Devil’s Advent

Chapter 86 The Zheng Family Tradition

The measure of a boss's success is whether his subordinates are willing to block bullets for him.

How many bosses are in trouble, the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, not to mention helping you block bullets, it would be very righteous not to stab you in the back.

Of course, there is also a tricky way;

Borrowing the way of statement of advertising language:

Want to quickly become a qualified and successful boss?

Then why hesitate,

Find a minion with vampire blood!

Zheng Fan felt that he was in place in one step.

A Ming took the initiative to stand in front of him. Of course, perhaps it was because A Ming himself was a vampire. He knew he would not die, and Zheng Fan also knew he would not die, so this kind of subordinate stood in front of him. The "atmosphere" of bullets is not so strong.

However, it is also possible to skip some bloody steps:

For example, Ah Ming was lying in his arms, and he asked loudly:

"Why are you so stupid? Why are you so stupid?"

Of course, here, that thing shoots out thin needles, not bullets, more like the "stormy pear blossom needle" that Zheng Fan recognizes.

Surrounding scattering, indiscriminate coverage and rapid shooting, in the mourning hall, except for some very lucky people, most of them were hit by needles.

At this moment, there was a shout of killing outside, and the Taoist priests who had been sitting there silently chanting scriptures suddenly drew their weapons and rushed directly into the mourning hall.

This scene made Zheng Fan feel very ridiculous.

Here is Nanwang City, the most important town of Yan State on the southern front line, and this is also the General Military Mansion. In this General Military Mansion, first there are assassins hiding in coffins, and then a group of assassins come out.

This is simply...too ridiculous.

In fact, tearing away the layer of reality called "reasonable" disguise may be "absurd", which is the real essence of reality.

This group of Taoist priests used to look like they didn't eat the bones of the fireworks in the world, but now they took the weapons in their hands and slashed at the guests who came to express their condolences.

For a moment, blood spattered at the main entrance of the mourning hall, and there were screams.

The funniest thing is,

Because of the General Military Mansion's own arrangement, four places of worship were set up around the coffin in the mourning hall, and the position of the main entrance was naturally vacated for those real lords and big shots.

For example, the prefect and the patriarchs of the group of local big clans around the prefect, including the widow and filial sons and grandchildren of the chief soldier Xiao Dahai, are basically there.

As for Zheng Fan and Zuo Jiqian, they could only go to offer condolences in the other three positions.

Therefore, when the assassins came in from the outside, the first group of people who were killed were these real nobles.

Zheng Fan even saw a red light emitting from the body of a Taoist priest, and he chopped off the head of the magistrate with a single knife.

God sees you as a pity,

Zheng Fan has just been appointed as the garrison of Green Willow Castle. Although he is not strictly subordinate to the military and government, this magistrate is actually a member of Zheng Fan's superiors.

But before Zheng Fan had time to know his surname, he disappeared...

In the coffin, a guy wearing an official robe popped out. This should be the clothes of the general soldier when he was encoffined. Similar to the zombies of the Qing Dynasty in later generations, the deceased will definitely wear the most decent clothes that his family thinks when he is encoffined.

But the one who jumped out was obviously not a man, and what was wearing under the official robe was not boots, but a pair of red embroidered shoes.

Zheng Fan looked up again, and saw the assassin's face, a pair of almond-shaped eyes, a melon-shaped face, and a cold gaze. After turning over and coming out, without any delay, he rushed directly to the main entrance and the group of Taoist priests who were obviously his companions. They merged together.


The woman directly opened her mouth to order. Obviously, her goal has been accomplished.

A Ming made a gesture to stand up at this time, but Zheng Fan stretched out his hand and pressed his shoulder.

When the pear blossom needle was shot out in the rainstorm earlier, many people around fell to the ground, and everyone was crowded and fell into one piece.

"The needle may be poisonous, you must control the toxin first."

There is no need to go out for this limelight, besides, people are planning to withdraw.

A Ming hesitated, nodded, and began to control the blood in his body to isolate the blood that might be contaminated by venom at the wound.

He is a vampire, but there is one thing that cannot be compared with Liang Cheng. As a zombie, Liang Cheng is a big poison. He is not afraid of poison, but Ah Ming is. At least the current Ah Ming is not invulnerable to all poisons.

