Deceive me, Marry me

Vol 2 Chapter 397: Yi Shan: What can I do? I'm so desperate!

After Yuan Liuguang quietly left, Rong Yehe looked at the sky outside, and said to Yi Shan, who was serving tea, "At this moment, the city gate is closed, but it is inconvenient to leave the city. I will stay here tonight temporarily, tomorrow Go to Zhuangzi outside the city in the morning! "

Yi Shan agreed, and went out to spread the word. After turning back, she was blessed and smiled: "Congratulations to the leader, I can help you!"

"Is it difficult to say whether arm assistance is available?" Rong Yehe also smiled and said, "Before Gaomi's palace sent someone to Nanfeng County to check my details, they knew my origin with Tongdao. Later they probably considered the princess. I have been ill for many years and cannot be stimulated, and Meng's attack has erased this paragraph, except that I have been raised by Sheng family in another hospital. "

"So Princess Gaomi doesn't know my past experience, and now there are more than just a few of you available under your hands. King Gaomi and Yuan Liuguang, wouldn't these people know?"

He said leisurely, "Just as I did to King Gaomi in Shanglin Court, he will surely give me a guarding heart! Who knows if I sent this streamer to be an intermediary?"

Yi Shan's smile suddenly stagnated, and Yan Li's eyebrows showed a murderous look: "The subordinate will catch up with him ...?"

She made a sharper gesture.

"This is on the shore, don't always think about fighting and killing!" Rong Sleeping Crane said unhappy, "Don't learn from A Xi!"

Yi Shan nodded and said yes, but she was very speechless and secretly said, "Boss, when you reprimand us like this, can you think about the time when you met something related to the Lord of Kangzhao County, which was not solved by beating? of?!"

This is simply to allow state officials to set fire to the people and not allow them to light up!

Rong Yehe didn't know Yi Shan's belly, said: "Although Yuan Liuguang's official position is not high, there is a marquis! He has a decisive position under the hand of King Gaomi. Such a person, not to mention he even came quietly See me, is there a master's protection hidden around you, even if you don't, it is easy for you to kill him, how troublesome is the aftermath, have you thought about it? "

Yi Shan bowed her head and said, "My subordinates know what's wrong!"

"And you just heard the end from the side, you should also know that now the king and the king of Gaomi are fighting with the Meng family. Although I am a parent of the Gaomi king, Gaomi ’s victory is not a good thing for me. "Rong Sleeping Crane was short of people around her at the moment, and Yi Shan was from Wuyi Camp again, which belongs to his most stubborn line. At this moment, she also took the opportunity to point out." In this case, don't say that I am Yuan Yuanguang. It ’s just doubt, even if it is confirmed that he has no good intentions towards me, how can he rashly move him at this moment? After all, Gaomi ’s victory is not good for me. Is it good for Meng ’s victory? ”

"Boss, what shall we do next?" Yi Shan listened, thoughtfully, "It was according to Yuan Liuguang's suggestion. For the time being, forbearance, first helped Gaomi King defeat the Meng family, and then on the eve of Gaomi King's ascension. Trying to replace Seiko? "

Rong Yehe smiled scornfully and said, "Yi Shan, I teach you a good one: never put your own life on the conscience of others! After all, there are never many conscientious people like us in this world!"

He pointed to the direction of the Gaomi Palace, "Lian Yuan Liuguang said that Gaomi had a gulf to me. So I have to help him ascend to the throne, what's the difference between the Tai Dynasty emperor and the emperor ?! His Majesty ’s ancestors ’instruction is to have a prince, and a prince to have no one!”

"The Emperor did not want to stand up today, but he was defeated by this ancestral teaching!"

"Yi Lun Shi Zi is both sloppy and long. Although he lacks talents, it is generally recognized as filial piety and loyalty!"

"So once Gaomi Wang ascended the throne, he just wanted to set me up as Chujun, let alone he didn't want it at all ?!"

