Daily Life In Qin Dynasty

Chapter 105 Long Death

Lu Mansion.

In a dark study room.

Lu Buwei looked at the secret message silk in his hand that had just been sent back from Bashu by Goshawk, and was silent for a long time.

After a while.

Lu Buwei put down the silk in his hand and picked up a scroll of bamboo slips from the desk. The five fingers of his right hand gently rubbed the bamboo slips, and there was an inexplicable look of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, you have grown up too!"

Lu Buwei sighed in a low voice and then opened the bamboo slips.

This scroll of bamboo slips does not record any particularly important information, just some letters that Ying Zheng occasionally chatted with Lu Buwei over the past year.

Lu Buwei has been under house arrest for two years.

Many people thought that he was suppressed by Ying Zheng's royal power and was not allowed to go out. But in fact, only a few people knew that if Lu Buwei really wanted to leave, he could have returned to power as early as a year ago.

Because today's world, not only within the Qin State, but also many forces in the other six countries that have nothing to do with Lu Buwei, do not want Lu Buwei to be suppressed by Ying Zheng.

the reason is simple.

Just like when Mr. Mo started trouble inside Korea.

Lord Mo does not want to see a unified and stable Korea, and the other six countries also do not want to see a unified and stable Qin State.

Therefore, in the past two years, in order to allow Lu Buwei to come back and take charge of the government.

Not only the forces under Lu Buwei within the Qin State often made small moves with Ying Zheng, but even the other six countries often sent envoys to intercede for Lu Buwei and even put pressure on Ying Zheng.

But even so.

Lu Buwei is still under house arrest in the mansion.

There are two reasons:

First of all, there are these letters that Ying Zheng has written to Lu Buwei this year. These letters can be understood as the emotional card played by Ying Zheng.

In a power struggle, such "emotional cards" may sound ridiculous.

However, it was precisely because of these seemingly meaningless letters that Lu Buwei repeatedly hesitated in his heart.

Does Lu Buwei really have no feelings for Ying Zheng?

This is obviously impossible.

After all, although Lu Buwei has been suppressing Ying Zheng for so many years, it is only because the two sides have different positions. In the whirlpool of power, sometimes even Lu Buwei can't help himself.

But in fact, Ying Zheng returned to Qin from Zhao State to take the throne at the age of thirteen. When he was young, Ying Zheng had no ability to control the government at all, and Lu Buwei basically stabilized the government on his behalf.

After spending more than ten years together day and night, to put it bluntly, it’s time to develop feelings even if we have a dog.

Secondly, while under house arrest, Lu Buwei suddenly discovered another more important thing.

That is...he is old.

Perhaps because he had been so busy with various power struggles and intrigues, Lu Buwei had not taken a serious look at his current appearance for a long time.

Since being placed under house arrest two years ago, Lu Buwei looked at his whitened temples, vicissitudes of face, and long dry hair in the water shadow...

Until then.

Lu Buwei suddenly discovered that he was about to enter the last moment of his life like the setting sun.

Even if he can now return to the court and regain his rights, how many more years can he continue to suppress Ying Zheng?

Two years?

Three years?

Or four years?

What's more, he is aging, but Ying Zheng, the King of Qin, is gradually growing up. One day, when he is too old to be able to do what he wants, the harder he suppresses the royal power, the more ferocious the backlash will inevitably be.

How should he deal with it then?

Even when he was alive, he could still find ways to resist.

But once he dies, can his family bear the revenge from Ying Zheng?

After thinking about this.

Only then did Lu Buwei realize that there was an unprecedented fear in his heart.

He is not afraid of death.

But he couldn't bear the revenge that his death might bring to his family.

And he recruited three thousand customers, and the reputation he gained after finally writing "Lu's Spring and Autumn" was ruined by others.

Lu Buwei has been greedy for fame and power throughout his life.

Now that he has enjoyed the peak of power, the only thing left is to leave his name in history.

He had been hesitating before, but now with the news coming from the Bashu land, although Lu Buwei's situation was instantly pushed to the edge of the cliff, it also allowed him to finally make the final decision.

"You came!"

Silently, a figure wearing black armor appeared in the study. Sensing the person's arrival, Lu Buwei casually put the bamboo slip aside, then picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for each of them.

