Dimension: I'm Just a Passing Saiyan!

Chapter 14 The Dragon Fist formed by the power of miracles

Reg looked at the surrounding environment and asked Ji Yuan:

"Where in the world am I now?"

The surrounding environment looks like modern high-rise buildings, but there are no people or animals, and the sky is full of dark clouds without any direct sunlight.

[According to observation, the world you are currently in is the Ultra World]

Hearing Ji Yuan's answer, Reg was stunned for a moment, and then said:

"In the Ultra world, usually nothing good will happen in such a scene."

After speaking, he looked around again and saw the deserted streets.

As soon as he finished speaking, Reg felt two powerful auras.

There is a very strange atmosphere, and at the same time, there is a very peaceful feeling.

Another extremely powerful evil aura, but this aura is not very pure and has a lot of negative energy mixed in it.

Such as fear, despair, sadness and other negative emotions, this energy seems to be forcibly fused together by an unknown force.

Feeling these two powerful auras, Reg flew directly in that direction.

When he saw the two huge figures, Reg was dumbfounded and said to Ji Yuan:

"Saiga fights the legendary Hyperjedon! Although I know it's very dangerous here, but it's a little too exciting to do this right from the start!"

After hearing what Reg said, Jigen replied:

[Traveling through the world is random]

Reg wanted to say something more after hearing Ji Yuan's words, but he couldn't think of anything to complain about, so he had no choice but to accept it.

Thinking of this, Reg sighed and said helplessly to Jiyuan:

"Oh, this is the only way. What is the mission of this world?"

Of course, Reg didn't forget that he came to this world to complete tasks and get rewards. After all, he came here for the rewards.

After hearing what Reg said, Jigen replied:

[Task generating...]

[Task generation completed]

[Help Saka defeat the legendary Hypjadon]

Hearing these words, Reg fell into deep thought and said to Ji Yuan:

"What is Saka's strength?"

[Cosmic level]

Reg said again:

"What is the strength of the legendary Hyperjetton?"

[Cosmic level]

Then he roared directly at the dimension:

"Then why do you think that I, a galaxy-level person, can help a universe-level boss?"

Reg really couldn't understand why Ji Yuan would randomly send out such an outrageous mission!

Hearing Reg's roar, Jigen replied:

[The tasks are completely randomly generated]

[What is generated depends on luck]

[Sometimes the generated tasks will ask you to destroy the universe]

[Sometimes a generator will ask you to steal overalls and a basketball belonging to a certain person named Hei]

Hearing Ji Yuan's words, Reg was speechless for the first time.

I was speechless, and now I started to have a headache again. I didn't know how to help Saka defeat the legendary Hyperjedon.

The blow he unleashed with all his strength might not even be considered a scratch on the legendary Hyperjetton.

So now Reg can only find another way to find the weakness of the legendary Hyperjetton.

In the original work, the legendary Hyperjedon's weakness is his wings.

As long as he finds a way to cut off those wings, he can help the league win.

But can you cut those wings if you want?

Let’s first talk about whether we can get close. Even if we get close, we will never be able to cut it off with our own strength.

In the original work, the reason why Saka can be cut off is because the energy is concentrated on the wrist and Saka cutting is used.

Putting aside the difference in strength levels between himself and Saka, Hikari's own energy level and Saka's energy level are not at the same level at all.

He has only learned the most basic Qi, and Saka's own miraculous power is almost equivalent to the destructive power of the God of Destruction.

At this time, Reg suddenly thought of a way and said:

"If I use energy simulation to simulate Saka's miraculous power, will it be successful?"

Just do what you say and sit back and wait for death is not Reg's style.

After saying that, he used the energy simulation technique on Saka!

After using it, my body suddenly felt weak.

The sudden feeling of powerlessness made Reg panic.

But then calm down, close your eyes, and feel what's going on inside your body.

I found that all the qi in my body had disappeared, and I only felt a slight energy different from qi.

Although this aura is very small, if ordinary people come across it, they will definitely be killed or injured.

Reg felt a little excited when he felt the breath, then calmed down and used the breath to attach it to his hand.

But it was not completely attached to the hand. To be precise, it only covered a little finger. And now that Reg is only four or five years old, that little finger is so small!

You must know that under the current state of Lege's full explosion, his aura can cover the entire galaxy!

But now when it is transformed into miraculous power, it can only cover one little finger at most!

From here you can see how big the gap is between ordinary Qi and the power of miracles!

Reg looked at the colorful aura attached to his little finger and said helplessly:

"Fortunately, my aura is strong, otherwise most people would probably be drained of it if they used it!"

As Reg spoke, his own aura was also recovering.

Only ten seconds passed before all the energy he had consumed was recovered.

Then he used the energy simulation technique again and again, and finally accumulated enough energy to use one move.

Reg looked at the miraculous power attached to his entire arm and said:

"I finally saved up enough energy for one move, just as the battle between Saka and the legendary Hypajton is coming to an end."

While Reg was accumulating energy, Saka and Jayton had already fought from the back mountain to the city.

According to the original novel, Jayton was ambushed by humans in the city and was stunned for a moment. Saka found an opportunity and took him away with a combo of moves.

Originally, Reg wanted to make Hypajedon stunned for a moment and let Saiga solve it.

But this is too risky, and your life is still more important than the mission.

Thinking of this, I finally saw Saka and the legendary Hyperjedon.

Reg is hiding in a high-rise building, and now he just needs to find an opportunity.

Watching the battle between the two behemoths in front of me, I looked carefully for a flaw.

Just in time to see Saga and the legendary Hyperjedon, releasing fireballs and beams at the same time.

Seizing this opportunity, Reg jumped and quickly headed to the back of the legendary Sea Pageton.

Directly make a fist with your right hand and swing it forward. He also said excitedly:

"Take my move, Miracle Dragon Fist!"

After saying that, a seven-colored divine dragon made entirely of breath brushed past the legendary Hypjadon's back, smashing both of his wings into pieces.

Reg didn't use Dragon Fist at all before, and there was no opponent at all, so let him use Dragon Fist.

Now there is one, and it is a dragon formed with the power of miracles!

Saka on the side was stunned for a moment. I don’t know how Reg showed up.

But he quickly recovered and seized the opportunity, preparing to use a set of combos against the legendary Hyperjetton.

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