Data Wasteland

: Festival 256 Fox

Then Huozui explained the situation to Tienuo. Said that Chen Xing found three puzzle pieces and planned to cooperate with them.

"Great!" Tienuo smiled with joy, "So we have four yuan, and we can have a big advantage in numbers." He held Chen Xing's hand again, "Head Chen, thank you!"

I was grateful to the head of the previous life and was also called the head of the head. Although it felt a little weird, it was also very comfortable. Until then, Chen Xing really felt that he was no longer the captain, but a figure who could be equal to the boss of the year.

This is not his ambition, but in his mind, Tienuo's figure has always been tall. It is an indescribable pride to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with respected people.

Seeing Chen Xing stunned, Tienuo thought he hadn't explained the situation clearly, so he called back and asked Shen Guangming to come over and explain to Chen Xing.

"Head Chen, this is how things are..."

Shen Guangming slightly nodded towards Chen Xing, explaining the current situation. The heads of the four battle groups have already discussed, which party can find more keys, and which party can send more people to explore. The basic number of people sent by each battle group is five, and each additional key will add two more places. At present, the four battle groups have found one piece each, and adding these three pieces, there is only one piece missing.

"Isn't it twelve yuan?" A Qiaomu listened to the side and couldn't help but interject.

"We haven't seen the puzzle of the inner circle yet, so I infer that only eight pieces of the outer circle are needed to open the door." Shen Guangming said. His attitude is modest and courteous, his narration is not hurried, clear, and easily convincing.

Afterwards, Chen Xing offered to go to the scene to see, Shen Guangming readily agreed and took him to the tower.

After a while, under the protection of Huozui and others, the two came to the gate of the tower.

It was a towering double-leaf wooden door. The top was the same as the tip of a double-edged sword. It was seven or eight meters high, but it was very narrow and could only accommodate three people passing side by side. Shen Guangming gave it a very vivid name-Jianmen.

The door body is fixed with a "well"-shaped iron bar with large rivets nailed to it. In the middle of the "Tic Tac Toe" is an iron groove into which twelve puzzle pieces can be embedded.

As soon as everyone approached, the sword gate burst into golden light, which seemed to activate a certain defensive force. Looking left and right, the outer wall of the tower is covered with a layer of pale gold, like flowing gold, blurred in illusion.

Chen Xing took out three jigsaw puzzles, compared the grooves, and they could indeed be put in.

"Bachelor, what's new?"

As he was about to leave, a strange sound of Yin and Yang suddenly came from behind him. Looking at it from the corner of his eye, Yang Ku of the Skeleton Group is leading the person up the stairs, slanted eyebrows, and looks like a dangling look.

Chen Xing took a step calmly and gave up the stage. Yang Ku's two small eyes stared at Shen Guangming, and the target was obviously not him.

Just like on the earth, the bottom here also likes to use the titles of "college students" and "graduates" to tease scholars. The specific format is "education plus ridicule." For example, Chen Xing likes to say Ye Yang Bailiu, "Aren't you a graduate student, why can't you tell the difference between good and bad?" "University, what are you studying? Show me too? "

For another example, before Chen Xing crossed, he had a graduate friend named "Dige". Dige's wife is fierce, and Dige is a bit of a literati soreness, unwilling to be oppressed and daunting with housework. Di Ge's wife often scolded him, "Aren't you a graduate student, how can you even cook?" "Aren't you a graduate student, why can't you even drag the floor?"

Sometimes, Dige would ask him to complain, "I am studying the food industry, and it has nothing to do with cooking!

"I'm not an academician. It's good to be able to mop the floor!" "

Chen Xing wanted to laugh when he thought of Di Ge's affairs, but now it was definitely out of fashion, so he resisted it.

I saw Shen Guangming back his hands and said faintly, "Shen just came over to take a look. If there is something new, he will definitely inform your group leader as soon as possible."

Shen Guangming's answer was polite and courteous, but his voice was indifferent. Yang Cool smiled and left.

When returning, Chen Xing started talking without words, "Have you been to Baita?"

In this world, "Bachelor" refers to Baita scholars in general, and the place of training is Baita College in Ivory City, Central Wilderness.

"After a few years." Shen Guangming said casually.

"Awesome." Chen Xing exclaimed. The philosophy, history, physics, and chemistry of Baita College are the best in the world. Every student cultivated is a top talent and is welcomed by the ruling class and group companies everywhere. The rich and powerful like to recruit Baita scholars as staff, and are proud of it. It's just that Baita scholars are obsessed with academics and rarely walk out.

"What's great, I was expelled without graduation." Shen Guangming laughed at himself, but his smile was very bright and he couldn't see any negative emotions.

Chen Xing originally wanted to ask Shen Guangming why he was exiled here, but he swallowed it back when the words came to his lips. Because this kind of personal privacy is only asked by the team leader. Shen Guangming is a wise man, and too many questions can easily arouse vigilance.

Because of Shen Guangming's existence, the originally familiar Thunder Light Group was covered with a veil of mystery, making him unable to see through and understand.

Unexpectedly, Tienuo, who was born at the bottom, fell to such a deadly place, but he could still get the support of Baita scholars, which is really embarrassing.

