Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,408 The Dark Tracker (Reward)

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The two of them walked all the way to where Akai Shuichi parked his car. At this moment, a female criminal was cursing and writing a ticket.

After seeing the other party, Conan was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, his joking words actually came true, and he quickly ran towards the other party.

"Sister Yumi, please be merciful!!"

Conan shouted while running, attracting Miyamoto Yumi's attention.

She turned around and saw Conan running towards him: "What, is this your car?"

"Yeah, yeah, we just had an emergency and stopped here." Conan clasped his hands together and begged, "We're leaving now, please be merciful~"

"Okay, you're in time, but don't stop here next time!"

Miyamoto Yumi rolled her eyes angrily, but still took the ticket book back.

"Thank you." Conan smiled cutely, causing Yumi Miyamoto to pinch his cheek, and then urged the man who came after him to drive away.

When Akai Shuichi drove the car to a remote parking space, Conan couldn't help but sigh: "The two of us were really crow-mouthed just now, and we actually hit the mark."

"You didn't use words like 'prophecy.'" Akai Shuichi took off his disguise mask and said with a smile.

"This is just a simple judgment based on intelligence." Conan smiled helplessly and said, "How can it be regarded as a prophecy?"

"Speaking of which, was my previous role in "Green Pheasant" okay?"

Akai Shuichi smiled and said nothing more, but began to ask about Conan's business: "Although you also wrote me the character setting and the information about his meeting with Belmod, I don't know how I performed. .”

"It's pretty good. Mr. Aokiji just feels this lazy."

After hearing this, Conan gave Akai Shuichi a thumbs up: "Mr. Akai has quite a talent for acting, especially his reaction when a text message breaks out. It's really amazing."

"It's just adapting to circumstances." Akai Shuichi smiled and said: "And it just so happens that Mr. Aokiji has always wanted to instigate Belmod to rebel, so he went with the flow."

"Even so, being able to react so quickly is amazing."

Conan smiled when he heard this and said: "If you need to go out for a period of time in the future, this identity will be left to you.

Mr. Akai finally managed to fake his death and get out of the public eye. In daily life, it is better to keep a low profile.

After all, Okiya's identity is on the surface, and it is inevitable that he will be suspected if he is involved in too many things. "

"Well, then thank Mr. Aoji for me." Akai Shuichi said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you are both powerful snipers, with similar styles." Conan said with a smile: "And he is always lazy, and he plays the role very well."

"It's a pity that the memory card this time was trampled into powder." Shuichi Akai lamented: "If you can get it, you will get a pretty big card."

"After all, the enemy is not a fool." Conan showed the same expression after hearing this: "And the opponent is even so vicious that he sacrifices his companions. There is nothing we can do about it."

"This result is not unacceptable."

After finishing speaking, Akai Shuichi looked at Conan and said, "Let's stop chatting here for now. I plan to go back directly. I'll see you off wherever you want to go."

"No need, Mr. Akai can just go back by himself." Conan smiled and said, "I still have some things to do here."

"Understood." Watching Conan get out of the car, Akai Hide nodded, put on the "Oki Yao" disguise mask and drove away.

After that, Conan arrived near the Metropolitan Police Department, waiting for Karasawa's arrival.


"This happened in the underground parking lot."

After listening to the confrontation between the two sides, Tang Ze took a long breath, because the scene was similar to what he had originally planned to rehearse.

Conan and Akai Shuichi didn't know what Belmode was taking or why, but they knew that the enemy wanted it, and they must be right to grab it.

Belmode's goal is to destroy, so after seeing Conan and Aoki coming to grab the memory card, if he didn't destroy it after getting it, he would definitely destroy it first after seeing the two.

This was a scene that Karasawa created by taking advantage of the intelligence gap between the two parties after discovering that Belmod had taken away the memory card.

The purpose is to ensure that the memory card is destroyed and not taken back by Belmode.

Although their goal is to destroy, if they can get it easily without external force, they might take it back.

Once you take it back, you don't have to think about whether it will be destroyed directly or after some inspection.

Therefore, it is inevitable to give her external pressure to destroy it in time.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. Although the text message he sent caused an accident and a moment of panic, Akai Shuichi relied on this news to win over Belmode again.

She was even asked to investigate the situation when she went back to see if there was any attempt to silence Conan.

As for this adaptable move, Tang Ze also praised him constantly.

He has the same view as the two of them. After the first time of cooperation, the second time will not be far away.

Even if you don't cooperate at the time, you can always find a situation where the other party is forced to choose to cooperate in the future.

And as the cooperation deepens, the other party will naturally become helpless.

Even in the end, because of the risk of being discovered by Gin, he finally chose to take the initiative to cooperate in order to protect himself.

Although the other party is not a nail planted by one of his own undercovers, and he is not worthy of complete trust, after all, Belmod's status within the organization is also very high, and he can undoubtedly play a greater role than the undercover at certain times.

At the same time, the other party also knows a lot of information that they cannot detect undercover. Even if they only maintain a weak cooperation, they may be able to get the other party's support one day.

"Sorry, I still fell short in the end."

Conan on the side looked guilty: "If I hadn't held back this time..."


Tangze waved his hand: "Although I didn't get the things, it's good to see some progress on Belmod's side.

Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore. It’s almost time for you to go back. I’ll see you off. "

"Well, that's troublesome." After hearing Karasawa's words, Conan didn't hesitate any longer and sat in the car waiting for Karasawa to take him back to the Mori Detective Agency.

And he drove home.

"came back?"

Hearing the noise outside the door, Ayako walked out of the living room: "Have you had dinner?"

