Devil’s Advent

Chapter 92: Wolf Smoke!

Swaying bonfire, swaying eyes, swaying look, shaky atmosphere;

Everything in the entire fort seemed to be in a state of panic amidst Zheng Fan's silence.

The barbarians standing around unabashedly cast their gazes at the women in the corner, as if they were about to set fire to them.

Ever since that night, when they followed the path of the young patriarch to that Wubao, they are like beasts bound by iron cages.

from north to south,

here again,




All of them are the elements of releasing the cage, and some instincts belonging to them are gradually recovering.

The fact that the people of Qianguo call the people of Yan Yan Manzi is actually a kind of regional discrimination, which is similar to the mutual blackmail between various regions in later generations.

But no matter whether it is a person from the Yan Kingdom or a person from the Qian Kingdom, that kind of appellation for the barbarians has long gone beyond the concept of contempt in the same circle, and has even risen to the concept of race.

The barbarians are a group of humanoid beasts!

Liang Cheng stood on the side, slightly closed his eyes, as if he couldn't see everything around him.

Zheng Fan raised his head slowly, his eyes swept over the surrounding barbarians, and said in barbaric words:

"Missing a woman?"

The barbarians nodded frantically one by one, and even began to swallow subconsciously. Zheng Fan's words were very suggestive, and they couldn't wait any longer.

"Whether it's a woman from Yan State or Qian State, whoever lets me know that I touched them, I will make anyone regret being born in this world."



All the barbarians knelt on the ground, trembling.

Liang Cheng also slightly opened his eyes.

"I will only say these words once, and when the rest of your clansmen come later, tell them for me."

finished speaking,

Zheng Fan stood up,

Go to the steps of the fort.

Liang Cheng glanced around and gave a simple order in barbaric language:

"Take care, be alert."


He also went up the steps.

Tonight, I can't see many stars in the sky, and I can't see the moon. I guess it will rain tomorrow.

Zheng Fan heard the footsteps coming from behind, so he naturally knew who was following, and said:

"Do you think my order just now is very unreasonable?"

Some things are hard to avoid,

Every time the war kills, there will be mixed with women's mournful wailing.

"The subordinates are only responsible for carrying out the orders of the master."

"I thought you would think I was giving directions."

Of course Zheng Fan knew that letting the savages under him indulge, firstly, would boost their morale, and secondly, gain their loyalty.

The young and Dangerous people of later generations choose their boss because they can give them food, money, and sleep with their sisters.

"The subordinates understand."

"Actually, if they were not barbarians, but serious Yan State cavalry, I guess they would not object.

Anyway, the women in this fort also do this job, and they are not from a good family.

After the work is done, it is enough to give a sum of money as a thank-you fee, and it can't be said that everyone is happy. "

"My lord, I feel that if you give money, the women below will also be willing to receive the barbarians."

Zheng Fan turned around and looked at Liang Cheng with deep eyes.

Slowly said:

"I'm just double-standard, okay?"


"I don't think I'm from Yan State. To be honest, I don't have much sense of belonging to Yan State. Originally, there might be a little bit. If I live in Hutou City for a longer time, if I don't have the experience to do it It's about baiting civilian husbands."

Liang Cheng stood by and listened quietly.

"I don't have a sense of belonging to the country of Qian, maybe because I was an official of the country of Yan, I have an instinctive rejection of the country of Qian.

But for the barbarians, even if Sha Tuo Queshi is still lying in his coffin in Cui Liu Castle, I respect him, but for the barbarians, I don't have any good feelings for him.

I don't know exactly where I stand, but if I see barbarians laying hands on women here, I will be angry. "

"My lord, you don't need to explain so much to me."

"I'm afraid that my willfulness will have an impact on you to lead them in the future."

"My lord, you are too worried. You underestimate our methods. Ever since they entered Meijiawu that night, we have been working hard to make your image, lord, into a terrifying devil in their hearts.

Blind people will brainwash them every night.

In their hearts, you are the devil, and it is perfectly normal for the devil to make them do things that are against their nature.

They even feel that this is the devil's punishment for them, but they are willing to take this kind of punishment.

The order you just gave seems to be difficult for them to accept, but in fact, the pleasure in their hearts may be stronger than that of women. "

"..." Zheng Fan.

Therefore, you really shouldn’t be lazy because you practice needlework at night so you can’t get up early to accompany them to military training;

At night, because I have to practice needlework, I have to go to bed early and cannot accompany them to do ideological education and study;

Otherwise, you don't even know what kind of image your subordinates have arranged for you in the hearts of these barbarians.

this image,

What a pervert!

