Destined Martial God

Chapter 77: Comprehensive testing

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Baichimen, try the peak, the peak!

In the knowledge of the sea, considering a long time, Ta Ling finally did not remind Yu Haoran that the elegant middle-aged man who just appeared was a martial arts strong man who felt the power of special rules.

He didn't want to remind him, just considering that the power of the person's understanding of the law can be aware of past and present life, he was worried that Yu Haoran, who knew the secret, would be traced to him by the power of the law.

Therefore, Hao Ran will never tell Yu Haoran until Xiu Ran has not broken through the martial arts and cannot use the power of the rules to oppose the power of the rules.

In other words, he hoped that Yu Haoran could discover the special characteristics of the elegant middle-aged man through his observation.

Although it takes a long time to test individually with talented stones, the number of talented stones cannot be supported, and there are many experts in charge of testing.

Therefore, less than six hundred disciples at the scene have already carried out more than half in just over half an hour.

But until now, no disciple has been able to reveal the qualifications that have astounded everyone.

It wasn't until the test of that person, the girl with a peerless face, that exclamation and debate broke out at the scene.

Because the peerless girl is also sixteen or seventeen years old, she is already the peak of the nine ranks of the samurai, and she can break through the samurai realm at any time, and the potential and talents she has revealed have reached the middle red, that is, the potential of the middle age of martial arts.

More importantly, the insight and perseverance of that peerless girl was just like the potential and talent, and it also reached the middle red color, that is, the understanding of Wu Sheng in the middle period. This is what really shocked everyone. important reason.

The potential and talents of a warrior can be improved through elixir and mysticism, but understanding is inherent to a person and needs to be gradually improved over time.

People with a stronger natural understanding not only have an easier understanding of mind and martial arts, but also understand the mind and martial arts so that they can not only quickly improve their cultivation, but also possess the strength of higher-level challenges.

Just as Yu Haoran participated in the sectarian trials, the talent potential of Pale Red, although qualified to become a top seven sectarian disciple, will definitely not attract the attention of the seven strong men.

The reason why he has received the attention of the seven strong men is mainly to show his ability to challenge in a higher order, which proves that he has amazing understanding.

Turning his head and glancing at Wu Zhengjun, he found that he had no interest in the peerless girl who had just exploded with amazing potential, talent, understanding and perseverance, and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the girl is beautiful and excellent, she is a poisonous snake that cannot be easily approached.

With her, she may be slightly scaly and scary, but she may be killed!

In previous lives, he did not fail because of this girl, and did not die because of this girl.

Even if it was dangerous and killed, in the end, it was ruthlessly abandoned!

Therefore, in this life, he chose to quit, and he also did not want his friend Wu Zhengjun to contact her too much, so as not to fall into it.

After the girl showed amazing potential, talent, understanding and perseverance, the top leaders of Baichimen came forward to talk to her one by one.

From the surprises that constantly appeared on the girl's face, it was known that these high-level officials of Baichimen were soliciting her to join in excellent conditions.

In this regard, Yu Haoran couldn't help but laughed at the gloating laugh: "Don't look at the joy you are pulling today, and you will be pulling the list sooner or later!"

"Brother Yu, it's a coincidence!" Just at the top of Baijimen, when he tried his best to attract the girl, the lively Huang Zonghua passed over a dozen disciples waiting for the test to Yu Haoran, joking.

"Yeah, what a coincidence!" Yu Haoran held out a hand in response to Huang Zonghua with a smile.

"Squeeze a drop of blood on the talent stone!" Huang Zonghua urged after Haoran took the talent stone.

Nodded, Yu Haoran squeezed a drop of blood on the talent stone.

As the blood melted into the talent stone, the original crystal stone instantly burst into dazzling white light, and the brightness of the white light immediately caught everyone's attention at the peak.

Different from the potential test of the Zongmen trials, the test using talent stones alone will show four colors, one color represents talent, one color represents potential, one color represents perception, and one color represents perseverance.

Talent, potential, perception and perseverance basically determine the starting point of a warrior!

In general, the color that represents talent and potential changes the fastest, and the color that represents perception and perseverance changes slowly.

But this situation is that Hao Ran has changed!

Because of the two colors representing perception and perseverance, the yellow light appeared first.

It wasn't until the concentration of yellow light reached deep yellow that the two colors representing talent and potential began to appear yellow.

This situation shows that Yu Haoran's own understanding and perseverance far exceed talent and potential.

Thinking of Chu Zhongyu once mentioning that Hao Ran had the potential of light red color, it also meant that he had the potential of Wu Sheng in the early days.

Nowadays, the speed of perception and perseverance is far faster than talent and potential, indicating that his own perception and perseverance will reach at least medium red, and may even reach crimson, which is the peak level of understanding and perseverance of Wu Sheng. This made him always pay attention to his scorching flames, and his heart suddenly became hot.

If Yu Haoran can become a disciple of their department, not only can he strengthen the strength of their department, but also the understanding and perseverance revealed by Yu Haoran himself will also strengthen the influence of their department and thus enhance their system. The right to speak in sects.

However, this excitement did not last long, Lie Yan frowned.

Because bringing Yu Haoran into their department, although it can expand its influence and enhance the right to speak in the denominations in a short time, it is not without side effects.

After all, Yu Haoran not only has outstanding talents and potentials, but also has a strong understanding and perseverance. It is quite possible that his future achievements will surpass himself.

At that time, will he still be able to control him and let him obey his orders!

This mentality of suspicion, accompanied by the constantly presenting color on Hao Ran, gradually expanded, especially when Yu Haoran's two colors representing perception and perseverance reached crimson, he had denied the idea of ​​drawing on Hao Ran.

He didn't want to lead the wolf into the room, and he didn't want to lose everything he had now because he was attracted to Hao Ran.

Yu Haoran's changes in different colors also attracted the attention of the peerless girl. After seeing Yu Haoran's uncommon appearance, her brows frowned slightly.

But after thinking about something, the frowning brow slowly spread out, and a smile of joy appeared on his face.

Seeing that the color representing perception and perseverance reached the crimson, Yu Haoran first glanced.

Because in the previous life, when he participated in the internal test of Baijimen, the test of perception and perseverance barely reached light green, which was weaker than the test of potential and talent, and was in the mid-range among all the students who participated in the test.

Unexpectedly, this test, perception and perseverance will directly improve one more order.

However, in a flash, this is normal.

After all, after rebirth, he still retains all the memories of the previous life, and the mental state of the peak state of the Emperor Wu, not only has not lost his own understanding and perseverance, but has continued to improve with time.

Therefore, the crimson color of perception and perseverance is not a miracle, but taken for granted.

After thinking about all this, he is no longer surprised at the changes in the color of perception and perseverance, but just after he just figured it all out, he was just a light red talent and potential. He crossed this line in an instant, and went straight to understanding and perseverance. Crimson rendered.

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