On Zheng Fan's side, he directly chose to admit defeat.

He is not familiar with Lord Zongbing, and there is no posthumous photo in this world, and the portrait is very abstract...

In short, Zheng Fan had never even seen Xiao Dahai's face, and he didn't even know the surname of the magistrate, so he really had no motivation to jump out at this time to avenge them and stop the assassins.

This is a very selfish mentality, but Zheng Fan made this choice without hesitation.

After the Taoist priests killed at the main entrance, they rushed out quickly under the order of the woman.

In the mourning hall, many people were hacked to death, but most of them were still lying on the ground crying out in pain, with extremely painful expressions.

Seeing that A Ming had signaled that he had controlled the toxin, Zheng Fan turned his head to look at Zuo Jiqian who was standing beside him earlier.

Zuo Jiqian also fell to the ground, but when Zheng Fan looked at him, he found that he was just covering his chest with his hands, but his eyeballs were also vigilantly wandering around.

Based on this little detail, Zheng Fan can confirm that this product is not poisoned!

Moreover, this guy actually made the same choice as himself, and is also pretending to be cowardly.

Defense, but an officer one level older than a school lieutenant is already considered the pinnacle of a middle-level officer, and a guerrilla general at the top.

Moreover, Zuo Jiqian came from Huwei Zuo's family. He must have had good training resources and materials since he was a child, otherwise he would not have been pushed out by the family to serve as an official.

This means that this guy is at least a warrior. Zheng Fan doesn't know if he has entered or not, but he is definitely not a good person.

Sure enough, the family members are all unreliable paper tigers.

Zheng Fan picked himself out according to the Basic Law when he despised others.

The Taoist priests rushed out quickly, as if they had encountered the guards outside the general's mansion, and soon there was the sound of fighting outside.

No matter what, this is the General Military Mansion after all, and this is Nanwang City after all.

Those assassins may suddenly appear and catch them off guard, but this place is Dayan's world after all.

In the past, I shrank my head because I didn't want to be the first bird, but now, it's time to grab the head and take the credit.

"Just lie here and don't move, I'll go outside to pick up heads."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Fan stood up slowly, and Zuo Jiqian stood up together.

The gazes of the two big coins and the big silver coin met in the air at a short distance, and they walked out of the mourning hall together tacitly.

"Brother Zheng, I really envy you for having such a loyal subordinate."

Apparently, the scene where A Ming took the initiative to help Zheng Fan block the needle had fallen into Zuo Jiqian's eyes.

However, what Zuo Jiqian didn't know was that A Ming wouldn't die from an injection.

"I also admire Brother Zuo's good luck."

"I'm wearing soft armor. After this incident, I'll give one to brother Zheng when I go back. This soft armor is useless in battle, but it's really useful to guard against these small tricks on weekdays."

"Then thank Brother Zuo."

"you are welcome."

In fact, what Zheng Fan was thinking in his heart was to ask Siniang to weave him a soft armor as soon as he got back.

The two walked quickly all the way, and in the front yard, the Taoist priests had already fought off the guards of the Zongbing Mansion.

These Taoist priests were all very skilled, and the guards of the General Military Mansion were not their opponents for a while. Even though they had the upper hand, they were still defeated steadily.

This allowed Zheng Fan to have a deeper understanding of the quality of the southern frontline of Yan Kingdom. It is absolutely impossible for similar things to happen in the Zhenbeihou Mansion.

Sure enough, living in sorrow and dying in peace is an objective law wherever it is placed.

"Brother Zheng, please go first."

"Brother Zuo is too polite, please go first."

"you please."

"you please."

Just at this time, a Taoist priest had just cut down the guard in front of him. In order to avoid the knife edge of another guard, he backed up many steps, just in front of Zheng Fan and Zuo Jiqian.

Zuo Jiqian immediately released a gray light,

Zheng Fan also quickly released black light,

The two who were still polite before, rushed towards the same goal without saying a word.

The Taoist priest sensed the danger coming from behind him, and when he turned around, he saw two light sources rushing towards him, and a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

Zheng Fan's figure was blocked for half a step at this time, so Zuo Jiqian protruded half of his body, and the Taoist immediately slashed at Zuo Jiqian.

