Daily American Drama

Chapter 242: cp ranking


The signing event scene.


When Adam saw Amy's classic famous scene, and the object was still him, an old groove in his heart almost burst out.

But it's normal to think about it.

What does Penny’s ex-boyfriend Zach have?

Tall can be called, but handsome only reluctantly leaned aside.

In this way, he can cause Amy to send out "hoo~~" without any restriction, let alone Adam's condition.

But it was precisely because of knowing that Adam had a headache.

He would rather be really mediocre than this kind of scene happened.

Amy is Sheldon's true goddess.

Adam’s best cp rankings are only ranked first in Matthew and Lily, second in Howard and Bernadette, and ranked third.

Ranked higher than Chandler and Monica on CP.

Without Amy's tolerance, confrontation, and training Sheldon, let alone eight years, even eighty years, Sheldon would not lean more and more toward normal people.

In the previous life, Petunia and Sheldon also had high cp voices.

A friend of Adam chose to abandon the show because Penny was soaked by Leonard instead of Sheldon.

According to him, it is totally unreasonable that the only beautiful female hostess in the Big Bang Theory did not talk to the protagonist Sheldon.

The true protagonist Leonard cried silently: Petunia is the heroine, but he is indeed the heroine, and the two are good match. You can't just because Sheldon's acting is too charming and too charming, so you shouldn't treat him as a man. Lord, even the female lead must be assigned to the first male partner Sheldon.

Petunia has the style of Shelton's mother, she is very tolerant of Shelton, and her name is also famous.

When Sheldon finally described his love with Amy, he once said: Amy can do everything his mother can do for him, and Amy can do everything his mother can't do for him...

Thinking about it this way, Pei's and Sheldon's cp call is not without reason.

And Sheldon and Petunia did have some ambiguous interactions.

For example, when Petunia slipped in the bathroom, Sheldon closed her eyes and dressed Petunia, and touched her arm wrong.

Facing Penny's awkward question, is this an arm?

Shelton also felt it seriously, saying it didn't look like an arm...

Before putting on clothes, you must help Penny out of the bathtub. Penny told Sheldon not to look at it. Sheldon's attitude is very interesting.

He promised well, but afterwards he knew that Petunia had a tattoo on her ass.

Of course, unlike Leonard, Howard, and Rajesh's full-blown peeping, Sheldon may have glanced more out of curiosity, but this already shows that Petunia is very special to Sheldon.

After all, the strongest Amy, as a girlfriend, often asks Shelton to have close contact with her, but Shelton has always refused.

For another example, Petunia and Sheldon once did a love experiment and looked at each other for a long time. Petunia did feel heartbeat.

Amy and the others have made the speculation about Leonard's absence, and it was also Penny's temptation to initiate a dirtygirl to Shelton in the laundry room.

In this life, with the variable of Peggy, Sheldon's emotional life became unknown.

But Adam feels that there is a 95% chance that Amy and Shelton will be together in the future.

Compared with Penny, Amy's IQ is closer to Sheldon.

Not to mention the Nobel Prize in Physics to be shared in the future, Amy also gave Sheldon's opponent, the theoretical physicist Barry Kleipik of California Institute of Technology, provided academic help, which made Sheldon very jealous at one time.

You know, Barry Kleipik has always bullied Sheldon, and their research overlaps, but Sheldon can't despise Barry academically.

Even later, the school cut funding and the two had to cooperate, but Sheldon found that his research results were not as good as Barry.

In the end, he can only use the excuse Barry gave him to fool the past: you have Amy as a girlfriend, and your energy must have been scattered. Of course, there is no research result. If you change to Barry himself, it must be crazy output. How can there be energy? Do research.

Every time Shelton works with Barry, he can only use the vulgar jokes that Amy does not have to divert Barry's attention...

From this point of view, Barry has a high IQ and a strong professional, but Amy can provide great help to Barry across majors, which shows Amy's strength.

In terms of IQ, Peggy is better than her.

And Petunia, in Sheldon's eyes, was nothing more than a blond female monkey.

Then in tolerance.

Peggy was directly eliminated by PASS. She was too proud. Like Shelton, she liked the feeling that she was stronger than everyone else. It was impossible to accommodate Shelton.

And once she doesn't accommodate, Shelton will definitely set the table, and even put her at the top of the blacklist.

In this regard, Petunia and Amy are similar, and they are very accommodating to Sheldon, but Amy is better because she is more purposeful.

In the positive guidance experiment, Shelton pointed out that heart feedback is more effective than any reward feedback.

Therefore, Amy is more tolerant of Sheldon's quirks, which is very reasonable, because she is extremely greedy for Sheldon's body.

The final step is the tuning.

Peggy does not have any data for analysis and is temporarily excluded.

Both Amy and Petunia have tuned Sheldon overtly or in secret, intentionally or unintentionally.

Petunia is passive and unconscious.

And Amy took the initiative.

This is determined by her character and career.

She is a neuroscientist. She often uses the research of monkeys and orangutans to study the laws of human neurobehavior, teaching monkeys to smoke, and throwing feces against orangutans...

Sheldon said that Petunia was a blond female monkey, but in fact, Sheldon was trained as a monkey by Amy.

When Amy and Sheldon were dating for a year, she once told Bernadette and others that she had a clear timetable for this relationship.

In four years she will marry Sheldon, but tell Bernadette and the others not to tell Sheldon, because Sheldon is still a cooked duck that can fly away at any time.

Four years later, when Amy went out to communicate ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shelton's admirers launched a pursuit again. Amy was very angry when he heard the news, and said: That bottle of ketchup butt, my mother It’s been five years now, and now that woman only needs to pour it out and enjoy it...

Then Sheldon proposed to her.

Sheldon had prepared to break up with Amy, because Leonard and Penny said that he was changed too much by Amy, and Amy retreated to advance and easily managed Sheldon.

Amy's training methods can be imagined.

Such examples are not only for Shelton, but also for Amy and Petunia.

Originally, Penny didn't like Amy at all, let alone her girlfriends, but Amy calmly used various means to become Penny's BFF.

Including but not limited to filling Petunia's apartment with her scent, the gesture of almost flattering Petunia, and often praising Petunia.

This kind of training is silent, and often takes years as the unit of time, which is terrible patiently.

This is what Adam worries most...

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