Zhanri came and sat down in front of Lu Buwei, but did not pick up the tea cup. He just said coldly: "It seems that you have got the news?"

Lu Buwei nodded and said, "I just learned about it."

Then he added: "This is the best snow-top silver shuttle. Don't you want to try it?"

Zhanri refused and said, "No need, you should know the rules of the net."

Seeing this, Lu Buwei didn't force it anymore. He picked up a cup of tea and gently blew away the white mist floating on it. After taking a sip, he said: "Why are you looking for me? Luo Sheng's information is so good, you should Understand, now I have no value to the snare."

"Your value is not determined by yourself. Don't forget, without the snare, you are just a merchant walking among the seven countries."

Zhi Ri's tone was as indifferent as ever.

If any outsiders heard the conversation between Zhan Ri and Lu Buwei at this time, they would probably be shocked.

After all, in the eyes of most people in the government and the public, Lu Buwei is the leader of Luo Sheng.

However, judging from the tone of the conversation between Zhi Ri and Lu Buwei at this moment, Zhi Ri's attitude is actually stronger. And the information revealed in the two people's words was enough to make outsiders' hair stand on end.

After listening to Zhi Ri's words, Lu Buwei paused slightly with his right hand holding the tea cup, but did not refute, but there was a bit of coldness in the depths of his eyes, and then he said calmly: "What do you want me to do?"

Zhan Ri said one word at a time: "We need an opportunity, an opportunity to enter the Qin State's grain depot."

Lu Buwei was suddenly startled, his pupils shrank, and he said in shock: "You want to do something about those 'new grain seeds'?"

Zhanri's eyes were dull and he said slowly: "You should understand that Luowang wants a chaotic world. And an overly powerful Qin State is never what Luowang wants to see."

Halfway through, Zhanri glanced at Lu Buwei again, and continued: "What's more, this is also a good thing for you, isn't it? After all, if those "new grains" are lost, Yingzheng's advantage will also be lost. Disappear, and you can regain the opportunity to take charge of the government."

After hearing this, Lu Buwei's face instantly became uncertain, and he seemed to be hesitant.

For a while.

Only then did Lu Buwei seem to accept his fate. He sighed and said, "The original Zhisu Neishi has been dismissed by the king. The new guy is a bit troublesome. I need three days to prepare."

There seemed to be a hint of sarcasm in Zhanri's eyes, and he said: "It seems that that kid from a refugee background has caused you a lot of trouble!"

Lu Buwei took a sip of tea and replied casually: "Isn't it the same with the net?"

Zhanri snorted coldly and said, "Humph! In three days, I will remember what you said."


Zhan Ri wanted to leave the study, but the moment he stood up, the scene in front of Zhan Ri suddenly flickered, and then his brain felt like being hit hard by a sledgehammer, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably.


Zhan Ri was shocked and quickly sat cross-legged on the ground, trying to use his energy to resist.

But this toxin is extremely fast and violent. Even with internal protection, it is still unable to resist the poison from attacking the heart.

"How? When exactly?"

Zhan Ri looked shocked and angry, and glanced around. Soon, he saw Lu Buwei behind him, who was holding a tea cup and looking at him calmly.

"It's you?"

"Sure enough, you are still as cautious as ever, but unfortunately, this time you were too clever to be clever. The name of this poison is [Death-Ending], which is derived from an extremely rare rare elixir [Death-Ending Tong]. It is extracted from the spiritual grass], and after ninety-nine and eighty-one days of special techniques, I can barely get half a tael."

"When using it, just take out a fingernail-sized piece and dissolve it in water to release a poisonous smoke. Once inhaled, there will be no smoke in the world unless you can find the other half of the "white medicine" of [Life-Destroying Psychic Grass]. There is a cure."

Faced with the question of hiding the sun, Lu Buwei not only did not refute, but simply admitted it.

And after saying this, Lu Buwei then added: "In addition, you should not think about getting the antidote from me, because I only accidentally obtained a part of [death] and did not get the antidote."

"As for why you fell down before me because of your internal strength protection. I can also explain this to you. Because [death-breaking] is not only a special method of poisoning, but also a special reaction to poisoning."