Zuo Jiqian uttered a low cry, clapped his hands together, and even forcibly clamped the blade of the knife with his own palms.

This is an out-and-out grab with bare hands!

Zheng Fan silently praised Zuo Jiqian in his heart, then stepped forward, taking advantage of the gap when the Taoist priest's weapon was controlled by Zuo Jiqian, he punched the Taoist priest on the neck.



The additional strength and speed when Qi and blood circulate, combined with the blessing of Zheng Fan's "roar" output, with one punch, the Taoist priest's neck was smashed crookedly.

"Brother Zheng, good work."

Zuo Jiqian picked up the Taoist priest's knife and continued to charge forward.

Zheng Fan was not interested in snatching the sword with his bare hands like Zuo Jiqian did, but picked up the knife next to the body of a guard and started to walk around.

Although I have been taking time to "point out" Liang Cheng to practice martial arts on weekdays,

But since Zheng Fan woke up, there are really too few occasions where he really needs to fight by himself. No matter how many routines are used, they are just a show if they are not used in actual combat.

Therefore, Zheng Fan is very confident about his own level, so he assumes that he is a ninth-rank martial artist player, and follows Zuo Jiqian to help Zuo Jiqian make up his sword.

On the other hand, Zuo Jiqian, a big sword made a big splash, but he was also aggrieved by Zheng Fan's "cooperation", but so what if he was aggrieved, he couldn't turn his sword to Zheng Fan now, right?

However, with the addition of Zheng Fan and Zuo Jiqian, the guards also had a backbone, and their morale improved a lot. Coupled with the advantage in numbers, they began to gradually reverse their decline and counter pressure.

Outside the Commander's Mansion, groups of armored soldiers are frantically rushing over. These are soldiers of the city defense army. After hearing the movement of the Commander's Mansion, they immediately assembled and came for reinforcements.

And just when Zheng Fan cut down the third Taoist priest and was about to continue drawing his sword and retreating behind Zuo Jiqian,

I saw a figure rushing directly into the corridor, which led to the garden and backyard of the General Military Mansion.

And there was a head wrapped around the waist of that figure, it was the head of Lord Zhifu!

"Thief, where to escape!"

This is a big fish!

Zuo Jiqian let out a low growl, and went straight after him.

Zheng Fan doesn't hide in the bushes anymore, he must be cowardly when he should be cowardly, but he must not hesitate when it is time to grab credit!

After waking up for only a few months, I can sit in this position, without him, I will take credit for it!

Zuo Jiqian was running, and out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Zheng Fan who was chasing with him, gritted his teeth, and increased his speed further.

However, just as he was chasing after the pavilion, in the flower garden beside him, the figure of the Taoist priest unexpectedly came out in the opposite direction, and the knife pointed at Zuo Jiqian's head and cut it off directly.

Zuo Jiqian reacted very quickly, raised the blade, and moved forward instead of retreating. He used the block to forcibly push the gap, trying to block the opponent away, and at the same time gain space for his next counterattack.

With the origin of family studies, the use of this set of fighting skills has indeed surpassed Zheng Fan's muddy legs by many streets.


The two sides collided with each other.

familiar scene,

familiar head,

Once again, Zheng Fan, who happened to be half a step late, immediately raised his knife and made a detour to the rear, intending to take the opportunity to steal the head of the big fish.

Seeing this, Zuo Jiqian felt like he was about to burst into tears. At the critical moment of fighting for success, no one could maintain the so-called sense of normalcy.

Whoever kills the leading Taoist priest will write in the credit book in the future that someone led the crowd to fight back and took down the assassin,

And another person, no matter how much contribution he makes, can only be reduced to one of the "everyone" on the credit book!


at this moment,

A whistling sound came, and a shock flew out from the Taoist priest's chest.

"Air refiner!"

Zuo Jiqian let out an exclamation.

But the distance is too close,

Zuo Jiqian retreated half a step, dodging his vital points, but his left arm was directly pierced by the shock, and at the same time, because of Zuo Jiqian's retreat, the previous defense was directly dissipated , The knife in the Taoist's hand also unceremoniously swept directly at Zuo Jiqian's chest.