"Not yet. Is there anything to eat?" Tang Ze asked while changing clothes.

"I thought you might be back today, so I asked Sakura to make the curry." Ayako said with a smile: "Now it seems that my prediction was correct."

"Curry rice." Tang Ze nodded and said, "Okay, okay, I'm going to wash up first, please help me heat the rice."

"Leave it to me." Ayako smiled and nodded, then turned and entered the kitchen.

When Karasawa came out of the shower, Ayako brought out a steaming portion of curry pork chop rice.

"Why bother to fry the pork chop? Curry is enough." Karasawa looked at Ayako and said, "It's too much trouble."

"You've been so busy these past two days that you haven't even been home, so you definitely haven't had a good meal either." Ayako held her chin up while watching Karasawa eat and said with a smile, "Of course I'll make you have a good meal when you get home."

Hearing this, Tang Ze felt warm in his heart. This kind of ordinary concern made him feel at home.

"You still feel sorry for me." Karasawa held Ayako's hand with his left hand and continued to eat.

"It's time to eat."

Feeling Karasawa's hand grabbing her, Ayako angrily tried to break free, but in the end she was still held in his hand.

In desperation, Ayako had no choice but to accommodate Karasawa. Although she was also curious about the case, because the case involved a black organization, Karasawa omitted a large part and only told the general situation of the murder case.

As for Matsumoto Kiyonaga being replaced, not a word was mentioned. After all, even if this news does not involve the black organization, so many things happened in the management, it still needs to be kept confidential.

After the meal, Tangze returned to the bedroom and prepared to go to bed early.

This case was a huge drain on his mind and body. After washing up and filling his stomach, the relaxation of his mind made him tired.

But before sleepiness overwhelmed his consciousness, he still yawned and forced himself to open the system panel.

At the next moment, the reward settlement information will start to jump and refresh.

After the panel refresh ended, Tang Ze began to carefully check the reward settlement.

Unlike the previous rewards, the first thing that caught your eye this time was not a price-based evaluation and reward, but a reminder message.

Completion: Excellent

Evaluation: Just talking about this serial murder case, your participation was not timely. Murder cases all over the place were happening in places that you were completely unaware of.

But when you learned about this case, your approach was undoubtedly excellent. While taking into account the confrontation between the main line and the black organization, you also did not forget to end the serial murder case early and save the only survivor.

Somehow, you have been favored by fate.

The reward on the case was pretty good, one hurt him a large amount of fate points and also replenished his medical reserves.

Coupled with the one he bought before, Tang Ze finally doesn't need to be tied up in medical treatment.

As for the evaluation, it was also very pertinent, but he really had no way to participate in the initial case.

After all, he is only a human being, and these murders must have occurred in various counties.

By the time everyone realized the serial murder case, it was actually time for him to attend the meeting.

So many times they can only chase crimes but cannot prevent them in advance.

Tang Ze was no longer troubled by these problems, and his attention was quickly focused on the first paragraph.

The meaning of this passage is actually very obvious, that is, he has obtained the hell memory card, how he will use it in the future, and what will happen, whether it is good or bad, has not yet been determined.

Therefore, the rewards for this disturbance to the fate line will not be settled for the time being, and will be settled after all the dust has settled.

Karasawa can understand this, after all, in the original work, the memory card that led to the black organization's actions was shattered by a shot at the end.

So Conan worked so hard that he almost lost his life, but in the end he just barely managed a draw.

After all, if he really got the memory card in the theatrical version, there would be no way for the subsequent plot to unfold.

But now this is reality, so the case still happened, and with Tang Ze's participation in the layout, the real memory card was obtained directly and quietly.

And once this thing is used by Tang Ze, targeting the black organization, then all subsequent developments will take two completely different paths from the original trajectory.

Therefore, the impact is too great, and Tang Ze has not taken out any props for the time being, so the system intends to wait until he uses the rear view result before settling.

However, he also noticed the "risk" in it from the very beginning.

Because it actually said "reward or punishment", which means that the risk of taking out this thing is very high, and it will not even unfold in the direction he wants.

Upon noticing this, Tang Ze realized that the risks involved might be very high.

Taking out the memory card rashly and using it may cause a huge blow to the black organization, but the opponent's counterattack will also be very violent.

It may even lead to irreversible consequences, so it is actually a reminder.

Tell him that he still needs to make a step-by-step plan to accumulate strength and weaken the enemy, rather than just flipping the table.

This is actually Tangze's plan. His consistent style is to be "steady" and to bring about little changes through repeated participation.

Although it seems not obvious, and you may not even notice any changes from the original plot for a while, it is just a temporary dormant illusion on the surface.

In fact, under the same shell, there is a completely different process. It can be said that it is just a matter of making a fortune in silence.

If you count it in detail, you will know that starting to save Miyano Akemi gave Haibara hope of living, and at the same time he was more motivated to research the antidote.

Afterwards, he obtained some information about the antidote, contacted Belmod, and when Shuichi Akai faked his death, the organization lost troops.

Even according to Conan's words describing Belmod, it seems that the conflict between Gin and Ireland has expanded.

These are seemingly inconspicuous changes, but later on, Belmod began to cooperate with them for the first time, and even though Gin had the chance to save Ireland, he still chose to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

These changes are the result of Tangze's continuous layout. Although there may not be too many changes for a while, once the changes occur, the outcome is destined to be different.

And small changes also bring about completely different consequences, which will also bring about greater variables.

Just like spinning a cocoon, the same cocoon may eventually produce two completely different species: a beautiful butterfly and an ugly moth.

And Tang Ze firmly believes that what he will finally brew will be the most beautiful butterfly!

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