Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 5 Chapter 883: Purdue

This night, the teenager dreamed that a middle-aged couple was beckoning him. The man was wearing a gray robe, and the woman was wearing a green shirt with a blurred face. Just as the teenager wanted to go closer and see clearly, he was blocked by a few screaming faces that suddenly appeared. The teenager was shocked and then fled...

At this time, the young man suddenly woke up from his dreams, and when he blinked, he saw a ugly face with a scar on his face.

Seeing Uncle, Liu Ming, who woke up in a nightmare, calmed down a lot.

"Do you have a nightmare again?" said the uncle, whispering slightly, his face flashing a hint of concern, but soon restored a calm expression.

The teenager heard the words sitting up and nodded silently.

At that time, Liu Ming, who was only three or four years old, was sent to the fierce island as a recidivist. If it were not the ugly but silent duti, and taught martial arts, mystery, and various skills to survive on the island, I have already lost my life to Huang Quan. No one will remember that a young boy named Liu Ming had appeared on this fierce island.

Although Liu Ming was still small at the time, he still clearly remembered the dark night that had just been sent to the island.

At that time, he and other dozens of people had just been sent to a deserted beach on the island, and other heavy criminals were distracted from each other.

At that time, he was a young child, although he was barely chasing after several of them, he was still lost in the vicinity of a meadow soon, and he could only stand in the same place.

At that time, the sky was already late, and the whole body was dark. There was no way to distinguish between fog and night. There was a disgusting, rotten, **** smell in the air, and there was a dull silence everywhere.

A big hand came out of the night, grabbed it, and flew through the grass and mud.

Liu Ming couldn’t see the person who grabbed himself. He only heard a whistling cow whispering in Liu Ming’s ear. At the same time, a thorn that had been crossed from time to time cut a path in his soft face. Blood injury.

The person who is holding him seems to be a burly big man, just running forward, not looking at Liu Ming, which is sandwiched between his waist. ,

In the end, the big man caught Liu Ming and came to a few bonfires. There were hundreds of noisy crowds screaming around the bonfire.

"Brothers, this uncle has captured an absolutely rare wild object today. My uncle, I am in a good mood today, I took the 'prey' out and shared it." Dahan said to the crowd, and put the willow at the waist. I heard it in the crowd near the fire.

At the same time, the crowd extended a pair of greedy and filthy hands to catch Liu Ming, and together they forced them to throw them into the sky, throwing Liu Ming as a hanging play object up and down and left and right, like a hydrangea.

Someone beside him is also eager to move, sharpening his teeth and preparing to divide the child into a body.

Because of the survival rules of the weak meat on the island, some behaviors that are considered violent or even devastating are often treated as ordinary entertainment by people on the island.

Although Liu Ming is young, he has experienced various human sufferings in a short period of time: from hiding in the cracks of the door, his family was killed, and when he was found out of the bed, he was arrested at the imperial court and passed to the prison. It is intolerable to a series of ordinary people who are in prison and escorted to the island.

Liu Ming’s tears have already been crying. Instead, under the stimulation of resentment and excessive fear, it’s just a slap in the face of the lips, letting this group of people who are almost crazy throw it away.

When Liu Ming was thrown into the air again by the teasing, ridicule, intimidation and arrogance of the people on the island, I don’t know who lost a hand and did not catch it. Liu Yan in the air fell heavily on the grass. Although he did not fall into a serious injury, but also a nose and a swollen face, finally could not help but scream.

However, as a result, the crowd was even more crazy. Even one person couldn't help but suddenly felt a bone dagger from his arms and directly rushed to the ground.


The man fluttered to Liu Ming, and suddenly the black shadow flashed in front of him, and the man flew out like a sack.

Liu Ming didn't know when there was a man with a scar on his face.

When others saw this man, they were all taken aback and opened.

And this ugly man looked down at the young boy who had tears on the ground and said a faint sentence:

"This kid is fancy."

When the voice just fell, the ugly man picked up Liu Ming and strode away from the distance.

Some of the people who seem to be the most fierce in the crowd, their faces have changed slightly, but after looking at each other, there is still no blocking action.

Obviously, this ugly big man is very difficult to provoke.

Everyone thought that Dahan had already swallowed the child. I didn't expect it to be a few months. The child was not only eaten, but also followed the big man to jump around.

The great man who saved Liu Ming that year was the uncle.


Everyday life on the island is full of viciousness and urgency. Every moment, I have to focus my attention on the surroundings, and I am afraid all the time, so few people have time to remember the past. Even if there is, it is only a moment.

Liu Ming’s eyes turned from memories to the uncles in front of him. Suddenly there was an urge to hold the former man. Although he was rescued and taught such things, he never said anything to him.