Zuo Jiqian was cut down to the ground. Fortunately, there was a soft armor on his chest. Although the soft armor was still damaged, it offset most of the damage from the knife.

"Brother Zheng, be careful!"

Zuo Jiqian, who was knocked to the ground, could only shout this.

Previously, he hated Zheng Fan's head-grabbing method, which was extremely shameless.

But at this moment, he was really afraid that Zheng Fan would also go up and be dealt with by the Taoist. If this was the case, before the reinforcements arrived, the Taoist would have time to calmly give him a knife before leaving.

Zheng Fan was not in a hurry,

Stealing heads was so fun,

Suddenly, the guy who attracted hatred for himself as a tank was overthrown,

for a while,

Zheng Fan really didn't know how to continue.

But there was no turning back when the bow was opened, Zheng Fan could only continue to let out a low growl:


With a knife, he chopped down at the Taoist.

The Taoist just slashed Zuo Jiqian with a single knife, and he had expended a lot of energy. Zheng Fan came aggressively, and he didn't give him time to take a breath. On the first day of junior high school, he was forced into an extremely embarrassing situation by Zheng Fan.

But after several consecutive confrontations, although the Taoist was only in a passive blocking position, he immediately discovered that the opponent in front of him had the blood strength of a ninth-rank martial artist, but his experience in front of the battle was a little immature.

Indeed, other ninth-rank martial artists, no matter how talented they are, are honed step by step.

And Zheng Fan came out of a crash course. In order to make him a crash course, Liang Cheng's fingernails and Siniang's hands were used, and they used everything.

This is also the disadvantage of instant success, without years of accumulation and training, even if Zheng Fan is given you a book of evil swordsmanship, it will be difficult to understand the deep meaning.

With a turn of the knife, the Taoist forcibly moved Zheng Fan's next knife away, and at the same time opened up a gap in Zheng Fan's position.


Jinghong reappeared, directly facing Zheng Fan's neck.

This Taoist is clearly a warrior and a Qi refiner who cultivated both!

Zheng Fan saw the startled bird, but it was too late to dodge it, because the distance was too close.

The shadow of death directly enveloped Zheng Fan's heart.

Zuo Jiqian, who was lying on the ground next to him, saw Jing Hong flying out, his face showed despair, it was over, it was over, it was over.

At this moment, Zuo Jiqian couldn't help regretting why he was so greedy and aggressive. If he waited for the palace guards to come along with him or the city defense troops outside, things would definitely not be the way they are now.

Of course you may not be able to catch this big fish,

But at least he won't give his life here.


At this critical moment,

"Gudu Gudu......"


A black stone came out of Zheng Fan's pocket directly.


The quaint stone collided with the Jinghong, and the Jinghong turned out to be a dagger engraved with runes on its body. The moment the two sides came into contact, the dagger broke immediately. It was not the stone's all-round enemy!

The Taoist was horrified: No wonder the martial artist in front of him is a little immature in fighting skills, but the one in front of him is actually a martial artist who is both a martial artist and a qi refiner, just like himself!


Not only that,

After this stone crushed Jinghong in one fell swoop, he was still not satisfied,

He rushed directly towards the Taoist.

How the Taoist dealt with Zuo Jiqian in the past was basically repeated according to the original script.

It's just that Zuo Jiqian reacted a step ahead of time, and at the same time he still had soft armor on his body.

But the priest's luck was very bad,

Because the stone came directly to his forehead.


The head of the Taoist was directly crushed by the stone.

Zheng Fan, who narrowly escaped from the dead, let out a long sigh of relief,

smiled a bit,


"Small it."

Zuo Jiqian opened his mouth,

His eyes were full of horror.

As expected... a person from the Li family;

Although the Zhenbei Hou Mansion is not very populated, it does not mean that there are no talents in the Hou Mansion!

"Brother Zheng, good method..."


Zuo Jiqian hadn't finished speaking,

A scene that shocked him even more appeared,

After the stone smashed the Taoist's head in one fell swoop,

Draw a circle in the air,

next moment,

They rushed directly towards Zheng Fan's head!

among the stones,

Mixed with extremely strong resentment and aggrieved,


It seems to be able to see the face of a resentful baby,

Such a useless father,

What are you doing alive?


kill it!

"..." Zheng Fan.

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