Data Wasteland

: The six hundred and sixty-first festival is coming

The shelling on the west side of the Red Rock Mountains lasted all night. There is no way to rest in this treacherous environment, and everyone's eye bags become darker at dawn.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the first new force arrived at the top of the mountain, ready to attack the next strategic point.

In yesterday’s war, the Third Army of the Red Dragon Principality invested 30,000 troops and more than 2,000 mechas. Among them, 22 were strong in the sanctuary, more than 130 were strong guards, and more than a thousand elite fighters. A total of more than 70 strategic points have been captured, and the overall front has advanced five kilometers.

"Baron Prader, based on the bravery of you and your men in the battle yesterday, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you and your men on behalf of the royal family of Maris, the Council of the Red Dragon Duchy and Earl George."

"Your sacrifice and efforts have made a huge contribution to advancing the front."

"Now, you only need to draw a team of fifty people to participate in the next round of offense, and the remaining personnel can stay in place until the new order comes."

In yesterday's battle, the troops in Prader Town had been reduced by more than half, and there were only more than 100 people left in the team of more than 200 people. Now they have to transfer half of the people to participate in the offensive, which makes them worse.

But the military order is like a mountain, even if two legs are broken, you must climb to the opposite mountain. There is no word "retreat" in the military code of the soldiers of the Red Kingdom.

"I'll go." Baron Prader made a decision without thinking about it long.

"No, father, you can't go!" The eldest son, Sean, came out more and more, objecting, "I'll go, Prader Town needs your wisdom."

"No, I should go, father and elder brother stay here to direct!" the younger son Peter said violently.

Everyone knows that if you go this way, you won't be able to return in all likelihood.

"You have five minutes to make a decision." The military police captain said, then turned and left. Without taking a few steps, he turned his head back and added, "No matter who goes, this honor will be recorded in the Prader family's military exploits."

Hearing words such as family, glory, and military exploits, the eyes of the three fathers and sons in Prader Town all lit up, as if infused with a shot of a booster, swept away yesterday's haze, and became vigorous and high-spirited.

In front of the family, personal life, even the gains and losses of honor and disgrace, have become insignificant.

All the glory will be concentrated on the surname Prader, with hundreds of years and dozens of generations of people's blood to water, and eventually become synonymous with bravery and nobility.

After a fierce argument, the eldest son Sean finally led the team.

Sean’s reason is simple. He is an assault soldier with the highest survival rate in the battle.

Those selected to participate in the next battle are the best soldiers remaining in Prad. All sacrifices and efforts will be recorded in the Principality’s military merits, even the lowest level of the soldiers, this honor will be attributed to his surname, bringing glory and pride to the descendants of this surname.

In the Red Kingdom, few people from the ancestors who have been on the battlefield dared not speak loudly.

This is also why Baron Prader's respect for Chen Xing is only on the surface, but in the depths of his heart he actually looks down on it.

Chen Xing was rich and powerful, and even the maid was a powerful sanctuary, but he had no military exploits.

Different from the new aristocracy who "have milk is a mother" and "shopping malls are another battlefield", in the old-school aristocratic concept of Baron Prader, the aristocracy exists for war and is the sword of the kingdom to expand its territory. , A strong shield against foreign enemies.

The "preciousness" of the nobles is not the wealth piled up with gold mountains and silver mountains, but the dignity cast by blood and fire.

The difference between the two is that wealth is short-lived and lacks high-level status, while dignity is eternal and can reach high peaks.

Merchants, even if they are rich, are merchants, not aristocrats. Nobles must prove themselves with medals and glory.

Chen Xing is a typical new-style nobleman, even if he pursues military exploits, it is based on interests, not out of a sense of glory. These people are called "exquisite egoists" by the old-school aristocracy.

Of course, this can't be blamed on Chen Xing. He was originally not a person in this world, had no feelings for this land, and did not love this land, let alone a princess who wanted to kill him all day long.

He just happened to appear in this country, and happened to get some benefits. As for glory or something, he can only ask one thing: Can this thing be eaten?

At ten o'clock in the morning, a new round of tough battles began. There was a lot of fire up and down the mountains, and artillery shells, grenades, and rockets continued to explode, and battle roars and screams were mixed. The red clay rock is covered with stumps and broken arms, and the blood is flowing in the gaps. The cruel picture is shocking.

