Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 272 Raven's Ark

Emerging from a sandstorm, a hooded, dusky genie is Talos' battle avatar.

Unless the victory is certain, the gods rarely let their bodies break into the enemy's kingdom of God, because under various accidents, with the support of a complete kingdom of gods, even a weak god of divine power may consume a powerful god of divine power at home Only the body.

But the incarnation doesn't have so many scruples. Even if it dies, it's a big deal to lose some power and divinity. A powerful god with a big family can afford it.

After the incarnation of Talos entered, the avatar of Mystila also entered.

With no room for manoeuvre, the old rascal plus the Goddess began to beat the hard-working Vishharun.

If facing either avatar alone, Velsharoon might have a slight chance of killing an avatar. If the two go together, there is no need to fight.

As the most pinnacle gods in the magic system, there are probably only a few two or three gods such as Corellon, the king of elves, who can barely compare with Mystila in terms of spell attainment.

With the super meat shield of Talos in front, Mystila, who has the evocation spell specialization and super plug-in-level specialties such as [instant counter magic], can completely open fire.

For example [Mordecainan Cracking Technique], this is another rogue trick similar to Mordencan's Cracking Technique. Reduced to a beggar.

Velsharoon's necromancy was constantly interrupted, and then he had to fight the old rascal Talos in hand-to-hand combat. Talos' spear, an artifact called [Lightning], made Vishharon want nothing.

Vesharon screamed in a broken voice, and a hoarse voice came out of his dry throat: "Talos, you old bastard. And Mystila, you bitch, do you think this is the end? Think I will just like this Falling? You guys are so naive! I left the phylactery in the mortal world long ago! This is not the end! This is just the beginning!"

"Hehehe! Want to be my enemy? Hahahaha! Don't laugh at me to death! There are so many people who hate me that a hundred nine-level hells can't be filled, and you are not bad. Want revenge? Go in line. Hahaha Haha!" The old rascal Talos laughed wildly.

"Don't be complacent! You will suffer retribution!" Vishharon tried to release a divine spell, but Mystila countered it decisively.

"Retribution? You are the one who will have retribution! How dare you betray me twice? I will burn the rags in your Divine Kingdom's treasury today, and then feed them all to slimes. Don't you hate those single-celled low-level creatures? Now let the lowest creatures enjoy the results of your research. How does it feel!?" With a map cannon-level taunt on his mouth, his hand skills were even more fierce, a horror of gods blocking and killing gods, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas The momentum, at this moment, completely broke out on Talos.

The Lightning Spear rushed wildly. Easily dismantle all those bone shields and other things in Velsharon.

Even more than half of the instantaneous divine spells were interrupted or countered by Mystila, not to mention other divine spells. Velsharoon's demi-artifact staff is now more like a fire stick, dancing up and down non-stop, awkwardly blocking the lightning attack from Talos.

Velsharoon tried his best not to smash his staff against the spear of the bully of God's Realm, trying to use his clumsy skills to play tricks similar to four or two.

It's a pity that every attack made him feel unavoidable.

Finally, his skeleton staff let out a last angry low chirp. A strong death energy that seemed to gather the entire undead plane suddenly shot out from the eyes of the skeleton on the head of the staff.

Mystila did not hesitate to throw a spell-like spell [Dispel Evil]. certainly. She didn't mind beating the old rascal too.

But how could Talos, who was as treacherous as a ghost, be caught in the trick, and a false body flashed past by mistake. It becomes a perfect match in the eyes of outsiders.

Yes, Talos dodges to allow Mystila to purge.

As for how the two parties greet each other with all kinds of essence and vulgar words in their hearts, that is another matter.

After Velsharoon's staff exploded with power, there was a fleeting flaw.

As the god of the martial arts, Talos was easily captured.

In less than one-thousandth of a second, countless purple-blue electric lights shot from the void. Densely merged into Talos' [Lightning] spear, the radiance was so strong, it was as if Talos was not holding a spear, but a sun.

Accompanied by endless violent killing intent, Talos' rough face showed the most ferocious side.

Knowing that Velsharon could not be completely killed, Talos directly set his mind on Vishharon's staff.

Velsharoon will cry for a long time after losing an exclusive demi-artifact.

"No—" In Velsharoon's screams, his battle of dead spirits and skeletons instantly turned into dust, and even the dead spirits and resentment contained in it were blown away by the violent lightning.

The Lich God who lost even his weapons. It was just a punching bag, and even Mystila started to join in the beating.

The energy of a certain god's divine shield is dropping rapidly.

"You two bitches! You will regret it!?"

"Regret? Back to the phylactery. You are a saint at best. I believe your old friends—those liches who were betrayed by you will be happy to stage a god-killing drama." Talos continued to laugh wildly.


