Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 213: The Dwarf is in Action (Part 2)

Gnomes are not a warlike race, and they tend to avoid rather than fight creatures they dislike.

Therefore, it is definitely extremely difficult to persuade the dwarf to fight.

If the dwarf was absolutely neutral, there was nothing Raven could do.

Fortunately, the gnomes have an enemy—the kobolds.

How did the dwarf and the kobold become good friends who have loved and killed each other for tens of thousands of years?

This is a super old story from the beginning of time.

The lord of the dwarf gods, the mighty deity Gal * Shining Gold discovered the dwarves and led them into the world of Ultron. Since then, he has become the patron saint of the dwarves.

A notorious mischievous man, he often joked with the other gods, though not every victim of the joke took it lightly. Garl once sneaked into the cave where the kobold god Kurtumak lived, and planted a powerful bomb in Kurtumak's toilet.

It was just a foul-smelling mishap.

However, because a dwarf god king made a mistake in the energy content of the bomb, the result was that the cave equivalent to the kingdom of Kurtumak was collapsed...

The incident seriously hurt Kurtumak's self-esteem in two ways, namely, as a self-proclaimed expert in trickery and mining technology. Since then, Kurtumak has held a grudge against Gal and all the gnomes. His grudge includes all things gnome-related, such as illusions and pranks. He painted the dwarf's skull on his little shoulder pads.

Since then, the two gods have become sworn enemies.

There is still a slight difference in the degree of hatred between the two sides. under the teachings they convey. Kobold madness will attack any gnome within sight. The kind nature of the gnomes makes them often wait for the kobolds to attack before fighting back.

Raven is well aware of the urgency of the dwarves, so he doesn't expect anything. He still asked Gar * Shining Gold, the leader of the dwarf gods, to help attack the kobold kingdom Alex, but was rejected as expected.

Gnomes are curious, playful, and cunning, relying more on stealth and deceit than mindless power and intimidation.

So other people's war gods are very good at fighting, but the dwarf's war god is sadly weak.

At least the gnomes have a god of war.

If there is not even a guy willing to fight, it is estimated that this race will be wiped out.

In the name of inspecting business. Raven sneaked into the dwarf's Temple of War, and told the dwarf's god of war Garrido Iron Hand through the priest: "If you don't help, your great-granddaughter will be put to sleep by the kobold."

The lifespan of a dwarf can easily exceed 300 years. As a super new god who has only been a god for more than 600 years, Garrido still has many children alive, and he still retains the living habits of a big family.

This month, he has been grieving over the disappearance of his great-granddaughter Brina. The oracle has been sent down many times. Whoever finds his great-granddaughter will be rewarded heavily. Unfortunately, after three weeks, there was no news.

The timing of Raven's arrival was so coincidental that Garrido almost thought it was a conspiracy. Just as Raven was about to pull in reinforcements, his great-granddaughter was captured to Alex, the kobold kingdom where the target was.

It's really hard to convince Garrido that it's a coincidence.

Raven's request is also very simple. His pioneering legion will be responsible for cleaning up at least 30,000 kobold fighters in the Kingdom of Alex and its allies, and the elite of Garrido only need to be responsible for the less than 5,000 kobold fighters left in the kingdom. And more than ten thousand kobolds, women and children.

Comes with five special passages that are completely free of traps and specially opened for this battle!

Meet the god of the kobolds and play God Descend? Don't be afraid, I have Sune as my backing. When necessary, the phantom goddess and the red knight lowered their avatars to help.

As for the return, it is even more attractive.

Raven used his life and reputation to guarantee that Garrido could snatch back his great-granddaughter intact, that Garrido could capture Alex's kobold king, and that after breaking into the royal treasury of the Kobold kingdom, everything inside would be destroyed. The treasure belongs to Garrido.

What Raven wanted was Mount Langley itself.

It sounds like a big profiteer who is full of bad luck and cheating people with bad promises, doesn't it?

If someone else came, Garrett would definitely hit that guy's face with a hammer and tell him what it means to be full of flowers. It was Raven who was born--in the alignment of good. Raven's reputation was frighteningly good.

In the folk, Lei Wen once praised a legendary strong man who became a demigod. He led a group of legendary strongmen to ransack the treasury of the God of Thieves.

In God's Domain. Lei Wen has successfully cooperated with the three friends of justice many times. The guys in Tire said that they still need to observe Lei Wen and so on, and the church under his command has already given the green light to Lei Wen.

If it's just the human race, then it's okay. Raven's reputation among the dwarves is also frighteningly high: "the punisher of the gray dwarves", "a generous customer", "a high-ranking customer who orders demi-artifacts". All of Lei Wen's titles are full of positive energy.

I have never heard of any ally that Raven has cheated.

It is no exaggeration to say that the name Lei Wen is a golden signboard.

Recalling his great-granddaughter's unruly wild personality, who was desperate to die all day long, Gary Duo Iron Hands finally agreed to ask for help, sending a 500-man team and an elite force of 3,000 people.