"Pong Cang!"

Baron Prader was observing the opposite hill, when the glass shattered suddenly. He looked up, and there was a big hole in the glass of the Valkyrie cockpit, surrounded by snowflakes.

Looking down along the breach, a group of dark red iron bumps were embedded in the sunken steel plate, and wisps of blue smoke emerged.

Super heavy anti-material sniper rifle with an effective range of 3,000 meters.

Baron Prader quickly determined the type of weapon and the approximate direction of fire.

Under his control, the Valkyrie slowly turned her body, and the two machine guns on her shoulders fired at the sniper's position.

Large patches of red dust appeared on the mountain, like the pervasive mountain mist.

The probability of hitting the opponent at this distance is very small, but you can't do nothing, at least you can't make the opponent as comfortable as shooting a target.

At the foot of the opposite mountain, densely packed soldiers are climbing up. He knew that his eldest son was inside.

In order to cooperate with their attack and reduce the pressure from the top of the mountain, Baron Prader ordered all the shells to be thrown to the opposite mountain.

Most of the sixteen mechas they brought had been damaged, and the few Art6s fired artillery shells, exploding scattered earth springs in the distance.

About half an hour later, Red Dragon's troops rushed to the top of the mountain, and the two sides began to meet each other. At this time, the long-range firepower would accidentally injure one's own people, and all stopped.

Time has become extremely long, waiting for news from across the mountain.

"Look over there, there is Yuling, it's a salamander!"

Following the instructions of the soldiers, a huge salamander clings to the mountain, with its cheeks fanned out, making a sharp neigh, and then spraying a thick pillar of fire toward the top.

The top of the mountain suddenly burned into a sea of ​​flames, the ammunition exploded, and the burning soldiers jumped off the cliff, terribly miserable.

Before long, the roar of the shells rang, and a large spring of earth exploded from the position of the salamander. The rock and soil loosened, the salamander's webbed toes could no longer cling to it, and the huge body began to slide downward, and finally fell down.


The black watch suddenly sounded, and Baron Prader's body stiffened slightly.

Any information received at this time will make people frightened.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Baron Prader opened his sleeves. The moment he saw the screen clearly, he was struck by lightning and two lines of tears flowed out.

[Sean Prader, ID: HumMr..., deceased]

[John Prader, Peter Prader, Mrs. Shirley Prader... six people are the first-order heirs of the property]

[Sean Prader's estate makes the following distribution...]

[Deduct 15% of inheritance tax...]

[Start posting...]

Although I have thought about this result countless times since the day I set off, at this moment, I still couldn't breathe.

Baron Prader gripped the driver's armrest tightly, shaking. He tried his best to restrain himself, but there was still an unquenchable cry in his throat.

The greatest pain in the world is that a person with white hair gives a person with black hair.

On the medal of glory, besides blood and bullet marks, there are tears...

"I don't have an older brother anymore, I don't have an older brother anymore!"

Peter yelled out of control, beat his chest and feet, and cried loudly.

"Beware of snipers!" "Come back!"

A few soldiers rushed forward and crushed Peter to the ground, lest the tragedy of the Praders would happen again.

The tragic war is still going on, and it won't stop for half a second because of who has lost his son, who has lost his love, and who has lost his best friend.

A few hours later, the offensive of the Third Army of the Red Dragon Principality ended in failure. Put in more troops than yesterday, but even the opening of the second line of defense could not be opened.

"Red Rock Pig is starting to counterattack!"

"All get up, ready to fight!"

After the Chiyanfang defended the battle line, he began to pursue the victory and counterattack the strategic location occupied by the Red Dragon.

Baron Prader, who had just experienced the pain of losing his son, had to cheer up and face the enemy who was about to rush up.

Of the two hundred people who were originally brought from Prade Town, there are now less than fifty people left.

In a blink of an eye, the enemy rushed up the hill. There are not only soldiers from Red Rock, but also an iron-clad tiger.

"Fight, children, for glory, for victory!"

"Let us embrace death

! "

Baron Prader drove the old Valkyrie mech and rushed to the armored tiger.

