Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,429 The deceased who fell from the building

White chrysanthemums were placed in front of the tomb. Takagi and Sato Miwako put their hands together to worship Datehang.

"Brother Ida, I will send the ring to Miss Natalie."

Takagi opened his eyes and looked at the tombstone: "I'm leaving and I'll see you later."

But when Takagi got up, he suddenly found a wooden toothpick placed on the edge of the tombstone.

"Huh? Why are you here?" Takagi picked up the toothpick and asked in confusion.

"Speaking of which, I remember that Date Criminal seemed to often have a toothpick in his mouth."

Miwako Sato looked at the toothpick in Takagi's hand and said, "Someone specially prepared a tribute for him before us."

"But who is it?" Takagi looked around the cemetery, but saw no one.

Behind a certain tombstone, Toru Amuro took his eyes away from Takagi and looked down at his mobile phone.

[Where are you doing now? Please contact me occasionally! ——Ida]

Looking at the last text message from his friend on his phone, Toru Amuro called up the management page.

"Sleep well, my friend."

His finger gently clicked on the red "Delete" button, and Toru Amuro's eyes were full of deepness.

The cold wind howled in the cemetery, but it couldn't compare to the coldness brought about by grief in people's hearts.

But people always have to move forward and cover the deepest ice with their warm hearts.

Of course, it is obvious that people's joys and sorrows are not the same.

For example, after returning home, Karasawa ate lunch cooked by Ayako, and he even slept for an entire afternoon, feeling relaxed when he woke up again.

After solving this case, Tang Ze suddenly felt at ease.

Although it has already entered winter and sea fishing is a bit too uncomfortable, Karasawa still found a suitable activity in winter - skating.

Because it was a working day, Tang Ze went skating every day, not to mention booking the venue, but it was pretty much the same.

I skate and exercise every day to exercise my body, and then I go home to eat and have a date with Ayako. This life is very nourishing.

However, the days of playing always passed quickly, and soon it was Saturday.

For ordinary people, this is a time to rest, but for Tang Ze, it is a reminder before going to work.

No way, since he rescued Takagi, although he has been playing around, he will occasionally contact Koshimizu Nanatsuki or Takagi to inquire about any recent cases.

And it was safe and sound until Friday. Not to mention the murder case, not even a single petty thief was caught.

It was precisely because of this that Tang Ze felt that he was about to receive a case.

Thinking of this, Karasawa drove to Dr. Ali's house to visit, planning to ask Haibara if they had any schedule for the next two days after school in the afternoon.

But what he didn't expect was that after just chatting with Dr. Agasa and Miyano Akemi, he learned that they would take a special car to go skiing tomorrow.

After learning about this, Karasawa decisively asked them where they were going to ski tomorrow. Once they knew the place, they said they would meet at the ski resort tomorrow, and then left without meeting Haibara.

Early the next morning, Karasawa drove and planned to set off. Because it was involved in a case and Ayako happened to be lazy, he didn't force it and set off on his own to go to the ski resort.

But who would have thought that Conan called just halfway.

"Hey, Tang Ze criminal?"

Conan's voice came from the other end of the phone, and after Tangze answered the question, Conan said, "That's it, we originally planned to take a special car to go skiing, but we didn't expect that Haiyuan forgot something at home.

Then Sister Mingmei and I came back with her. When she said that you wanted to ski together when you were a guest yesterday, I thought about you coming to pick us up. "

"No problem. I happened to have just walked not far. It's okay to go back to pick you up."

After hearing Conan's explanation, Karasawa's eyes lit up and he started to turn around and drive toward the city.

"Then it's up to you. We'll wait for you at the doctor's house." Conan didn't know that Tang Ze was already out of the city. Hearing Tang Ze's words, he said reassuringly and immediately hung up the phone.

On the other hand, Karasawa turned the car around and accelerated straight away, heading towards Dr. Ali's house.

Naturally, he was going to pick up Conan and the three of them. After all, if you wanted to find a case, you had to follow Conan.

He is the culprit who triggered the case. Only by following him can you encounter the case as soon as possible, and even have the opportunity to prevent the case from happening in advance.

