Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 281: A conversation from the dark

Hammer collar, Molten Iron City

After arranging Lin back to her residence, the mantra again set foot on the way back to Fort Hammer. Under the circumstances that have seen the power of the dead banshee, the spellcaster will never doubt the future that Lin sees, the future where the humans in the city are almost slaughtered. In fact, for him, the life and death of the people in this city is no longer important, and with Lin's promise, the heart of the mantra is unprecedentedly satisfied. And this satisfaction also gave him the courage to face Duke Hammer again.

Thinking of the Dwarf Duke, the frown under the spellcaster's hood frowned unconsciously. To be honest, even when facing the Lord of the Grey Tower, when Clarke, the Crow did not resist such a meeting. After all, although meeting with your teacher is like a thin ice every time, but the improvement of knowledge brought by each class is also real. And even though the Lord of the Grey Tower sometimes seems moody, as the strongest caster, his words and deeds adhere to the principle of reason, and it is not incomprehensible.

That's not the case with the Duke of the Hammer. The spellcaster understands that there is a kind of person in this world who has their own set of rules for their behavior and behavior, despite their emotional repression. Such rules are more mysterious than the most stringent laws, and even most of the time, even they themselves are unclear. Such people are often artists, master craftsmen, or rangers, and their stubbornness is comparable to the deepest stone in the ground. Curses hate such people.

In the world of spellcasters, everything is for results. All processes are means that can be modified. If this is not possible, then find another way, which is why even in the fiercely competitive gray tower, there are no enemies for curses. In the minds of fellow students, his unscrupulous methods of doing things to achieve his goals are more daunting than the curses mastered by the spellcaster.

Dwarves and spellcasters, their principles of doing things are like ice and fire, and it is difficult to coexist. This may be why Grand Duke Hammer rejected the help of the Crow. But for Lin, he could not care so much. "If he doesn't listen, I'll take Lynn away." The spellcaster walked down the street, talking to himself.

"It's not easy to persuade that stone head, boy." A strange voice came from the ear of the curse.

"Who!" The spellcaster shouted subconsciously, looking at the surprised pedestrians all around. This is the noisy street of Molten Iron City. The sun is hanging in the middle of the sky. Even in the shadow of the darkest alley, I have to admit that it is the most difficult time of the day to hide. But even so, in the perception of curses, neither the perception nor the magical force field, he could not detect anything. The caster's self-confidence makes him believe that what he just heard is by no means an illusion, which means that beside him, there is an imperceptible existence.

Cold sweat, running down the spine. The Crow was frightened by this unknowable thing. But soon, he reacted again, and he seemed to need to be so scared, because today is not his death. The spellcaster reached out and sorted out his hood. He didn't like the feeling of sunlight on his face. The pedestrians around the Crow lost interest in the person who had returned to normal behavior, and they still had their own things to do.

"Don't be afraid, little guy. I didn't plan to hurt you, for the time being." The voice came again from the curse's ear, with a bad-hearted laugh.

"Who are you? What do you want?" The spellcaster lowered his head and said in a deep voice, he knew the other party could hear.

"Oh, wait first, wait first. This is not a good place to chat. If you want to chat with me, then we have to find a suitable place."

"I think that the Hammer Fort might be good." The crow's eyes flashed with cunning light. This period of time must be enough for him to guess something from the words that the voice first called Duke Hammer.

"Oh, yes, it's really good. Turn down the alley in front, first left then right, see you there." The voice disappeared. The invisible vocalist seemed very satisfied with the conjurer's guess, perhaps because the small flaw was originally a bait he had thrown to hook the curiosity of the other party.

The Crow is indeed curious. He knows that if a person dares to tease a grey robe mage like this, then he is either mad or fearless. And since the other party seemed to be very familiar with Grand Duke Hammer, he tended to believe the latter. It's still some time before sunset, Grand Duke Hammer can wait. Thinking about it, the spellcaster turned into the alley of Molten Iron City according to the way the voice said.

There are always a lot of alleys in the city. Although the people who built the city never reserved a place for them, these alleys actually exist in every city. If the famous roads are the blood vessels of the city, then these alleys are the liver of the city. They swallow the dirtiest side of the city until it is ugly and large enough to break through the capacity of the alley.

"I think we can talk now. In view of my schedule for the meeting, you must give me a good reason why I deserve to stain my robe." Feeling the sticky touch under the boot ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Crow standing in the dirty alley. He couldn't take this smell of garbage to see Grand Duke Hammer, so after leaving the alley, he had to change his clothes.

"Reason? If you need it, I can give you a dozen of that kind at any time." Two burning fireballs suddenly appeared in the shadow in front of the curse, their position was almost as high as the spellcaster's forehead. Those are a pair of eyes, a pair of burning eyes.

"Forget it, I don't need the devil's reason." Seeing such a pair of eyes, the muscles on the curd crow suddenly tightened, and he could even feel his scalp contracting because of tension. As we all know, the creatures with such eyes in this world are only demons and demons. At that time, demons would never have such funny talk.

"But I'm also not a devil. So you better listen." The owner of Burning Eyes stepped out of the shadows, letting a little sunlight through the gap of the alley illuminate his body. It was a man with a naked upper body. He looks about thirty years old, looks handsome, and has no beard. It was n’t that that surprised the Crow. The man ’s brown skin was covered with deep red stripes, like natural tattoos. These stripes formed a strange symbol on his body.

The spellcaster knows what this feature means. The person in front of him is indeed not the devil. He is a devil, an unclean child of the devil and mortal.

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