Deep Sea Boxing King

Chapter 238: People Can't Help Wanting to Lick

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There are about 4,000 to 5,000 jumping fish on the entire island.

And the number of those who have reached the fourth rank is around forty or fifty.

These four or fifty jumping fishes were not monolithic, but each led by a fourth-rank peak jumping fish, gathered into a group, and then scattered on this small island.

In the world of the Yaozu, the strong are respected.

Because the number of jumping fish at the peak of the fourth rank is a bit large, it is temporarily impossible for them to form a cohesive group.

Only when one of these small groups breaks through to the fifth rank, then the entire jumping fish group will be completely unified.

Only the strong can win the crowd.

But obviously, these jumping fish have no chance at this time.

In less than three days, most of these scattered small groups were beheaded and killed by Xiao Jian and others.

And the rest of the fourth-grade jumping fish, after feeling that Xiaojian and the others were invincible, led their men into the blood forest in the south of the island one after another, but did not come out again.

"This bloody forest looks a bit creepy!" Standing in front of the bloody forest, Jian Zhixue couldn't help but whispered, with a fearful expression on his face.

"Indeed it's a bit." Leng Yanjun couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"It's really strange. I can't figure out why these jumping fish monsters rushed into the blood forest. Will they coexist harmoniously?" Zhen Xiang was also full of doubts.

Zhang Xiaojian scratched the back of his head, feeling that this incident was a bit unusual, revealing something strange.

Before the spiritual power was revived, there was a tree whose wood, trunk, branches, and flowers were all red, and the bark was also red after being cut.

These trees are called mangroves.

Mangrove is a special ecosystem transitioning from land to sea. It has developed root system and can grow in sea water.

Before the spiritual power was revived, the mangrove forest was very friendly to humans.

Mangroves are one of the few ecosystems with the most diverse species in the world, and the amount of biological resources is very rich.

This is because mangroves provide a good growth and development environment for marine animals through the transformation of food chains in the form of litter.

At the same time, due to the well-developed tidal creeks in the mangrove area, animals in the deep water area are attracted to the mangrove area for food, habitat, production and reproduction.

Because mangroves grow in subtropical and temperate regions and have rich food resources for birds, mangrove areas are wintering grounds and migration transfer stations for migratory birds, as well as places for foraging, habitat, production and reproduction of various seabirds.

Mangroves are the pioneers of wave dissipation and coast guards.

It has the functions of preventing wind and waves, promoting silt and beach protection, strengthening banks and embankments, and purifying seawater and air.

The intertwined and well-developed root system can effectively retain the sand from the land and reduce the sand concentration in the coastal waters; the dense and tall branches are like green Great Walls, which can effectively resist the attack of wind and waves.

Where there are mangroves distributed outside the embankment, the sea embankment is not easy to be washed away, and the economic loss is small. It is the protector of the coast.

At the same time, the industrial and medicinal value of mangroves are also very high.

Therefore, mangroves are very friendly to humans and are good partners.

However, since the recovery of spiritual power 200 years ago, among the mangrove forests all over the world, some trees have gradually undergone strange changes!

Spiritual power not only affects animals, but also plants!

At this time, Zhang Xiaojian was standing in front of the dense mangrove forest, and he saw the continuous waves coming, submerging the dense root system of the mangrove forest rooted in the silt.

Compared with the previous life, these mangroves have also become taller and more lush!

At this time, you can see that each of these densely packed roots is as thick as an adult's thigh and is very strong!

The branches and crowns of mangroves also grow like ancient virgin forests!

Layer upon layer, countless leaves cover the entire sky, and it is difficult for a single ray of sunlight to penetrate.

This caused the entire forest to be dark and dense, looking gloomy and terrifying.

The most creepy thing is that on the trunks of these mangrove forests, there are blood-colored veins growing on them, sticking to the trees like tattoos.

As for the waves that flow into the mangroves, the water is originally white.

But once it entered the range of the forest, it was slowly dyed bright red!

So at this time, the five of Xiaojian looked over at a glance, and felt that the sea water under the mangrove forest was like a huge pool of blood!

And those jumping fish that rushed into the woods, obviously in the eyes of Xiao Jian and others, the number of jumping fish monsters that entered the woods was at least a thousand.

However, as soon as these monsters entered the woods, they were quiet and did not make a single sound!


This really makes one's scalp tingle!

It is based on this change, so in order to distinguish.

According to the regulations of the Imperial Sea Masters Association, the mutated mangroves are called "Blood Forests" in order to distinguish them.

Jian Zhixue shook his head, a little puzzled: "According to the teaching in the class, after the mangrove forest mutated into the blood forest, it is very dangerous to have the habit of 'bloodthirsty'!"

"But why do these jumping fish monsters rush into the blood forest instead when they are in danger now?"

Xiaojian also had a headache, which was a bit puzzling.

Yes, according to the research of scientists and some powerful sea masters, after the mangrove mutated into the blood forest, they gradually liked eating meat and drinking blood!

So, these jumping fish set up their base camp in the blood forest, isn't it self-inflicted?

"There will be a certain lag between the knowledge in the textbook and the reality," Xiaojian thought for a while, and said, "So we can only use it as a reference, and we can't believe it."

Leng Yanjun and the others sighed slightly.

This is also one of the predicaments of human beings on earth today.

Now the global sea water is gradually rising slowly, submerged by sea water, and more and more things are nourished by spiritual power.

There are also more and more things that mutate and evolve!

This has led to the gradual decoupling of human cognition and reality. The knowledge learned yesterday may not be applicable today!

In addition, now that the Yan Kingdom is surrounded by wars, and the east, south, west, and north borders are all in a state of war, how can the human race have so many conditions to conduct research and exploration at this time?

"Shall we try to enter?" Leng Yanjun asked tentatively.

"I refuse!" Jian Zhixue replied directly!

"Mr. Leng Yan, let me tell you, you know that there are tigers in the mountains and go to the mountains of tigers!"

"Your situation is the same as those cheap domestic horror movies. Even though the old house in the deep mountains looks weird, you still want to rush in. In the end, you won't survive 10 minutes, and you will hurt others and yourself!"

"..." Leng Yanjun.

Xiaojian, Zhenxiang, and Wang Baobao burst into laughter.

It is true that Jian Zhixue is afraid of death.

But what he said is very reasonable and equally true!

The most effective way to avoid danger is to stay away from danger. If curiosity kills the cat, there will be no problem.

"Okay, Baobao Wang's family is coming soon, how about we explore this blood forest together?" Xiao Jian said, "With their protection, our safety will be greatly improved."

"Yes!" Jian Zhixue responded quickly.

In the morning, Baobao Wang's father called back, saying that one of Baobao Wang's third uncles had personally led the team over.

Wang Baobao's third uncle is a fifth-rank sea master. With such a person, he must enter the blood forest again, and the danger will be greatly reduced.


At this time, there was a wave slapping on the sea in the distance.

A broken branch in the Blood Forest was hit ashore by the waves.

Jian Zhixue picked up this broken branch out of curiosity, and held it up to watch.

"Tsk tsk, as expected of the Blood Forest!"

"Look, the tree sap flowing out is really red, like blood!"

"Huh, but this smell is not the unpleasant bloody smell of fresh blood."

"On the contrary, it's sweet and greasy. It smells so good that people can't help but want to lick it..."

As Jian Zhixue was talking, he suddenly stuck out his tongue and licked on this piece of broken wood.

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