After returning to the camp, Tienuo invited Chen Xing and A Qiaomu to dinner. Chen Xing was disrespectful and had a marching meal together. During the dinner, Tienuo said nothing about A Qiao Mu's introduction of demons into the camp. This is why Tienuo can be the boss, but Huozui can only be the second child.

Huozui is bold, loyal, and clear in love and hatred, but he doesn't turn around and is easy to pick up sesame seeds and throw watermelons. Sometimes for the sake of the overall situation, it is necessary to know how to choose. A true team leader is to lead the team to get the most benefits under the premise of maintaining the team spirit.

But then again, although Chen Xing respected Tienuo, he didn't want to be a person like Tienuo. Because of such a person, too tired...

After dinner, Tienuo arranged a larger tent for Chen Xing and Aqiaomu to rest, and sent an order soldier to serve them. This orderly soldier was the young man who had asked for a raise in Huozui before. He was a little shy and a little jumpy.

According to the agreement, the commanders of the four battle regiments will hold a regular meeting every twelve hours, and the next regular meeting will be eight hours later, when Chen Xing will also attend.

Since A Qiaomu just woke up, Chen Xing didn't have much sleep, so he chatted. A Qiaomu is introverted and doesn't talk a lot, so Chen Xing's main chat partner is the orderly soldier.

"where are you from?"

"From the Red Dragon Principality of Ambergris River." The orderly twisted his hands together, looking a little nervous.

"Oh, I'm still a fellow, I'm also from the Red Dragon Principality, from Longshi Town." Chen Xing said.

"I'm from Dashanling, Muxi Town, have you heard of it?" The orderly's eyes lit up and asked with a bit of excitement.

"I have been,'the mountains have trees, the trees have branches, and the joy of the king is unknown to the king." Your mayor is a wandering poet with an ancestral home in the East Continent. Because the poem is written well, he got the queen of the king.

His appreciation was exceptionally promoted to mayor. "According to the memory of the previous life, Chen Xing told the origin of the name of Muxi Town and the past of the mayor.

"Oh, what a fellow!" The orderly stomped hard, looking very excited, "Brother, have you been to Taomu Forest?"

"It's just two peach trees. I dare say that they are forests." Chen Xing said disdainfully. The mayor of Muxi Town has a very strong literati sour rot. He planted two peach trees in the back garden of the mayor’s mansion, and said to the people below, "Shuangmu is a forest, and hereafter it will be called Peachwood Forest."

Since ancient times, literati and Wufu have looked down upon each other, so the anecdote of Muxi Town has always been a pastime for the mercenaries. Every time I talked about it, there was a gang of soldiers leaning forward and backward with laughter.

"That's how the rotten scholars are. Sometimes they ran to the fountain to play the piano, saying that they would improve everyone's cultural literacy. But everyone didn't understand it, so it's better to send the cabbage more." The order soldier said cheerfully.

"How is it, everyone in the family is okay?" "It's all okay, I can eat and sleep." "Have you ever asked a wife?" "Not yet, but there is a girlfriend, her name is Xiaoying, who is younger than me One year old..."

"Banhua, that's okay!" Chen Xing looked surprised, and A Qiaomu next to him rolled his eyes imperceptibly.

"I'm still carrying a picture of her." Speaking of his girlfriend, the orderly's gaze became extremely proud, he hurriedly took out the necklace, and opened the round pendant to Chen Xing.

The girl in the photo is small and exquisite, with a sweet smile on her face, with a seven-to-eighth appearance. Just looking at her face, although she can't compare to Su Xuefei, she still has some advantages over A Qiaomu next to her. This innocent and cute type is especially lethal to young boys who are beginning to love them, because boys at this stage are still ignorant and have not experienced the importance of charm and body shape, thinking that women are just for viewing.

But if it is placed here with Chen Xing, it is estimated that he would be too lazy to even take a look at this kind of little girl.

"Well, he looks good and beautiful," Chen Xing said.

"Xiaoying is the most beautiful in our class. Even the boys in the neighboring class ran to chase her, but she only likes me..." the orderly said triumphantly.

After a while, Chen Xing narrowed the relationship between him and the orderly soldiers, and then began to inquire about Shen Guangming.

"I haven't joined for a long time, and I don't know anything about it before, but I heard from the boss of Huozui that General Staff Shen and Captain Tienuo came together, and they should have known each other very early," said the orderly.

"I heard that General Staff Shen is a bachelor, why did he fall here?" Chen Xing asked again. The status of Baicheng scholars is very high, second only to fast therapists, even if they commit a felony, they are rarely exiled. Most of them are held in prisons for easy use.

"I don't know..." The orderly shook his head, "Counselor Shen rarely comes into contact with us. Most of the time, he is in the base camp. I heard that his health is not very good."

"That's it..." Chen Xing groaned, then broke the topic and pulled back on the right track about the other's girlfriend. After chatting for a while, Chen Xing dismissed the orderly.

After the orderly soldiers left, A Qiaomu got up and put on Chen Xing's shoulders, and said, "How do I feel, you are also a little curious."

"This Shen Guangming is not easy. If we want to gain benefits in the next actions, we must understand more..." Chen Xing lowered his voice and said pointedly, "Our potential opponents."

"Huh huh~" A Qiaomu let out a frivolous nasal sound, "No wonder the old sand folks always said that the foxes most dislike foxes."

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