Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 367 Big Trouble

But when they wanted to escape by car, they found that there was a big trouble. The chaos just now not only blocked the direction of the police car coming here, but even blocked the way they wanted to escape. The getaway vehicle was completely useless.

You must know that in a big city like Tianhai City, there are countless vehicles in it. If there is any traffic accident, even if a car temporarily stops on the road, it will still be blocked for half an hour.

Not to mention that there is such a big "riot" like now that the whole street can't move at all, which is even worse than the traffic jam during the Spring Festival.

These gangsters didn't expect that their actions not only cut off the way of the police, but also cut off all the ways for them to escape, which was completely unexpected.

"Damn it, I miscalculated this time." The leader of the gangster was very annoyed. If he had known that he would not have caused chaos, now even they were stuck in the same place, but the escape vehicle they had originally prepared had already disappeared. Completely useless.  Urban Devil Fruit 367

"Boss, what should we do now?" The triangular-eyed man looked nervously at the bandit leader, with a sack full of jewels on his shoulder, his face full of anxiety.

This time, the jewelry robbery plan, which he thought to be foolproof, unexpectedly had frequent accidents now. These incidents undoubtedly made him feel a little bit uneasy, and he felt faintly uneasy. He felt that his group might be in big trouble.

Being used to gangsters, struggling on the verge of life and death all year round, even if I didn't have any thoughts of revering gods and Buddhas, I couldn't help but believe in the existence of luck.

This is indeed a fact!

The man with triangular eyes has seen or heard of it countless times——

Some gangsters are weak and often make mistakes, but he is lucky and escapes the police by accident. In reality, it is often this kind of person who survives to the end.

Some gangsters are powerful, and every action is carefully planned. Even if ten actions are successful nine times, but the last time is unlucky, and there is a mistake in a certain link, it is very likely that it will be that one time, and he will have to spend time in prison. Live the rest of your life, or lose your precious life directly in the fierce battle.

Although it is difficult for the triangular-eyed man to accept this fact, after experiencing so many things for so long, he also understands that there are always many things in the world that science cannot explain, and luck is one of them.

"Er Gouzi, we..." After thinking for a moment, the bandit leader gritted his teeth and wanted to speak.

But at this moment, the long-haired gangster, who had been nervously guarding the surroundings, seemed to have discovered something, and quickly walked up to the gangster leader, and said, "Boss, those stupid policemen actually abandoned the car."

"What?!" The gangster leader was shocked and looked up. Sure enough, the police who were supposed to be in the police car seemed to have sped up their actions because of the riot.

They abandoned the police car that was trapped in the crowd, with regular weapons in their hands, wearing bulletproof vests, and ran here in a well-trained manner. It seemed that after three minutes, they and the police would engage in hand-to-hand combat.

"Damn it, let's go. Hurry up, fourth and fifth, don't need any more cars. There are so many cars in Tianhai City, it's easy to grab another one." , when it’s safe, we’ll get together again, and we’ll contact you secretly when the time comes, you know?”

In fact, he was not very afraid of the oncoming policemen, but they were just little babies who had never seen blood. Even if they had guns, what could they do?

He can kill them in minutes!

However, the facts are not as easy as they appear on the surface. The threat of the police has never been reflected in the strong combat power of individuals. Their real horror lies in: the extremely large number, strict organization, and pervasive intelligence system.

Kill one, get a pair; kill a pair, get a bunch; kill a bunch, get a lot!

Infinity, like a tide flooding over!

They are weak, and if they are entangled by these little policemen, even if they are delayed for a minute, they will be drowned by the policemen who came behind.  Urban Devil Fruit 367

He has reason to believe that the police in the whole area are now getting wind of such a big incident, and if they delay for a moment, they may never be able to escape again.

"Okay, boss." The triangular-eyed man, the long-haired gangster, and the two gangsters who just got out of the van all nodded seriously.

But at this moment, a warning sound came from behind them:

"You are already surrounded, stop your fearless resistance, put down your weapons and surrender, take the initiative to admit your mistakes, and strive for leniency from the party-state."

The gangsters looked over, and there were two fast-running policemen hiding next to a white Mercedes-Benz, only more than 20 meters away from the gangsters, leaning halfway out, holding pistols point at them.

"Fuck you~ damn it!"

A very hot-tempered gangster saw them, and his heart suddenly burst into anger. He took out an AK47 from his body, and immediately opened fire fiercely, calling them with bullets.

"Da da da da..."

A ferocious bullet hit the Mercedes-Benz, piercing through the holes. The two policemen shrank their heads in fright, and hid themselves beside the Mercedes-Benz to prevent the gangsters from finding out where they were.

People around saw the fierce gunfire, like a movie-like battle between police and robbers, screamed in fright, and hid in a safe area around them, fearing that they would suffer such an unwarranted disaster.

After the firepower ended this time, a policeman was unconvinced and wanted to come out and shoot the gangsters.

It's a pity that the gunshots of "da da da da" didn't stop, suppressing him so much that he couldn't lift his head.

"Kangdang! Da da da da da da..."

The violent flames shattered the glass windows of the Mercedes-Benz and poured out from the inside, covering the place where the police were located airtight.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

Countless bullets instantly turned the Mercedes-Benz into a hornet's nest, and some of the bullets passed through the body of the Mercedes-Benz and "shot" at one of the policemen. There was a scream of misery, as if a policeman had been shot. .

"Let's go, fourth child, stop wasting bullets." The bandit leader said coldly.

"Yes, boss." After hearing this, the fiery gangster had to stop his firepower, but the vent just now also vented the anger in his heart.

The policemen in the distance saw that their colleagues had been shot, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead. They were startled and angry, and they accelerated their progress. They stopped issuing warnings and prepared to encircle these vicious gangsters.

"Hmph, just in case, we have to take a few hostages to block bullets." Seeing the actions of the police, the bandit leader sneered, "The police are good people, and they probably wouldn't do anything to ordinary citizens. Right?"

The rest of the thieves also looked fiercely, searching for traces of the hostages, and happened to see a young woman and a little girl preparing to flee here in a panic.

At this time, Tang Tianyou and Zhao Wenzheng came out from the back door of the jewelry store.  Urban Devil Fruit 367

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