Death Benefit

Chapter 1379: It’s okay that you are a dragon!

At this time, Noel and the general were attacking a city in Roald.

They have strong troops and horses at this time, which is a good time to expand their territory.

 Roald was not at peace during this period either.

 There are special departments causing chaos inside, and various foreign enemies are invading outside.

If they can use this to split Roald in one fell swoop, then they will have accomplished a great achievement.

Because Roald, as the first place where Calabash Taoists came, has always been the main area of ​​resistance to the God of History.

 There are even some rumors that there is some kind of temporal cause and effect between Roald and the God of History.

If anyone can defeat the God of History, it must be Inroald.

This statement has no beginning and no end, but Noel instinctively feels that it is correct.

 At this time, in addition to those special abilities, he also had some sense of destiny and history.

For example, he could sense that he had a strong power of destiny and that he was indeed the chosen one.

This feeling made him happy and gave him a sense of mission, but it also made him feel inexplicable panic.

 It was as if he was already standing on the edge of a cliff, as if he might fall at any time.

"My whole life, I have been walking on thin ice. Do you think I can successfully walk to the other side?" Noel couldn't help but said while looking at the collapsed buildings in the distance.

 He always has a heartfelt compassion for the people, which is why he is very opposed to chaos.

However, for his own strategic goals, he also had to cause destruction and casualties.

Even if he explodes every time, he will try to choose a place with few people and try to evacuate the crowd. Unfortunately, in war, this behavior is often contrary to the strategic goal.

 If you want to win, you have to be ruthless.

Noel knew very well that the building that collapsed in the explosion would kill and injure many ordinary people, but he still took action.

This made Noel feel that his hands were dirty.

 This is also the reason why he sighed like this. He was not asking about others, but himself.

 He is right to insist on his own ideals.

 He insisted that it would be good for the people to clear up the chaos and bring the world back on track.

 He adheres to his current strategic policy and can ultimately bring happiness to people.

“…” It was during this process of asking and answering questions that Noel felt a flash of special power.

 He was instinctively startled and looked around cautiously.

 Subsequently, he realized with hindsight that the special power seemed to come from himself.

There was some kind of fear radiating in his heart. Noel immediately stopped his divergent thoughts and focused on the situation he was currently facing.

 Now, he is the second in command within the legion.

 However, as his second-in-command, he does not have enough manpower to support himself.

 In other words, all the power of the legion is still in the hands of the general.

 As a lieutenant, he became a provider of future vision in name only.

 Except for a few people who defected to him because of his previous attack on the academy, Noel himself did not have any support.

 “If I want to succeed, the general will definitely be a hindrance.”

"Fortunately..." A picture of the future emerged in his mind, and Taoist Calabash took action to kill the general.

 After the death of the leader, his deputy can legitimately become the leader of the legion.

"It's just that we still need to make some preparations." Although Noel felt unethical, he still had to do it for his own goal. The legion can currently have this kind of combat power, and the general's ability is crucial.

The general dies, and there is no obstacle for him to take over the legion naturally. However, the combat effectiveness of the legion will also become a mess due to the lack of the general's ability.

"The dragon plan is part of it, and the other part is to find a way to seize the general's ability." Noel thought coldly.

 For his own ideals and plans, he even killed ordinary people.

 How much more so with a ‘big brother’ who is not actually close to him!

Noel already had some vague plans in mind at this time.

 For example, the expansion of Dragon Project.

 The so-called Dragon Plan is to gradually disperse the dragon fortune obtained by Noel through the general's ability, and use it by the entire legion to strengthen the entire legion.

 The key to this lies in the general's ability, which is as difficult to predict as Yin.

This actually means to hide one's own military situation, like a dark cloud, making it difficult for people to detect.

 But under the influence of the general's ability, the entire legion is integrated into one, and the internal strength is distributed and mobilized.

 With its further development, it has been able to achieve a certain degree of sharing capabilities.

 Of course, some powerful forces cannot be shared but can only be distributed.

However, the power of Dragon Fortune is a collective power, and Noel has not yet developed it, so it is a little troublesome for Ruyin to distribute this power.

  It is necessary for most of the legions to have the characteristics of dragons, and then use dragons as elements to communicate.

Noel was convinced that there must be a problem behind this plan, and it contained the general's conspiracy to seize his own dragon power.

 However, the general wants to seize his own power, and he also wants to take advantage of this opportunity to seize the general's ability.

I have to say that the general's abilities are really useful.

Maybe the frontal combat ability is not good, but once a legion is gathered, it can become one of the strongest abilities.

Since Dragon Fortune can gather the power of all dragons to form such an ability to interfere with time.

Then dragons are very greedy and can take other powers as their own.

 “It would be great if you were a dragon!”

Noel thought that if he obtained the fortune of the dragon, even if the power of the dragon were dispersed, it would return to him one day.

 What he has to do now is actually only one thing, and that is to grasp the core of Dragon Fortune, the ability to gather the power of all dragons.

“If I’m not wrong, this is the essence of the dragon’s power!” Thinking of this, a roaring sound suddenly came from the distance, and then a darkness appeared in the sky.

 “Countermeasures Department!” Noel was surprised.

During this period, they attacked cities and captured territory, but as long as they were attacked by the Countermeasure Department, they might have to spit out the territory they had eaten.

If it weren't for the lack of manpower in the Countermeasures Department, they probably wouldn't be sitting here so securely at this time.

 Looking at the current situation, it is very likely that this person is the raccoon owner.

 The raccoon master Rota, the ace of the countermeasures department, is said to be able to fight against the super powerful combat power of an army on his own.

It would probably be an unprecedented crisis for such a master to come over now.

"It's just that our strategy isn't radical, so why did we provoke this person?" Noel thought in confusion.

 First update, sorry.

 It's a little better, I'll take care of it more.

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