And Karasawa didn't let them wait too long. After all, he had S-class driving skills, and today was Saturday and there weren't many cars on the road. He quickly arrived in front of Dr. Agasa's residence and picked up the three of them.

"Sorry to trouble you, Tang Ze Criminal."

After getting in the car, Haiyuan apologized to Tang Ze, "I asked you to make a special trip again."

"It's okay." Tangze laughed after hearing Haibara's apology: "It's hard to go out to play with my sister. This is a rare opportunity."

"Yes." Haiyuan looked at his sister after hearing this, and a slight smile appeared on his usually indifferent face.

Tangze didn't know that there was a case going on and deliberately told lies to give the other party false hope.

He had already thought of a response strategy. Even if there was a case, he could just ask Miyamoto Yumi to drive Haibara there for skiing, and he and Conan would just stay behind to solve the case. It was a perfect split of forces.

And the Miyano sisters will basically agree with this choice. After all, the two of them can't help much at the crime scene. Instead, they may leave records on the case file.

So instead of waiting there, it would be better to just let the two of them leave and follow the original plan.

After picking up a few people, Tangze stopped interacting with each other and drove towards the ski resort at normal driving speed.

Not long after, Tang Ze encountered a traffic light. There were so many vehicles in front that his lights flashed.

If he was going to pick up Conan and the others, he would definitely follow them as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, but now that he was not in a hurry, Karasawa just waited patiently.

While waiting for the traffic light, Conan suddenly opened the car window and shouted to the sidewalk next to him: "Takagi Criminal!"

"Ah, Conan-kun, and Karasawa Criminal?"

Hearing Conan's call, Takagi turned his head and saw Conan lying on the back window waving to him and Karasawa who was lowering the front window and ran over quickly.

"Are you going to ambush?" Conan asked with a smile.

"That's right." Takagi smiled and said, "I just finished handing over to Chiba."

"It's great that what happened before didn't affect you." Conan said with a smile: "I thought you wanted to take a break to calm down."

"With Sato Criminal here, even if he has a psychological problem, he will be treated at the Metropolitan Police Department." Karasawa joked with a smile: "It is really only if he is at home that he will have a psychological problem, don't you think so, Takagi? .”

"Tangze Criminal, please stop teasing me!"

Hearing Karasawa's teasing, Takagi smiled bitterly: "To be honest, recently I still occasionally dream about myself falling off the board.

Fortunately, every time I fall, I wake up..."

Speaking of this, Takagi was afraid that the two of them would worry, so he quickly smiled and said: "But after I woke up, I kept reminding myself.

It's okay, I didn't fall...I didn't fall..."

"It fell, someone fell!!"

Before he could finish speaking, a female voice suddenly screamed in panic from behind, startling Takagi.

He panicked and shouted in the direction of the screams, only to find a group of people gathered further away.

"Takagi, get in the car!"

While Karasawa greeted Takagi to get in the car, he took out the alarm bell and pressed it directly on the roof of the car.

As the sirens wailed, Tangze stepped out of the convoy and ran straight towards the panicked crowd as the cars on the left and right gave way.

"Call an ambulance!"

"Call the police, call the police quickly!!"

Looking at the chaotic crowd, Takagi immediately ran out of the passenger seat and rushed to the scene with Conan.

"You two, just drive to the ski resort."

Tang Ze looked at the chaotic crowd and said, "It seems we can't leave today."

"Isn't that bad..." Miyano Akemi said hesitantly: "And the car is for us to use, what will you do next?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. I'll just use the police car when the time comes."

Karasawa smiled and persuaded the two of them according to the words he had planned. Then he looked at Miyano Akemi and said: "As for the car, you can just drive it home when you come back. I will pick it up when I am free tomorrow."

"Okay, be careful." Miyano Akemi nodded and finally drove to the ski resort.

Tang Ze watched the car leave and ran towards the crowd of onlookers.

At this moment, Takagi had taken control of the scene. Tangze entered through the passage that spread out among the crowd and saw the fallen body.

