got up late for one of the few times in more than ten years.

"Um, human, what's your name."

Rumia reached out and held Ye You's palm, feeling a cool and tender touch.

"Ye You."

"Ye You! I remember. I am Rumia." The little girl raised her head and smiled at Ye You.

The two held hands and walked up the stone steps of the shrine. On both sides were green leaves that became more and more lush under the spring breeze. When they looked up, they saw a looming red torii gate at the end.

"Ah, really, why don't the leaves fall all at once?"

As soon as I bought a small shrine of a certain age, I heard the shrine maiden complaining.

Reimu was swinging back and forth on the ground with a broom, her long black hair and the headdress tied into a big bow swaying in the wind.

"Then why don't we just clean it together in the evening?" Ye You led Rumia over.

"That's not possible. Sweeping the floor is also a part of a witch's training. And what should I do if I have free time to sweep the floor? Huh? Ye You, what is that?"

Lingmeng noticed the Xiaonan monster next to Ye You, and his eyes froze slightly.

"A monster who came to worship." Ye You said, while Rumia saw Reimu's gaze and hid behind Ye You.

"Really? As long as the offering money is given, it doesn't matter whether it's a human or a monster." The witch held the broom. Yeah, that's right.

"Hey. Don't hide behind you. How can you do this?" Ye You gently pulled Lumia down in front of him and whispered, "Let's say hello to her first."


Rumia raised her head and stared at Reimu.

The witch and the monster looked at each other on the shrine, giving Ye You the illusion that time had stopped.

It was probably some kind of fate of meeting by chance. The look between the two at this moment gave people such a feeling.



Rumia opened her mouth wide and wrapped it around Reimu's bent elbow. The little monster just hung on Reimu's body, with water stains dripping from her mouth.



"Hey! What are you doing? Let me go, this monster." Reimu wrinkled his forehead and swung his arms up and down vigorously, but Rumia stuck to her body like brown candy, showing a happy smile.

Ye You noticed that Reimu's face was getting darker and knew that she seemed to be about to go berserk. She thought about running away quickly, but she was the one who brought Lumia here and left her to bear Reimu's wrath alone. She always felt that Will leave a shadow.

So she smiled awkwardly and said: "Ah haha, you know. Monsters are always indifferent to sunlight. Especially a weak monster like her, if she is exposed to the sun for a long time, her head will feel empty and her body will feel weak. In the end, I didn’t even know what I was doing.”

As Ye You said this, he grabbed Rumia's armpit and pulled her away, but she seemed to be stuck to Reimu's elbow. With a strong pull, Reimu was also pulled out. The miko's feet were empty and she fell to the ground with a bang.

Gorgeous rush on the street, probably refers to this.

Reimu was lying face down, buttocks upward, and Rumia's saliva was still dripping from her elbows that were bent forward. A drop of cold sweat flowed from Ye You's forehead, and it seemed that a layer of black energy could be seen overflowing from the witch's body.

"I said, you guys!! - Dreams are born!"

Hakurei Shrine lights up brightly.

At noon, Ye You and Rumia sat side by side on the steps of the shrine. The hair of one person and one demon stood upright, resembling a brush.

They looked at the forest in the distance in silence. The breeze blew by, the leaves made a rustling sound, and the crowns of the trees were connected one after another, like rippling blue waves.

"...seems like it's screwed up."

Rumia shook her head, stood up and made a V gesture towards Ye You, "I will come again tomorrow."

After saying that, she flew towards the sky. When she reached the height of the trees, Rumia's surroundings turned into a ball of darkness, as if she was wrapped in the night.

That was the Victory V gesture just now, where did she learn it from?

As soon as Xiao An's monster flew away, a message from Zi... came.

"Seventeen years old: She is a man-eating monster."


Sure enough, this idler has been peeping?

"Aozora: I know."

Ye You replied.

This human's answer made the monster sage's pupils freeze slightly.

"Seventeen years old: Do you mind?"

"Aozora: I don't know."

There are no fierce words, and there is no self-righteousness to see through the world.

Ye You just thought for a moment and then replied.

This answer put a smile on Yakumo Purple's lips.

"Seventeen years old: But Rumia is very clumsy. Moreover, now she is very resistant to cannibalism."

Yakumo Murasaki did not continue this topic. From the above two answers, the monster sage had already obtained a satisfactory answer.

"Seventeen years old: What do you think of Gensokyo?"

"Aozora: It's very good, but it's a bit monotonous. I think you should introduce the Internet and related facilities. Eternal Tei has done a good job in this regard."

"Seventeen years old: That's a very troublesome project."

"Aozora: Kappa Heavy Industries, too?"

"Seventeen years old: It's not a hardware problem. To be precise, the time has not come yet."

Having said this, Ye You seemed to understand the worries of the monster sage. The Internet can make information highly concentrated, and then spread to every corner instantly. Its high spread and permeability will bring an impact no less than that of nuclear bombs, or even worse.

"Aozora: That's right. By the way, thank you very much for Qiong."

"Seventeen years old: I'm a little sleepy, go to bed. Good night."

Ye You looked at the golden sun hanging high in the sky through the leaves glowing with white light, and replied,

"Aozora: Good night."

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