The armored tiger roared, slammed the two-handed sword of the Valkyrie mecha, and then pounced on the mecha's body. The tiger claws slapped the mecha's head with a slap on the sensor.

However, she saw the Valkyrie Mecha with her arms folded, tightly holding the iron-clad tiger's waist.

"Old friend, help me again..."

Baron Prader muttered to himself, pushing the power of the engine to its maximum. The entire mecha began to vibrate, sparks splashed around on the dashboard, and various pressures continued to rise.

His eyes were full of reluctance and nostalgia, and finally glanced at the familiar cockpit, pushed open the hatch, and jumped out.

The armored tiger struggled desperately, and the tiger's claws smashed the red clay on the ground. The Valkyrie Mecha was holding it firmly, the overloaded engine overflowed with red light, the temperature rose rapidly, and white smoke emitted from the whole body.


The blast of air flowed up in the air and had served for more than 30 years. The Valkyrie Mecha and the Iron Armor, which had already reached the obsolescence period, died together.

Baron Prader wiped the ashes on his face, activated the psionic armor, and then drew his sword to kill the enemy.

Shantou turned into a frying pan again, and the dumplings inside kept tumbling and struggling in the boiling oil...

About half an hour later, Baron Prade, who had killed several Red Rock soldiers, shook his body. The excessive consumption of physical strength and spirit had reached the limit, and his consciousness began to become blurred.

He seemed to look at the way his elder son was when he was born, opened his little hand, and smiled at him...

On the strategic map, the flags symbolizing the Red Dragon Principality were pulled out one by one, and the flags of Chiyanfang spread like a virus.

"Is it all over?"

Baron Prader staggered towards the cliff, his eyes blank, like a walking corpse.

Failure is a foregone conclusion, and soon the war will return to its origin, and all their sacrifices and efforts will be in vain.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky.

Looking up, two-headed carriages protruded out of the clouds.

They were all tall horses, covered in golden armor, iron hoofs treading the fire, and the eyes revealed the dark green light. With heavy breathing, his nose was sprayed with hot steam, and his hoofs stepped on impatiently, appearing to be extremely irritable and angry at the touch.

The body is armored and thorny, and its sharp edge is revealed. Under the sun's rays, the golden light shines like a sea of ​​golden light.

On the first carriage, a girl stood. The colorful skirt floats, and the heroic hair is as dazzling as the newborn sun.

"Because of my name, the might of heaven comes!"

In the next second, countless sharp blades were shot from the carriage carriage, shooting at the Red Rock defender's position like a torrential rain.

In an instant, the laterite rocks within a few kilometers were filled with sharp blades.

The screams came one after another, and the red rock soldiers who had no time to hide in the bunker were pierced by sharp blades, or cut their flesh and blood, and blood was poured out all over their bodies.

Even if they were prepared, they suffered heavy losses in the face of these extremely fast weapons of mass destruction.

Above the sky, a spatial crack across the sky slowly opened. Bright **** of light flew out of the blue sea of ​​light.

When the brilliance on the surface dissipated, a pair of white wings were revealed.

"Oh my God, it's a Seraphim!"

The sword in the hand of the blazing angel ignited a crimson flame, swinging the blade downward, and countless fireballs fell from the sky.

The battlefront of the Principality of Red Rock suddenly burned into flames.

Seeing this scene, Baron Prader swallowed his saliva and was shocked.

This is the king's power, which can destroy the world with just a few seconds.

Immediately afterwards, countless great sword armors jumped out of the cracks, and with heavy steps, they rushed into the sea of ​​flames, beheading everything in front of them.

There was another electric light beating, and the cloak with the afterimage flashed around, and the back was stabbed to let blood.

"The Golden Eye Witch is here!"

"Quickly, please go to Ramsden!"

In less than ten minutes, the Red Rock Principality broke two lines of defense in a row. The legendary Seven-layered Mountain is like a paper castle in front of the supreme powerhouse, squashed with one foot.

The Marquis of Chiyan rode his flaming goat and rushed to the scene at a very fast speed, but he did not dare to show his face and watched the Destruction Legion slaughter everywhere.

Xiao Wang met the big king, only to be beaten.

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