"What's the name of that lich that you betrayed?" Talos looked like he couldn't remember.

"Sarzastan!" Mystila's avatar reminded Talos coldly.

"That's right! Demi Lich Sazastan!"

Velsharoon's nose would be crooked...if he had a nose...

This asymmetrical hanging did not last long, and Vishharun died in less than 10 minutes.

Velsharoon is dead. It means that the balance of victory and defeat is completely tipped.

The main force of Talos entered the arena. The two sides opened fire to attack each other in the sky and on the ground of the Kingdom of Velsharun. From time to time, a powerful petitioner turned into a piece of charred ashes, or was hit by the negative energy representing death and turned into green light spots and dispersed. .

Until Mystila used her divine ability to [change reality] to forcibly build a temporary artificial sun in Vishharon's kingdom of God, the undead army, which was under the enemy's back and forth, finally showed its decline.

Entire cage towers were split into fireballs by powerful bolts of lightning. Although occasionally a lich successfully charged into the group of petitioner warriors in Talos and blew itself up with negative energy, but most of them were stabbed to the ground by lightning javelins and spears on the way.

There is no disintegration, and there is no escape in all directions when the human kingdom fails in battle.

The cruel battle in the Kingdom of God is destined to have no surrenders.

There are so many petitioners in Talos. After occupying the position at the entrance of the passage, once it is deployed, it will be like ants all over the mountains and locusts in the whole sky.

The deep undead movement finally played to the final chapter, and the mournful howl finally weakened. The breath of death was crushed by lightning and blown away by the storm.

Necromancer petitioners began to lay down their staffs, waiting for the ultimate doom, because their resistance was pointless.

Under absolute disadvantage, they couldn't even die with the enemy.

In fact, the so-called death together is meaningless.

Petitioners are theoretically immortal like gods.

Because the Kingdom of God is safe, and if the petitioner dies without encountering soul-destroying monsters such as the Chaos Demon Dog Kozef, the petitioner can be resurrected in the Kingdom of God after about 10 days of death.

It's a pity that the kingdom of God to which these liches and necromancer petitioners belong is doomed to come to an end.

And the opponent can be resurrected as long as Talos spends some divine power...

As an old bully in God's Domain who has mastered the original power of the world, what Talos lacks most is divine power.

Soon the entire battlefield fell silent, and the violent thunder stopped. There will be no wounded in the battle of gods, only eternal death.

When Talos, the old bully, rushed into Velsharoon's treasury and swept around, it happened that Velsharoon's kingdom of God began to collapse. In the mirror image of the live broadcast, the Kingdom of the Lich God is like a weathered sand castle, which will dissipate as soon as it is blown. It dissipates like annihilation. No matter how many times I watch it, I feel emotional.

Lei Wen finally breathed a sigh of relief, don't look at his calm face just now, which frightened the winged fairy goddess for a while. In fact, an enemy like Vesharon really can't be touched.

Don’t look at the many gods who were killed by Raven, but there are also many guys who survived like lurking poisonous snakes. Let’s count them: Cyric, Mask, Ladug, Kurtumak, Vi Sharon.

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

"What? Do you regret offending Velsharun?" The red knight's expression was invisible under the mask, and the teasing in his voice was obvious.

"Regret? How is it possible! Let the guy in the way fall!" Lei Wen's voice suddenly became high-pitched, his face full of confidence.

In his previous life, Lei Wen was only at the golden stage until 1315. Even if you strive to reach the top every day, you are still just a drifter.

What now? After more than a year of hard work and painstaking efforts, after going through untold hardships, the prototype of a huge force centered on himself has been revealed to the world.

How the way forward is unknown.

But he has put aside all scruples in his heart.

Since the shattered future of this world cannot be changed from the original historical track, Raven must use everything he knows to build the most perfect doomsday ark. Let Lila, Karin, Red Knight, Tempus, Sune, Baimao, Wallis and other subordinates, as well as any people and beliefs attached to this ark, continue to live well.

You don't need to bow your knees, you don't need to wrong yourself, and you can move forward with your heart.

Lei Wen pursed his lips and looked up at the sky. At the end of his vision was the dark universe. In a place not perceived by humans or gods, perhaps chaos and destruction had begun to tear apart this seemingly beautiful world.

The countdown to the end never stops.

Lei Wen turned his head, looked at Aideli who was hesitant to speak after flying over, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth: "I don't know if Aideli, Fenlia, is going to have more in-depth cooperation with Phantom Knight City?" ?” (To be continued~^~)

PS:  The cold is getting better, there should be 3~4 updates today.

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