"Actually, in any army, using wine, meat, money, food or women to boost morale is an inferior method. The most important thing is to attract them with an existence beyond material things."

Zheng Fan glanced at Liang Cheng and said:

"Your thoughts are dangerous."

"The blind man gave them a dream, in the dream, they returned to the desert, and with our support, they established a tribe of their own.

In that tribe, there is no war, no killing, some cattle, sheep, oases and children's laughter.

For this dream, for the realization of this dream, these five hundred barbarians will follow us to the death, even if only one of them survives, that person will witness this dream for them. "

"I suddenly felt that they were a little pitiful."

"The truly pitiful ones are those people who have no dream of living a mediocre life in this world."

"Okay, let's get down to business."

"Yes, my lord, what are you going to do next?"

"What else can I do? Heh, I didn't say hello to the blind man beforehand when we came out this time. If we go back like this, do you know how the blind man will arrange me behind his back?"

"Blind men don't dare to make arrangements for the Master."

"He would say that Zheng Fan, captain of the anti-vice brigade of the Cuiliubao Police Station of the Dayan Empire, led his warriors to bravely cross the national border and went to neighboring countries to help them fight against pornography and help them build a spiritually civilized society."

"My lord, your thoughts are also very dangerous."

"Anyway, I'm not reconciled to going back like this. This is not the war I imagined. Look at the reaction of those guys when we just went in and crouched down with their heads in their arms. This is anti-pornography!"

Liang Cheng nodded and said, "It's not the war that my subordinates imagined."

Zheng Fan put his hands on the battlements and said with emotion:

"It's because we thought it was too normal to be a country before."

Liang Cheng nodded, obviously agreeing with this idea.

Because it was not only Zheng Fan, but also him who fought wits and courage against the air during the night attack.

Thinking of how he hid, detoured, and lurked when he was approaching this fortress, he, a cold zombie, actually had the illusion that his face was burning.

"One hundred years of peace, the replacement of several generations, is enough to wear away too many things. In fact, I should have thought of it a long time ago, after seeing the ruins of Green Willow Castle, I should have thought of it.

It’s just that at that time, I always felt that it was because of the arrogance of the Yan people, who looked down on the Qian country, and the Jingnan Army stationed in Yinlang County, so the defense system of the border town was abandoned.

But this is actually the inevitable result of time. If peace lasts too long, machines will rust, let alone people?

Did you hear what the Fort Chief said just now, that the frontier army of Qianguo has a serious shortage of food and wages, and the shortage is also serious. He, the Fort Chief, can even turn a fort that is the front line of the defense system against Yan into a red tent in order to make money. "

"Corruption of officials and slack in armaments are fates that no dynasty can stop." Liang Cheng said.

"Tsk tsk, I'm really looking forward to it. The emperor of Yan Kingdom is a hero, and the Marquis of Zhenbei of this generation obviously has an unusual relationship with the emperor.

I don't know exactly how the Jingnan Army is, but you and I have seen how elite the Zhenbei Army is.

If the emperor of the Yan Kingdom finished solving the domestic powerful forces, appease the barbarians in the desert, and then transferred the Zhenbei Army to the south, would the Qianguo's defense line that had been eaten away be able to stop the Zhenbei Army's 300,000 cavalry? "

Liang Cheng shook his head and said with certainty:

"Can't stop."

There is no objection to this, because the Zhenbei Army is indeed the first-class cavalry in the world.

"However, that's another story. Next step, I plan to..."

With that said, Zheng Fan turned around and pointed to the south,

"Keep going south!"

Liang Cheng sighed, and said, "Master, please allow this subordinate to say something against your will."

"you say."

"It's too dangerous and too reckless."

"What's the truth?"

"The Lord is wise."

Obviously, Liang Cheng wasn't having fun either.

At this time, the sound of horseshoes came from below the fortress. Because the horseshoes were wrapped, the sound sounded a bit dull.

The barbarians in the fort immediately opened the door and welcomed the companions outside.

"There is one more thing I need to ask the Lord, what should I do with the remaining people in this fortress?"

Zheng Fan didn't answer, but asked back:

"What do you think?"



A dagger with a golden handle was thrown in front of Zhao Changgui by Liang Cheng.

Seeing the golden luster, Zhao Changgui and the elder next to him showed greed in their eyes.

