Deep Sea Survival: Start a Submarine

Chapter 144: ?Flesh Corridor

The entrance of the dark and deep shaft passage is like a portal to the abyss of purgatory.

Standing on the edge and looking down, there is a dark mist washing away in the eyes, and it is impossible to see the reality in it.

Under normal circumstances, no one dared to venture into the unknown area on this submarine full of mutant monsters.

Because you have no idea what kind of terrifying existence will be waiting for you in the dark corner outside your field of vision.

However, the situation is now critical.

The terrifying creatures from all directions have completely surrounded the passage where Meng Lei and others were, and blocked them from front and back.

Moreover, even the solid bulkheads around it can no longer provide effective protection.

The thick whip thorns were like shells out of the chamber, madly destroying everything around them, making a deafening sound.

The entire thalamic world seemed to usher in the final doomsday, and Zhou Tian shivered constantly.

There was simply no time to think about it, and no time to send someone to explore the way.

in this case,

When the hatchway door of the shaft was violently cut open, Meng Lei immediately and decisively ordered everyone to evacuate quickly.

The voice fell, and several fighters surrounding the hatch, driven by anxiety, showed extremely strong execution.

Without saying a word, the group jumped directly into the dark and deep entrance of the passage.

Even if he was wearing a heavy diving suit, it was very inconvenient to move, but it did not affect the movements of everyone when they jumped.

One by one, like dumplings, they poured in.

Meng Lei threw the shotgun on his chest behind him and dragged the wounded soldier with one hand to the back.

The excruciating pain in the left arm continued and became more intense as time went on.

He gritted his teeth, pushed his potential to the limit, dragged the wounded man to the edge of the entrance, and pushed him down.

"The people below follow!"

Meng Lei roared.

At this time, he didn't have time to worry about whether the other party would fall and get injured, so he would save his life anyway.

But he didn't dare to be too reckless. If he broke the diving suit mask on the wounded's head, it would be better to be killed by the monster directly.

Therefore, he reminded the people below to prepare for the response in advance, and took a dose of vaccination.

And when everyone entered the lower area in an orderly manner, Meng Lei did not delay any longer, and was ready to dive into the entrance of the passage.

At this moment, a strong and strong whip pierced the metal bulkhead in front of him in an instant.

Under the flicker of electric light, endless metal fragments were wrapped in a strong wind, blowing coldly.

Meng Lei's scalp was numb, and he yelled, "Fuck!"

At the critical moment, he instinctively rolled on the spot, only to feel that something rubbed the outer shell of the diving suit above his head and swept through the air, making a heart-wrenching rubbing sound.

In the next second, he didn't wait for him to come back to his senses.

A strong sense of weightlessness invaded, and with his feet empty, he actually rolled directly to the entrance of the shaft passage and fell from the edge.

"It's over, if this shatters the mask, then I will definitely become a vegetable..."

This thought just appeared, and it took less than a second.

The sense of weightlessness suddenly disappeared, and Meng Lei only felt cold all over, as if he had fallen into a package of liquid.

He thrashed about twice, barely holding his body, and then looked up in shock.

but found,

In the ink-like darkness all around, other fighters have thrown out several lighting sticks, which, in coordination with the tactical flashlights in their hands, illuminate the surrounding environment.

And at this moment, more than half of the space in the passage they were in was submerged by the icy sea water.

The bone-piercing seawater ripples under the reflection of the fluorescent light, constantly turning into ripples.

The water level has even spread to the waist, obviously where the side leakage occurred.

"Commander, are you alright?!"

Seeing Meng Lei fell down on his stomach in a strange posture, everyone hurriedly surrounded him.

Meng Lei waved his hand, subconsciously grabbed his left arm that was in great pain, and asked in a deep voice:

"What's the situation on this layer? Where did the water come from, did you find a side leak?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Someone in the dark said: "It was like this when we came down. The water level doesn't seem to have changed much, and the loophole should not be particularly serious."

Meng Lei nodded and finally let out a long breath.

The moment he found out that the water was leaking in the third floor area, his heart was actually half cold.

