Daily American Drama

Chapter 521: Is cheating for a lifetime count as cheating?

Medical center.

Operating room 2.

"Christina, have you ever had a continuous diagonal stitch of your heart?"

When Adam and Leonard were talking and laughing, they caught a glimpse of Christina looking eagerly, her mask covering her face, her small single eyelid eyes full of longing, amused in her heart, and she spoke.


Christina shook her head.

"Are you confident to try it?"

Adam asked.


Christina's voice was full of confidence and joy.

"Doctor Green?"

Adam looked at Leonard.

"You are the chief sword, you have the final say."

Leonard laughed.

"Christina, come on."

Adam motioned.

The rescue time involving the life and death of the bald man has passed, and the life points that should be taken have basically been obtained.

This heart was sutured diagonally continuously, which Adam had done many times.

The rest is already a familiar repetition.

With his control over the body and brain, he has already reached the highest level of familiarity a few times.

Occasionally giving up an opportunity like this to buy people's hearts and cultivate confidants is also a very worthwhile business.

"thanks, thanks!"

Christina was overjoyed and thanked him again and again. From the position of first helper, she walked to Adam. Under Adam's guidance, she took the suture equipment and took a deep breath.

"Hold it well, make sure it's stable, don't use too much force, it's good."

Adam stood aside and pointed.

Christina deserves to be the first person under Adam.

Although it is not up to the level of Adam's beauty needle.

But the basic skills are also very solid.

This is also a prerequisite for Adam's willingness to give up this opportunity.

Change to Leeds, Meredith, and George, that's not even thinking about it.

Observation room on the second floor.

It has been exploded into a ball at the moment.

"Oh, God!"

"Christina is actually doing continuous diagonal stitching of the heart."

"Did she have **** with Adam?"

"Damn it! She gets benefits and happiness!"

"Impossible! How could Dr. Duncan look at her?! I don't believe it!"

"Then how do you explain that he gave this opportunity to her? No deal, do you believe it?"

"They are good friends. Maybe it's Dr. Duncan who wants to help his friends?"

"Don't talk! Have you ever seen an intern use this kind of surgery to help another intern, your own competitor?"

"...Dr. Duncan is not an ordinary intern, otherwise he would not have the opportunity to give up this opportunity. Didn't you find that Dr. Duncan is basically entering the operating room as the chief surgeon now?"

"...Anyway, I don't believe it anyway, there must be a shameful deal between them!"


There was a lot of discussion, and most people doubted what PY deal Christina and Adam made.

Adam naturally didn't know, but even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.

The truth of the facts, there will always be people who know the little nurse the best to reveal the secret, and then quickly suppress the gossip and become the consensus in the hospital.

At that time, everyone will say: "Dr. Duncan is really brilliant, and I really want to go with Dr. Duncan."


Originally, Christina, who was simply happy that she had **** for a time, also had to recognize this adult's favor in public.

Come so many times.

A purely prostitute mentality has to face huge public opinion pressure and psychological pressure.

Dr. Duncan is so good to you, how can you oppose him and compete with him?

Adam is really nice to me, he is improving so fast, it is not bad to mix with him.

The long-lost Zhou Shuren said: Any problem is a problem of mentality. As long as the mentality is correct, the problem can be easily solved.

After the continuous diagonal suture of the heart was over, no matter what Christina was still feeling, Adam took over the operation again.

The benefits should be given a little bit, not enough at one time, otherwise the other party does not know to cherish it.

It's the same as eating delicious food.

It's uncomfortable to eat anything.

The state that is still unfinished is the best.

The operation went well.

after the end.

Adam and Christina go to see the ex-wife and daughter of the bald man.

"How is my father?"

After all, it was a bit conscientious to bring a filial daughter, and hurriedly greeted her.

"The operation was very successful. The next 24 to 48 hours is the key. As long as there is no accident, your father will be fine."

Adam said.

"Thank you, Dr. Duncan."

The filial daughter was very touched, and when she spoke, she rushed forward and hugged Adam's waist tightly.


For a while, the plump woman didn't mean to let go of her daughter. The young and handsome doctor looked a little helpless, her face was pulled down, and she let out a deep sigh.

"What are you doing?"

Bringing the filial daughter away then let go of Adam, and looked at his mother dissatisfiedly: "Am I not happy for my father's successful operation? Don't you see us happy?"

"Enough! I'm your mother! I don't allow you to talk to me like this!"

The plump woman went wild.

"How about it?"

The filial daughter consciously grasped the handle of her mother, and now she is not at all ashamed of her mother, and her eyes are full of provocations.

"Your rent, your car, and your daily expenses are all paid for by working and making money. If you want us to give you money, don't think about it."

The plump woman sneered.


The filial daughter was immediately exploded: "This is the mental treatment fee you must pay to me!"

"How about it?"

The plump woman repeated what her daughter had just said.


Bring a filial daughter in a hurry

"You want to threaten me?"

The plump woman sneered: "Tell you, I will confess this to Tom when I go back!"


Bringing a filial daughter was completely dumbfounded: "Impossible!"

"Watch it well."

The plump woman said indifferently: "When it happened for the first time, I felt very guilty, but I am not going to tell Tom because I don't think this kind of thing will happen again.

But it happened time and time again, and at some point, I suddenly no longer felt guilty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This kind of thing happened now.

There is another reminder from you.

Woke me up.

I can't go on like this anymore.

The truth will always be exposed.

Instead of letting my favorite Tom hear the news from others.

Why don't I tell him in person.

Because I love him! "


Adam and Christina looked at each other and looked at each other, both shocked by the declaration of love by the plump woman.


See you a long time ago.

It can be like this!

The filial daughter was also stunned.

For a while.

Seeing that my mother didn't seem to be joking, I was anxious with my filial daughter: "Don't, mother, I was wrong. I won't tell Uncle Tom. I don't want the heated seat. Isn't it okay?"

I don't want LV bags either.

Don't be angry.

I don't need mental treatment fees either.

I just want you to help me pay the rent and buy me a new car by the way.

Discuss again?

Don’t want you to pay, as long as you don’t stop Dad from paying.

Not yet?

I'm your own daughter..."

Adam shook his head.

Older gingers are more spicy.

The filial daughter originally wanted to seize the handle to blackmail her mother, but she was swept around by her fierce mother.

The plump woman may have just confessed that she would not be threatened by her filial daughter.

But at this moment, seeing her own filial daughter bring such a dish, she is completely in control, and her thoughts of confessing to her husband have faded.

after all.

This kind of high hat on the Hulunbuir prairie, even if it is true love, is forcibly attached to it, but it is not properly worn.

There are better options now.

Keep concealing.

As long as the beloved husband Tom has fallen into the ground

Is cheating for a lifetime still considered cheating?


She who loved him deeply, once promised him happiness for the rest of his life!

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