Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 151 Secrets in the Underground Temple

"Do you want to pray to the goddess?"

To be honest, at this moment, Duncan's instinctive reaction was that there was something wrong with the storm goddess Gomona—it was the sinister side of this god who was supposed to protect mankind, which led to the terrible shadow hidden deep in the city-state, and that The occasional distorted appearance of icons is evidence of this.

But in the next second, he had another doubt: If there is really a problem with the goddess of storms, Ge Mona, why are the other churches in the city normal?

It's not that he hasn't seen other deep-sea churches—there is a community church near the antique shop, and there was also a church next to the Oceanographic Museum back then. The breath released... is obviously different from the weird church in front of me.

He has also come into contact with other priests, including priests and guardians at the lowest level, as well as judges like Fanna who are at the top of the city-state, and these people who serve the goddess of the storm day and night are normal, even more powerful than most people. Both are strong-willed and clear-minded.

He ignored the nun, but looked up at the icon.

After the glimpse just now, the weird fissure on the head of the icon never appeared again. Even in another face superimposed in the church, the icon was only blackened by smoke, as if Something was startled by the crack, and he seemed to take the initiative to hide.

Duncan frowned.

The weirdness of this church is obviously a special case, so if the problem is not the Storm Goddess... The scene I saw just now may be explained as some kind of power using this church as a node, trying to erode reality.

But what exactly is that?

The shape of that rift seems to have nothing to do with the sun god, and it is completely unreminiscent of sun fragments. If I have to say... but the dark light and shadow surging in the rift reminded him of the piece outside the bottom of the Lost Home chaos.

"Do you want to pray to the goddess?"

The nun's voice came again. She was neither impatient nor urging, but as if some key word was triggered, she began to repeat this question over and over again when Duncan and Shirley stood beside the icon.

Shirley seemed a little overwhelmed, she instinctively looked at Duncan, and the latter finally responded at this moment, he looked at the nun calmly: "Are you praying to your goddess?"

This should be an unambiguous question, and any normal believer would give a clear and positive answer at this time, but the nun's reaction made Shirley's eyes widen.

"I...don't know," the nun shook her head calmly, as if she didn't think there was anything wrong with her response, "I'm just praying, and He asked me to pray here."

Duncan frowned immediately: "Who is he?"

"A great existence." The nun smiled.

Shirley felt a chill from the nun's gentle smile.

"I don't pray to any gods," Duncan said lightly, and he pulled Shirley back half a step calmly, away from the range of the prayer platform, "including the goddess in your mouth."

"Oh, that's a pity." The nun sighed softly, then lowered her head again, not paying attention to Duncan and Shirley.

Duncan stared at the squirming human-shaped ashes for a few seconds, confirmed that the ashes really didn't pay attention to him, then turned and walked elsewhere.

The size of the chapel is limited, and there are almost no areas that can be hidden. Apart from the main hall dedicated to the icon, there are only a few rooms connected to the main hall and a basement.

Duncan took Shirley to check the surrounding rooms first, but found nothing worthy of attention. Finally, they found the stairs leading to the basement at the end of a corridor outside the main hall.

"Are we really going down?" Looking at the dark stairs in front of her, Shirley was obviously a little uneasy. She subconsciously turned her head to look in the direction of the main hall, "Will that weird nun suddenly come over?"

"The 'nun' is obviously trapped in the main hall and cannot be too far away from the icon," Duncan shook his head, "but if she really comes over...then we have to take action, after all, that very It’s hard to say he’s still a living human.”

Shirley swallowed, she was usually very courageous, but no matter how courageous she was, this was the first time she went to the church of the Deep Sea Church to do something, and the tension and awe accumulated over the years made her heart thump. jump straight.

But she knew that she had better not refuse - she still had no idea which was more dangerous, a nun who had mutated from a mortal or a shadow from the warp.

At this time, Duncan suddenly said something again, which made Shirley finally make up her mind again: "By the way, you should call Agou out."

Shirley's eyes widened in an instant: "Ah?! Summon Agou? In the church of the Goddess of Storms?!"

"I'm afraid this is no longer the church of the Goddess of Storms," ​​Duncan shook his head, "It's hard to say what is gaining the upper hand here now—don't worry about summoning Agou, you see, even I'm standing here In the 'church', can a deep demon be more inappropriate than me?"