"This time you are lucky, but some skin injuries, did not hurt the bones. But this duel, at least three times in front of the opportunity to defeat the victory, you have not caught, otherwise it will not be in bed now. "Da Shu suddenly said in a pointing tone.

"There are so many, I thought I only missed it once." Liu Ming heard that it seemed to be a little unexpected.

"Oh, this shows that your secret surgery has not yet been cultivated home. After the injury is done, the training will double my weight. Yes, this black cloud has won Qixialin. I and several others went to Qixialin to hunt, so that Officially take over the hunting rights of this forest. It may take a month or two to go out this time. You will stay in the hole to heal these days," said the uncle.

"In addition, the closed surgery can be used without it. After all, these secret techniques are not harmful to your current body. If you don't get it, you will leave a legacy that you can never eliminate." Uncle said with a flash of his eyes.

"Know it, dry uncle." Liu Ming looked at the man and immediately agreed with respect.

The ugly man nodded and planned to leave, but after turning around and revealing a hesitant color, he sighed and went to a dark corner in the innermost part of the hole and began to look for something.

After a while, the uncle gave a seemingly old and anonymous name to Liu Ming, who was lying on the stone bed.

"This is a breathing and breathing method. You try to follow the above instructions. Run this method every morning and night to see if it works. If you can really cultivate, you should be able to jump quickly. However, you don't have to hope too much. There are not many people who can cultivate this method on the whole island."

Although the uncle's tone is still plain and plain, Liu Yan naturally can hear a hint of concern from it, and immediately he can't help but feel the heat and take over the classics.

I saw this book with a shiny suede cover, framed with thick lines, and the pages inside it looked gray and light black, which seems to have been around for a long time.

After a while, the uncle took a hunting bow and walked out of the cave without going back.

After a few hours, a rare faint moonlight on the island was shot from the hole, and there was a unique smog in the dark clouds.

Liu Ming, who has already slept again, finally plans to get up and move. When his hands are supported by the stone bed, he suddenly feels a lot of pain and can't help but sigh.

It seems that this time the "skin trauma" is really quite heavy.

However, a moment later, Liu Ming sat down at the bed and began to read the unnamed books given by Uncle Shu.

It was found that it was a set of methods for closing the eyes. Breathing through the breath, adjusting the breath, and then adding the concentration of the mind to make the essence work in the whole body, in order to achieve a myopic spirit of restoring the spirit or restoring the body and mind.

At this time, he naturally did not know that this breathing method is actually one of the practice methods of practicing Qi Shi.

After reading the classics, Liu Ming was curious, and immediately crossed his legs, put his hands on his lap, and meditation, and practiced as described in the book.

With the rhythm of breathing, Liu Yan's distracted thoughts, mental concentration, gaze and internal vision, and began to mobilize the body and mind as they please, so that they can revolve in the body and flow freely.

It didn't take long for him to practice, and he felt that there was a faint heat flow in the dantian part of the abdomen, which was integrated into the limbs and suddenly felt comfortable.

After a period of cultivation, Liu Ming felt that his body seemed to become a little sensitive, and the original faint pain became somewhat unbearable. As if watching a sharp knife slowly across the skin of my body.

However, as he breathed in and out, the pain in his body seemed to be alive, and he had a sense of direction and went straight to Dantian.

After repeated trials, he finally condensed all the pain in the body in Dantian. Then, in the atmosphere of the body, it becomes part of the body and mind, and the pain is completely lost.

During the nursed back to health, he was hungry and licked the dried meat in some of the holes. As a result, he had to rest for a month of injury, and it would be fine in just a few days.

In the days that followed, Liu Ming, in addition to practicing swordsmanship, practiced the unnamed breathing and breathing method in the morning and evening.

Juvenile Liu Ming has already known that only by making himself stronger can he survive on the island.

When I was a child, as long as the uncle was not there, Liu Ming was always beaten to death by others. Fortunately, by the deterrent power of the uncle, no one really wanted his life, otherwise he would have died.

After a dozen days, Liu Ming discovered that with the cultivation of this method, not only did he see something more clear than before, but the sound he heard was even louder, and his strength began to increase significantly.

On this day, after Liu Ming retired and practiced, he immediately went to a place outside the cave where there was no one. He picked up an egg-sized stone and looked at it suddenly.

The black shadow flashed, and the sound of "砰", a small tree with a bowl of seven or eight feet, was immediately broken.

Liu Ming saw this and immediately overjoyed.

(Everyone searches for the prestige public number "forgetting words" or "wang--y\", and can pay attention to all the information of the forgetting words and the magic heaven novels in a timely manner. At the same time, the follow-up chapters of the magic heaven prequel will also be freely serialized on the prestige platform for the first time. .)



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