Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 91: Before the party

The playground of H County No. 1 Middle School.

At 6:30 in the evening, Tang Tianyou came to the school slowly from home.

As soon as he arrived at the playground, he found that the playground was already beaming. The half-curved stage was filled with flowers and colorful balloons, and there were more than a dozen students from the Student Union who were adjusting the lighting and sound.

As the New Year’s Party was held in a grand manner, not only the school leaders came to attend, but also the county secretary, county head, and deputy county heads and other leading officials would also come to watch it.

Therefore, the school has lost money this time. What is hanging in the center of the stage is no longer a simple projector, but a large digital screen that occupies the entire wall. At first glance, it looks like an open-air cinema and is extremely luxurious.

Hundreds of light blue plastic chairs are neatly placed in front of the screen. These are special chairs for school leaders and their families, and ordinary students cannot enter them.

After the leadership area is the special area for the students, they don't have the treatment of the leaders, and they all have to move out of the classroom and sit by themselves.

But even so, it cannot conceal the happy look of the students. All of them are smiling and full of energy, or are tidying up clothes and props, preparing to perform on stage; or sitting there with a smile, talking with people around, fully Enjoying this rare and wonderful time.

"Why did you come? The party is about to begin." A familiar complaint suddenly sounded in my ears.

Looking back, Li Shiyin took graceful steps and appeared in front of Tang Tianyou.

I saw her with ice muscle and jade skin, beautiful eyes looking forward to her, a white and elegant tulle close-fitting dress set off her exquisite and pretty figure, and a pair of Swarovski-style high heels on her beautiful feet, matched with the same color. Beautiful jewelry, coupled with her beautiful and peaceful face, is breathtakingly beautiful.

All of a sudden, the people who were still talking turned their heads and stared at this beautiful woman who seemed to have strayed into the mundane world.

"Shiyin, you, you are so beautiful tonight." Tang Tianyou was dumbfounded, his head was blank, and he could only say such a sentence stupidly.

"Idiot, what are you talking about?" Li Shiyin was overwhelmed by Tang Tianyou's scorching gaze, two crimson sunsets quietly climbed onto her beautiful little face, and then connected some words to complain about him, and forgot. said.

Unconsciously, as if caught in the incense of ecstasy, and as if bewildered by the sea-mon's singing, Tang Tianyou stepped easily, holding the beauty in front of him into his arms with one hand.

The beauty entered his arms, and a faint fragrance entered his nose. Tang Tianyou could not help but hugged the beauty in front of him tightly.

Leaning on Tang Tianyou's chest, breathing disorder, Li Shiyin's chest kept undulating, she could feel her heart thumping in the silence, her small white hands tightly clenched her fists, her face was flushed, and she lowered. Going to the head, she covered her beautiful face with her beautiful hair.

Seeing Li Shiyin's so lovely and lovely look, Tang Tianyou couldn't help but hug again. Li Shiyin's heart seemed to be beating again, and her heart was upset. For a while, she forgot to resist. When she reacted, she found that she was already silent. In this feeling.

The cheeks were flushed, an inexplicable sense of belonging and security emerged spontaneously, and the deer thumped in her heart, Li Shiyinxue slowly put her head into Tang Tianyou's arms in the warmth.

a long time………

Tang Tianyou gently pinched Li Shiyin's thin chin with his fingers, and slowly lifted it up, staring at it tightly, and slowly and slowly approached Li Shiyin's delicate lips.

Li Shiyin was in a state of confusion, shouting in her heart: What should I do? How to do? ! He wants to kiss me, kiss me. It's too bold, how can you do such a thing in a place like this? !

There was an intention to push him away, but for some reason she was leaning against his chest, but her body was soft and weak. In the end, she could only slowly close her beautiful eyes and let this big villain do whatever she wanted.

At this moment, a heavy cough awakened the pair of mandarin ducks.

With a whisper of "Ah", Li Shiyin suddenly pushed away Tang Tianyou's tight embrace with strength from nowhere.

Tang Tianyou woke up suddenly, he was too out of control, how could he do such a thing in the public? Thinking of this, he couldn't help touching his head awkwardly, then turned his head to take a look:

An elf who seemed to have come out of a fairy tale world was looking at him with an angry face, as if to say that he was a social parasite such as a scum, a scum, or a worm.

"Haha, it turned out to be Xiying, why are you here?" Tang Tianyou slapped haha, trying to conceal his embarrassment. After all, being caught in bed by his own old girl is really that way.

Tang Xiying gave him a white look, and said angrily: "The party is about to begin. I came to see Senior Sister Shiyin to review the draft. How did you know that you would encounter a big pervert here?"

Tang Tianyou smiled awkwardly. He might have been infected by the shameless fat man recently, and his face became thicker. Only after a while, his expression returned to normal.

When Tang Tianyou calmed down, a doubt appeared in his mind, came to correct the manuscript? Could it be...?

He couldn't help looking at Tang Xiying's dressing up tonight-

She has long black hair up to the waist, and a long dress with silver studded in pitch black, which sets off her rugged figure. The hem reveals a pair of slender and white legs, coupled with pure white skin and dark pupils. Like an elf out of a fairy tale!

So beautiful!

He used to know that his sister was too beautiful, but when he dressed up today, he still gave him an amazing you also the host tonight? "You can't think too much about your sister, Tang Tianyou settled down and said quickly.

"Do you know now? Big idiot." Tang Xiying said angrily. She didn't know why as soon as she saw Tang Tianyou look like this, she was so angry that she had a very good temper.

At this moment, Li Shiyin, who had sorted out his emotions, walked over and said seriously: "God, your show is scheduled for the fifth from the bottom of the party, remember not to be late."

"Okay, I see." Tang Tianyou smiled slightly.

Before leaving, Tang Xiying gave Tang Tianyou a fist and threatened: "Brother fool, although I don't know what tricks you used to perform on stage, don't shame our family, you know?"

"I know." Tang Tianyou smiled bitterly, feeling underestimated by his sister.

After hearing the answer, Tang Xiying murmured: "Hmph, I really don't understand why a perfect woman like Senior Sister Shiyin would like you? She looks silly."

Although the voice was very small, it was still heard by Tang Tianyou and Li Shiyin. Li Shiyin's face suddenly became a big apple, and Tang Tianyou was also embarrassed.

Seeing the tacit understanding of the adulterer and adulteress, Tang Xiying didn't know why she felt upset in her heart, as if her beloved toy had been snatched away. She gave a cold snort and left.

Seeing this, Li Shiyin lowered his head and said to Tang Tianyou: "Go on!", and then left.

Looking at the back of the two women leaving, Tang Tianyou stood there for a while, planning to leave.

After all, his performance is the fifth from last, which means that there is at least two hours before his performance, so he waited patiently in the performance preparation room and waited for him to play.

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