"What did you say to replace Shizi on the eve of the throne ... Hehe, King Gaomi is not stupid. He has already arrived on the eve of the throne, and will give me this opportunity? Really by then, I will have more hope than directly replacing Shizi!"

"And once it fails, my end, let alone the current Gaomi King, can at best be compared with the previous Guangling King!"

He sneered again and again, "You and I are both glorious and destructive. Would you like to end up like this?"

Yi Shan's eyes were fierce again, and she asked: "King of the King! Since King Gaomi has no eyes, can his subordinates study from now on how to let the **** who died of the son be unaware of the ghost?"

Rong Yehe shook his head when he heard the words and said, "It is not necessary! Anyway, King Gaomi and Meng's have been evenly matched for so many years. It is estimated that there will be no victory for the time being. Why such a good scene should be broken ? "

He narrowed his eyes. "So what we're going to do next is: take time!"

Yi Shan puzzled: "Lost time?"

"Well, I have some cards in northern Xinjiang." Rong Yehe said slowly, "That was left to me by my teacher. You also know his identity ... As the saying goes, Xiu Cai rebelled for three years, he was fighting. No matter how fierce the fighting was, at most, it won the entire Chaotang, but it won't win the world! If you want to put aside the Meng family and the King of Gaomi from the stove, military power is a must! "

"It's just that the cards are left by the teacher after all. Time has passed so long. It's not easy to take it for yourself."

"Furthermore, King Gaomi and Meng's have been operating in the Northern Army for many years ... If they want to steal food from their hands, they need to think long-term."

"So what we lack most now is time!"

"Leader, please rest assured!" Yi Shan thought for a moment, and stunned, "The subordinate understands what you mean ... Next, what we have to do is to try to maintain the high-density king and the King of Gaomi, in addition to receiving the card left by you as soon as possible The balance between Mengshi, let them restrain each other, paving the way for your ... your ascent! "

Speaking of the last sentence, Rao is Yi Shan's clan. She was used to being surrounded by lawless surroundings when she was a child. Without the instinctive awe of the girls of this age on the power, she could not help but jump up : Ascend the throne!

That being said, maybe she can also be one of the founding fathers! !! !!

... Well, in this world, girls can't be founders.

but it does not matter!

Growing up in the bandit nest and being trained in the Wuyi camp, Yi Shan wasn't born to rest.

Even if she feels that gender has prevented her from making a name for herself, being able to participate in such a big event will make her very excited!

Rong Sleeping crane smiled slightly, letting her vent her emotions for a while, then she smiled slowly. "It's good to know what to do! If you shouldn't say it, pay attention to it!"

Yi Shan quickly said, "Boss, don't worry! Your subordinates will be absolutely secretive from now on. One day, no major event can be achieved, and your subordinates dare not neglect!"

She asked with anticipation, "Then ... the leader, his subordinates will follow you to enter the palace of Gaomi, what is the first thing to do?"

When asking such questions, Yi Shan thought of countless exciting scenes: for example, sneaking into the study room of King Gaomi in the middle of the night, e.g., spying on the beam on the sky, or spying on the beauty of his young beauty to lure the palace The people who use it have contributed to the future of their boss ...

As a girl born on the island, although Yi Shan does not have the ambitious aspirations of a beautiful man who sleeps all over the world, Gongsun ’s blood, Gongsun Yingjiang, but it does not matter to make a beautiful person.

After all, you can't ask how many virgin martyrs can get out of the bandit ... It's a long time since the virgin marries have despaired, let alone joined the Wuyi camp ...

She even imagined that because of her exceptional performance, she was directly regarded by Gaomi King. Is it possible to use the hand of Gaomi King to solve the problem by blowing the wind? As a result!

Rong Yehe seriously said: "I have few people around now, so you have a lot to do. But right now, the most important thing is ..."

