Daily Life In Qin Dynasty

Chapter 152 Suspicion, grounding


After hearing Mr. Mo's answer, Ying Zheng immediately looked at him suspiciously and asked again: "Qing Mo really didn't explain it?"

Mr. Mo had no choice but to salute helplessly once again and said: "My lord, there really is no explanation."

After asking twice in a row, he got the same answer. Now Ying Zheng was sure that Mo Jun probably really had no explanation.

In fact, Ying Zheng had some doubts about Lord Mo's answer, because the urgent letter from Hedong not only recorded the annihilation of the entire Jin family, but also recorded some details of the case.

And it was only through these details that Ying Zheng suspected that Lord Mo was secretly behind the scenes, because the way the Jin family was exterminated was too similar to Lord Mo's past actions.

But then I thought about it.

This time the Jin family was exterminated. In other aspects, it was quite similar to Mr. Mo's work, but there was only one thing, and that was that the extermination was too petty.

If Mo Qing of his family wanted to wipe out his family, among other things, he would definitely not be so sneaky in the first place.

Secondly, if Mo Qing really sent people to Hedong, based on the "Shi Nie theft case" in Hedong, it is definitely not the only family that was wiped out.

From this aspect.

It really didn't look like Mo Jun's hand.

But if Mo Jun hadn't done anything this time, things would have really gotten into trouble.

That's right.

Although this sounds a bit strange, it is really true.

If Lord Mo was really responsible for this incident, then given Mo Lord's character, he must have collected enough evidence before or after he committed the crime.

As long as there is enough evidence to prove the "death penalty" of the Kim family.

So the case of the Jin family's annihilation was at best a case of Mo Jun killing him first and then reporting it. As long as Ying Zheng used a cover at this time and said, "This is my secret order," then both Jin Youjun and the Jin family would be more than worthy of death.

But it happened that Jun Mo was not responsible for this matter, so this case was a bit difficult to deal with.

as expected.

next moment.

While the ministers were silent, Lord Changping slowly walked out of the crowd and said calmly: "Your Majesty, I have a message."


"Our Qin State governs the country by law, and the princes who violate the law are guilty of the same crime as the common people. Now the Jin family has been massacred in the front, and Jin Tingwei, an important minister of the Qin Dynasty, has died in the back. Although there is no clear evidence, all suspicions point to the government's governance of millet. Internal History, Mr. Mo Junmo. And according to the laws of the Qin Dynasty..."

Having said this, Lord Changping paused, turned around and glanced at Lord Mo, and then continued towards Ying Zheng: "According to the laws of the Qin Dynasty, this case should be handed over to the Tingwei Division for thorough investigation, but the truth of this case has not yet been ascertained. Previously, I also asked the king to apprehend Lord Zhi Su Nei, Shi Mojun, and imprison him in Tingweisi Prison, pending investigation."

When Lord Changping finished speaking, the entire court fell into silence.

Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Apprehend Zhi Su Neishi? Does Xiong Qing know what he is talking about?"

Changping Jun said calmly: "Of course I know it, but what I said is in compliance with the laws of the Qin Dynasty. Before Jin Tingwei died, he personally identified Lord Shi Mo in Zhi Su Nei. This was witnessed by the king and all the officials in the court. The witnesses are already available.”

"Although there is not enough physical evidence yet, there is such a major suspicion. Mr. Mo should cooperate with Tingweisi in the investigation, and...if it is later discovered that the case is really related to Mr. Mo, then Mr. Mo just now should The act of accidentally killing Jin Tingwei may be suspected of being 'silent'!"

After listening to what Changping Lord Xiong Qi said, Lord Mo also turned his attention to him.

What the other party said just now seemed reasonable and reasonable, but in fact it was full of a huge trap. It was originally unclear whether Jin Youjun's death was an accident, Mr. Mo's manslaughter, or suicide.

However, in a few words, Changping Lord Xiong Qi directly determined Jin Youjun's death as "manslaughter" by Lord Mo.

If you don't pay attention.

Maybe even before the case is investigated, a charge has been pinned on Mr. Mo.

Fortunately, Ying Zheng was obviously not someone who was easily deceived. He waved his hand and interrupted: "Whether Jin Tingwei's death was an accident or someone else's mistake, the matter has not been finalized yet. Don't talk lightly, Qing Xiong."

After hearing Ying Zheng's warning, Changping Jun decisively admitted his mistake and said: "I made a mistake. But Jin Tingwei's death is inextricably linked to Lord Mo after all. Please enforce the law impartially."

With that said, Lord Changping bowed deeply to Ying Zheng again.

Why does Chang Pingjun keep mentioning Jin Youjun?

the reason is simple.

Because Jin Youjun is the key to this plan.

In this game against Mr. Mo, not only Luo Wang was involved, Mr. Changping was also one of the collaborators.

After all, Jin Youjun was originally a member of the "Chu foreign relatives' lineage". Without the participation of Lord Changping, how could Jin Youjun's life be involved in this situation?

With Mr. Mo's current status, it is not easy to shake him, let alone to dismount him.