This fortress has a fortress, that is Zhao Changgui. Originally, there should be four chiefs, with forty guards under his jurisdiction, plus some other staff. If it is full, there will be more than fifty people.

But the actual amount of this fortress is only half.

The extremely large army of the Qianguo Frontier Army probably only stays on paper, and the share of the empty pay is almost half.

Among the two elders, one of the few people who were chopped off was unlucky.

Therefore, the two highest ranks in the fortress are Zhao Changgui and this elder called Xu Defu.

"Dayan's army will go south in the near future. We are the pioneers of the army. Now, in front of me, there are two choices.

At the same time, it is also the choice of the two of you;

One is that I will order you to kill all the fortresses and bring back your heads as military merits. "

When Liang Cheng said this,

Both Zhao Changgui and Xu Defu showed panic in their eyes.

"The second option is very simple. We can pretend that what happened tonight never happened. As for how to deal with the dead and how to keep the surviving silent, you two should have your own ideas.

I can even promise you that when the Dayan army goes south in the future, you will all survive, and all of you will have a contribution waiting for you. "

This is actually compilation.

"I am willing, I am willing!" Xu Defu kowtowed immediately.

"I'm willing too, I'm willing too!" Zhao Changgui kowtowed immediately, for fear that his performance would not be as positive as Xu Defu's.

"Today, your stronghold has been breached by us. Once this matter is publicized, your upper peak will definitely not let you go."

"Yes, yes, we understand, we understand." Zhao Changgui nodded immediately.

"I went out in a hurry and didn't bring much gold and silver, but we will send someone to contact you in the future. As long as you do things for us with peace of mind, your benefits will be indispensable."

"Thank you, General!"

"Thank you, General, for your support!"

Seeing that he was almost done, Liang Cheng walked out of the room.

Xu Defu and Zhao Changgui, who were kneeling on the ground, looked at each other, and they could see the horror and joy in each other's eyes.

The border has been at peace for almost a hundred years, and they actually met Yan people. Fortunately, the two of them saved their lives, and they might even get a fortune because of it.

The 400 barbarians who had rested for less than half an hour came out of the fortress, aiming straight to the south!

They still have a lot of things to do tonight, like naughty children who have finally gone out, and they will never go home if they don't have fun.

Zhao Changgui and Xu Defu stood on the wall of the fortress, watching the cavalry troops heading south gradually disappear from their field of vision.


Xu Defu breathed a sigh of relief,

this moment,

He was finally sure that he really survived.

On the other hand, Zhao Changgui sat down with his legs limp, covering his chest with one hand, calming down his heartbeat, feeling a little suffocated by the feeling of the rest of his life.

"Fortress, let's go down later, let's gather all our subordinates, talk to them about the matter, and tell them that if the matter of the fort's capture today is leaked, none of us will survive. The thorns are dealt with, and the women in the fortress will not allow them to receive guests in the near future, this matter can almost be buried."

"Well, those who died, reported that they escaped. Anyway, this kind of thing is very common in various fortresses. Tomorrow, we will find a place nearby to dispose of their corpses. It should be done more simply. No traces can be left."

"Well, I understand, but maybe this is also a fortune for us. The people of Yan are finally going south. Others don't know, but don't we ourselves not know how bad our army is?

Everyone doesn't have enough to eat or wear, and the officials and lords in the city only know how to recite poems and compose poems, and whip us warriors;

The military commander only knows how to drink the blood of soldiers and deduct our food and pay so that we can't even fill our stomachs.

Once the Yan people go south, we can't stop it, really can't stop it, now we can build a relationship with the Yan people, and in the future, we can save our lives, and maybe we can win a good future! "

Zhao Changgui nodded and said: "You are right, sooner or later this place will be the land of the Yan people, and sooner or later we will also be the Yan people."

Immediately afterwards,

Zhao Changgui said again:

"Go down now, call out the group of people from our hometown, and control the situation, so that nothing goes wrong."

"Okay, Captain, I'll go right away."

Xu Defu walked past Zhao Changgui and went down the steps.

But at this moment,

An arm suddenly caught his neck from behind, and then, the dagger with a golden handle was stabbed fiercely into Xu Defu's neck.


Xu Defu turned his head to look at Zhao Changgui with a face full of disbelief,

Looking at this fortress leader who is very greedy for money on weekdays, even the money earned by the women in the fortress is skinned.