Gnomes are not a muscular race. Gnomes are shorter than halflings and dwarves. On average, they are only slightly taller than kobolds, reaching about 1.10 meters. Therefore, in the elite troop of dwarves, warriors accounted for half, and the other half was composed of bards, warlocks, warlocks and mages.

This is the entire family property that Garrido has gathered together by taking advantage of his position as the god of war. Garrido made up his mind that if this one was miserably tricked by Lei Wen, even if he didn't want to be shameless, he would file a complaint with Gal * Shining Gold, and make the whole dwarf clan make Lei Wen their enemy.

After the fight started, when Garido enjoyed the escort service enjoyed by the three friends of justice, the dwarf god of war was also drunk.

The 500-man squad attacked from behind according to the route provided by Lei Wen, and easily blocked the return path of more than 10,000 kobold fighters, allowing them to bear the baptism of crossbow arrows outside.

The attack of the elite troops is even more like an outing.

It was a huge passage that went down gently, two meters high. Ten meters wide, up and down, left and right as far as the eye can see, all the soil has been compressed and reinforced, even with such a critical engineering eye of a dwarf, it is impossible to pick out any thorns.

The three-dimensional imaging map made by the phantom was sent to each captain in advance to clearly mark every passage, every node, and every trap of the kobolds. Which branch channel can lead to where is simply clearer than the Kobold himself.

To know. Kobold kingdoms are usually dug directly into the hard and complex rock, and can only be reached through narrow, rugged, and trap-filled trails outside. It even appeared that thousands of children and eight hundred people had worked so hard to attack them, only to find that it was just an outpost fortress.

To attack the kobold kingdom is often a huge waste of manpower and material resources.

Where is it like this time, there are mechanical horrors who have dug all the passages in advance, just waiting for the final assault?

at each channel. The elite dwarves stared curiously at the mechanical horror waiting for Raven's order. As long as those mechanical horrors are as Raven said. After digging through that wall, you will immediately be at the core of the kobold kingdom, so the fun will be great.

Gnomes are not warlike, but that doesn't mean they don't hold grudges. Because it is often the kobold expedition team that discovers a mine built by weak gnomes or dwarf immigrants, the kobolds will not hesitate to occupy it, and even enslave these gnomes or dwarves.

During the long years of dwarves, every family has a debt of blood and tears about the kobolds.

"Are you ready?" Raven asked Garrido's battle avatar beside him.

Garrett nodded.

The next moment, under the command of Raven. More than three hundred mechanical horrors started working at the same time.

When Raven made the horror dig a hole before, he was always forced to use silence magic after approaching the kobold area, which was really expensive.

Not anymore.

"Wow woof (what sound)?" A patrolling kobold suddenly noticed sounds and vibrations coming from the wall around him.

In a few seconds, the originally solid wall collapsed, splashing dust all over the sky.

A few little guys hiding behind the rocks came into the sight of the dwarf and began to rush towards the dwarf. With hoarse barks, the tiny humanoids charged at the gnomes. They were clad in bad leather armor riddled with holes, with puppy-like heads and tails.

They looked exactly like the pioneers encountered. But one size smaller.

The funny thing is, when they saw clearly that the number of dwarves on the opposite side was far more than theirs. They quickly condensed their eggs and fled towards the kingdom.

Because kobold gods are always kobolds. The so-called fairness and duel are the rules that only fools and unlucky people follow. It is better to come back after running away than to be defeated.

Faced with the escape of the kobolds, the dwarves always caught up quickly and cautiously in the past, because once they disappeared, they would not know where to go.

This time was different. The careful and cautious dwarf leaders carefully checked the map, and after finding that it was correct, they slowly closed all the external passages of the kobold kingdom and pressed towards the center of the kobold kingdom.

After blasting and killing several kobold guards who were fighting to the death at the main crossing, the dwarf army joined forces in a huge space.

It was a huge cave with a diameter of 500 meters and a height of 300 meters. The shape of the cave was like an upright egg. The huge pillar with a diameter of 300 meters in the middle was where Alex, the kobold kingdom, was located.

As far as the eye can see, thousands of kobolds are running around in the cave, and the ears of the dwarves are full of kobolds' screams, roars and alarms, and the sight is a mess.

Garrido's avatar had only one thought on his mind at the moment—it's gone!

As the dwarf god of war, Garrido is one of the few dwarfs with a passionate blood burning in his body.

With Lei Wen's guarantee, at this moment, he only thought about how to deal with these bastards.

Suddenly, after a rough sound of a trombone, a group of strong and warlike kobolds appeared. The kobolds around them didn't dare to approach them as if they were afraid of them. Each kobold has a prominent dwarf skull tattooed on its face.

They were all dressed in chain mail shirts, covered with wolf fur cloaks, and wielded a battle ax in each hand that was equivalent to a large human kitchen knife.

"Come on, you bastard gnomes, let's have a good fight!" (To be continued~^~)

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