Because the ghost ship is right above the beacon station at the moment, if the loophole is huge, even without the pull of the thalamic flesh and blood gun, the ship will inevitably sink eventually, causing serious damage to the beacon station.

In that case, all their previous efforts would be in vain.

Fortunately, everything can be salvaged.

As long as he destroys the thalamic organ on the ship and assists Simon to destroy the core in the beacon station, the disaster can be avoided.

It was too late to think too much. After confirming that all the personnel were in place, Meng Lei immediately ordered:

"Immediately confirm the location of the ballast tank, find the lymphoid organ that hatches the cell body, and begin to destroy it! We are running out of time, and we must end the battle within five minutes!"

The safety time Hans gave was half an hour, and twenty minutes had passed now.

For the sake of safety, Meng Lei couldn't be stuck in the limit of half an hour to complete the task, and he must set aside a certain amount of spare time to ensure the fault tolerance rate.

Five minutes is actually enough for a lot of things to happen.

As his voice fell, everyone no longer delayed, and raised their flashlights and began to explore around.

The fighter with the wounded thigh did not drag the crowd back. He gritted his teeth and insisted not to let others help him. He limped forward in the water against the bulkhead, showing great endurance.

At this time, the vibration on the top of the head is still strong.

Those monster crew members who have turned into semi-vegetable bodies are still frantically destroying the second floor area, trying to find the traces of Meng Lei and others.

The huge noise reverberated like thunder in the confined space, and through the conduction of the bulkhead, the water surface in the third-floor area was rippling.

Even the roar of guns that rumbled outside the submarine was completely covered up.

It is enough to see how fierce the offensive of those thalamic infected bodies is.

"Everyone walks with their heads down, pay attention to safety, be careful of the ceiling!"

Meng Lei's voice kept ringing in the earphones, reminding everyone to avoid attacks that might come from the upper area.

Having had combat experience in the Rongyan Outpost and the Painted Skin Parasite, Meng Lei knew that even if these monsters could not see their target, they would attack the enemy through obstacles and bunkers, so they had to guard against them.

Even though the deck of the submarine is much thicker than the drawbridge corridor in the city, the power of the thalamic infected body is obviously stronger than that of the painted skin parasite.

No one can guarantee whether these monsters can pierce the deck and attack the lower layer.

So, following Meng Lei's advice, everyone bowed their heads one after another, leaning against the bulkhead on one side, and proceeding cautiously under the wrapping of the sea water.

Going all the way, although the vibration of the head is always intense.

Fortunately, those monsters did not attack from above.

Moreover, the environment in the three-layer area of ​​the submarine is relatively clear.

The fungal spores floating in the sky disappeared without a trace, and the air was so clear that it would no longer affect the line of sight.

In addition, a large amount of mycelium, which completely covered the entire second floor area like a creeper, has also lost its trace here.

Instead, it was a strip of blood-vessel-like, flesh-like mycelial organs, wrapped around the surrounding bulkheads.

The peristaltic veins fluctuated and tangled with the rhythm of breathing.

The proliferating organs, like tumors or hearts, kept beating and jumping in the piles of flesh and blood growths.

Indistinctly, a blood-colored fluorescent light will be emitted.

Everything here makes everyone seem to have suddenly stepped into the body of a large creature from the tropical rain forest.

Walking in the long and narrow dark passage is like walking in an intestine full of flesh and blood.

The eerie atmosphere is terrifying and terrifying.

"The shape of the thalamus in the air and water, as Hans said, is obviously different. This is really weird!"

Meng Lei held his breath and couldn't help but use the tip of the shotgun to gently touch the bulkhead beside him.

The firm fleshy touch made him feel uncontrollable.

Safety first, Meng Lei suppressed the curiosity and horror in his heart, and moved forward with the team.

The crowd shuttled through the darkness, intending to speed up, but were held back by the sea water.

One minute passed, and only four corridors were walked, and nothing was found.

Infinite flesh-and-blood creatures covered the surrounding bulkheads tightly, blocking the text signs on the door, and it was impossible to tell which was the ballast tank and which was the cargo warehouse.

Seeing this, Meng Lei felt extremely anxious.