It was a man with silver hair. He was dressed very fashionably. He wore a blue stand-up collar shirt and an off-white jacket. The style looked a bit like a luxurious nightgown.

At this moment, the man's head was covered with blood and he seemed to be dead.

"I was jogging, and as I was passing by this street, I saw this man suddenly fall from the building."

Under Takagi's questioning, a man in sportswear took the initiative to tell the story of the man's fall.

"I, I saw it too." The woman next to him also stuttered in agreement, obviously frightened by the sight in front of him.

"Excuse me, everyone present, do you know this person who fell?" Tangze asked while looking around the scene while putting on gloves.

But when they heard Tang Ze's question, everyone around them looked at each other but no one answered.

Seeing this, Tang Ze knew that no one probably knew the deceased, so he planned to check the condition of the body.

"Look at the pocket in his arms, there is a mobile phone there." Conan pointed at the body and reminded.

Naturally, Tangze also saw the purple flip phone in the other person's arms. He took it out and opened it and looked through the deceased's call records and email address.

"Well, the deceased sent a wonderful text message before he fell." After seeing the text message on his phone, Takagi looked at the time and said.

"Not only that, but they also used the group sending function to send it to several people at once." Tang Ze said while looking at the group text messages.

"How about we send it to a group again?" Conan suggested with a smile: "Maybe we can find acquaintances of the deceased in the crowd."

"This is not good..."

Before Takagi finished speaking, Tang Ze on the side smiled and said: "What a good idea."

Seeing Tang Ze's decisive operation and sending another group text message, Takagi couldn't help but laugh twice, feeling that he was incompatible with the brain circuits of the master and apprentice.

Along with the group text message, the next moment a few ringtones suddenly rang among the crowd watching.

Looking at the focused gazes of Tang Ze and the others, the three of them consciously took out their mobile phones.

"I didn't expect that I actually found an acquaintance." Takagi looked at the two men and one woman in front of him with a somewhat stunned expression.

However, he was still stunned, but Takagi quickly calmed down: "You three know this gentleman who fell to death, right?

Why didn't any of the three of you come forward and tell me when my colleague was questioning me just now? "

"Please introduce yourselves to the three of you, and then explain why you didn't come forward immediately." Tang Ze looked at the three of them and said.

"My name is Ogino Keisuke."

The square-faced man in an orange coat quickly explained: "Well, I ran from the house after hearing the shouting outside. I didn't see clearly who the fallen person was."

"My name is Yue Yuanxiang. Like him, I came out to see the situation because the screaming outside was too loud."

The woman in pink complained: "After all, the screaming outside made me spill my coffee."

"My name is Kanzaki Kazutomo. Like them, I also ran out after hearing the noise outside."

Kazuto Kanzaki, who wears glasses, said this: "If the person who fell is the person who sent us a text message before, then it means that the person who fell is President Katsumoto!"

"No way, really!" Yue Yuanxiang looked at the bodies behind several people in shock.

"It's really President Katsumoto!"

Ogino Keiyu was more courageous. After hearing what they said, he approached the body to check the situation and said in shock.

"Tell me about him in detail." Karasawa looked at Ogino Keisuke and said.

"He is the masterpiece of Katsumoto, the president and editor of Katsumoto Publishing House."

Ogino Keisuke saw Takagi who was a little confused and said, "You should know the weekly Great, which has seen a surge in sales recently, right?"

"Ah, is this the publisher of this magazine?"

Takagi suddenly said: "That magazine published a lot of gossip and gossip about celebrities and entertainers, right?"

"Does it mean that you, the president, and the members all live in the same apartment?" Conan asked, looking at the three of them.

"It's just a coincidence." Yue Yuanxiang heard this and said: "After all, it is very close to the company."

"I plan to find a house and move." Ogino Keisuke said with a helpless smile: "After all, I am a free man now and no longer his member."

"But we all live on the third floor. As for President Katsumoto, he lives on the 26th floor." Kazutomo Kanzaki added.

After figuring out the basic situation of the deceased, Tangze planned to further inquire about the three people's actions before the crime.

After all, judging from the current situation, the suspect is locked among the three of them!

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