The neck was pierced by a dagger, blood was gurgling out, but Xu Defu still spat out these words with difficulty.

Obviously everyone just agreed and discussed it, why...why?

"You... want to...greedy...greedy..."

Zhao Changgui continued to strangle Xu Defu's neck, gasped for air, and said in a trembling voice:

"No, I didn't want to be greedy for Yanren's work alone. I didn't kill you for this."


Zhao Changgui put his mouth close to Xu Defu's ear, and continued trembling:

"Could it be, don't you see who is standing beside the Yan man? It's a barbarian, a barbarian!

The Yan people have already colluded with the barbarians, they are going south together, they are going south together!

I... I... I can't, I can't just watch like this, I can't, I can't, I will die, many people will die, many people will die. "


Xu Defu's body trembled for the last time and did not move.

He died full of bewilderment, and his unwillingness could be seen from his wide-open eyes.

Zhao Changgui let go of his hand and looked at Xu Defu's body lying under him.

He stood up slowly, put his hands on the battlements and began to walk forward.

More than ten years ago, Zhao Changgui was able to inherit his father's position as Fort Chief after spending a lot of money. He had never even killed anyone in his life.

Because his father had never seen the cavalry of the Yan people in his life, and neither had he, but he often saw the caravans of the Yan people.

When Zhao Changgui stepped on the steps leading to the sentry tower, his feet trembled, and he fell to the ground with a "plop".

He didn't get up in a hurry, but held his head and whimpered softly there.

He is afraid, because he knows that once what happened in the fort today is leaked, according to the military law of Qianguo, he will definitely die!

He is not a literati, and has a tradition of punishing scholar-bureaucrats in the country, but he has always been relentless in killing such thieves as soldiers!

"It's going to die, it's going to die, it's going to die..."

Zhao Changgui kept murmuring,

but slowly,

He stretched out his arms again and lifted himself up,


Follow the steps again and continue to climb up the sentry tower.


He climbed onto the watchtower.

He bit his lip with his teeth, blood was already coming out of his bite, he kept sniffling his nose, and tears kept rolling in his eyes.

With trembling hands, he took out the fire pocket from his pocket,

"Yan people..... barbarians..... Yan people..... barbarians..."

Zhao Changgui had no education, he didn't know the truth, he was greedy for money, otherwise he wouldn't have opened the red curtains in the fortress, attracting soldiers from all directions to come here during the day.

He loves money, he fears death,

But just don't know why,

While watching the hundreds of barbarian cavalry heading south in front of his eyes,

his heart,

Suddenly panicked.


Zhao Changgui breathed calmly, holding the torch in his left hand, ready to light the primer, and then raise the smoke.

Zhao Changgui had already forgotten what the colors of the beacons and the colors of the beacons meant. He had never lit them, and neither had his father, but he felt that he should light the beacons now. He felt that he should do so. .

He thought he was crazy, but crazy... so be it!

Huozhezi was sent under the primer...


A stone hit Zhao Changgui's hand, and the fire fold rolled to the ground.

Zhao Changgui raised his head in astonishment, and saw two people who appeared beside the wall of the sentry tower at some time.

He had met these two people before, one was obviously the person in charge, and the other had dropped a golden dagger that he used to kill Xu Defu.

"I said, your method will be very dangerous."

Zheng Fan said to Liang Cheng calmly.

Liang Cheng shook his head and said, "My negligence"

"It's because of your personality. You don't like to analyze human nature. You think it's unnecessary and you don't bother to do it. You have to learn from the blind."


Liang Cheng turned his head and looked at Zhao Changgui.

Zhao Changgui sat slumped on the ground. He knew that he had no chance, and a look of despair appeared on his face.


A knife was thrown in front of Zhao Changgui by Zheng Fan.

Zheng Fan pointed at the knife and said:

"It's a man, I'll give you a face, kill yourself."

Zhao Changgui picked up the knife on the ground,


Holding the handle of the knife with both hands,

First, aim the knife at your stomach,


Then clamped the knife edge to his neck again,

Tears and snot nearly soaked his face.


The knife was thrown on the ground again by Zhao Changgui.

Zheng Fan narrowed his eyes and said:

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Changgui leaned back and leaned against the wall, a little shyness appeared on his face,

A little embarrassed said:

"Help me, do it...kill me..."

Liang Cheng said:


Zhao Changgui wiped the tears and snot from his face with his cuff,


"I made you laugh, I'm cowardly, I dare not commit suicide..."

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