After Yi Shan's subconscious head was raised, her breath was gazed, and she was preparing to receive a long journey from Chang'an and was thrown away in this mansion for many days. The first major task came from the leader's personal instructions!

"It was the eyes of Princess Gaomi ... No, it should be said that it was the eyes of everyone in and around Gaomi's palace!"

On her own, even if Yiluo was added as a helper, it was obviously impossible to stare up and down a big palace!


Yi Shan shook her fist, burning invisible flames behind her: it was because of the impossible task that the leader's reliance on me and his optimism were reflected!

"Make sure they are not carrying things I shouldn't do!"

I noticed that Rong Yehe's eyes were a little cold when he said this sentence. Yishan, who was already impassioned, even twitched 120,000 spirits, raised her ears, for fear of missing any word he said!

"Like ..."

Yi Shan held her breath.

"Leave my relatives alone!"

I always feel that the leader is very gritted when saying this sentence ... Yi Shan nodded earnestly, thinking: "The leader will become the emperor in the future. Since the king of Gaomi is uneasy about the leader, who knows whether he will hang the leader in marriage One? Such an important thing should really be guarded against death, and not give the Gaomi King any opportunity! "

She feels the importance of this task is no less than sneaking into the study room of King Gaomi in the middle of the night and spying on the beams all day long, she must do her best to complete it!

"For another example ... picking up young girls to Wangfu residence under various banner names!"

Well, it seems that the leader's face is a little ugly?

Yi Shan trembled: "In the last two days, it seems that Gaomi's palace took the two Miss Zhao family to the palace for a short stay. Could the two ladies make the leader difficult? Or, is this also a conspiracy of Gaomi against the leader ?! Hum, this old uncle dared to treat my boss like this ... When I waited for my mother, I went to the palace to see how the mother could help the leader !!!! "

"Another example ... spreading close rumors about messy girls!"

Yi Shan thought happily: "I know this! Eight achievements refers to the relationship between the leader and the host of Kangzhao County, right? Although he said that the leader liked the host of Kangzhao County in the past. Break up the leader and the host of Kangzhao County. But the leader is now trying to be an emperor, and he definitely wants to open it. He will no longer want a girl from a small place in Nanfeng County, like the host of Kangzhao County, to marry Changan Gaomen Noble lady is a wife! Then talk to the host of Kangzhao County ... "

Just thinking about it, I listened to Rong Sleeping Crane and concluded: "Anyway! Everything can lead to people and things that have been misunderstood by me ... There are wrong kills, don't let go !!!"

Yi Shan: "……………………………………………………………………”

After a moment of expressionless expression, she asked with hope, "Boss, what else?"

Rong Yehe said, "Oh, it's gone."

"Boss, you see, I have two with Yiliu." Yishan said unwillingly, "You tell us this errand, isn't it ... effortless? Don't look at us as girls , When we were in the Wuyi camp before, we should all learn, and they will definitely not be worse than their men's house! So you can also send us some other serious errands to do! "

Rong Yehe frowned: "Guarantees will never misunderstand me, just serious errands! You don't want to think about it, once the little ancestor is in trouble, Lao Tzu has to coax right away, but also coax it! If this is the usual, That is tossing point. If it matters, isn't it a delay! "

At the critical moment, the little ancestor of Sheng's family is in trouble. Would you like to go there to coax her first? !!

Yi Shan's eyes were dumbfounded: the master of the Kangzhao County is really your ancestor!

"Well, the leader, the subordinates mean that the subordinates think they can worry about other things for the leader?" Yi Shan, who was silent, continued to ask.

But Rong Yehe refused decisively: "I didn't say that? This is the most important thing right now! I will send you other errands ... What if I delay this?"

Yi Shan: "…………………………………………”

Well, she really thinks too much, the girl's family wants to be a founding hero ...

This is not just that this world does not give girls a chance, but the question is, this leader who is suspected of moving closer to Emperor Xuan Jing before he has not yet gained power, does he really have the day to practice it? ? !!

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