After thinking about it, Shirley felt that this statement was quite reasonable. Of course, she didn't dare to disagree because it was unreasonable, so she had no choice but to raise her arm honestly and summon Agou to the real world.

The pitch-black flames and swirling smoke rose up, and the huge deep hound appeared in front of Duncan in an instant.

As soon as the summoning process was over, Ah Gou lay down directly under Duncan's feet skillfully, and the tail of the skeleton began to shake like a five-speed electric fan: "Salute to you, the great Deng..."

"Okay, you don't need to do this every time," Duncan interrupted with a wave of his hand without waiting for the other party to finish speaking. He was already bothered enough by having a noisy goat's head, and he really didn't want to have another dog with a similar style of painting around him. , "You should already feel that something is wrong with this church, now see it for yourself - next, I may need your 'eyesight'."

Agou got up from the ground neatly, turned his head to look at the corridor around him, and the stairs leading to the basement at the end of the corridor, with a glimmer of light in his hollow scarlet eyes.

"It's really an evil place..." Youshen Hound's voice was hoarse and low, "I'm dizzy just looking at it..."

After finishing speaking, it paused, as if making further judgments, then turned its head slightly and said to Duncan: "It is a bit close to the situation of the abandoned factory before, but it is more distorted than there. This distortion may have approached the real world. The threshold of tolerance... Yes, it seems that we have really found a key 'point' on this curtain."

"Has the distortion approached the threshold of the real world... No wonder I can directly observe it," Duncan nodded knowingly, and then his eyes fell on the stairs ahead, "The entire church has been inspected, and the rest... ...there should be only this basement. According to the structure of most deep-sea churches, the front should be an area called the 'underground sanctuary'."

"I'm starting to get excited," Agou shook his ugly head, and the chains around his neck rattled, "It's the first time in my life that I broke into the forbidden area of ​​the Deep Sea Church openly... I haven't seen what it looks like below Woolen cloth!"

Shirley immediately looked at Agou with a strange expression: "Can you fucking stop acting like a pervert who is about to sneak into the women's bathroom?"

Agou: "..."

Duncan ignored the combination of these two sons of a bitch, he had already passed Agou, went down the stairs, and came to the gate leading to the underground sanctuary.

As a small community church, the so-called "underground sanctuary" here is nothing more than a spacious basement, and the door leading to the underground sanctuary is a door reinforced with a steel frame and sacred runes. Blessed oak gate.

Duncan put his hand on the door, pushed it slightly, and found that the door was unlocked, but when he continued to push, he felt some resistance. It seemed that something was pressing against him, preventing the door from opening.

"There is something on the other side of the door." Duncan stepped back slightly, observing the dark oak door in front of him.

For some reason, when he came to the entrance of the underground sanctuary, the weird "overlapping" scene disappeared, and all he saw was this door.

It seems that the "two branches" superimposed in the church have completed their convergence here, leaving only the only "reality".

"Why don't you break the door open?" Shirley followed up from behind. She had already picked up the chain in her hand, her expression on her face was eager to try, and Agou on the side was also ready-specifically, she hugged her head with her paws, letting He clustered himself into the shape of a meteor hammer.

"...may destroy the clues," Duncan stopped the dog-wielding girl who was about to use traditional arts. He put a hand on the door full of runes, and a cluster of small flames ignited from between his fingers. Get up, and quickly walk along the grooves on the gate, "Theoretically, this gate should belong to extraordinary items, then..."

In the next second, the once-blessed gate of the sanctuary turned into fuel for the fire of the spirit body. Accompanied by the green flames burning rapidly, the gate faithfully carried out the order of the "master".

It burns itself out.

And as the door was wiped out, the thing that was against the door on the opposite side also appeared in front of Duncan and the others, and fell to the ground with a plop.

It was a nun in a black gown—scarred, sword still in hand, dead, still glaring at something in the darkness.

Shirley saw the other person's face clearly, and a chill rose from the bottom of her heart.

"It's... the nun we saw just now?!"

(It's the end of the month~ Double monthly tickets are starting~Everyone has a vote~)

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