In the absence of a submarine structure diagram, such a blind search is really a waste of time and outrageous inefficiency.

If you continue to search like this, it is impossible to find the target within five minutes.

"Commander, there is a pattern everywhere, except for blood vessels and blood vessels, there is absolutely no way to tell them apart! How can I find this?!"

"We're like flies without a head, circling around here, where is the ballast tank?"

Some people in the team also found the problem.

Meng Lei stopped, turned on his flashlight and looked around with a dignified look on his face, his face was very ugly.

This boarding and sabotage operation was far more difficult than he imagined.

In the submarine controlled by the thalamus, the environment is extremely complicated, and it cannot be theorized as usual. It is more difficult than the painting of the skin.

He stood there thinking for a moment, and finally his eyes sank, and he said with gritted teeth:

"Since we can't find the entrance, let's do it ourselves, open an opening, or two if one fails!

From the perspective of the submarine structure, there are only a few places where the ballast tank may exist. I don't believe that the designer can put the ballast tank in the middle of the submarine! "

After that, Meng Lei pulled out the plasma cutter he was carrying with him from his waist and yelled at the crowd:

"Everyone spread out immediately, cut the bulkhead and deck around the passage, and in any case, find the ballast tank for me within two minutes!"


The voice fell, and the group put down their weapons one after another, and then took out the plasma cutter, and then immediately dispersed.

The blue electric arc flashed, on and off in the dark passage.

The crowd was scattered in every corner of the third-floor area and began to frantically cut the surrounding bulkheads.

Meng Lei also plunged into the water, chose a position that might be the ceiling of the ballast tank, lay on the ground on the deck, and pointed the cutter at it.

The ultra-high temperature that is enough to melt steel, when it comes into contact with the flesh-and-blood creatures on the ground, instantly dissolves it.

The fine air bubbles, accompanied by a thick red slurry like blood, floated away in the surrounding seawater.

At this moment, Meng Lei didn't care whether the red liquid was corrosive or not, and kept working hard at the door.

After a while,

On the deck of the third floor area, he cut a hole the size of a human head, and the heavy metal structure fell down, revealing a bottomless dark space.

Meng Lei didn't hesitate, and immediately lit a lighting stick and threw it in with all his might.

There is a lighting rod the size of half a thermos cup, which slowly floats under the surging water.

Because of the pressure, it didn't hang straight down, but floated on the top ceiling.

Through the faint light, Meng Lei could vaguely see that in the space below, there were a large number of angular traces of cargo boxes scattered high and low.

They are neatly arranged, and the surface is covered with irregular flesh-and-blood creatures, like a breeding ground for hatching monsters, quietly hiding in the deepest darkness.

This is a cargo warehouse, not the ballast tank Meng Lei was looking for.

"Damn, waste my time!"

Meng Lei suddenly cursed, not staying in place at all.

According to the vaguely revealed size of the cargo warehouse below, he struggled to break through the water. At another position beyond the scope of the cargo warehouse, he dived into the water again, turned on the power of the plasma cutter to the maximum, and continued to destroy the deck.

Just like that, the two minutes passed quickly.

After changing three positions in a row, the lighting rods hanging in the waist were all used up, and all the places that could be cut were the warehouses for storing goods.

Meng Lei's face was miserable, and he was a little disheartened for a while.

"This is too unfortunate, isn't it?! Could it be that the second time I go to sea, I have to be trapped and die here?!"

At this time, just when Meng Lei was desperate, thinking that it was too late to achieve the purpose of this action.

In the headset suddenly came an excited shout from a combat fighter.

"Commander! Found it, found the location of the ballast tank! Come on!"

Hearing this, Meng Lei was instantly overjoyed and hurriedly asked:

"Report location, where are you now?!"

The man roared, "I'm at the end of this passageway, where the flashlight will signal you!"

Meng Lei turned his head to look, and sure enough, somewhere in the depths of the darkness, there was a flashlight flashing constantly.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and was about to break the water and approach the past.

Suddenly, I don't know what the other party saw, a horrifying roar came from the earphone again:

"Fuck... what the **** is this bitch?!"


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