Data Wasteland

: 447th Festival Return

[[Dr2616-2-16, am12:15]

[Life State: Healthy]

[Mentality level: 120]

[Protection level: 3 (high fiber combat uniform)]

[Satellite signal: full]

A few days later, Chen Xing appeared at the airport in New Edo, the "City of Bliss".

Shin-Edo is a city founded by Ying people who fled to the central mainland during the Great Cataclysm. Xiaodongzhou, the hometown of the Ying people, is now the Black Death Continent, where the undercurrent of time and space bursts. The hometown was destroyed, and the Yingren used several generations of hard work to build his own city in the wilderness.

Due to the lack of resources in the central wilderness, Shin-Edo’s main income is tourism and entertainment, as well as cultural industries.

There are the world's largest casino, the most luxurious hotels, the most amusement parks, and the most types of food. To describe it in four sentences, it is the flocks of stray warblers, singing every night, drunken life and dreaming of death, bliss and happiness.

Every night, Shin-Edo stores hang traditional Yingren paper lanterns at the entrance, with mellow calligraphy written on them. The lanterns are colorful and emit a faint light, and the whole street is full of a leisurely and romantic atmosphere.

However, Chen Xing now has no time to appreciate the prosperity of New Edo and the drunkenness of the city of bliss. He wants to return to Ice Blue City as soon as possible to meet Yue Canglian and Lao K, and return to the relatively safe Red Dragon Principality.

Wandering outside for nearly two months, all day long in trepidation, life is very uncomfortable, so I can only come again next time to enjoy Yingren’s singers and delicacies.

"Nova, prepare the nearest flight for me."

"The flight has been booked, and the funds are automatically deducted."

Being served by the mastermind of the world in person, this is the treatment that only the king-level powerhouse has.

Nova has trillions of computing power. It only needs 2% of the computing power to maintain the clearnet system. The remaining 5% is used for business, 15% is used for academic research, and 78% is used. Used in the upper layers of the world.

More than ten hours later, the plane landed at Ice Blue City Airport.

"Dear passengers, the plane has arrived at Ice Blue City Airport. Ice Blue City is the capital of the Kings of the Ambergris River, the jewel on the Dragon River, where the Malan clan palace is located, and has five thousand years of cultural history..."

The flight attendant broadcast sounded, and Chen Xing's black watch also flipped a new reminder.

[The security check system is controlled by the black prison troops, the plan is changed, and the safe evacuation route is re-planned...]

[After planning, please check the portable screen and follow the instructions. Seventeen seconds later, there is an engineering maintenance vehicle passing by below, please be prepared!]

[The countdown begins, 16, 15...]

"Gentlemen and ladies, please check your salute and make sure there are no missing items on the seat...Huh?"

The flight attendant reminded all the way, she couldn't help but pause for a moment when she passed Chen Xing's seat. The seat was empty, but she remembered a young man sitting here.

Before long, Chen Xing outside the airport got into a rental carriage. Changed the carriage three times on the way, and detoured to the Maid Academy.

[Found Secret Whistle! ]

Two sub-windows popped up on the screen. One older dark guard pretended to be an old man on a lunch break, lying in the beetle driving position on the road outside the college, and the other pretending to be a fisherman, sitting on a canvas chair and nap.

With the help of Nova, Chen Xing seems to have countless eyeliners, and all A Qiaomu's plans are invisible. Chen Xing avoided the secret whistle and entered the academy from the side door. He contacted Dean Catherine through the teacher on duty, and then saw the three maids hiding here.

"Master, you are back."

After two months of not seeing her, seeing Yue Canglian's face still beautiful and dignified, she only stepped forward and gave Chen Xing's maid's salute, but her slightly trembling body exposed her inner excitement.

Ye Qian and Li Mei wept with joy, rushing to hug Chen Xingping and crying.

"Oh, master, we thought you were not coming back." "Master, we were so scared, afraid that you would just disappear like this."

I haven't seen the master for two months, and I live in fear and fear every day, for fear that the dean will no longer be able to protect them and fall into the claws of the black prison.

"Okay, okay, am I not coming back?" Chen Xing patted the two women on the shoulders, softly comforting.

The emotions of the two women gradually calmed down, and they wiped their eyes with the servant's skirt a little embarrassingly, and stepped aside. Seeing Yue Canglian stepped forward, she cut her eyes and stared at Chen Xing. The gaze was too firm and serious, that the person was seen as a little guilty.

Gradually, a layer of mist floated in his eyes like colored glaze and beautiful jade.

"Uh, sorry, I'm worried about you, hurry up and pack up, let's go home..."

Under this situation, Chen Xing, who was somewhat cramped, turned around and greeted Ye Qian and Li Mei to pack up. But at this moment, the fragrant wind blew up behind him, and then he was hugged firmly.

The slightly trembling body was warm and full of elasticity.

Seeing that Yue Canglian hugged him tightly from behind, her small head was buried in his neck.

"Master, you are welcome back."

The whisper in the ear is like a dream, infatuated

It's fascinating.

As the saying goes, little don't win the newlyweds, and after having a hard time in the joy of reunion, the three daughters began to pack their clothes.

In order not to make trouble and to minimize insiders, Catherine did not show up, instead entrusting the teacher on duty who had just contacted Chen Xing with full responsibility. Although the faculty and staff of the college are carefully selected and reliable people, there is less risk if one less person knows it. There is no need to involve too many people to increase the risk of being discovered.

After packing up his things, Chen Xing took the three maids and left the side door in the logistic carriage of the academy. From beginning to end, Chen Xing used Nova's holographic monitoring to avoid A Qiaomu's eyes and ears.

Lao K and Xiao Yang are temporarily staying at Mrs. Ursula’s house. There is no surveillance there. Perhaps A Qiaomu thinks that Chen Xing doesn’t pay much attention to men, and he is too lazy to send someone to follow him, or he may be scrupulous. After all, they live in Ruby District. All of them are the top dignitaries in the kingdom, and it is not good to go too far.

"Nova, calculate the evacuation route."

[The waterway is closely monitored, and the airboat flights are also monitored. It is recommended to go by land]

"Is there any other way?" Chen Xing asked. If you go by land, you will have to traverse more than three principalities either west or east. Not only is the journey far away, the procedures are also very troublesome.

[Invest 350,000 gold coins to purchase a private floating boat. Driven by huge profits, the floating boat company will not try to sell you in exchange for benefits]

Private floating boats are called "the rich man's palace in the sky". They have the advantages of safety and comfort, strong carrying capacity, and low maintenance costs. They are essential vehicles for small and medium-sized rich people with assets of around 5 million gold coins.

For the Yeyang family in Gray Point City, the price is very high, and it is usually not possible to buy a private float.

But it does not mean that the family is poor, but that the sources and uses of funds are different. In this world, the magnate world can be regarded as a "local tycoon", and what they control is local force and power. But force and power do not represent money, and in order to maintain the rule of the territory, taxation is mostly used for the army, so the economy of the family family is relatively less wealthy than successful businessmen.

Of course, this is a peaceful and prosperous time, and you must behave according to the rules, but when the troubled times come, force is everything. All gold and silver treasures are nothing but smoke, and only guns are the last word.

Therefore, even if the economy of the family is not as good as that of the family, their social status is still higher than that of the businessmen. No matter how big the business is, it is just a fat sheep in their eyes.

"Nova, arrange a floatboat company for me."

Chen Xing still has more than one million gold coins on him. This time he found the ancient relics by himself, so he saved a lot of money, so he simply rewarded himself, anyway, he would buy them sooner or later.

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