Normally, even if the entire Jin family is wiped out, even if Mr. Mo is suspected, given his status, he is at most assisting in the investigation, and it is impossible to imprison him.

But if it comes at the cost of the life of a Jiuqing, then the situation will be different.

Even if it was just to make an attitude, Ying Zheng had to set an example.

The reason why Lord Changping mentioned Jin Youjun's name frequently was to remind Ying Zheng that one of the nine highest-ranking people in Qin had died, and he died in front of all the civil and military officials.

If we cannot give an explanation for this matter, I am afraid it will cause shock to both the government and the public.

Ying Zheng's face was a little gloomy.

Obviously he also saw Chang Pingjun's plan, but he couldn't find a good way to solve the situation, because what the other party said was indeed in line with the law.

This was also the reason why he felt troubled just now.

If Lord Changping really wanted to convict Lord Mo directly, it would be easier for Ying Zheng to find a way to break the situation. However, the other party never thought of convicting Mr. Mo, but simply requested Mr. Mo's arrest on suspicion of committing a crime.

And this so-called investigation is, in a sense, basically equivalent to a different kind of house arrest.

This is quite similar to the method used by Ying Zheng to implicate Lu Buwei under house arrest in the case of Lao Ai.

But here's the difference.

Given the current situation, even if Mr. Mo is imprisoned in the name of investigation, he will not be imprisoned for long.

Because Mo Jun's current situation is still somewhat different from Lu Buwei's.

But the problem is that once Mr. Mo is under house arrest.

Then there will be too many places that others can operate in the future.

Don’t say anything else.

Without Mr. Mo in charge, there is countless room for manipulation in the search for "evidence of the crime of annihilation of the Jin family" by Mr. Changping alone.

"Li Si, you just returned from Hedong. Do you know what happened there?"

Suddenly, Ying Zheng seemed to have thought of something and suddenly turned his attention to Li Si.

When Ying Zheng mentioned Li Si, Lord Changping also glanced at him out of the corner of his eyes. Li Si was the only surprise in the plan they laid out this time.

Although Luo Wang had written before, saying that Li Si would not be an obstacle to them, Lord Changping would still inevitably pay more attention to them.

Facing Ying Zheng’s question.

Li Si was silent for a moment, then bowed and said: "When I left Hedong, I didn't notice anything unusual."

Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes and said majestically: "Seriously?"

Li Si said respectfully: "Yes!"

Ying Zheng looked at him deeply, said nothing more, and fell into silence again.

Seeing that Ying Zheng was unable to make a decision for a long time, Lord Changping in the court quietly glanced at Xiong Dian, Lord Changwen, who was not far behind him.

After receiving his brother's signal, Changwen Jun Xiong Dian reacted immediately.

Immediately, the crowd walked out, bowed deeply to Ying Zheng, and said sincerely: "I also ask the king to enforce the law impartially to show the strictness of our laws in the Qin Dynasty."

Seeing Chang Wenjun set an example.

It didn't take long.

I saw many of the ministers below looking at each other, and then several more people came out.

With the same movement and the same tone, he saluted loudly towards Ying Zheng and said: "Please also enforce the law impartially and arrest Lord Shengping to show the strictness of our laws in the Qin Dynasty."

The behavior of these people was like knocking over a domino in an instant.

In the blink of an eye.

At least 70% of the officials in the entire court stood up and said loudly: "Your Majesty, please enforce the law impartially."

Not all of these 70% officials belong to the "Chu foreign relatives lineage".

Likewise, they were not part of Luo Wang and Chang Pingjun's plans.

The reason why they took the initiative to stand on the same front as Lord Changping and put pressure on Ying Zheng was entirely due to the backlash caused by Lord Mo's previous actions.

The previous ‘grain tax case’.

and the ‘New Commercial Tax Law’ implemented in Hanzhong.

These two incidents caused Lord Mo to infringe on the interests of many high-ranking officials and nobles throughout the Qin Kingdom. However, they had previously submitted to Lord Mo's authority, so none of these people dared to speak out.

But now that someone is taking the lead, they have begun to stand up and add insult to injury.

Saw this scene.

Ying Zheng's eyes became colder and colder.

If any of these people today really stood up for the strictness of Qin's laws, Ying Zheng would look up to them.

However, the reality is that the reason why these officials who shout "strict laws" want to arrest Mr. Mo is all for their own selfish reasons.

"The edict has been passed, and Lord Shi Mo, who is in charge of Su Nei, is to be restrained in the Mo Mansion in Xianyang. Until the case of 'Jin family annihilation' is investigated, no one is allowed to contact him privately unless someone else passes the edict."

In the end, Ying Zheng issued the edict.

After hearing Ying Zheng's edict, Lord Changping raised his head slightly, as if he wanted to say something else.

However, when he saw Ying Zheng's cold eyes, he finally chose to keep silent.


Lord Mo's current status is there. Even if Qin Law stipulates it, it would be a bit outrageous if the dignified Lord Shengping is really thrown into prison.


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