"Unlike ordinary poisons, after [Death] is dissolved in water, people who inhale the poisonous smoke will be poisoned first, while people who drink the poisonous water will have a slightly slower reaction."

Lu Buwei's reaction when he said this was very calm, and Japan didn't want to believe what he said. However, the black smoke gradually rising from his body and limbs at this time made him have no choice but to believe him.

[Life-Destroying Psychic Grass], as a rare and miraculous medicine recorded in ancient books, has long been extinct in the world. Even if it covers the sun, it has only been described in ancient books.


While Zhan Ri was struggling to use his kung fu to resist the poisonous attack of [Death Destruction] on his heart, he expressed the doubts in his heart.

He didn't understand why Lu Buwei would attack him?

Faced with Zhenri's doubts, Lu Buwei had obviously expected it. He took a sip of tea and then said calmly: "Actually, from the moment you showed up, I had already guessed the purpose of the snare."

"As you said before, the net never needs a stable world, so now that I have lost my value, there is basically no second possibility for why you are still willing to come to me."

Zhanri still couldn't understand and couldn't help but ask: "Is there any problem with this? You obviously don't want Ying Zheng to take over the king's power. Our goals should be the same?"

Lu Buwei looked at Zhanri with pity, shook his head and said: "You still don't understand! Zhanri. I am indeed greedy for power, and I once suppressed the King of Qin. But I never said that I would betray Qin."

"The net wants to stir up the world, so I, Lu Buwei, can ignore it. But if someone wants to prevent Qin from becoming strong, even if it is a net, I won't agree!"


The poisonous effect of [Death Breaking] was extremely rapid. In the blink of an eye, more than 80% of the body was covered in black smoke.

Zhan Ri spat out a mouthful of black blood, looked at Lu Buwei unwillingly and said: "Even if you kill me, it will be of no use. You should be very clear about the horror of the net. You and I are just a 'spider' in the net. You can't stop it. The action of snare.”


Lu Buwei smiled and looked at the life that was quickly disappearing. He said: "I, Lu Buwei, have been in charge of the snare for decades. Do you really think that I don't understand the structure of the snare at all?"

"Every time I hide the sun in the net, I have served as the 'messenger'."

"Ordinary killers die when they die, but if the 'messenger' and the current 'leader' die at the same time, even the snare will need a period of recuperation before it can re-cultivate a new trustworthy 'leader' and 'messenger' people"."

"It is true that I cannot stop Luo Sheng's actions, but there is still no problem in delaying the task for a few years..."

At this point, Lu Buwei's words stopped abruptly.

Because Zhiri, who fell to the ground, had already breathed his last.

Looking at the body on the ground.

Lu Buwei was silent for a moment, then dragged his feet, which had begun to glow with black smoke, and slowly walked back to the desk. He took out the bamboo slips and writing brush, thought for a few breaths, and then began to write.

This is his last letter to Ying Zheng.

He believed that as long as Ying Zheng saw this posthumous letter, he would understand what he meant, and at the same time he would treat the Lu family well after his death.

And after he finished writing this suicide letter.


Another person's face appeared inexplicably in Lu Buwei's mind.

It was a very young and immature face. What he said before hiding the sun was correct. In Lu Buwei's life, he was probably the only person who could bring him so much trouble in just a few years. Alone.

Think about it for a while.

Lu Buwei took out a new blank bamboo slip and wrote another suicide note.

After writing these two suicide letters, Lu Buwei left another suicide note for the Lu family. Then he walked to the window with the last cup of tea and looked up at the full moon outside the window.

Reminiscing about the past.

A picture gradually reappeared in his mind, maybe it was a person dying, and many memories that had long been forgotten by Lu Buwei suddenly became extremely clear.

He saw himself as a businessman...

I also saw the scene when I later joined the Qin Dynasty as a minister...

Later, he was granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister...

Power reigns supreme······


Until the end.

The memory was fixed on Ying Zheng and another young face that should not have appeared.

"This kid is really haunted!"

Seeing this face, Lu Buwei couldn't help but smile. Then he looked at Ying Zheng, who seemed to be looming above the full moon, and murmured: "This time, I hope the king did not choose the wrong person."


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