Detective Training Manual

Chapter 82: People who talk nonsense will be punished~

   Look back at the book again.

   These few minutes of buffer period, it is estimated that the text delay in the book has also passed.

   Finally, some reliable messages appeared.

   [I’m still ■ ■: Zhou Yan, you have to show weakness and look for opportunities. It’s not that easy to deal with the police if they can easily fool the police.

   Be sure not to irritate the criminals, especially when you are not sure whether you can beat the opponent, you must show weakness and save the state to turn over...]

   "Huh? Why is the ink on this guy's name one size smaller this time, I feel like the words behind it are about to leak out~" Zhou Yan muttered.

   But don't care about these things, this guy's words are very pertinent, and now his physical condition, he definitely can't go up and fight the other party.

   [Hammer who loves paofan: Try to see if there is any power beyond imagination in yourself. This female pervert is a bit too strong, under normal circumstances, even if it is hypnotized, she can't control jc's attention for a short time. 】

   "Hiss...this Nima, if you can cultivate immortals or have superpowers, you would have discovered it a long time ago.

   But this woman seems to be a bit weird, especially the smell in the room, is it perfume?

   Looking back now, the woman had been sticking in front of the door and talking to herself, was it just to let herself be in contact with the perfume on her body for a longer time?

   Damn, if this is the case, then I've fallen into the other party's trap from the very beginning. "

   [aswq1454: Why should I be afraid, even if I am afraid of a woman, it is enough to knock her down in advance! 】

   "Fuck, it makes sense, look for opportunities to put you and the wife of Lin Xi together, let you show the power of male boxing~"

   [2:03: Is it not normal to be weak? The weapon used by this female assassin is drugged, and she is not a master who kicks people stunned by a 3600-degree rotating flying kick. 】

   "Hmm..." Zhou Yan nodded: "Indeed, the people in the book seem to realize that the perfume on this woman pervert is weird.

   In the world before he was reborn, there seemed to be things like "interrogation potion" and "Veritaserum".

  The principle should be to weaken the self-control of the human brain, so that the person being interrogated cannot organize language to lie.

   But these things seem to be controlled by the military forces.

   How could it appear in the hands of a perverted girl.

   Hey, no matter what, anyway, if this woman really has something similar, then it's better not to consider using brute force to solve the other party for the time being. "

   Just when Zhou Yan was still trying to find some information from the book, suddenly, a sound of wood rubbing sounded.

   This voice came from Zhou Yan's diagonally above his head.

   He raised his head and looked in that direction.

   Immediately afterwards, he saw that the ceiling was lifted up! Then, bright lights came down.

   Connecting to the ceiling is a section of wooden steps extending all the way to the ground.

   Then...a pair of slippers with cute bunny heads, stepped down the steps.

   and then the white calf, and the long skirt still with that drop of blood...

   is the female pervert!

   At this moment, Zhou Yan also understood.

   At this time, where I am, it should be the next level of this female pervert family!

   I don't know if this floor has also been rented by the other party, or it has been unoccupied for a long time because of other reasons...Anyway, this female pervert must have broken the partition between the two floors.

   Thinking about it this way, when I was peeping from the entrance of the cave, the woman should have thrown the corpse to the next floor.

   As for blood stains, it should be cleaned up when I was looking for signals everywhere.

   After all, he just smashed his head. The blood stains were much less than those of poking his neck and stomach, but it was a bit disgusting when the brain was rubbed.

   But even so, there should be some traces left on the scene.

   And the partition downstairs in this passage is not too complicated, maybe you can find it by tapping the floor.

   It's just that my mind was a little messy at the time, maybe because of the perfume.

   There is also... This woman picked up the crime scene, was it too fast? How skilled is she! ?

   These things were swept away in Zhou Yan's mind.

   In these few seconds, the girl also went downstairs...

   "Oh?...... Brother, are you awake?" Her voice was still very nice.

   Zhou Yan's gaze swept across the opponent's hands. He was sure that the girl didn't take anything, but he still didn't relax.

   He didn't even try to go up with this woman like the people in the book instigated him.

   His body is still dizzy, and it is estimated that it will take a lot of effort to stand up.

   If I just ran two steps, I would fall down, and my head would just reach between the two plush bunny slippers of the other party. It would be too embarrassing.

   So Zhou Yan was very cautious to help the wall to stand showed that he was not so weak.

   The girl looked at Zhou Yan and smiled: "Brother, don't hold on, I know the effect of my perfume, I know better than anyone~"

   "Who are you on earth?" Zhou Yan ignored the other party, and asked instead directly.

   "Who am I?" The girl was taken aback, and then suddenly laughed: "It's all this time, do you think you need to pretend to be?"

   "What did I pretend?" Zhou Yan was also slightly stunned. He really didn't know what the woman was talking about.

   After seeing Zhou Yan's reaction, the girl in front of her narrowed her smile. She began to look up and down Zhou Yan...a few seconds later.

"Hahaha-it turned out to be like this!" She smiled again: "It seems that I really misunderstood. It turns out that you are not a detective. So, before you were downstairs and said you were a detective, you were completely deceiving this. Follow Mad Brother."

   said, she also glanced at the corpse on the ground.

   "Well, that's true. At that time, you said that you were a [Marple] level detective.

   I was still wondering at the time, wondering, why would the ‘Detective Club’ send a Marple-level trash to trouble me?

   Are all the ‘Sherlock’ class dead?

   It turned out to be a poor fake. "

   While talking, the girl slowly walked towards Zhou Yan.

  " I originally wanted to try, can I ask something in your mouth, now it seems that this is completely unnecessary.

   Then, I can only blame my brother for your bad luck...

   Do you remember what I said before?

  People who talk indiscriminately, but will be punished~"

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